Weekly Newsletter 19/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 19/2013

A new issue of Aino has been published and will be delivered to the campuses early in the week. The magazine includes articles about Otaniemi metro tunnel construction site, why some find top universities to be crap, preparing a drink that replaces all solid food, etc. Check out Aino and help us to make the magazine even better by sending feedback to the editors to ainolehti@ayy.fi.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s online shop AYY Shop is now open!
  3. Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee – DL 12noon on 7 May
  4. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2013-2014
  5. Battle for the mastery of Otaniemi 2.0
  6. What is the meaning of student culture and traditions to you? Please respond to the survey.
  7. Participate in organising Development Cooperation Week for the autumn of 2013
  8. Discussion: Modern Mongolia
  9. Call for study abroad and internship applications
  10. Explore the world with AIESEC’s “global citizen” program
  11. Complete the basic course of security officer
  12. Do you want tight buttocks for the summer? Come to football rehearsals of FC Kissat
  13. Invitation: Bit Bang Seminar on global competition
  14. Startup Sauna and Aaltoes are looking for new team members for the organisation of Slush technology conference arranged in the autumn
  15. Dreams made real showcased at the Masters of Aalto event in Sörnäinen

1. This and next week’s events

Week 19

Week 20

2. AYY’s online shop AYY Shop is now open!

AYY’s own online shop AYY Shop is now open. The shop sells the Student Union’s hoodies, t-shirts and other products, as well as Aalto Design Factory’s coffee mugs. The product seletion will be expanded during the summer. Take a look at the products online at shop.ayy.fi!

We are happy to hear your opinions on the new online shop and we warmly welcome your suggestions for new products and improvement ideas for AYY Shop. You can submit your opinions and feedback to AYY Shop directly through the feedback form of the online shop. You can provide feedback anonymously and submit it by email to shop@ayy.fi.

Like the shop on Facebook or follow AYY Shop on Twitter and stay up-to-date on additions to AYY Shop products and other news.

3. Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee – DL 12noon on 7 May

In addition to other exciting affairs, the year of 2013 is the Representative Council election year for the student union. In the beating heart of the Representative Council elections, the elections are led by the Central Election Committee. Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections THE best and most excellent elections so far?

Supplementary application for the Central Election Committee has been opened and at least two vice members are still needed for the committee. The deadline for applications is 12noon on Tuesday, 7 May. Apply for the position at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/

The member of the Central Election Committee cannot run as a candidate in the Representative Council elections in 2013.

4. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2013-2014

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Sunday, 26 May 2013. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from  your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 26 May 2013, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

5. Battle for the mastery of Otaniemi 2.0

Next autumn, on 3 Oct 2013, the battle for the mastery of Otaniemi will return to our midst harder, bigger and more realistic than ever. Megazone Outdoor equipment, residing in Finland for the second year, brings an epic outdoor battle concept to Otaniemi – for the second time.

16 teams of ten people fight with infrared lasers with new rules in the tournament of eight hours in order to win the prestigious mastery of Otaniemi.  A single battle lasts about half an hour and even one loss is enough to eliminate a team from the game.

Pictures of the last year’s battle are available here.

The participation fee is €100/team, which is €10/person. Advance registration will open at 3.15pm on 15 May at http://lomake.ayy.fi/aalto-liike/toh-2/

Further information: oliver.heinonen@ayy.fi

6. What is the meaning of student culture and traditions to you? Please respond to the survey.

I am conducting a Master’s Thesis on behalf of Aalto University Student Union about student traditions and student culture among the students of Aalto University. The aim of the research is to find out what student culture and student traditions mean to students themselves. Please help and respond to a survey about student traditions! Responding to the survey takes about 8 minutes. I hope to get responses from all kinds of students – including international students – and you don’t have to be a tradition specialist to respond. The English survey is aimed at international students and how they see Finnish student traditions.

The survey can be found here.

All responses are handled confidentially and the survey data will be archived in AYY’s archives. All information will be anonymised and the identity of a single informant can not be detected from the survey.

Many thanks in advance, Emi Maeda

More information: emi.maeda@ayy.fi, 044 577 4761

7. Participate in organising Developement Cooperation Week for the autumn of 2013

Development Cooperation Week is a joint project of SYL and student unions, the purpose of which is to increase awareness of development cooperation among the students. The theme of the development cooperation week organised this year in October (7-10 Oct) is ”employment and development” and AYY also participates in the week. The Development Coordination Week at AYY is coordinated by Sini Hakkarainen.

So what would happen during the spring and autumn? Now in the spring, we collect an enthusiastic group with whom we make preliminary decisions about what kinds of events we want to implement during the week. We make initial reservations for facilities, plan the budget and communications, agree on sponsors, performers and marketing with the partners, etc. In the autumn, we confirm reservations and agreements, advertise and make the arrangements for the week. There are different duties for persons interested in carrying equipment, catering, budgeting, collecting money and performing, there are both small and large duties. Please contact Coordinator Sini (sini.hakkarainen@aalto.fi) and participate in the organising of Development Cooperation Week 2013.

8. Discussion: Modern Mongolia

You might have heard of Genghis Khan, but what else do you know of Mongolia? How does the everyday life in Mongolia look like, what is the future of the traditional nomads, and what are the challenges the country is facing in the era of globalization?

