Weekly Newsletter 16/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 16/2013

Wappu.fi site is now open! Add your own May Day events to the calendar through the link on top of the page. A sunny week to you all!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 30 Apr
  3. Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee – DL 23 Apr
  4. Data centre removal to cause a service break in Aalto University IT services on 19-21 Apr
  5. Developing a common campus for Aalto
  6. Discount for Aalto students on BlueBiit tablet computers!
  7. Äpy gala starts May Day on Tue, 23 Apr
  8. May Day and the legendary May Day party are here again
  9. Participate in organising Development Cooperation Week for the autumn of 2013!
  10. Come and hang out on 21 March – board games theme
  11. Sitsi competition on 27 Apr
  12. Basic course of security officers
  13. ESN Aalto: Finnish Parliament Trip and Pre-May Day Sitsit Party
  14. Respond to Student Survey 2013
  15. Participate in the basic course for the friend service of the Finnish Red Cross
  16. SuomiMies adventure truck tour 2013 in Sello on 18 Apr
  17. Putting your bikes into summer shape
  18. SBC’s excursion to Neste Oil refinery in Porvoo
  19. Management Student Project 2013
  20. Apply to the mentoring programme!
  21. News from Aalto Career Services

1. This and next week’s events

Week 16

Week 17

2. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 30 Apr

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2013 are as follows:

  • Exchange scholarship max. €800
  • Community scholarship approx. €500
  • Study scholarship approx. €500

In the spring of 2013, the application period is 12 noon, 8 Apr 2013–11.59pm, 30 Apr.

Scholarship application form can be found here.

For the exchange scholarship, a second round of applications is organised in October-November for the student exchange in the spring of 2014.

Further Information: Board Member Tuisku Suomala (tuisku.suomala(at)ayy.fi)

3. Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee – DL 23 Apr

In addition to other exciting affairs, the year of 2013 is the election year of the Representative Council. In the core of the Representative Council elections, the elections are led by the Central Election Committee. Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections THE best and the most excellent elections so far?

Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee has been opened and at least two vice members are still needed for the committee. The deadline for applications is 12noon on Tuesday, 23 Apr. Apply for the position at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/

The member of the Central Election Committee cannot run as a candidate in the Representative Council elections in 2013.

4. Data centre removal to cause a major service break in Aalto University IT services on 19-21 Apr

Aalto University IT is working to improve the university’s data center capacity. The project includes shutting down an old data center in Otaniemi and deploying new datacenter capacity rented from CSC. The main goal is to increase the capacity to meet the current needs and to improve service reliability.

IT will move equipment from the old data center to the new location between 19 and 21 April 2013. This causes a service break which begins by starting to shut down networked IT services on 19 April 2013 at 16:00. Equipment will be moved on 20 April and IT services will be restarted during 21 April. Most services are expected to function normally by Monday morning on 22 April. Some services may still have services breaks after this.

During the service break computer classrooms, Aalto desktop workstations and the university’s networked services cannot be used.

For further information.

5. Developing a common campus for Aalto

News related to the campus development will be published under this heading.

AYY and TOKYO together organise a campus wall in the lobby of Arabia campus (next to the main doors) on 15-26 Apr. Come and see what Otaniemi campus area looks like and which reforms will take place. In addition, you can share your ideas on the campus area on the spot!

If you have any campus-related questions or ideas, please contact AYY’s Board Member in charge of campus affairs Ilmi Salminen (ilmi.salminen@ayy.fi)

6. Discount for Aalto students on BlueBiit tablet computers!

BlueBiit offers Aalto students the opportunity to buy tablet computers at a significant discount! Get to know the selection and learn more about the offer at http://kauppa.bluebiit.com/category/59/ (site in Finnish)

7. Äpy gala starts May Day on Tue, 23 Apr

Finnish Äpy Magazine Association will publish May Day magazine Äpy in Äpy gala on Tuesday, 23 Apr. Äpy is published at Apollo Live Club at 8pm. See and experience the new concept of Äpy presented by the chief editor! In addition, the event includes the charming 6PackShow, Master of Music Jukka NykĂ€nen & Polytech Orchestra and other surprise performers! Free service for 1,000 first participants, and Äktas Porslin takes care of the dance floor at the end of the night.

Life Is Bitter Tour bus service is arranged for the sellers of Äpy: A special cocktail event for the sellers of Äpy begins at 6pm at Apollo. Before the gala, those who have made a sales deal are entitled to Fernet Branca’s Life Is Bitter Tour bus service with refreshments. The bus leaves from Otaniemi from 5.30pm onwards. Start your May Day stylishly, become the seller of Äpy: diili.apy.fi/

Free admission to the gala, includes coat check!

More information on Facebook.

8. May Day and the legendary May Day party are here again

Whether you own a student cap with or without a tassel, Teekkari Section of Aalto University Student Union warmly welcomes you to take part in the most joyous party of the spring! After the capping of Manta statue, May Day Eve celebrations move to Helsinki Onnela, where the dance floor gets wild with the rap artist Juno and a bunch of top DJs.

