Weekly Newsletter 43/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 43/2013

Advance voting in the Representative Council elections will begin on Wednesday, 23 Oct. You can find a suitable candidate for yourself with the help of the candidate matcher, for example, at the address edustajistovaalit.fi.

Also remember that you can apply for the exchange scholarship during the autumn round of applications until the end of the month. Further information is available at ayy.fi/stipendit

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Candidate matcher of the Representative Council elections is open – advance voting to begin on 23 Oct
  3. AYY’s Piia Kuosmanen is a candidate for the position of SYL’s chairperson for the year 2014
  4. Polin Appro 2013 Pub Crawl
  5. Introductory course to Mixed Martial Arts in Otaniemi
  6. Smart Services fair on campuses in October, 29-31 Oct 2013
  7. Finland Youth to Business Forum
  8. Study abroad with Brittingham Viking Organization’s (BVO) scholarship for 2014-2015

1. This and next week’s events



2. Candidate matcher of the Representative Council elections is open – advance voting begins on 23 Oct

AYY’s third Representative Council elections will be organised on 5-6 Nov 2013. You can find yourself a suitable candidate with the help of a candidate matcher, for example. The candidate matcher is available at edustajistovaalit.fi. The posters of electoral alliances are on display in the lobby of Otakaari 1 and the lobby of Sähkötalo (Otakaari 7) in Otaniemi, at Rafla in Töölö and the main entrance of Arabia. Posters are also on display on Mikkeli and Pori campuses.

Entitled to vote are all AYY’s members who have paid the Student Union’s membership fee by Friday, 11 Oct 2013.

Voting takes place through the electronic voting system in advance on Wed, 23 Oct, 00:01am–Sun, 3 Nov, 11.59pm or on the actual voting dates on Tue, 5 Nov, 00:01am–Wed, 6 Nov 2013, 6pm. The electoral system can be found at: http://vaalit.ayy.fi

Authentication in the electronic electoral system is done using Aalto University’s username and password. If your Aalto user name does not work for some reason, please contact the University’s IT Service Desk by email at servicedesk@aalto.fi, or by phone +358 50 513 2000.

Vote for your favourite candidate to represent your issues!

Candidate lists and further information on the elections is available at ayy.fi/vaalit.

3. AYY’s Piia Kuosmanen is a candidate for the position of SYL’s chairperson for the year 2014

Piia Kuosmanen is a candidate for the position of SYL’s chairperson for the year 2014. In her current position as the chairperson of AYY Board, she has led the daily operations of the Student Union. Previously, Piia has acted in her guild, as a student representative in administration and as the 1st Vice Chairperson in AYY’s Representative Council. She also had a key role in the introduction of POP – For Better Learning – project at Aalto.

The chairperson and the Board of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) lead one of the largest organisations in Finland. SYL represents and supervises the interests of approximately 135,000 university students in various negotiations and working groups, and actively contributes to national and international decision making through personal meetings, as well as public speeches and activities.

You can follow Piia’s campaign on facebook at facebook.com/piia2014

4. Polin Appro 2013 Pub Crawl

The road from Polysteekki towards the nightlife of Helsinki is anything but straight when the bar adventure begins again at Polin Appro. Finland’s largest legendary pub crawl, led by technology students, gathers together all students and student-minded people from around the globe. Come and wobble through the heart of Helsinki, skip your work, sip beer and dance along to Teflon Brothers and DJ Rony Rex at the after party at The Circus.


  • Wednesday, 6 Nov
  • Takeoffs at 4pm-7pm @ LeBonk (Yrjönkatu 24, Helsinki)
  • Afterparty starts at The Circus (Salomonkatu 1, Helsinki) at 9pm
  • Appro tickets EUR 10 (Tickets from tiketti.fi EUR 12), after party only EUR 6, Tickets do not include cloakroom service (EUR 2.50)

After party programme:

  • 00:15am DJ RONY REX

Degree levels:

  • CAN – 7 markings from different pubs
  • SIX PACK – 11 markings
  • SAUSAGE DOG (Finnish idiom for a set of 12 beer bottles) – 15 markings

Ticket sales will start on 21 October on Aalto University and the University of Helsinki campuses. The age limit is 18 years. Further information and ticket sales: www.polinappro.fi

Facebook event.

The event is arranged by IE ’13

5. Introductory course to Mixed Martial Arts in Otaniemi

An intensive introductory Mixed Martial Arts course by Otaniemi Fight Club will begin in November! Both experienced and inexperienced fighters and both women and men are welcome for the course.

Read more and register here.

The course has a Facebook event at http://on.fb.me/19Lhi9p

6. Smart Services fair on campuses in October, 29-31 October 2013

Come and listen, ask questions and discuss what kind of services you need!

  • Otaniemi: Tuesday, 29 October, 10am-2pm, Main Building hall
  • Töölö: Wednesday, 30 October, 10am-2pm, Main Building hall
  • Arabia: Thursday, 31 October, 10am-2pm, in front of Sampo Hall


  • IT Services
  • Alumni relations
  • Archive and registry services
  • Unigrafia
  • Aalto ARTS Books
  • Campus and facility services
  • International relations
  • Library and information services
  • Strategic Support for Research and Education, TOST
  • Research support services
  • Career services for students
  • Communications, Marketing and Events
  • Corporate relations

On IT stands: laptop clinic, Aalto workstations and telephones, IT Service Desk, wlan, software and licenses, Email and calendar, Printing, Password Change, AV services.


7. Finland Youth to Business Forum

AIESEC, is organizing Youth to Business Forum again! Everyone who is interested in creating sustainable solutions on behalf of better future is welcome! Sign up is required.

In Youth to Business Forum we look for solutions and new innovative strategies. As themes we have corporate social responsibility, service design thinking and entrepreneurial leadership. We give answers to question of what is y-generations role and how y-generation can create a better future for Finnish companies.

Event gathers students and recently graduated under same roof with international companies and society’s responsible people. Come and learn about Finland’s company life’s future ways and learn from gurus of professional fields. Hear the opinions and visions about challenges in the future and grasp the chance to be heard along them.

Finland Youth to Business Forum is organized 1st of November 2013 starting from 9.00 in Aalto university’s Töölö Campus (Runeberginkatu 14-16).

Auditorium holds 450 students so be quick and register! This event is free.

Register for Youth to Business Forum here.




8. Study abroad with Brittingham Viking Organization’s (BVO) scholarship for 2014-2015

The Brittingham Viking Organization is currently accepting applications for a full-ride scholarship to study at the University Of Wisconsin-Madison for the academic year 2014-1015. The BVO has provided scholarships for Scandinavian students interested in studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 1953. The Scholarship covers tuition, housing and the transatlantic round trip flight. Deadline for applications 1st of November.

BVO wants to offer you the opportunity to…

  • Study at one of the worlds highest ranked institutions of higher education for one academic year;
  • Choose from over 4,000 classes offered each year – it can, but does not have to be related to what you are doing now;
  • Meet a variety of people from different backgrounds whilst traveling extensively in the United States;
  • Gain experiences and connections that shape your future;
  • Become a lifetime member of an active scholarship alumni organization

More information can be found from http://www.brittinghamvikings.org