Weekly Newsletter 36/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 36/2013

The academic year starts next week, when the opening of the academic year and Aalto Party will take over the campuses. If your studies continue as usual, please remember to register for attendance and pay the student union’s membership fee.

Autumn also brings with it the Representative Council elections on Tue 5-Wed 6 Nov. Election declaration has been issued and it is available at ayy.fi/vaalit.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Academic year tags and updating of travel cards – what, where, when?
  3. Opening of the academic year and Aalto Party
  4. Aalto Afterparty
  5. AYY to help homeless students
  6. Mosaic Couchsurfing – host an international student!
  7. Find a Flatmate! event at Otaniemi on 2 Sept
  8. Work at Lakinlaskijaiset party
  9. Battle for the mastery of Otaniemi
  10. Join the activities of Aalto Debating Society
  11. Courses of Aalto ventures programme are starting!
  12. Aalto School of Students at Design Factory on 14 Sept!
  13. ADD CAFE returns from the summer break on Mon, 2 Sept
  14. Do you want to include your own news in the weekly newsletter?

1. This and next week’s events



2. Academic year tags and updating of travel cards – what, where, when?

Autumn is here again, which means that you should collect the academic year tag and update your  travel card. Like last year, AYY distributes year tags at service points.

In addition, there is a temporary year tag distribution point in the library lobby in Otaniemi. The temporary service point is open at 10am-6pm until 20 Sept. If you only need the year tag, we recommend that you avoid rush and use the library service point. In addition to Otaniemi, you can also collect the year tag from Töölö during exceptional opening hours. The after work service point is open in Töölö throughout August on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 4pm-6pm. Also remember to get AYY’s new calendar!

HSL has opened a temporary travel card updating point next to AYY’s year tag service point in the library lobby in Otaniemi. The service point is open at 9am-4pm until 6 Sept. Despite the efforts of AYY and KY, we did not manage to get the updating point to Töölö. In Helsinki, you can update your travel card at the railway station or the main building of the University of Helsinki (Fabianinkatu 33).


Membership fee payment
AYY’s service points

3. Opening of the academic year and Aalto Party

The students and staff of Aalto University are all invited to celebrate the opening of the academic year on Tuesday, 3 September 2013 at 1.15pm. The festivities will take place on Töölö Campus and Otaniemi Campus this year. The opening ceremony will take place at the School of Business

The opening ceremony can also be followed as a webcast on aalto.fi. Further details and links are published closer to the event.

Aalto Party

Aalto Party is the official but more relaxed continuation of the opening festivities. This after party brings together students and staff to enjoy various outdoor activities.

Aalto Party kicks off at 4pm with the traditional challenge between the board of AYY (the Student Union of Aalto University) and the management of the university. During the afternoon you can participate in various activities, dancing, meetings and mingling, an art battle, and so much more. Numerous society’s, associations and services from the university are present at the Party.

Additional information about the Aalto Party programme on Facebook and here.

Sign up for Aalto Party here.

The party will take place on Ainon aukio (Otaniementie 11/ Konemiehentie 2). Please note that the parking lot will be closed for parking on 3-4 September.

There will be free bus transportation in the front of the main buildings on the Töölö and Arabia campuses to the official Aalto Party.

The departure timetable of the buses:

  • BIZ: 3.30pm, 4pm, 4.30pm
  • ARTS: 3.15pm, 3.45pm

Reclaim the academic year together!

4. Aalto Afterparty

Carnival! Aalto Party! Täffä! Celebration

Aalto students congregate at Aalto Party on Tuesday, 3 September at Aino Square in Otaniemi and the Aalto Community spirit meets its apex at the afterparty held at Täffä in the evening. The event features the performers Kyntelligens, Wikirock and one who will absolutely detonate the evening, Rony Rex, who has performed at festivals such as Weekend and Neverland!

  • What: Aalto Afterparty
  • Where: Täffä, Otakaari 22
  • When: 8pm, Tuesday, 3 September
  • Price: EUR 5

More information on Facebook event.

5. AYY to help homeless students

Emergency Housing Coordinator Vera Moshina will operate in AYY until 30 Sept. Ms. Moshina helps all those AYY members who have problems in finding accommodation for the autumn of 2013. The emergency housing coordinator gives advice on how to find housing, organises temporary accommodation and helps with other matters related to housing.

The emergency housing coordinator is available at AYY’s Housing Office in Otaniemi at the following times:

  • 26 Aug–14 Sept, 12noon-4pm.
  • 16 Sept–30 Sept, 12noon-2pm.
  • At other times by appointment.

Vera can be reached by phone at 050 520 9413 and by email at emergencyhousing(at)ayy.fi

Aalto University Student Union also organises temporary accommodation on its premises during September. If you think you need short-term emergency housing, please contact the emergency housing coordinator. The coordinator receives requests for emergency housing and gives advice on practical arrangements. Emergency housing does not generally take reservations in advance and therefore temporary housing is available for those who have an acute need for it.

The emergency housing coordinator will also continuously update AYY’s own database for housing search in the metropolitan area. The database can be found here.

The coordinator has been hired in cooperation with Aalto University. For further information, please contact the emergency housing coordinator or Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (050 520 9444, firstname.lastname@ayy.fi).

6. Mosaic Couchsurfing – host an international student!

Mosaic Couchsurfing is a completely voluntary programme where people staying in Finland can offer short-term accommodation for new international students that do not have an apartment yet.

Couchsurfing helps you to meet and adventure with new friends around the world. It is a cheap way to learn about different exciting cultures, and at the same time brush up on your language skills or even learn a new language. By opening your home to a new friend, you will make his/her visit in Finland a lot easier and less stressful. The time your new friend will spend in your home is totally up to you:  it might be just for a few nights or months. You decide!

