Weekly Newsletter 41/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 41/2013

All AYY’s members may vote in AYY’s Representative Council elections. The right to vote, that is AYY’s membership, in the elections of the autumn 2013, will be reviewed this week on Friday, 11 Oct. If you want to vote in the autumn elections, you must register for attendance and pay the Student Union’s membership fee no later than Thursday, 10 Oct 2013.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Application period for AYY’s exchange scholarships on 1 Oct-31 Oct
  3. District court hearing of property dispute between AYY and KY Foundation to begin in February 2014
  4. Student Union’s Central Office moves to the facilities of Otaniemi Service Point
  5. AYY is looking for persons in non-military service
  6. Bachelor of the spring of 2013 – respond to the bachelor feedback survey!
  7. AYY Development Cooperation Week 7–10 Oct 2013
  8. Teekkari Village cleaning party and junk bicycle marking at 3pm on 10 Oct
  9. Teekkari tradition party 2013
  10. Application now open for Startup Life Internships in Silicon Valley
  11. “The Art of Change” seminar at 6pm on Wed, 9 Oct
  12. KYN & RudiRok Sound Fusion at Apollo on 19 Nov – special priced tickets for Aalto students until 13 Oct
  13. Available places in students’ quiet retreat
  14. What are the services you would like to have in Otaniemi?

1. This and next week’s events



2. Application period for AYY exchange scholarships on 1 Oct-31 Oct

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2013 are as follows: Exchange scholarship max. €800, Community scholarship approx. €500, Study scholarship approx. €500.

In the autumn of 2013, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2013– 11.59pm, 31 Oct. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Scholarship application form can be found here.

Further Information: Board Member Tuisku Suomala (tuisku.suomala(at)ayy.fi)

3. District court hearing of property dispute between AYY and KY Foundation to begin in February 2014

The preliminary hearing of the property dispute between AYY and KY Foundation began in the district court on Monday, 7 Oct 2013. The preliminary hearing decided that the main hearing will take place in February 2014.

The property dispute between AYY and KY Foundation began in 2010, when the student unions of the School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Art and Design merged into Aalto University Student Union. In connection with the merger, it became clear that the Student Union of the School of Economics transferred over EUR 42 million of its property to KY Foundation it had established out of reach of the new student union.

”The dispute is clarified in the district court, because the funds transferred to the foundation by KY should be controlled by the changing Aalto community and students themselves. It is possible to build Aalto community to a sustainable, stable and solid ground only if the construction begins with a clean slate, and now we are cleaning this slate”, says Chair of AYY Board Piia Kuosmanen.

Further information on the property dispute is available at ayy.fi/omaisuuskiista (unfortunately at the moment mainly in Finnish. Translation coming later) and facebook.com/omaisuuskiista

4. Student Union’s Central Office moves to the facilities of Otaniemi Service Point

The Student Union’s Central Office will move from Lämpömiehenkuja to Otakaari to the facilities of AYY’s Otaniemi Service Point. The renovation, which began already in the summer, will cause exceptional arrangements and changes in housing and member services during October-November. Member services will move downstairs at the beginning of week 41 (7-13 Oct) and the entrance is located on the side of the shopping centre. Due to this, Otaniemi member service point will be closed on Monday, 7 Oct. At the same time, entrance to the housing office will change temporarily when the lobby upstairs is being renovated. Services are open as usual and there should be no inconvenience caused by the renovation. Permanent removal from Lämpömiehenkuja to Otakaari will be organised by the middle of November.

5. AYY is looking for persons in non-military service 

AYY is looking for persons in non-military service for the duties of the property assistant and IT support person. Detailed information on the job descriptions is available on AYY’s website.

The IT support person can take up the duties immediately. The duties of the property assistant will begin on 21 Oct 2013.

For further information on the position, please contact AYY’s Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi (paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi / 050 520 9415).

6. Bachelor of the spring of 2013 – please respond to the bachelor feedback survey!

All Aalto University students who have completed their Bachelor’s degree in the spring of 2013 have received an e-mail request to respond to the feedback survey in the message. AYY and Aalto University wish that everyone who has received the survey will respond to it. If you have graduated as a bachelor last spring, you are included and have time to participate between this Monday, 30 Sept and 18 Oct.

In addition to course feedback, this feedback from Bachelors is a way to tell the University how it has succeeded in its teaching responsibility. The same survey is conducted in all other universities. From the year 2015 onwards, the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM) will also allocate EUR 50 million for universities from their core funding based on students’ satisfaction. This satisfaction is measured with this survey. One section of the survey also provides counter feedback, when the respondent can directly see how his/her answers are placed in relation to students who have previously responded to the survey. YOPALA project of the Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for the feedback survey, which is implemented by the German CHE Consult GmbH specialising in higher education.

The survey was conducted for the first time in the spring of 2013. Based on the results, Aalto University’s bachelors appreciate exchange studies more than the average student and consider international experience very important in terms of their future career. Students at Aalto University also work more during their studies than the average student and the work is more often related to the student’s own field. In addition, the respondents wished for more feedback from teachers.