At midnight, it is time for traditional festivities when student caps with a tassel can also be pressed on the head after a long wait. Whether your cap is gilded with champagne or shiny brand new, come to experience the midnight magic and new French horn music. This is really something that you do not want to miss!

Ticket sales begin in Otaniemi and Tiketti on Monday, 22 Apr. A detailed ticket sale schedule and the schedule for the night are available on the facebook site of the event or at the address teekkari.wappu.fi.

Tickets cost EUR 10 in advance and EUR 12 at the entrance or Tiketti. When you purchase the ticket, you can also get a stunning overall badge for 2 euros! The event is organised by AYY’s Teekkari Section and Party Committee and it is open to everyone.

9. Participate in organising Developement Cooperation Week for the autumn of 2013!

Development Cooperation Week is a joint project of SYL and student unions, the purpose of which is to increase awareness of development cooperation among the students. The theme of the development cooperation week organised this year in October (7-10 Oct) is ”employment and development” and AYY also participates in the week. The Development Coordination Week at AYY is coordinated by Sini Hakkarainen.

So what would happen during the spring and autumn? Now in the spring, we collect an enthusiastic group with whom we make preliminary decisions about what kinds of events we want to implement during the week. We make initial reservations for facilities, plan the budget and communications, agree on sponsors, performers and marketing with the partners, etc. In the autumn, we confirm reservations and agreements, advertise and make the arrangements for the week. There are different duties for persons interested in carrying equipment, catering, budgeting, collecting money and performing, there are both small and large duties. Please contact Coordinator Sini (sini.hakkarainen@aalto.fi) and participate in the organising of Development Cooperation Week 2013.

10. Come and hang out on 21 March – board games theme

During the spring, AYY will organise four hang out nights in Otaniemi. Events are free and open to everyone and you do not have to sign up in advance. Many come to the hang out night either alone or for the first time, so you do not have to worry if you know anyone there. You can just stop by or stay for the entire evening. Last hang out night of this spring will be held on Thursday, 18 April, 6pm-10pm in Otaniemi in the small section of OK20 at the address Otakaari 20. This time, the theme of the evening is board games. Snacks are provided during the night. Welcome to hang out! Further information: sopo@ayy.fi or on facebook.

11. Sitsi competition on 27 Apr

On May Day week’s Saturday, 27 Apr, the sitsi contest fills the Alvari Square! In this traditional celebration, you have the freedom to let your imagination run wild and execute your wildest fantasies. Will your team have the best idea, atmosphere and implementation this May Day? Who will raise the concept of sitsit to a new dimension? To harness the unlimited potential of your academic feast, please proceed as follows:

  1. Gather a group of enthusiastic participants
  2. Create a marvelous feast with a theme, setting and catering
  3. Register your team for the competition by Wednesday, 24 Apr, 11.59pm here.
  4. Implementation at Alvari Square on Satuday, 27 Apr, from 2pm onwards!

A prestigious jury will elect both the winners and teams that receive an honorable mention. The awards ceremony will take place in the declaration of May Day celebrations on 30 Apr.

Please remember – the most important part of this contest is a good atmosphere and that Alvari is left tidy.

12. Complete the basic course of security officer

Dear student! Are you looking for work? Are you interested in the duties of a security officer? Do you want to employed next summer or alongside with your studies? Complete the basic course of a security officer! After completing the course, you can apply for the security officer card from the police, which entitles you to act as a security officer throughout the country.

Turvakerroin Ltd will organise a VERY INEXPENSIVE basic course of security officers. You can complete the 32-hour course this spring during the following five days: 13-17 May. You should reserve time between 4pm-10pm on those weekdays. The course will be organised in HÀmÀlÀis-osakunta facilities in Kamppi (Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 D). You must participate every day!

The course price for Aalto University students is only 80 euro! This price is only a fraction of the price you would have to pay elsewhere. The course will be organised if there are enough participants. Registrations to the address: anna-stiina.koivula@helsinki.fi

13. ESN Aalto: Finnish Parliament Trip and Pre-May Day Sitsit Party

Hello our ERASMUS fellows! We have two awesome events coming up for you:

  • Finnish Parliament Trip: Remember that you have to register for the trip.
  • Pre-May Day Sitsit Party: If you have not yet any idea what “sitsit” is, this is absolutely a great chance for you to find out! So come and have great fun with us singing!

14. Respond to Student Survey 2013

Student Survey 2013 is ongoing! The online survey is sent randomly to almost 20,000 students, so you can very well be among these fortunate ones. If you have received an e-mail request to participate in the survey, please respond to the survey. Research themes concern the students’ income, study conditions and students’ expectations for the future.

Student Survey 2013 conducted in Finland is part of the international EUROSTUDENT V –research project. The project is implemented as the cooperation of Statistics Finland, Ministry of Education and Culture, Kela, National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK.

