Weekly Newsletter 44/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 44/2013

You still have time to apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship during the autumn round of applications until Thursday this week.

Please remember to vote in the Representative Council elections. Advance voting is in progress until Sunday, 3 Nov, at the address vaalit.ayy.fi.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Advance voting of the Representative Council elections to continue until 3 Nov
  3. Still time to apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship during the autumn round of applications
  4. Junk bikes in Teekkari Village are collected on Fri, 1 Nov 2013
  5. Administrative manager is now responsible for AYY’s facility sector
  6. Craft room and living room in the village available for bookings again
  7. Apply for the board of the Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities
  8. AYY’s recruitment night, Tue, 19 Nov
  9. New student print model to be introduced gradually
  10. Retuperän WBK’s 80th anniversary concerts in Helsinki Music Centre on Sat, 9 Nov 2013
  11. Real Aalto Show: Obligatory Swedish
  12. Influenza vaccinations
  13. Tell your opinion on university facilities and win a Jopo or Ipad!
  14. TEK’s halloped info, 31 Oct
  15. Participate in the production of Teekkari Spex 2014 – important dates for the autumn

1. This and next week’s events



2. Advance voting of the Representative Council elections to continue until 3 Nov

Advance voting of AYY’s third Representative Council elections is ongoing until 11.59pm on Sunday, 3 Nov. Actual voting dates are Tuesday, 5 Nov and Wednesday, 6 Nov 2013.

The posters of electoral alliances are on display in the lobby of Otakaari 1 and the lobby of Sähkötalo (Otakaari 7) in Otaniemi, at Rafla in Töölö and the main entrance of Arabia. Posters are also on display on Mikkeli and Pori campuses.

Entitled to vote are all AYY’s members who have paid the Student Union’s membership fee by Friday, 11 Oct 2013.

Voting takes place through the electronic voting system. The electoral system can be found at: http://vaalit.ayy.fi

Authentication in the electronic electoral system is done using Aalto University’s username and password. If your Aalto user name does not work for some reason, please contact the University’s IT Service Desk by email at servicedesk@aalto.fi, or by phone +358 50 513 2000.

Vote for your favourite candidate to represent your issues!

Candidate lists and further information on the elections is available at ayy.fi/vaalit.

3. Still time to apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship during the autumn round of applications

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities. The amounts of the scholarships are based on the profits of funds. AYY has three scholarships and the amounts of those in 2013 are as follows: Exchange scholarship max. €800, Community scholarship approx. €500, Study scholarship approx. €500.

In the autumn of 2013, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2013– 11.59pm, 31 Oct. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Scholarship application form.

Further Information: Board Member Tuisku Suomala (tuisku.suomala(at)ayy.fi)

4. Junk bikes in Teekkari Village are collected on Fri, 1 Nov 2013

Dear residents of Teekkari Village,

this autumn we will carry out junk bike collection, which covers the entire Teekkari Village. All bikes (also the bikes in bike storage and bike sheds) are marked with pink paper bands with the text: ”I will go to the bin on 1 Nov 2013”. All bikes, which still have the paper band on 1 Nov, will be collected so please remove the paper band from your bike immediately. Official releases concerning the matter have been delivered to the notice boards/stairwell doors of all AYY buildings.

The aim is to collect unused junk bikes lying around from blemishing our beautiful living environment and taking space from bike racks. On 1 Nov, bikes with the paper band on will be collected to containers that are located in Otaniemi. After collection, bikes are restored for another three (3) months, in case that someone’s bike is among junk bikes by mistake. All collected bikes are documented and photographed. In this way, also misplaced bikes among junk bikes can be found easily and given back to their owners. After three months, usable bikes will be recycled and the ones rated as useless will be destroyed.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Village Senate: kylasenaatti@list.ayy.fi.

Kind regards, Village Senate ’13

5. Administrative manager is now responsible for AYY’s facility sector

AYY has reorganised duties in such a way that from now on Administrative Manager Johanna Pietiläinen is responsible for the organising of all facility issues. If you have any questions, comments or feedback concerning association facilities or facilities rented on a one-time basis, you can directly contact Johanna (johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi; 050-5209434).

