Weekly Newsletter 22/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 22/2013

Otaniemi and Töölö service points will be closed on Mon, 27 May and Tue, 28 May. Service points are open normally again on Wednesday, 29 May. The last newsletter of the spring will be published next week!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s housing regulations to change on 1 June 2013!
  3. BLOOMin’ Africa ’14
  4. Otaniemi urban farming association kick-off on Thu 30 May at 3pm
  5. Aalto School of Students needs teachers!
  6. Closing week of the spring season of ADD CAFE on 27-31 May
  7. HoT Bike Center Pop-up opened in Otaniemi
  9. Apply for the mentoring programme!
  10. DISCOVER YOUR ALUMNI RELATIONS! Take our questionnaire and you could win an iPad
  11. Guest Lecture – Jay B. Barney: What is Strategic Management?
  12. Call for study abroad and internship applications

1. This and next week’s events 

Week 22

Week 23

2. AYY’s housing regulations to change on 1 June 2013!

AYY’s Representative Council has approved AYY’s new housing regulations on 14 May 2013. The housing regulations guide the entire housing activities of AYY and have effect on all members who apply for AYYs apartments or already live in AYY’s apartments. New regulations will enter into force on 1 June 2013 and thus have effect on the housing applications of new freshmen in the autumn. The housing section on AYY’s website will be updated in the next few days. Read about the most important changes and the entire regulations here.

3. BLOOMin’ Africa ’14

Aalto University Student Union is taking about 30 students to Africa in the beginning of 2014! BLOOM is a journey that will be remembered as a great cultural experience. BLOOM is a way to find and learn.

BLOOM, Bridge of Learning – Operation: OndA! in Maputo, is a journey to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, and it’s surroundings. We will spend three weeks in an African environment, in the Mozambican culture and, of course, with great people.

We will be working in different ways with a local non-governmental organization, ASSCODECHA as part of the project of a Finnish NGO, Taksvärkki (Operation: Day’s Work). Our project will consist of challenging tasks with, for example, infrastructure, education, and economic development or any special useful skills we got.

We are looking for people from all possible backgrounds, of all possible experience levels, with different kinds of skills and of all possible ages. These people will organize art workshops, film documentaries, teach entrepreneurial skills, build sanitary facilities etc. etc. However, the trip is all about learning and sharing experiences in two directions.

Part of the trip is reserved for relaxing and taking some time for ourselves. This could include safaris, water sports, day trips and so on. You decide!

Apply in September and get ready for the sunshine. Keep your eyes and ears open for more. This time for Africa!

Event in Facebook.

4. Otaniemi urban farming association kick-off on Thu 30 May at 3pm

  • Where? Lämpömiehenkuja 2, Finlandia meeting room, Otaniemi
  • When? Thursday, 30 May 2013, 3pm-5pm
  • To whom? Aalto students and staff interested in having their own urban farming allotment in Otaniemi.

45 farming allotments will be made to Ossinlampi for the use of Aalto community in the beginning of September 2013. Join the activities of the newly formed association – the board members have priority in the allocation of allotments!


  • 3pm Urban farming at Ossinlampi in Otaniemi – intro / Meri Löyttyniemi, Sustainable Development Specialist, Aalto Campus and Facility Services
    • Welcome, presentation of urban farming operators at Aalto, what is happening in the area (in addition to the farming area, Hexahives bee village under construction, timelapse description, among other things)
  • 3.15pm City garden as part of Martti Levón Park  / Marja Törmälä,  Architect,  Arkkitehdit Q4 Oy
  • 3.30pm Plantations and plants of the park and city garden / Mari Talonen, Construction Architect, Arkkitehdit Q4 Oy
  • 3.45pm Otaniemi Urban Farming Association, launch of activities / Teemu Halme, AYY’s Secretary General and Mariko Landström, Member of AYY Board
    • presentation of the main sections of the rules
    • discussion on types of activities
    • appointment of the board members
  • 4.15pm Questions and discussion
  • 5pm The event ends.

You do not have to sign up for the event. Refreshments are served. If you want to join the garden mailing list, please send a message to: mariko.landstrom@ayy.fi.

More information on Aalto’s urban farming: meri.loyttyniemi@aalto.fi, 050 313 7549, Aalto sustainability

5. Aalto School of Students needs teachers!

What makes you tick and gets you excited? Is it the workings of the brain or drawing what you see in just a few strokes? Or maybe guerilla marketing or crafting origami? Could you share this amazing thing with fellow students?