15. Participate in the basic course for the friend service of the Finnish Red Cross

The basic course for friend service provides skills to act in a variety of volunteer duties, such as being a volunteer friend for the elderly, the young, immigrants or other lonely people. As a volunteer, you do not need special skills, just a genuine desire to help. Get involved! Today is a good day to do something good for others.

In Maunula on Wed, 17 Apr, 5.30pm-8pm, Sat, 20 Apr, 9am‐3.30pm and Wed, 24 Apr, 5.30pm-8pm in the Saunabar of the residents’ building at the address MetsĂ€purontie 25. Registrations and further information from Leila Kinnari, leila.kinnari@pp.inet.fi or by phone 050 413 3230.

In KannelmÀki on Mon, 22 Apr, Fri, 26 Apr, Mon, 29 Apr and Fri, 3 May, 5.30pm-8pm at the address Kaarelantie 86, 00420 Helsinki. Registrations and further information: Niina Ahonen, ns.ahonen@gmail.com or 044 2755 294.

The courses are free of charge to members of the Red Cross and 20 euros for others. The course language is Finnish.

16. SuomiMies adventures truck tour 2013 at Sello on 18 Apr

On 18 Apr, Espoo Sports Services organise SuomiMies muscle strength tests in cooperation with EtelÀ-Suomen Liikunta ja Urheilu. The event is arranged at Sello, Viaporintori on 18 Apr 2013, 11am-7pm. ESLU brings a truck where you can participate in hand grip strength test, Polar fitness test and Inbody body composition measurement. Tests are only for men.

Further information.

17. Putting your bikes into summer shape

Now is the right time to take your bike out of the cellar and put it into spring condition and start to ride it!

Come to Urban Mill next to Design Factory at Otaniemi on Wednesday 17th of March to put your bike into summer shape by cleaning it, adding some oil, checking its tires
 There will be tools for you to use and some experts giving advice on bike fixing! This event is for EVERYONE with a passion for cycling.

On top of fixing your bike, you can also come and SELL your old bike here! If you wish to sell your bike, please post a photo of it to the event wall on Facebook that people will know what to expect! This event is also the OPENING PARTY for our prototype at Urban Mill and you will get the privilege to test our prototype of the bike center we have built here.

  • What: Putting your bikes into summer shape
  • Where: Urban Mill next to Aalto Design Factory, entrance from the back yard
  • When: Wednesday 17 Apr 2013 from 3pm to 7pm

We are the HoT- Helsinki On Tires team and this event is part of our Product Development Project for Helsinki City. Www.hot.pdp.fi

18. SBC’s excursion to Neste Oil refinery in Porvoo

When was the last time you had coffee in Finland’s largest oil refinery? Sustainable Business Club offers an opportunity to a little bit different corporate excursion, this time at Neste Oil Porvoo oil refinery on Thursday, 18 Apr. This is an opportunity to get to know the responsibility practices of Finland’s second largest company and one of Europe’s most developed oil refineries. Neste Oil kindly offers return transport and catering on the spot, so the event is completely free of charge!

We leave on Thursday, 11.45am, from Helsinki at the address EtelÀinen rautatiekatu 12 (Kamppi bus parking opposite KY Building) and return to the same address around 4pm.

Binding registrations by Tuesday, 16 Apr, by e-mail to aaltosbc(a)gmail.com with the title ”Neste Oil excursion”. A limited number of places.

Excursion on facebook.

19. Management Student Project 2013

Management Student Project 2013 course culminated in a study trip to San Francisco in early April! Read more about the trip, company visits in Silicon Valley and corporate cooperation projects after the trip in the project blog!

20. Apply to the mentoring programme!

MASTER STUDENT, mentors are University graduates, our alumni. As a student (mentee) you will get support and guidance how to face working life, especially in another culture, a chance to improve your job application skills and a unique possibility to build your network among a cross-disciplinary group of professionals.

Application period 1 Apr-31 May

Grab the chance for a great opportunity.

21. News from Aalto Career Services

Rockstar of Your Career? Entrepreneurship & SME event on School of Business on Tuesday, 16th April. Welcome to hear true stories about entrepreneurship. Presentations in the morning by ambitious small business entrepreneurs who share a can-do attitude and a passion for their own work. After the presentations you can meet recruiting micro and small companies in the main lobby. Most of them do not require Finnish language skills.

Participating also The Regional Organization of Enterprises in Helsinki, Aalto Start-up Center and Aalto University School of Business Small Business Center. From them you can ask e.g. how to become an entrepreneur or where to find more recruiting small companies.

Sign up! Detailed program for the whole day is at Into.


Suomen Mentorit ry is arranging a Mentoring programme in cooperation with the Career Services of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. The one year long Mentoring programmes mentors will be the top directors and experts of their field. Application period 15.4.-30.4.2013.

Application instructions and more information about the programme in Aalto CareerWeb.


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