6. Craft room and living room in the village available for bookings again

The craft room of the village at Jämeräntaival 6 and the living room at Jämeräntaival 5 are available for bookings again. From now on, these facilities can be booked by AYY’s members in the same way as the facilities rented on a one-time basis.

Available hours can be checked in the booking calendar of facilities, which is available on AYY’s website, and you can make the reservation by visiting the service point, by phone or by filling out the facility reservation form online.

Both of these facilities are free of charge.

7. Apply for the board of the Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities

The Fund for Promoting Teekkari Activities (TTE-Fund) operates within Aalto University Student Union. The purpose of the fund is to grant scholarships in order to promote the aspirations of AYY and its members and associations, awake and maintain interest in technical, scientific, economic and social issues, as well as cultural activities.

The board of the fund consists of four members appointed by AYY and three members appointed by the Guild of the Round Tower. The board members are elected for two years at a time and the chair is elected from among the persons appointed to the board by AYY. The board is appointed by the Representative Council of the Student Union. The board is responsible for the granting of scholarships based on applications, while managing the fund’s assets is the duty of AYY Board. The board offers its members a unique vantage point to student activities, as the fund’s opportunity to allocate grants is very significant on AYY’s scale.

Based on the resignation section, two positions in the board of the fund will become vacant at the end of the year, and we are looking for smart and versatile persons to fill these positions. Please fill out the application form by 4pm on 30 Oct 2013 and tell us why you should be appointed to the board. The secretary general confirms the reception of the applications after verifying that the attachments are readable. Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a personal view (the maximum of one page) on how the fund could best implement its duty. If you believe that you are suitable for the chairperson’s position, please mention this in your application. The board members are elected directly on the basis of applications.

8. AYY’s recruitment night, Tue, 19 Nov

We Want You!

Do you know what AYY’s volunteers do? Would you like to be a part of our colourful team? Do you have a great idea that you would like to implement? Are you interested?

Come to Otaniemi Rantasauna to laid-back AYY atmosphere at 6pm on Tuesday, 19 Nov. Snacks are provided and you have the opportunity to get to know the participants of the year 2013. Further information on AYY’s volunteer recruitment is available at www.ayy.fi/stop/ and facebook


9. New student print model to be introduced gradually

A new cloud print model will be introduced, which allows the user to print to one queue and retrieve the document from any student printer with card identification. A new model brings resiliency and flexibility. In case of defect or peak hours, the user can retrieve the document from an available device without re-printing at a workstation. The new operation also reduces the amount of misprints.

At the first phase, new devices are available in the following locations in Arabia, Töölö and Maarintalo:

  • Arabia, 5th floor/art lobby, opposite the classroom 5003
  • Arabia/6th floor/classroom 6091
  • Arabia/8th floor/lobby
  • Otaniemi, Maarintalo,1st floor, lobby
  • Töölö, Main Building, C-250
  • Töölö, Main Building, C-332

New devices in the above-mentioned locations have already been introduced. Unigrafia’s service advisors present a new printing model and help with the registration of printing cards on campuses during the Smart Services fair on 29-31 Oct 2013.

Printing cards are sold at Unigrafia’s nearest service points in the centre of Helsinki, Vuorikatu 3, and Maarintalo in Otaniemi at Sähkömiehentie 3. In addition, cards are sold at AYY Service Point in Töölö, Runeberginkatu 14-16.

Further information at Into.

10. Retuperän WBK’s 80th anniversary concerts in Helsinki Music Centre on Saturday, 9 Nov 2013

Retuperän WBK celebrates its 80-year-old journey as number one in the genre of newer French horn music. The world’s best teekkari fire brigade orchestra has two concerts in the mecca of the Finnish art music, Helsinki Music Centre, on Saturday, 9 Nov, at 12noon and 4pm. The soloist in the concert starting at 12noon is piano artist Jukka Nykänen and horn maestro Jörgen Gachuabel is the soloist in the concert staring at 4pm.