Hosting an international student even for a short time gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the international community of Aalto University and be a part of it for the rest of the year and meet even more exciting new friends through your Mosaic Couchsurfing connections.

You don’t need anything special: your enthusiasm and a spare bed or your couch is more than enough! You don’t need to be an AYY member or a Finn to become a Couchsurfing host.

This is how you can participate in the Mosaic Couchsurfing as a host:

  • Step 1: Fill in the application to become a Mosaic Couchsurfing host.
  • Step 2: Wait for the e-mail introducing you to your Mosaic Couchsurfing guest.
  • Step 3: Welcome your partner in late August to your home.
  • Step 4: Enjoy and have fun!!

Find the Facebook event here.

(The idea for Mosaic’s Couchsurfing came from couchsurfing.org.)

7. Find a Flatmate! event at Otaniemi on 2 Sept

Are you looking for a flat? Or flatmate? Or someone with whom to search for a flat? Or just need to find somewhere to stay for a few nights? Or perhaps you have a room or flat to rent for someone in the need? If yes, then Find Flatmate! is for you.

Find a Flatmate! brings together students in need for a flat/mate and landlords, whether institutional or private, to connect and get to know each other as well as find info on the housing market, renting and letting. The organisations participating offer housing for long-term or short-term needs, some especially to students, others also to the general public.

  • What: Find a Flatmate in Espoo, Otaniemi
  • When: 2 September 2013 at 3pm-6pm
  • Where: Aalto University Main building, Main lobby, Otakaari 1

More info in here: http://www.welcomeweeks.fi/en/event/250

8. Work at Lakinlaskijaiset party

The autumn is approaching and it is time to lay down our dear student caps. Lakinlaskijaiset 2013 will be organised at Dipoli on 30 Sept. In order to organise this amazing party, we need a number of energetic people for a variety of duties, such as ticket sales, carrying equipment, decorating, cooking, security and van driving. Come and organise the greatest event of the student union and the wildest party of the autumn in a laid-back company! You can sign up for work at https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/toihin-lakinlaskijaisiin-2013/.

As a reward, you get a free admission to Lakinlaskijaiset 2013, an overall badge, a gift certificate to Viking Line’s Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki cruise, as well as access to a massive employee party on 16 Oct!

In addition, employees earn one of the two work contributions required for a pink cord. In order to get the pink cord, you have to work in two of the three major parties (Gravitation, May Day, Lakinlaskijaiset). There are also work stations for freshmen! Any questions may be presented to Lakinlaskijaiset Director Elli Taimela elli.taimela@ayy.fi or May Day Director Markku Leppälä markku.leppala@ayy.fi.

9. Battle for the mastery of Otaniemi on 3 Oct

Aalto-Liike will organise a battle for the mastery of Otaniemi on 3 Oct 2013. At the forefront of Otaniemi, you will fight in a laser battle, the concept familiar from Megazone. The tournament consists of 16 teams with ten players per team. The game mode is two flag Capture the Flag. Gather a team and participate!

The weapons use infrared laser in order to function, so you do not have to worry about protection. We have 40 weapons of which 20 are constantly in use. More information on the weapons at: http://www.markstonsport.com/ ja www.outdoor.megazone.fi.

The event lasts for about 8 hours, and a single fight lasts about half an hour. The first game begins at 11am. Each fight is a qualification game. The participation fee is €100/team. Practical information along with a map of the area and a schedule can be found here.

Registrations will be accepted in the order of registration. Registration is binding and you can sign up your here.

You can look last years pictures here.

Event in Facebook.

Feisty regards 😉

10. Join the activities of Aalto Debating Society

A skill for work & leisure – learn to debate! Aalto Debating Society organises various debating activities. Business students can find us at Mursumessut (Fri, 6th). The weekly Wednesday meetings start from 11 September onwards, 6.30pm at KY Building. No prior debating experience needed. Visit us on facebook.com/AaltoDebatingSociety


Want to change the World? Aalto Ventures Program will provide you with the skills, tools and global networks you need to create new businesses! At AVP, you can study a minor in high-growth entrepreneurship for your master’s degree or just take individual courses as electives. In addition, we’re offering inspirational workshops. You will learn through experimentation, cross-disciplinary team work, and insights of experienced professionals.

We have many great courses starting right now! Join one of them or start doing your minor at the same time. You can find the courses that are starting here.

Remember also to check our brand new website and start following us on Facebook to get latest updates


Everyone can do something that someone else wants to learn! On Saturday, 14 Sept, 10am-5pm, Aalto School of Students event is organised at Design Factory, where we, the students, are teachers! The lessons range from contemporary art research to water technology and communications. Lessons are arranged both in English and Finnish. Further information and the exact schedule will be published soon at aalto-school-of-students.tumblr.com. Those who are interested in teaching and have not signed up yet can contact us at aaltoschoolofstudents@gmail.com. The price of the school day is only EUR 5, including a delicious school meal. Tickets are available on site. Welcome!

13. ADD CAFE returns from the summer break on Mon, 2 Sept

The coffee heaven of the campus ADD CAFE will return from the summer break on Monday, 2 Sept. Come and enjoy the high-quality specialty coffees and experience the possibilities of digital design and 3D printing at the same time!

The café is open on weekdays between 11am-5pm at the address Sähkömiehentie 4G.


14. Do you want to include your own news in the weekly newsletter?

Do you want to include your own news in the weekly newsletter? Please send a brief text by Friday, 10am, to the address tiedottaja@ayy.fi. The news will be translated so you can submit your text in just one language. The contents of the newsletter are ultimately edited by AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9440).


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