Kepa and the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) welcome you to join the Mongolia evening on Wednesday, May 15th at 17.30. at Kepa’s Dialogi meeting room in Töölöntorinkatu 2 A. Odno, a representative of a Mongolian NGO Information, Education & Communication Centre, shares information of her country and of the NGO’s work training community groups to improve economic development and initiative of the communities. The language of the event is English. Please enrol at latest 13th of May by email at jasenpalvelut@kepa.fi

Additional information: Johanna Harjunpää, Secretary of Member Services, 050 3176 714, johanna.harjunpaa@kepa.fi

9. Call for study abroad and internship appliactions

Asia Exchange’s study abroad and internship opportunities are for freemover students. The language of instruction is English. Application is done via

Asia Exchange at www.asiaexchange.org

Application deadlines: Autumn 2013: May 31 / June 30 | Spring 2014: September 30 / October 31

Internships: Asia Exchange offers internships in Asia. There are hundreds of places available for students from different fields of study. Learn more at www.asiaexchange.org

10. Explore the world with AIESEC’s “global citizen” program

Would you like to have an advantage over other students? Would you like to embrace exotic culture? Would you like to make international friends? Would you like to explore new sceneries? Would you like to learn a new language?

Then go for AIESEC’s “Global Citizen” volunteer abroad program in BRAZIL, TAIWAN AND MALAYSIA. No matter what your academic background is, no matter what country you are coming from, no matter your grades or previous work experience, you can apply for it and gain personal growth and create a positive impact in society through our program and make your summer an everyday adventure!

This time, we decide to open second round for the application. The new deadline will be June 10th. So what are you waiting for? Grasp your chance and take this wonderful oppurtunity. Visit us at our website: aiesec.fi/globe. Contact: zhe.zhai@aiesec.net

11. Complete the basic course of security officer

Dear student! Are you looking for work? Are you interested in the duties of a security officer? Do you want to employed next summer or alongside with your studies? Complete the basic course of a security officer! After completing the course, you can apply for the security officer card from the police, which entitles you to act as a security officer throughout the country.

Turvakerroin Ltd will organise a VERY INEXPENSIVE basic course of security officers. You can complete the 32-hour course this spring during the following five days: 13-17 May. You should reserve time between 4pm-10pm on those weekdays. The course will be organised in Hämäläis-osakunta facilities in Kamppi (Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 D). You must participate every day!

The course price for Aalto University students is only 80 euro! This price is only a fraction of the price you would have to pay elsewhere. The course will be organised if there are enough participants. Registrations to the address: anna-stiina.koivula@helsinki.fi

12. Do you want tight buttocks for the summer? Come to football rehearsals of FC Kissat

Outdoor rehearsals of FC Kissat (football team of girls at the School of Economics) begin on Mon, 6 May. We need more players! All new and not so new Aalto female students are welcome, regardless of their skill level – the most important thing is the enthusiasm for football 🙂

Training time and place: Mon (from 6 May onwards) klo 6.45pm-8pm in Herttoniemenranta sports park (Paasivaarankatu 9). You can get there easily by metro or by bike. Sign up in avance at doodle!

More information at www.fckissat.fi or send email to fckissat@gmail.com

13. Invitation: Bit Bang Seminar on global competition

15 May 2013 at 12.30pm-5pm, TUAS Building, auditorium AS1 (Otaniementie 17, 02150 Espoo)

Bit Bang 5, the fifth Aalto-wide and multidisciplinary post-graduate course, invites you to attend the presentations of the semester’s team work assignments on 15 May.

The event takes place at Aalto University TUAS Building.

The post graduate students have spent the spring discussing global competition for leadership in innovation, policy-making, business and technology.

Come and hear what they have found out!

Register to elina.karvonen@aalto.fi by 13 May. More information about the course: http://mide.aalto.fi/en/BitBang12-13

14. Startup Sauna and Aaltoes are looking for new team members for the organisation of Slush technology conference arranged in the autumn

Slush is Nothern Europe’s leading technology conference, which brings together the most promising growth companies from the Nordic Countries, the Baltic states and Russia to meet international investors and the media. This year, the event is organised for the sixth time and it is expected to attract about 5,000 visitors, 1,000 start-up companies, as well as 500 investors and members of the media. The event will be held at Helsinki Cable Factory on 13-14 November.

We are currently looking for new team members for several different areas in Slush. We require, above all, the courage to put yourself on the line, the ability to constantly learn something new and, in particular, the willingness to make Slush one of the best start-up events in the world. Previous experience is not necessary but it is considered an advantage. By filling out the application form, you can participate in the organising of the largest and most international technology conference in Finland. We will contact you!

Further information: markus@slush.fi or slush.fi

15. Dreams made real showcased at the Masters of Aalto event in Sörnäinen

Dreams and visions become reality as the newly graduates from Aalto University present their thesis projects at the Masters of Aalto 2013 year show.  The exhibition is held in Sörnäinen, Helsinki from 8 to 26 May. Masters of Aalto offers the visitor a lively presentation of studies at Aalto University and introduces the societal role the university has. Masters of Aalto showcases the works of 80 graduates from the School of Arts, Design, and Architecture, the School of Business and the schools of technology.

The venue is a former granary, a 121-year-old brick building at the corner of Hämeentie and Lautatarhankatu, which for a long time functioned as a warehouse. The premises managed by the City of Helsinki will now be opened to the public for the first time.

Masters of Aalto on 8–26 May 2013, Kruununmakasiini, Hämeentie 39, Helsinki. The exhibition is open Monday–Friday at 12–20 and during the weekends at 12–18. Free entrance.

Follow the progress of Masters of Aalto at moa.aalto.fi.

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