Weekly Newsletter 40/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 40/2013

This week is Aalto’s well-being week. See the programme at voihyvin.ayy.fi

Next week, it is the time for the development cooperation week. Further information on the development cooperation week programme is available on Mosaic’s facebook site.

  • This and next week’s events
  • 323 candidates in AYY’s Representative Council elections
  • Application period for AYY’s exchange scholarships on 1 Oct-31 Oct
  • Bachelor of the spring of 2013 – respond to the bachelor feedback survey!
  • This week: Voi hyvin Aallossa week (well-being week)
  • Student Union’s Central Office moves to the facilities of Otaniemi Service Point
  • AYY Development Cooperation Week 7–10 Oct 2013
  • Innolla opiskelukykyä! seminar on 21 Oct. Registration is open now!
  • Teekkari Village cleaning party and junk bicycle marking at 3pm on 10 Oct
  • Nominate honorary Teekkari H.C. titles and user rights for the teekkari cap
  • Teekkari tradition party 2013
  • Apply now for Aaltonaut by sending your motivation letter by 13 October!
  • Scholarships available for Aalto students and teachers (DL 15 Oct 2013)
  • Otaniemi-goer – tell us what you think and win a Jopo bike!
  • Art of Living life skills group
  • Humans vs zombies in Otaniemi on 9-13 Oct
  • Chamber Choir Dissonanssi is looking for new singers
  • Retuperän WBK’s 80th anniversary concerts on 9 Nov

1. This and next week’s events



2. 323 candidates in AYY’s Representative Council elections

This year, there are 323 candidates in the elections of Aalto University Student Union. Four electoral alliances participate in the elections, which include a total of 16 electoral coalitions. AYY’s Representative Council elections will be organised for the third time between 23 Oct–6 Nov 2013. In the elections, the Representative Council of 45 members is elected for the next two-year term. The Representative Council is the highest decision-making body in the student union. Candidate lists in their entirety are available at ayy.fi/vaalit/ehdokkaat

AYY’s Representative Council elections will be organised on 5–6 Nov 2013 and you can vote in advance between Wed, 23 Oct–Sun, 3 Nov. Further information on the operations of the Representative Council is available at inside.ayy.fi.

3. Application period for AYY exchange scholarships on 1 Oct–31 Oct

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2013 are as follows: Exchange scholarship max. €800, Community scholarship approx. €500, Study scholarship approx. €500.

In the autumn of 2013, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2013– 11.59pm, 31 Oct. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Scholarship application form can be found here.

Further Information: Board Member Tuisku Suomala (tuisku.suomala(at)ayy.fi)

4. Bachelor of the spring of 2013 – respond to the bachelor feedback survey!

All Aalto University students who have completed their Bachelor’s degree in the spring of 2013 have received an e-mail request to respond to the feedback survey in the message. AYY and Aalto University wish that everyone who has received the survey will respond to it. If you have graduated as a bachelor last spring, you are included and have time to participate between this Monday, 30 Sept and 18 Oct.

In addition to course feedback, this feedback from Bachelors is a way to tell the University how it has succeeded in its teaching responsibility. The same survey is conducted in all other universities. From the year 2015 onwards, the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM) will also allocate EUR 50 million for universities from their core funding based on students’ satisfaction. This satisfaction is measured with this survey. One section of the survey also provides counter feedback, when the respondent can directly see how his/her answers are placed in relation to students who have previously responded to the survey. YOPALA project of the Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for the feedback survey, which is implemented by the German CHE Consult GmbH specialising in higher education.

The survey was conducted for the first time in the spring of 2013. Based on the results, Aalto University’s bachelors appreciate exchange studies more than the average student and consider international experience very important in terms of their future career. Students at Aalto University also work more during their studies than the average student and the work is more often related to the student’s own field. In addition, the respondents wished for more feedback from teachers.

5. This week: Voi hyvin Aallossa week (well-being week)

Would you like to take it easy for a while in the middle of exhausting studies? Or are you interested in a more exotic sports tryout? In this case, Aalto’s well-being week organised this week (30 Sept–4 Oct) is for you.

The programme of the week includes tryouts, parties, mass events, display stands at universities and other events. The programme for the entire week is gathered on one event website at http://voihyvin.ayy.fi/, check it out and see you there!

Please note that you have to register for some events, so please act quickly (registrations are available through the link above).