7. AYY Development Cooperation Week 7–10 Oct 2013


Programme for the week:

Mon, 7 Oct, 6pm, World Dinner of Development Cooperation Week and Mosaic, Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4.  Further information on facebook.

Thu, 10 Oct, 7pm, International Sitsit, (Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4). Further information on facebook.

Further information on Development Cooperation Week on Mosaic’s facebook page and at kehitysyhteistyo.syl.fi/kehyviikko

8. Teekkari Village cleaning party and junk bicycle marking at 3pm on 10 Oct

1. Let’s make Otaniemi clean and fresh again at 3pm on 10 Oct. Join the work party with your friends and gather the autumn trash from our living surroundings! The Village Senate provides the cleaning equipment. Freshmen and exchange students can earn work points to their freshmen cards. Sauna will be warm for the participants in Rantasauna at 7pm where food and drinks will also be served!

We start the cleaning party tomorrow at 3pm in front of Smökki where you will get all the needed equipment.

2. All the junk bicycles hanging around in Teekkari Village will be gathered in November. During the cleaning party, all the bikes will be clearly marked and you should take the mark away from your own bike before 1 Nov. After that date all the bicycles that still carry the mark will be gathered together and after certain period of time (3 months), they will be given away/disposed.

Join the event on facebook.

9. Teekkari tradition party 2013

Aalto University Student Union’s Teekkari Section has the honour to invite all technology students and their friends to celebrate the teekkari tradition party on Friday, 8 Nov 2013.

The party will be celebrated from 6pm onwards at Hotel Haaga in the Eastern harbour city.The traditional herring breakfast will be served at Servin Mökki on Saturday, 9 Nov, starting at 12noon.

The price of the dinner card for students is EUR 85 and the price for graduates is EUR 105. The price of herring breakfast is EUR 12.

Registrations by 24 Oct to teekkariperinnejuhla.ayy.fi

10. Application now open for Startup Life Internships in Silicon Valley

Would you like to have the opportunity to work at an exciting startup in an entrepreneurial hotspot of the world? To work with amazing entrepreneurs and make connections that will last a lifetime? This is your chance, as the application for the Startup Life internship program is now open!

Here at Startup Life we gather the best talents in engineering, design, and business, and connect them with the most interesting startups in Silicon Valley and New York. The application process is convenient and hassle-free.

Submit your application and find more information at startuplife.fi Join us and learn more about the opportunities at our info event at 6pm on 10 October held at the Startup Sauna co-working space in Otaniemi.

11. “The Art of Change” seminar at 6pm on Wed, 9 Oct

Welcome to the seminar “the Art of Change” provided by International Week Helsinki. The seminar’s panel discussion is hosted by Professor Janne Tienari who works in the Department of Management and International Business at Aalto University.

The seminar will take place at KY-building, 3th floor, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21B, on Wednesday 9 Oct at 6pm. Please be there on time! During the evening we will provide you with some snacks and drinks. After the panel discussion feel free to talk and mingle with the partner representatives. The event will be held in English and it is open for all students at Aalto.

12. KYN & RudiRok Sound Fusion at Apollo on 19 Nov – special priced tickets for Aalto students until 13 Oct 

Choir singing + beatbox + voice acrobatics + stand up

Come to hear and experience an unforeseen show at Apollo Live Club when the Academic Female Choir KYN and Finland’s most virtuoso voice acrobat Rudirok will take over the stage! We guarantee immersive music, rhythms, sound miracles, laughter and good times! The concert will begin at 8pm and the doors to Apollo open at 7pm.

Advance tickets (until 13 Oct) for Aalto students at a super cheap price of EUR 13. You can buy tickets from AYY’s service points (cash only), the choir members or at the address www.kyn.fi.

Other advance tickets cost €18 (Aalto’s employees, alumni, the members of Helsingin Ekonomit and students outside Aalto) and €23.

From 14 Oct onwards, tickets for Aalto students cost €15, for discount groups €20 and for others €25.

Advance ticket sales in the lobby of the School of Business on 8 and 10 Oct, 11.30am-12.15noon

13. Available places in students’ quiet retreat

Due to cancellations, there are still a few places available in the retreat held at Hila Camping Centre in Kirkkonummi on 11-13 Oct 2013. Immediate registrations to yst.toimisto.espoo@evl.fi or by phone Niina Heinonen 09 8050 2359. Inquiries: University Chaplain Jyri Hakala, tel. 09 8050 22374.

14. What are the services you would like to have in Otaniemi?

There are plans to set up new premises for retail stores in connection with the future Otaniemi metro station. To ensure that the services will address the needs of the consumers in the campus area as well as possible, Aalto University Properties Ltd would like to know the types of services you would like to see in the area.

Among the respondents, we will raffle an iPad Mini 16Gb (EUR 459.90) in November. The winner will be notified in person.

The market potential survey is intended for residents, students and employees in the Otaniemi area. All responses are important and we hope that you will actively participate in the research! Please respond by 15 Oct 2013.

You can respond to the survey through this link.