Weekly Newsletter 17/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 17/2013

May Day is here! From this Monday onwards, Aalto members’ own May Day radio Radiodiodi takes over the radio waves at a frequency 102 MHz (or online at radiodiodi.fi). Don’t you have May Day plans yet? Fill in your calendar at wappu.fi.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 30 Apr
  3. AYY’s online shop AYY Shop is now open!
  4. Janne Koskenniemi elected as AYY’s new secretary general
  5. AYY involved in national student card cooperation
  6. Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee – DL 23 Apr
  7. Äpy gala starts May Day on Tue, 23 Apr
  8. MP3 Experience at Senate Square at 6pm on Wed, 24 Apr
  9. Sitsi competition on 27 Apr
  10. Declaration of May Day on 30 Apr
  11. May Day and the legendary May Day party are here again
  12. FSHS’s hay fever Theme Day
  13. Apply for the Development Cooperation Advisory Board KENKKU for the academic year 2013-2014 by 28 Apr!
  14. EU’s development cooperation and Finland
  15. Discussion: Interest in bilingual learning opportunities at Aalto
  16. Apply to the mentoring programme!
  17. An open lecture by Minister Alexander Stubb on 25 Apr, 2.15pm
  18. Product design gala 2013: 26 April

1. This and next week’s events

Week 17

Week 18

2. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 30 Apr

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2013 are as follows:

  • Exchange scholarship max. 800 €
  • Community scholarship approx. 500 €
  • Study scholarship approx. 500 €

In the spring of 2013, the application period is 12 noon, 8 Apr 2013– 11.59pm, 30 Apr.

Scholarship application form can be found here

For the exchange scholarship, a second round of applications is organised in October-November for the student exchange in the spring of 2014.

Further Information: Board Member Tuisku Suomala (tuisku.suomala(at)ayy.fi)

3. AYY’s online shop AYY Shop is now open!

AYY’s own online shop AYY Shop is now open. The shop sells the Student Union’s hoodies, t-shirts and other products, as well as Aalto Design Factory’s coffee mugs. The product seletion will be expanded during the summer. If you order early this week, you still have time to get your order before May Day. Take a look at the products online at shop.ayy.fi!

We are happy to hear your opinions on the new online shop and we warmly welcome your suggestions for new products and improvement ideas for AYY Shop. You can submit your opinions and feedback to AYY Shop directly through the feedback form of the online shop. You can provide feedback anonymously and submit it by email to shop@ayy.fi.

Like the shop on Facebook or follow AYY Shop on Twitter and stay up-to-date on additions to AYY Shop products and other news.

4. Janne Koskenniemi elected as AYY’s new Secretary General

The Representative Council of Aalto University Studen Union has elected Janne Koskenniemi as AYY’s new Secretary General at its meeting on 16 Apr. Previously, Koskenniemi has acted as AYY’s Administrative Manager. He has also gained experience from the boards of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä (JYY).

Koskenniemi will begin his work with the orientation during the spring and summer, and his term of office will expire in August 2016.

The Secretary General is the head of non-profit activities and acts as a link between different operators in the Student Union. The Secretary General participates in AYY’s financial administration and the meetings and activities of the Board, Representative Council and Financial Committee. The Secretary General’s key duties also include work with interest groups and the representation of the Student Union.

5. AYY involved in national student card cooperation

AYY has joined the national student card cooperation – Lyyra is a diverse student card and a constantly evolving network. At Lyyra.fi, you can browse more than one thousand student benefits and find a new rental home, roommate or tenant. In March 2013, Lyyra’s business operations were transferred to a new owner, SPV Services Finland Ltd. The business, which is constructed in cooperation with national student organisations, aims to bring more substantial benefits and services for students through this arrangement. For Aalto members, Lyyra brings a large number of new student benefits and a smart card, which can be used for electronic authentication and payments on the campus in the future.

You do not have to renew your current student card, but by registering to Lyyra’s web service, you can access online discounts and new contactless payment. Read more at http://www.lyyra.fi/. Ordering AYY’s old student cards at current prices is possible until 31 May 2013.

6. Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee – DL 23 Apr

In addition to other exciting affairs, the year of 2013 is the Representative Council election year for the student union. In the beating heart of the Representative Council elections, the elections are led by the Central Election Committee. Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections THE best and most excellent elections so far?

Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee has been opened and at least two vice members are still needed for the committee. The deadline for applications is 12noon on Tuesday, 23 Apr. Apply for the position at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/

The member of the Central Election Committee cannot run as a candidate in the Representative Council elections in 2013.

7. Äpy gala starts May Day on Tue, 23 Apr

Finnish Äpy Magazine Association will publish May Day magazine Äpy in Äpy gala on Tuesday, 23 Apr. Äpy is published at Apollo Live Club at 8pm. See and experience the new concept of Äpy presented by the chief editor! In addition, the event includes the charming 6PackShow, Master of Music Jukka Nykänen & Polytech Orchestra and other surprise performers! Free service for 1,000 first participants, and Äktas Porslin takes care of the dance floor at the end of the night.

Life Is Bitter Tour bus service is arranged for the sellers of Äpy: A special cocktail event for the sellers of Äpy begins at 6pm at Apollo. Before the gala, those who have made a sales deal are entitled to Fernet Branca’s Life Is Bitter Tour bus service with refreshments. The bus leaves from Otaniemi from 5.30pm onwards. Start your May Day stylishly, become the seller of Äpy: diili.apy.fi/

Free admission to the gala, includes coat check!

8. MP3 Experience at Senate Square at 6pm on Wed, 24 Apr

Join the MP3 Experience that has attained an incredible international reputation! This event is definitely something that you have never experienced before.

Mosaic and KY Sub will organise this hugely successful event again on Wednesday of the Wappu week, 24 April. The only thing that you need for the event is a functioning mp3 player and a watch, not forgetting the Wappu spirit! You are welcome on your own or with a group of friends.

The purpose is to attract positive attention, delight other people and have fun in a great group, within the limits of law.

This is how it works:

  1. Go to MP3 Experience site at http://mp3.wappu.fi/
  2. Download MP3 file and time your watch according to the instructions.
  3. Show up at the Senate Square (Senaatintori) wearing your overalls at 6pm on Wednesday, 24 Apr, and press “PLAY”!

Right after the MP3 Experience we will continue with an after party at Alakertsi of KY Building!

The original idea of the event can be found here: http://improveverywhere.com/

9. Sitsi competition on 27 Apr

On May Day week’s Saturday, 27 Apr, the sitsi contest fills the Alvari Square! In this traditional celebration, you have the freedom to let your imagination run wild and execute your wildest fantasies. Will your team have the best idea, atmosphere and implementation this May Day? Who will raise the concept of sitsit to a new dimension? To harness the unlimited potential of your academic feast, please proceed as follows:

A prestigious jury will elect both the winners and teams that receive an honorable mention. The awards ceremony will take place in the declaration of May Day celebrations on 30 Apr.

Please remember – the most important part of this contest is a good atmosphere and that Alvari is left tidy.

10. Declaration of May Day celebrations on 30 Apr

Welcome to the official declaration of May Day celebrations from the roof of Smökki on April 30th at 1pm! Come to check out Polirytmi, The Police, the President of Aalto: Tuula Teeri, RWBK, Jäynä, Teekkarijaosto, Littu, and of course the Teekkari Village senate!

  • What: The official declaration of May Day celebrations
  • Where: At Servin mökki (Smökki)
  • When: April 30th at 1 pm

11. May Day and the legendary May Day party are here again

Whether you own a student cap with or without a tassel, Teekkari Section of Aalto University Student Union warmly welcomes you to take part in the most joyous party of the spring! After the capping of Manta statue, May Day Eve celebrations move to Helsinki Onnela, where the dance floor gets wild with the rap artist Juno and a bunch of top DJs.

At midnight, it is time for traditional festivities when student caps with a tassel can also be pressed on the head after a long wait. Whether your cap is gilded with champagne or shiny brand new, come to experience the midnight magic and new French horn music. This is really something that you do not want to miss!

Ticket sales begin in Otaniemi and Tiketti on Monday, 22 Apr. A detailed ticket sale schedule and the schedule for the night are available on the facebook site of the event or at the address teekkari.wappu.fi.

