Weekly Newsletter 39/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 39/2013

Nomination of candidates for the Representative Council elections will end at 12noon on Tuesday, 24 Sept. Run as a candidate and you may get to decide on the most important affairs in your student union for the next two years. Further information: /vaalit/

Next week’s Monday, 30 Sept, is filled with hustle and bustle when Otatarha Race and Lakinlaskijaiset take over Otaniemi. Next week, we also celebrate the well-being week at Aalto. voihyvin.ayy.fi

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Nomination of candidates for AYY’s Representative Council elections will end on Tue, 24 Sept
  3. AYY is looking for a specialist for international affairs
  4. Application period for grants from TTE-Fund is open!
  5. Apply for the union meeting delegation of SYL
  6. Applications now accepted for Aalto Students’ BLOOM trip to Mozambique!
  7. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  8. Otatarha Race and Lakinlaskijaiset in Otaniemi on 30 Sept 2013
  9. Sign up for Aalto Challenge of “Voi hyvin Aallossa” week
  10. Battle for the Mastery of Otaniemi on 3 Oct – now 50% off!
  11. ADS: Workshop + weekly debate
  12. The Finnish Anti-Counterfeiting Group Scholarship 2013
  13. Top floorball in Otaniemi for free!
  14. Trip’s sailing demonstrations
  15. AIESEC Aalto is recruiting new members
  16. Call for study abroad and internship applications – Asia exchange
  17. Roundtable: Trade relations and cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world
  18. Registration for Montaasi’s legendary narrow-film course is open

1. This and next week’s events



2. Nomination of candidates for AYY’s Representative Council elections will end on Tue, 24 Sept

This autumn, AYY’s members have once again the opportunity to run as a candidate or vote on the composition of the Representative Council. In the Representative Council elections, AYY’s Representative Council of 45 members is elected for the next two-year period. The Representative Council has AYY’s highest decision-making power and decides on your membership fee and the student union regulations, among other things. The Representative Council is always elected for two years at a time.

The nomination of candidates will end at 12noon on Tuesday, 24 Sept. Collect your list and join in!

Further information: ayy.fi/vaalit

AYY’s Representative Council elections will be held on 5-6 Nov 2013 and you can vote in advance on Wed, 23 Oct-Sun, 3 Nov. Further information on the activities of the Representative Council is available at inside.ayy.fi.

Election website are open at ayy.fi/vaalit.

3. AYY is looking for a specialist for international affairs

AYY is looking for a specialist for international affairs for a fixed-term full-time employment. The deadline for applications is 4pm on Wednesday, 25 Sept. Further information here.

4. The application period for grants from TTE-Fund is open!

The application period for grants from TTE-Fund is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited!

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of €1000, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The continuous application period is open during the academic terms and the third application round of 2013 will end on Sunday, 29 Sept 2013, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/

Deadlines for the application rounds of school year 2013-2014 and instructions for the applications is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

5. Apply for the union meeting delegation of SYL

SYL, the National Union of University Students in Finland, is the association of the Finnish student unions, which represents the Finnish university students in national decision making. The annually appointed board implements the action plan and the policy paper which guide the advocacy work of SYL. The policy paper and the action plan will be approved in the union meeting where the board is also elected. The union meeting of the year 2013 will be held in Korpilampi, Espoo on 29-30 November. SYL’s union meeting is an excellent vantage point to the Finnish student movement as well as university students’ national interest representation and its impact on students’ everyday life.

In the union meeting, AYY is represented by a delegation which consists of 16 union meeting representatives who use the student union’s voting right in the union meeting, and their sixteen deputies. The board will appoint the delegation to SYL’s union meeting after consulting the Representative Council groups. An open electronic application will be organised for the delegation.

The application period ends at 12noon on Thursday, 26 Sept 2013.

Further information and the application form are available at https://lomake.ayy.fi/syl-delegaatio/

If you have questions: Laura Euro, Board Member, laura.euro@ayy.fi, 050-520 9429

6. Applications now accepted to the Aalto Students’ BLOOM trip to Mozambique!

Aalto University Student Union is taking about 30 students to Africa in the beginning of 2014! BLOOM is a journey that will be remembered as a great cultural experience. BLOOM is a way to find and learn. BLOOM, Bridge of Learning – Operation: OndA! in Maputo, is a journey to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, and it’s surroundings. We will spend three weeks in an African environment, in the Mozambican culture and, of course, with great people.

We will be working in different ways with a local non-governmental organization, ASSCODECHA as part of the project of a Finnish NGO, Taksvärkki (Operation: Day’s Work). Our project will consist of challenging tasks with, for example, infrastructure, education, and economic development or any special useful skills we got.

