Pests in the metropolitan area: guidelines for AYY’s residents

Finland has not had pests for a very long time but now the problem has come back here. Pests are a persistent problem, and their destruction requires fast action from the resident and the landlord.

Currently, the most common pests in student housing are bedbugs and beetles. Both have been found in AYY’s apartments. The best way to avoid pests is to take good care of the cleanliness and hygiene of your apartment. If you detect anything referring to pests in your apartment, please contact AYY’s housing office immediately. The housing office will immediately order professionals to check the apartment and do the necessary fumigation. The resident does not have to pay for these expenses.

Unfortunately, AYY cannot pay other compensation or provide rent reductions due to pest animals. Therefore, it is in everyone’s interest to keep the apartment in such a good condition that pests do not nest there. If the situation is prolonged, the worst case scenario with bed bugs is that you have to destroy entire pieces of furniture and AYY cannot compensate for them either. The faster AYY receives information on pests, the easier and quicker it is to destroy them and the less likely the problem will spread in other apartments and cause more expenses to anyone.

Because of this, also be very careful if you are going to take an abandoned piece of furniture in your home! Check the furniture very carefully and play it safe rather than carry pests to your home with an old arm-chair.

If pests are found in the apartment, AYY cannot offer a new apartment to the residents before the pest situation is fixed. Otherwise pests could spread in the new apartment with the transferred resident, and the problem would start all over again.

If AYY is not informed about pests or the problem gets worse or spreads in other apartments because of the tenant’s actions, the tenant may be charged the expenses of the pest control. This may happen if the apartment is considered particularly filthy and suitable for pests, or if AYY is not informed about pests and pests are carried to a new AYY apartment.

Information on bedbugs.

Information on beetles.

Questions and comments may be presented to Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (050 520 9444,

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