Tickets cost EUR 10 in advance and EUR 12 at the entrance or Tiketti. When you purchase the ticket, you can also get a stunning overall badge for 2 euros! The event is organised by AYY’s Teekkari Section and Party Committee and it is open to everyone.

12. FSHS’s hay fever Theme Day

Wednesday 24th of April 2013 12-14.30

  • FSHS, Otaniemi unit, Otakaari 12
  • FSHS, Töölö unit, Töölönkatu 37A

During the hay fever theme day, you will be able to meet with a doctor to renew your prescription with ease and with no advance appointment required. In addition, you will be able to obtain information about hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and its treatments.

All the visiting hay fever patients will receive an inquiry concerning their symptoms so that their medication can be made more effective or changed, when appropriate.

13. Apply for the Development Cooperation Advisory Board KENKKU for the academic year 2013-2014 by 28 Apr!

KENKKU is the Development Cooperation Advisory Board of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL). The term of office is from the beginning of September until the end of August. The mission of KENKKU is to act as the advisor of SYL Board in development cooperation issues and administer projects together with the development cooperation coordinator. KENKKU members can also communicate about SYL’s development cooperation in student unions, get familiar with Finland’s development policy and development cooperation done by NGOs. KENKKU has a total of 15 members from various student unions. AYY nominates 1-2 members as its representatives and the applications should be submitted to AYY by 28 Apr. Further information on the position and the application instructions can be found here.

14. EU’s development cooperation and Finland

  • Friday, 26 Apr. 2.30pm-3.30pm, Porthania 2, Yliopistonkatu 3
  • Introduction: Minister for International Development Heidi Hautala
  • Panel: Nina Savela, United Nations Youth and Students’ Association of Finland and Simon Elo, The Finns Party Youth

Welcome to listen to Minister Hautala’s lecture and participate in the discussion. If you cannot attend the event, follow the discussion on Twitter on #Eukehys. The event is aimed at students and anyone interested in the subject.

Further information

15. Discussion: Interest in bilingual learning opportunities at Aalto

Welcome to the information and discussion event with the topic ”interest in bilingual learning opportunities at Aalto” (Kiinnostus kaksikielisiin opiskelumahdollisuuksiin Aallossa) on Wednesday, 24 Apr 2013, 10am-11am TUAS Builing, Hall TU1 (Otaniementie 17)

Linda Witick presents the results of her Master’s thesis ”Tvåspråkiga studiemöjligheter vid Aalto-universitetet”. The thesis is quantitative and the target group is Aalto students in technical-scientific programmes. Join the discussion and consider how the results could be used in the development and planning of teaching!

The event is open to anyone interested in the topic, both students and staff.

Further information: Planning Officer Johanna Söderholm, Student Services

16. Apply to the mentoring programme!

MASTER STUDENT, mentors are University graduates, our alumni. As a student (mentee) you will get support and guidance how to face working life, especially in another culture, a chance to improve your job application skills and a unique possibility to build your network among a cross-disciplinary group of professionals.

Application period 1 Apr-31 May

Grab the chance for a great opportunity: https://alumninet.aalto.fi/mentoring

17. An open lecture by Minister Alexander Stubb on 25 Apr, 2.15pm

“Experiences in working with people in a multinational context”, an open lecture by Minister Alexander Stubb 25 Apr 2013 / 2.15pm – 3pm

Location: Lapuankatu 2, 00100, Helsinki, FI

The Department of Management and International Business of Aalto University School of Business is honored to have Alexander Stubb, the Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade of Finland, as a guest speaker on the 25th of April at 14:15.

You are warmly welcome to hear about his experiences in working with people in a multinational context. As many might already know, Alexander is an excellent and inspiring speaker and hopefully many will have the chance to hear his thoughts about this interesting topic.

18. Product design gala 2013: 26th April

The Product Design Gala is an annual seminar celebrating the hard work done during the year. Final results of the interdisciplinary Product Development Project course are featured to the public. In addition to seminar sessions the audience is welcome to get familiar with the teams and take a closer look at the prototypes. Take your time and enjoy the Gala at Design Factory on Friday, 26 April at 9am-5pm.

Further information.


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