We are looking for people from all possible backgrounds, of all possible experience levels, with different kinds of skills and of all possible ages. These people will organize art workshops, film documentaries, teach entrepreneurial skills, build sanitary facilities etc. etc. However, the trip is all about learning and sharing experiences in two directions.

Part of the trip is reserved for relaxing and taking some time for ourselves. This could include safaris, water sports, day trips and so on. You decide!

Applications are now accepted until 29 September via: http://bloom.ayy.fi/?p=87

The event can be found on Facebook.

This time for Africa!

7. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Annually 15-20 people are invited as honorary members in recognition of active involvement in the community of engineering students and Aalto University’s student community. Every autumn, PTK’s conclave appoints new honorary members based on the nominations of the communities of engineering students and Aalto University.

This year’s nominations may be submitted until 10.11am on 10 Oct 2013. The nomination should include the nominated person’s name, email address, picture and the reasons for the nomination, as well as the names of the person(s) who made the nomination.

Please send nominations to ehdota-arwoisia@list.ayy.fi.

Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member.

The nomination can be made by an individual, guild or association, or by several people, guilds or associations together.

Further information on PTK and its honorary members: www.ptk.ayy.fi.

8. Otatarha Race and Lakinlaskijaiset in Otaniemi on 30 Sept 2013

On Monday, 30 Sept, Otaniemi is the place to be!

The day begins at 2pm when Otatarha Race takes over Alvari Square. Design, create and build the fastest, most stylish and funniest non-motorised vehicle. The registration form is available here. Further information is available on Facebook.

In the evening, you should head to Dipoli where Lakinlaskijaiset 2013 takes place! AYY’s biggest party features Jukka Poika, Scandinavian Music Group and Sydän, Sydän! Ticket sales begin on 16 September. Further information on the programme and ticket sales are available on facebook and our website: www.lakinlaskijaiset.fi

Come and organise Lakinlaskijiset party in laid-back company! You can sign up for work here. Any questions may be presented to Lakinlaskijaiset Director Elli Taimela elli.taimela@ayy.fi or May Day Director Markku Leppälä markku.leppala@ayy.fi.

9. Sign up for Aalto Challenge of “Voi hyvin Aallossa” week

Aalto Challenge event will be organised in Otaniemi on Wednesday, 2 Oct, as part of the well-being week. The event aims to make Aalto’s sports association activities more familiar to all Aalto students. Aalto Challenge consists of a laid-back fair, where associations can tell about their activities and organise tryouts at Alvari Square in Otaniemi and more competitive orienteering contest, where teams go through check points organised by associations on the route Otaniemi-Meilahti-Otaniemi (in the same way as in KY City Challenge). Now is a good time to build up teams, register, and add the date to your calendar. Sports associations that want to participate may also sign up for the event. Registrations and further information on the event: http://aaltochallenge.ayy.fi/

The event is part of Voi Hyvin Aallossa week.

During the week, sports tryouts and well-being related events are organised on the campuses. See a more detailed daily schedule and sign up for try-outs at voihyvin.ayy.fi.

Also see Inside.

10. Battle for the Mastery of Otaniemi on 3 Oct – now 50% off!

The Battle is at stake. You could be the greatest hero in the Megazone battle, when Otaniemi explodes on the first Thursday of October. Gather a team of ten, and you’ll get your own participation at half the price – now the whole team for only €95!

The offer is valid until 25 Sept or as long as there are places available. Register NOW at https://lomake.ayy.fi/aalto-liike/toh-2/!

Additional information at https://lomake.ayy.fi/aalto-liike/toh2info/ and on Facebook.

Best Regards,Aalto-Liike, the toughest sports section of AYY.

11. ADS: Workshop + weekly debate

Learn persuasion skills and debating! An exciting ADS workshop coming up: “Debating Kick-Off”– event with BCG (Boston Consulting Group), on Thursday 3 Oct 2013, 6pm, Design Factory.  Max. 24 participants, so please remember to sign-up here. You can register until Fri, 29 Sept 2013.

The workshop (Thu, 3 Oct 2013) complements our weekly practice sessions, held every Wednesday  at 6.30pm at KY-Building. Accept the challenge, and practise your debating skills!

12. The Finnish Anti-Counterfeiting Group Scholarship 2013

The annual scholarship of the Finnish Anti-Counterfeiting Group for students is now available for applications. The Finnish Anti-Counterfeiting Group may grant one or more scholarships to theses authors whose works are related to counterfeiting or piracy and thus to the association’s field. The number and amount of scholarships depends on the level of applicants and themes. The scholarship amount is EUR 500–1,500. Detailed application instructions are available here.