6. Student Union’s Central Office moves to the facilities of Otaniemi Service Point

The Student Union’s Central Office will move from Lämpömiehenkuja to Otakaari to the facilities of AYY’s Otaniemi Service Point. The renovation, which began already in the summer, will cause exceptional arrangements and changes in housing and member services during October-November. Member services will move downstairs at the beginning of week 41 (7-13 Oct) and the entrance is located on the side of the shopping centre. Due to this, Otaniemi member service point will be closed on Monday, 7 Oct. At the same time, entrance to the housing office will change temporarily when the lobby upstairs is being renovated. Services are open as usual and there should be no inconvenience caused by the renovation. Permanent removal from Lämpömiehenkuja to Otakaari will be organised by the middle of November.

7. AYY Development Cooperation Week 7–10 Oct 2013


Programme for the week:

Mon, 7 Oct, 6pm, World Dinner of Development Cooperation Week and Mosaic, Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4
Further information on facebook.

Thu, 10 Oct, 7pm, International Sitsit, (Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4)
Further information on facebook. 

Further information on Development Cooperation Week on Mosaic’s facebook page and at kehitysyhteistyo.syl.fi/kehyviikko

8. Innolla opiskelukykyä! seminar on 21 Oct. Registration is now open!

A sub-project Kyky of Campus Conexus II project is now approaching its finale. On Monday, 21 Oct 2013, we will organise Innolla opiskelukykyä! seminar at Dipoli in Otaniemi, which addresses study ability and celebrates the achievements of the three-year Kyky project. In addition, the latest student barometre of Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus will be published. The target group of the seminar includes university and student union operators, such as professionals in academic affairs, counselling and teaching. Operators in various organisations and central government are also welcome.

Sign up for the seminar here.

When you sign up, please select the session in which you would like to participate; more detailed descriptions are available through the link above. Registration will end when positions are filled or on 7 Oct at the latest. The seminar is free of charge with the exception of lunch.

Further information: Producer Liisa Lähteenaho, tel. 040 764 7276, firstname.surname@syl.fi

9. Teekkari Village cleaning party and junk bicycle marking at 3pm on 10 Oct

1. Let’s make Otaniemi clean and fresh again at 3pm on 10 Oct. Join the work party with your friend and gather the autumn trash from our living surroundings! The Village Senate provides the cleaning equipment. Freshmen and exchange students can earn work points to their freshmen cards. Sauna will be warm for the participants in Rantasauna at 7pm where also food and drinks will be served!

We start the cleaning party tomorrow at 3pm in front of Smökki where you will get all the needed equipment.

2. All the junk bicycles hanging around in Teekkari Village will be gathered in November. During the cleaning party, all the bikes will be clearly marked and you should take the mark away from your own bike before 1 Nov. After that date all the bicycles that still carry the mark will be gathered together and after a certain period of time (3 months), they will be given away/disposed.

Join the event on facebook.

10. Nominate honorary Teekkari H.C. titles and user permissions for the teekkari cap

In connection with Teekkarius 141 celebration on 8 Nov, you have the opportunity to nominate honorary Teekkari H.C. titles and user permissions for the teekkari cap. Both are traditions from TKY’s era and today they are acknowledgments arranged by Guild of the Round Tower (PTK) and Teekkari Section. Teekkari h.c. titles and user permissions for the teekkari cap have been granted to persons who have worked long-term and successfully in favour of students. More detailed descriptions on the acknowledgments and the recipients are available at http://ptk.ayy.fi/ .

The deadline for nominations is Sun, 20 Oct 2013 at 11.59pm and nominations are submitted electronically to PTK’s recorder to the address ptk-kirjuri@list.ayy.fi. You can also get answers to your questions at the same address.

Nominations (max. one A4) should include at least the following:

  • Who?
  • User permission for the teekkari cap or Teekkari h.c.?
  • In which position the nominee acts /has acted?
  • Grounds?

11. Teekkari tradition party 2013

Aalto University Student Union’s Teekkari Section has the honour to invite all technology students and their friends to celebrate the teekkari tradition party on Friday, 8 Nov 2013.

The party will be celebrated from 6pm onwards at Hotel Haaga in the Eastern harbour city.

The traditional herring breakfast will be served at Servin Mökki on Saturday, 9 Nov, starting at 12noon. The price of the dinner card for students is EUR 85 and the price for graduates is EUR 105.

The price of herring breakfast is EUR 12.

Registrations by 24 Oct to teekkariperinnejuhla.ayy.fi

12. Apply now for Aaltonaut by sending your motivation letter by 13 October!

Apply now for Aaltonaut by sending your motivation letter to aaltonaut@aalto.fi by 13 October!

Would you like to challenge yourself in interdisciplinary teamwork as well as combine theory and practice in problem-based learning? Do you wonder where all the interdisciplinary activities and new innovations are in Aalto? Are you interested in product development?

