Weekly Newsletter 23/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 23/2013

The weekly newsletter will have a summer break! During the summer, you can follow current information on AYY’s website at ayy.fi and on facebook at facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta.

The autumn’s first weekly newsletter will be published at the turn of August and September. Sunny summer to all!

  1. Summer events
  2. AYY’s housing regulations changed on 1 June 2013!
  3. Postal services in Otaniemi were discontinued on 31 May – new post will open in connection with the R-kiosk in October
  4. Open idea workshop concerning AYY’s anniversary in 2014 on Tue, 11 June, 7pm
  5. AYY’s scholarships of the spring of 2013 were allocated
  6. AYY’s third Representative Council elections to be organised in October-November
  7. AYY’s online store AYY Shop is now open!
  8. BLOOMin’ Africa ’14
  9. FSHS health centre opening hours in summer 2013
  10. VR’s student discounts to change on 3 June
  11. Nyyti’s loneliness web group was launched
  12. FSHS’s new website on sexual health and contraception
  13. “Armi forum” of architecture, construction and design on Tuesday, 17 Sept 2013
  14. Aalto School of Students needs teachers!
  15. DISCOVER YOUR ALUMNI RELATIONS! Take our questionnaire and you could win an iPad
  16. HoT Bike Center Pop-up opened in Otaniemi
  17. Summer baseball on Thursdays at 6pm @ Tuuliniitty


1. Summer events


2. AYY’s housing regulations changed on 1 June 2013!

AYY’s Representative Council has approved AYY’s new housing regulations on 14 May 2013. The housing regulations guide the entire housing activities of AYY and have effect on all members who apply for AYYs apartments or already live in AYY’s apartments. New regulations have entered into force on 1 June 2013 and thus have effect on the housing applications of new freshmen in the autumn. The housing section on AYY’s website will be updated in the next few days. Read about the most important changes and the entire regulations here.


3. Postal services in Otaniemi were discontinued on 31 May – new post will open in connection with the R-kiosk in October

02150 ESPOO postal services in Otaniemi were discontinued on 31 May 2013. In October, we will open postal services in R-kiosk in Otaniemi. Postal services in the area are currently available at Tapiola post office at Heikintori shopping centre.

Tapiola post office 02100 ESPOO at Heikintori shopping centre serves you at the address  Kauppamiehenkatu 1, Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm and Sat, 10am-2pm.

Locations and opening hours of other post offices can be found at www.posti.fi (Post office opening hours and addresses).

The change does not affect postal addresses or mail delivery.

4. Open idea workshop concerning AYY’s anniversary 2014 on Tue, 11 June, 7pm

Would you like to brainstorm how Aalto students will celebrate their first weekend of February?  Welcome to the open idea workshop to discuss the role of the Student Union’s anniversary and brainstorm ideas for the content and programme of the anniversary 2014. Come and brainstorm together or just pop in to tell about your ideas. The event is open to all participants.

The Student Union’s anniversary dresscode has varied from white tie to overalls, animal costume and suits. Festivies have taken over Design Factory, Linnanmäki Sealife and Heureka, as well as Restaurant Bank. The anniversary has included bull riding, stand up comedy and competitive sitsit parties. What next?

Participation does not require a separate registration.

Workshop on facebook.

  • What: Open idea workshop concerning the Student Union’s anniversary
  • Where: Aalto Design Factory, Studio, Betongblandargränden 5, Espoo
  • When: 11 June, 7pm–9.30pm


5. AYY’s scholarships for the spring of 2013 were allocated

AYY Board has approved the presentations of the scholarship allocation committees concerning the scholarship recipients for the spring of 2013 at its meeting on Wednesday, 29 May 2013. A total of 376 applications were received. Applications in different categories were allocated as follows:

  • Exchange scholarship: 163 applications (2012:188)
  • Community scholarship: 63 applications (2012: 89)
  • Study scholarship: 150 applications. (2012: 158)

The list of scholarship recipients can be found on AYY’s website.

Congratulations to all scholarship recipients!