NB! The concert starting at 4pm is sold out. Tickets for the concert starting at 12noon are sold through lippu.fi service. Price: 12noon – 50/35/25/15€ (Deluxe/1st class/2nd class/students)

Catering can be ordered in advance at:

  • www.rwbk.fi/viini12
  • www.rwbk.fi/viini16

11. Real Aalto Show: Obligatory Swedish

Real Aalto Show: Obligatory Swedish @ Aalto Design Factory // Participants include Alexander Stubb and Elina Lepomäki!

The Swedish language is guaranteed to be one the topics that people have strong opinions about in Finland. Real Aalto together with Technology Students in the National Coalition Party brings a heated panel to Otaniemi! Participants in the panel discussion include Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade Alexander Stubb, Libera’s Research Manager Elina Lepomäki, Vice Chair in Student Union of National Coalition Party Sofi Weckman and Vice Chair of Technology Students in the National Coalition Party Jyri Tiimonen. The event is organised at The Stage at Aalto Design Factory starting at 4pm on Tuesday, 5 Nov. Free refreshments. Welcome!

12. Influenza vaccinations

Influenza vaccines for medical risk groups have arrived.

If you are entitled for an influenza vaccination, make an appointment for a public health nurse tel. 046 710 1027.

If you need additional information about influenza vaccines or risk groups, call 046 710 1027.

13. Tell your opinion on university facilities and win a Jopo or Ipad!

We need the students’ opinions again, this time on the university’s indoor facilities. Please respond to the survey by 5 Nov at: https://digiumenterprise.com/answer/?sid=1081415&chk=3XCFUPBB

Among all respondents who respond to the survey by the deadline we will raffle a Jopo bicycle and  Apple IPad 16 GB. The raffle will take place on 6 Nov 2013.

Further information at Into

14. TEK’s halloped info on 31 Oct

Welcome to hear about TEK’s student advocacy at Design Factory Studio (Betonimiehenkuja 5C) at 5pm on Thursday, 31 Oct! In the event, former student representatives tell about committees and their operations, after which there is room for discussion. Coffee will be served.

TEK’s Teekkari Committee has opened a call for student representatives for TEK’s committees for the year 2014. You can also apply for the position of the student representative and the vice member in TEK Board, as well as TEK’s representative seat in Akava’s student council. Join the front line of operations in your professional interest and service organisation. As a student representative, you can have effect on the working life that you would like to see in the future.

Each student member of TEK can apply for the position of TEK’s student representative in administration. We are looking for active students who want to have influence as student representatives and to improve the working life and trade union. Student representatives are responsible for acting as a link between all students and bringing up issues and perspectives that are important to young people in committee meetings. As a student representative, your duty is to initiate discussion among other student representatives in administration and report to them about the committee activities. Halloped activities are very independent but, if necessary, there is a wide group of other students to support you. We will offer a short training session for student representatives at the beginning of the year.

Are you interested? Be there!

More information on how to apply

15. Participate in the production of Teekkari Spex 2014 – important dates for the autumn

Are you interested in participating in the production of Teekkari Spex, which is presented to 4,500 people in the spring of 2014?!? Get involved! More information on all events and calls in the event calendar of Teekkari Spex.

Here is the summary of important dates! Application periods / auditions for the stage group (registration instructions through the link above):

  1. Band jamming session (audition for the band) – Tuesday, 29 Oct and Wed, 30 Oct in the band rehearsal room of Pelmu
  2. Castings (audition for actors) – Friday, 15 Nov, 4pm-10pm at Design Factory AND on Monday, 18 Nov, 4pm-10pm in the game room at JMT3
  3. Dance tests (audition for dancers) – Saturday, 16 Nov, at MTT (Multi-purpose facilities, JMT3)

Workshops (Hanging out and having fun informally, does not require any commitment. The event is open to all):

  • Mon, 4 Nov costumes @takkis
  • Tue, 12 Nov make-up @takkis
  • Thu, 21 Nov props @pelitila

All queries relating to the above topics or in general concerning Teekkari Spex can be addressed to yours truly.

Kind regards, Hannu Teittinen, hannu.teittinen@aalto.fi , Teekkari Spex Communications Officer 2013 – 2014