The deadline for applications is 30 Sept 2013 and the applications can be sent to the association address at info@facg.fi.

13. Top floorball in Otaniemi for free!

Aalto University’s floorball team Otaonnela Floorball, FLOB, offers free admission to men’s II division regular season home games during the season 2013-2014. Games take place on the weekends in Otahalli and there is certainly no lack of interesting opponents. The team will encounter the major teams of the metropolitan area,  Jokerit and HIFK, as well as local opponents Indians and GrIFK.

The last time FLOB played in men’s II division was eight years ago, so the long anticipated comeback of the technology student team is happening at last. The season opener game is played against the local indian group at 2.30pm on Sunday, 29 Sept. You can watch entertaining top floorball throughout the season in a total of eleven home games. Come to the hall and cheer FLOB to victory!

Further information and game schedule is available at http://flob.ayy.fi. Like us on Facebook.

14. Trip’s sailing demonstrations

Are you interested in sailing? Would you like to try it out? Participate in the sailing demonstration of Teekkaripurjehtijat sailing club!

If you missed the Campus Expo and have not registered for Trip’s sailing demonstration, it is not too late! Sailing demonstrations are organised in the evenings on Mon-Thu, 23-26 Sept and Mon-Thu, 30 Sept-3 Oct. Demonstrations are free and previous experience is not required. You can sign up until the demonstrations are fully booked.

Registration form and further information are available here.

15. AIESEC Aalto is recruiting new members

International atmosphere, leadership development & volunteer/work abroad opportunities. Interested? AIESEC Aalto is recruiting new members. DL for applications is 26 September. Read more about AIESEC here.

How joining AIESEC brings new experience to your life: http://aiesec.fi/hy-your-aiesec-experience

Come and meet us:

  • What: AIESEC info evening
  • Where: KY Building, sauna room.
  • When: 4.30pm, 25 September.

Also don’t forget to join us by filling out the application

AIESEC member selection:

  • What: AIESEC group interview
  • Where: KY Building
  • When: 4pm-6pm, or 6pm-8pm on 27 September
  • Welcome event and cottage trip: 5 October. Stay tuned for more information about this amazing trip!

Ask anything from aiesec.aalto@gmail.com.

16. Call for study abroad and internship applications – Asia exchange

  • Universiti Putra Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia *NEW*
  • University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  • Guangzhou University (Guangzhou, China)
  • Kasetsart University (Bangkok, Thailand)
  • Prince of Songkla University (Phuket, Thailand)
  • Siam University (Bangkok, Thailand)
  • Udayana University (Bali, Indonesia)

Asia Exchange’s study abroad and internship opportunities are for freemover students. The language of instruction is English. Application is done via Asia Exchange at www.asiaexchange.org

Application deadlines:

  • Spring 2014: Sept 30 / Oct 31, 2013
  • Autumn 2014: May 31, 2014

Internships: Asia Exchange offers internships in China and Indonesia. There are hundreds of places available for students from different fields of study. Learn more at www.asiaexchange.org

17. Roundtable: Trade relations and cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world

The Aalto University Language Centre is honoured to host a roundtable where H.E. Mrs. María Jesús Figa López-Palop, Ambassador of Spain, H.E. Mr. Eduardo Pablo Tapia Riepel, Ambassador of Chile, and Minister Mr. Marco Antonio Loustaunau Caballero from the Embassy of the United Mexican States discuss trade relations with Finland and some cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world. The event will take place in the auditorium of the Engineering Physics Building (Otakaari 3, F239) on the Otaniemi campus on Friday, 27 September 2013 at 12noon–2.30pm. The roundtable will be held in Spanish. All the students and staff members of Aalto University are warmly welcome to the event.

18. Registration for Montaasi’s legendary narrow-film course is open

In the legendary film-making course of Montaasi during the weekend between 4-6 Oct, we go through the basics of script writing, visual narration, lighting and filming, as well as shoot short films in groups to 8 mm colour film. The course thus provides a unique opportunity to make a film to narrow-film which becomes rarer each year.

Films are sent to the laboratory to be developed, after which they are edited in Montaasi’s film cutting room at times agreed upon by the groups. Cutting is carried out with the so-called classical method, by cutting and taping.

Fifteen people may attend the course and the price is EUR 20 for Montaasi members. If you are not a member yet, you can pay the membership fee of EUR 10 in connection with the course fee. You can become a member at montaasi.ayy.fi. More information and registrations via e-mail: montaasi(at)list.ayy.fi