6. AYY’s third Representative Council elections to be organised in October-November

This autumn, AYY’s members again have the opportunity to run as a candidate and vote for the composition of the Representative Council. AYY’s Representative Council of 45 members is elected in the Representative Council elections for the next two-year term. The Representative Council has AYY’s highest decision-making power and decides on your membership fee and the student union rules, among other things. The Representative Council will be elected for two years at a time.

Advance voting will be held on Wed, 23 Oct-Sun, 3 Nov and the actual voting days are Tuesday, 5 Nov and Wednesday, 6 Nov.

Do you want to get involved? Follow the information on the campuses and online! For more information on the Representative Council activities, please visit inside.ayy.fi.

Election website will open at ayy.fi/vaalit.


7. AYY’s online store AYY Shop is now open!

You can purchase Student Union’s hoodies, t-shirts and other products from AYY’s own online store, as well as Aalto Design Factory’s coffee mugs. The product range will be expanded during the summer. Take a look at products in more detail at the store at shop.ayy.fi!

We are happy to hear your opinions on the new online shop and we warmly welcome your suggestions for new products and improvement ideas. You can submit your opinions and feedback to AYY Shop directly through the feedback form of the online shop, where you can also provide anonymous feedback, or send email to shop@ayy.fi.

By liking the shop on Facebook or following AYY Shop on Twitter, you stay up-to-date on additions to the product range and other news.


8. BLOOMin’ Africa ’14

Aalto University Student Union is taking about 30 students to Africa in the beginning of 2014! BLOOM is a journey that will be remembered as a great cultural experience. BLOOM is a way to find and learn.

BLOOM, Bridge of Learning – Operation: OndA! in Maputo, is a journey to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, and it’s surroundings. We will spend three weeks in an African environment, in the Mozambican culture and, of course, with great people.

We will be working in different ways with a local non-governmental organization, ASSCODECHA as part of the project of a Finnish NGO, Taksvärkki (Operation: Day’s Work). Our project will consist of challenging tasks with, for example, infrastructure, education, and economic development or any special useful skills we got.

We are looking for people from all possible backgrounds, of all possible experience levels, with different kinds of skills and of all possible ages. These people will organize art workshops, film documentaries, teach entrepreneurial skills, build sanitary facilities etc. etc. However, the trip is all about learning and sharing experiences in two directions.

Part of the trip is reserved for relaxing and taking some time for ourselves. This could include safaris, water sports, day trips and so on. You decide!

Apply in September and get ready for the sunshine. Keep your eyes and ears open for more. This time for Africa!

Event on Facebook.

9. FSHS health centre opening hours in summer 2013

All FSHS health centres are closed between the period 1 July–26 July 2012. In addition, there are differences in the summer opening hours of different health centres. Otaniemi Health Centre, for example, is closed for six weeks starting from midsummer, between 24 June–5 Aug.

You can check the detailed opening hours during the summer months at yths.fi.


10. VR’s student discounts to change on 3 June

VR and student organisations have agreed on changes concerning student discounts in train travel. Changes will enter into force on 3 June 2013.

In the future, student discounts will range from 45 to 55 per cent on basic and extra class tickets, so that the biggest discounts apply to the least popular train services and the smallest discounts to the most popular train services.

VR has assured the student organisations that students’ train travel will become cheaper on average, although the most popular train services will be a little bit more expensive in general.

The reform has been made on VR’s initiative and is part of the wider pricing reform, where ticket prices vary more on the basis of demand of train services.

Read more in VR’s press release.


11. Nyyti’s loneliness web group was launched 

What are your own experiences of loneliness? What does loneliness mean to you? What kind of feelings are related to it? And how would you like your situation to change? Have you perhaps already found some ways to the change?

Join the discussion and share your thoughts and feelings, and discuss loneliness with others in a similar situation in life. You can participate in the discussion just as you are and according to your own resources.

Loneliness group of the summer 2013 has been opened  and the discussion continues until 16 Aug. Anyone can read the group, you need to register to write comments.



12. FSHS’s new website on sexual health and contraception

Sexuality, relationships and sexual health are important questions for young adults, and many students wish to discuss these matters with a health care professional. FSHS has collected information on a range of matters from contraception to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) on a separate Sexual health and contraception website. Visit the site to find out more and look for answers to your questions.