If you answered yes to the last question, you are just the person we are looking for! On 14 September (at Aalto Design Factory) we will arrangeAalto School of Students, a guerilla learning experience where students will teach / instruct other students in a topic which interests them. You don’t need to know everything about your topic, as your pupils will be beginners themselves. Enthusiasm and willingness to share something you think is awesome is the key. You can teach in English, Finnish or Swedish.

If you think you have what it takes to be a teacher in Aalto School of Students, contact us with a brief pitch of what you would like to teach and we will get back to you. If you just want to come as a student, keep your eyes open as registration for students opens after we have confirmed which classes we will be able to offer.

Got some questions? Contact us at aaltoschoolofstudents@gmail.com or check out our tumblr site (updating all the time!) at aalto-school-of-students.tumblr.com

6. Closing week of the spring season of ADD CAFE on 27-31 May

ADD CAFE invites all coffee lovers to enjoy the best coffee on campus once more before the summer break of the cafe from 1 June onwards. During the closing week, a refill cup costs -50 cents  and the cafe displays an exhibition of stunning 3D prints.

ADD CAFE, Sähkömiehentie 4G, Espoo. Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm
In facebook.

7. HoT Bike Center Pop-up opened in Otaniemi

Have you been looking for a place to wash and fix your bike? Well now you can stop looking! We have opened a Pop-up bike center in Urban Mill, next to Design Factory. This center is an outcome of the Product Development Project- course, as a bike service prototype.

This is a do-it-yourself center and offers you a washing place, tools, fixing manuals and a fixing corner. We also have a comfortable lounge area, a book-exchange shelf and a health corner.

The center is open on Mondays from 1pm to 6pm, and on Wednesdays from 1pm to 4pm.

Check us out on facebook  &  on our webpage:  www.hot.pdp.fi

The address of center is Betonimiehenkuja 3.

Welcome to fix your bike for the summer and hang out at the center!


Every year, a large group of volunteers participate in the making of Espoo Ciné Film Festival (16-25 Aug 2013), without whom the festival would simply not exist. Voluntary workers get to see the festival films for free, have free meals every day, get a staff t-shirt and the festival catalogue, as well as a letter of reference at request. And when the festival is over, there is a party for the volunteers. Many volunteers have such a good time that they come back year after year to build this warm-hearted festival together.

Join the hustle of the first film festival of the autumn, and go behind the scenes to look how the film festival with 25,000 visitors is organised. Tasks vary from ticket sales to info desk and decorating. You can participate as long as you are over 18-years old, have an active attitude and you are willing to sacrifice your time in good company. Help is needed particularly during the festival, but also a few weeks before it.

Further information and registration form are available at: http://www.espoocine.fi/2013/talkoolaiset.

9. Apply for the mentoring programme!

MASTER STUDENT, mentors are University graduates, our alumni. As a student (mentee) you will get support and guidance how to face working life, especially in another culture, a chance to improve your job application skills and a unique possibility to build your network among a cross-disciplinary group of professionals.

Application period 1 Apr-31 May

Grab the chance for a great opportunity: https://alumninet.aalto.fi/mentoring

10. DISCOVER YOUR ALUMNI RELATIONS! Take our questionnaire and you could win an iPad

What kind of alumni relations activities you’d hope after studies? Share your ideas and have an influence on future alumni relations at Aalto University. Please answer this questionnaire and have your say. The questionnaire will be open until 19 June.

Go to the questionnaire via this link.

Please fill in your contact information at the end of the questionnaire and you could win an iPad or other alumni-spirited prizes.

p.s. If you ever feel like you needed more information from us, please do not hesitate to contact us at alumni@aalto.fi or you could go and catch a glimpse of what we are working for at alumninet.aalto.fi

11. Guest Lecture – Jay B. Barney: What is Strategic Management?

What is Strategic Management? Welcome to listen to a lecture by Professor Jay Barney on strategic management. The event will be held on Wednesday, 29 May, 3pm-5.30pm in the Great Hall of the School of Economics Main Building.

For more information and event registration visit here.

12. Call for study abroad and internship applications

Asia Exchange’s study abroad and internship opportunities are for freemover students. The language of instruction is English. Application is done via Asia Exchange at www.asiaexchange.org

Application deadlines: Autumn 2013: May 31 / June 30 | Spring 2014: September 30 / October 31

Internships: Asia Exchange offers internships in Asia. There are hundreds of places available for students from different fields of study. Learn more at www.asiaexchange.org






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