Aaltonaut is Aalto University’s new Bachelor’s Minor Programme, which is built on interdisciplinary product development, entrepreneurial mindset and problem-based learning. Aaltonaut consists of five courses, integrated language and communication studies in English, and academic mentoring. In addition, Aaltonaut offers possibilities for internships, exchange studies, and an interdisciplinary Bachelor’s thesis seminar. The programme is mainly held in English.

30 first and second year students will be selected to pioneer the Aaltonaut programme. The selection is based on a motivation letter and performance at Bootcamp (26– 27 October). For more information on the application and selection, please see  http://aaltonaut.fi/applying/.

Interested? Check out our website or Facebook: facebook.com/aaltonaut

For more information, please contact: aaltonaut@aalto.fi

13. Scholarships available for Aalto’s students and teachers (DL 15 Oct 2013)

Scholarships allocated from the profit of the funds of the School of Electrical Engineering are available for application. Further information can be found here.

Scholarships from the student fund and Julius Tallberg’s fund are allocated to Aalto’s engineering students, scholarships from Ernst Wirtzen’s fund, Kansallis-Osake-Pankki fund and Strömberg Ltd’s fund are allocated to Aalto’s teachers.

14. Otaniemi-goer – tell us what you think and win a Jopo bike!

How, why and when do you visit the campus? Would you like to see more bins at Otaniemi? Or do we need more bike racks? Aalto University Properties invites you to respond to our survey, which is designed to find out more about how people access the Otaniemi campus area and to discover your opinions on outdoor facilities.

You can complete the survey at ayk.asiatkartalle.fi. The survey is open until 25 October*.*

It will only take about 10 minutes of your time to respond to this map-based questionnaire and all respondents will be entered into a draw to win a JOPO bike (value EUR 369). The winner will be announced in October.

A summary of the findings will be published at www.aaltonet.fi later in the autumn. The survey results will be used in the planning and development of the Otaniemi campus area as well as for research purposes at Aalto University. “In future, we want to establish ourselves as a biker and pedestrian-friendly campus. What we want to see is an area that invites interaction with users and is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. That is why we want to hear from the people who actually use this area,” explains Aalto University Properties CEO Kari Kontturi.

The survey will be carried out by Mapita Oy, whose map-based service is used to collect the survey data. All responses will treated as confidential and respondents’ personal details will remain separate from their responses at all times.

We value your opinion – help us shape the future of the campus!

15. Art of Living life skills group

Art of Living life skills group will convene on Thursdays, 31 Oct-5 Dec, 4pm-6pm at Otaniemi Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5 c). In a pleasant atmosphere, we immerse in various sections of life through functional means. Topics include time management, self-esteem, relationships and spiritual issues. 12 participants may participate in the group. Further information and registrations to Aalto Chaplains minna.tuominen@evl.fi (050 5965417) or jenny.vainio@evl.fi (050 3652256)

16. Humans vs zombies in Otaniemi on 9-13 Oct 

A zombie virus has escaped from secret laboratories in Otaniemi! Humans have to join the resistance or the future is lost!

Supported by TTE-Fund, the Guild of Physics will organise Humans vs Zombies game in Otaniemi in the second week of October. The event is open to everyone, free for participants, and it provides excitement and stimulus both for the body and the mind. Join the battle, get to know new people and take part in the greatest activity of the autumn! Further information and registrations here.

17. Chamber Choir Dissonanssi is looking for new singers

Would you like to sing in other places than just parties? Have you been afraid to apply for choirs because of auditions? Would you like to sing in a choir which has rehearsals only once a week? Chamber Choir Dissonanssi sings with a laid-back attitude and rehearses on Tuesday nights between 5.30pm-8pm. Our little mixed choir is easily approachable and you do not have to be afraid of difficult auditions. We only require a little bit of experience in choral singing or otherwise relatively clean singing skills. If you are interested in joining our choir, please contact our Artistic Director Yki Kortesniemi (yki.kortesniemi(at)gmail.com) You can also find us on Facebook.

18. Retuperän WBK’s 80th anniversary concerts on 9 Nov

Retuperän WBK celebrates its 80-year-old journey as number one in the genre of newer French horn music. The world’s best teekkari fire brigade orchestra has two concerts in the mecca of the Finnish art music, Helsinki Music Centre, on Saturday, 9 Nov, at 12noon and 4pm. The soloist in the concert starting at 12noon is piano artist Jukka Nykänen and horn maestro Jörgen Kakkuaapeli is the soloist in the concert starting at 4pm.

Ticket sales for the concert starting at 12noon will open at 1.32am on 1 Oct and tickets are sold at  www.lippu.fi.

NB! The concert starting at 4pm is sold out.

Further information: www.rwbk.fi and on facebook