You can also take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section and search earlier replies given by our online advice service (in Finnish). Alternatively, send a new question to our experts via the online advice service.


13. ”Armi forum” of architecture, construction and design on Tuesday, 17 Sept 2013

Armi (www.armi.fi) is an association of architecture, construction and design fields, which will organise an urban planning workshop ”Armi forum” led by the urban planning guru Fred Kent for Aalto University students in connection with Helsinki Design Week. The goal is to get the widest possible spectrum of students (a total of 8-12 people) from all Aalto University schools (therefore including engineers and economists)!

The workshop is led by the New Yorker urban planning guru Fred Kent with his assistant. Kent has founded Project for Public Spaces project. Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit organization based in New York dedicated to creating and sustaining public places that build communities. Fred Kent will also speak in Dream seminar of Helsinki Design Week on Wednesday, 18 Sept. Armi pays the seminar admission fee for students who participate in the workshop, the seminar will culminate with Pecha Kucha events on Wednesday night.

The workshop will be arranged in English and is free to participants. The aim is to organise the workshop in the centre of Helsinki. Participation requires full time commitment to the work created and led by Fred Kent.

Sign up for the workshop at http://tinyurl.com/armifoorum2013/ and remove yourself to reality for two days!


14. Aalto School of Students needs teachers!

What makes you tick and gets you excited? Is it the workings of the brain or drawing what you see in just a few strokes? Or maybe guerilla marketing or crafting origami? Could you share this amazing thing with fellow students?

If you answered yes to the last question, you’re just the person we’re looking for! On 14 September (at Aalto Design Factory) we will arrange Aalto School of Students, a guerilla learning experience where students will teach / instruct other students in a topic which interests them. You don’t need to know everything about your topic, as your pupils will be beginners themselves. Enthusiasm and willingness to share something you think is awesome is the key. You can teach in English, Finnish or Swedish.

If you think you have what it takes to be a teacher in Aalto School of Students, contact us with a brief pitch of what you would like to teach and we will get back to you. If you just want to come as a student, keep your eyes open as registration for students opens after we have confirmed which classes we’ll be able to offer.

Got some questions? Contact us at aaltoschoolofstudents@gmail.com or check out our tumblr site (updating all the time!) at aalto-school-of-students.tumblr.com


15. DISCOVER YOUR ALUMNI RELATIONS! Take our questionnaire and you could win an iPad

What kind of alumni relations activities you’d hope after studies? Share your ideas and have an influence on future alumni relations at Aalto University.

Please answer this questionnaire and have your say. The questionnaire will be open until 19 June.

Go to the questionnaire via this link

Please fill in your contact information at the end of the questionnaire and you could win an iPad or other alumni-spirited prizes.

p.s. If you ever feel like you needed more information from us, please do not hesitate to contact us at alumni@aalto.fi or you could go and catch a glimpse of what we are working for at alumninet.aalto.fi


15. HoT Bike Center Pop-up opened in Otaniemi

Have you been looking for a place to wash and fix your bike? Well now you can stop looking! We have opened a Pop-up bike center in Urban Mill, next to Design Factory. This center is an outcome of the Product Development Project- course, as a bike service prototype.

This is a do-it-yourself center and offers you a washing place, tools, fixing manuals and a fixing corner. We also have a comfortable lounge area, a book-exchange shelf and a health corner.

The center is open on Mondays from 1pm to 6pm, and on Wednesdays from 1pm to 4pm.

Check us out on facebook &  on our webpage:  www.hot.pdp.fi

The address of center is Betonimiehenkuja 3. Welcome to fix your bike for the summer and hang out at the center!


17. Summer baseball on Thursdays at 6pm @ Tuuliniitty

Summer baseball games are played throughout the summer on Thursdays at 6pm at Tuuliniitty sand field (Tuulikuja 10, Espoo) with the exception of Thursday, 20 June, when preparing to celebrate the Finnish midsummer. So the next game will be arranged on Thu, 6 June. Welcome to play baseball in a laid-back atmosphere with a smile on your face! 🙂 Amateurs and players of all levels are welcome to join the activities of OtaKoppi. For more information on OtaKoppi activities, please visit the association’s website at http://otakoppi.fi/.

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