Weekly Newsletter 45/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 45/2013

Please remember to vote in the Representative Council elections. Voting is conducted through the electronic system with Aalto username between Tue, 5 Nov, 00:01am – Wed, 6 Nov, 6pm. The election night party will take place from 7pm onwards at YlĂ€kertsi in KY Building! Welcome!

NB! Please keep your Oodi information up to date and particularly update your e-mail address to the one that you will certainly read. Contacts from the student union, such as matters related to facility reservations or the arrival of your student card, are usually submitted via email and Oodi is the source of the email address. Happy November to everyone!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s third Representative Council elections will culminate on Tue, 5 Nov and Wed, 6 Nov 2013 – please remember to vote!
  3. Central office at Otakaari was named – Keto is the home of AYY members!
  4. AYY’s administrative regulation for the halls of residence was revised
  5. Pricing of summer weekends for Servin mökki has changed
  6. AYY’s Recruitment Night on Tue, 19 Nov
  7. AYY’s and KY’s Representative Council election night party at KY Building at 7pm, Wed, 6 Nov
  8. Thousands of students have created Citizen’s accounts – should you do, too?
  9. News from Aalto Career Services
  10. Tell your opinion on the university facilities and win a Jopo or Ipad!
  11. ADS Presents: Debating 101 workshop series
  12. Mayor Pajunen challenges you to develop the city: Do you have a five million dollar idea?
  13. RetuperĂ€n WBK’s concerts in Helsinki Music Centre on Saturday, 9 Nov 2013 – ticket sales extended to Otaniemi Campus
  14. Join Startup Weekend Helsinki and go from idea to launch in 54 hours!
  15. Music Hack Day Helsinki on 15-17 Nov @Startup Sauna

1. This and next week’s events



2. AYY’s third Representative Council elections will culminate on Tue, 5 Nov and Wed, 6 Nov 2013 – please remember to vote!

AYY’s third Representative Council elections will culminate on the actual voting dates on Tue, 5 Nov and Wed, 6 Nov 2013. The posters of electoral alliances are on display in the lobby of Otakaari 1 and the lobby of SĂ€hkötalo (Otakaari 7) in Otaniemi, at Rafla in Töölö and the main entrance of Arabia. Posters are also on display on Mikkeli and Pori campuses. Candidate lists are also available at ayy.fi/vaalit.

Entitled to vote are all AYY’s members who have paid the Student Union’s membership fee by Friday, 11 Oct 2013.

Voting takes place through the electronic voting system. The electoral system can be found at: http://vaalit.ayy.fi. If you are unable to vote even if you are entitled to vote, please immediately contact the Secretary of the Central Election Committee Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi tai 0505209434).

Authentication in the electronic electoral system is done using Aalto University’s username and password. If your Aalto user name does not work for some reason, please contact the University’s IT Service Desk by email at servicedesk@aalto.fi, or by phone +358 50 513 2000.

Preliminary election results will be published on Wednesday, 6 Nov. You can wait for the results in AYY’s and KY’s election night party at YlĂ€kertsi in KY Building (Pohjoinen rautatiekatu 21b) from 7pm onwards. The event on facebook.

Please vote and have influence!

Candidate lists and further information on the elections are available at ayy.fi/vaalit.

3. Central office at Otakaari is named – Keto is the home of AYY members!

The central office will move from LĂ€mpömiehenkuja to Otakaari 11 during October and November. Currently, the central office at LĂ€mpömiehenkuja is called LĂ€mppĂ€ri and Otakaari Service Point is called Otaniemi Service Point. Along with the removal, we wanted a new name for the entire facilities at Otakaari. The best suggestion was Lauri Lavanti’s proposal Keto. The abbreviation of the central office (keskustoimisto) is dry and concise enough, but you can still make jokes about it.

The new name is used in the design of visual looks and communications.

4. AYY’s administrative regulation for the halls of residence was revised 

AYY’s administrative regulation for the halls of residence was revised in cooperation with resident operators. Preparatory work that began in June was completed on 10 Oct 2013 when the Student Union’s Representative Council approved the new regulation for the halls of residence.

5. Pricing of summer weekends for Servin mökki has changed

AYY Board decided at its meeting 42/2013 to change the pricing of Servin mökki (Smökki), so that the summer weekends (Fri-Sun) between 1 June-31 Aug will be rented with the following prices in the future:

AYY members €900 / day, non-members €1,200 / day. The prices of other additional costs, such as the kitchen rent and the night use remain the same as before.

Associations in AYY’s association register will no longer have the right to make advance reservations for the summer weekends and the weekends for the following summer can be booked by anyone annually from 1 Sept onwards.

For further information, please contact Vice Chairperson of the Board Jori JÀmsÀ (jori.jamsa@ayy.fi or 050 520 9426) or Administrative Director Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi or 050 520 9434).

6.  AYY’s recruitment night, Tue, 19 Nov

We Want You! Do you know what AYY’s volunteers do? Would you like to be a part of our colourful team? Do you have a great idea that you would like to implement? Are you interested?

Come to Otaniemi Rantasauna to laid-back AYY atmosphere at 6pm on Tuesday, 19 Nov. Snacks are provided and you have the opportunity to get to know the participants of the year 2013. Further information on AYY’s volunteer recruitment is available at www.ayy.fi/stop/ and facebook

7. AYY’s and KY’s Representative Council election night party at KY Building at 7pm on Wed, 6 Nov

AYY and KY invite everyone to wait for the results of the Representative Council elections! The traditional election night party is organised at YlÀkertsi at KY Building at 7pm on Wednesday, 6 Nov. There is double the amount of excitement when the Representative Council election results of both AYY and KY will be published in the same event. We provide snacks and drinks, music and way too much political analysis.

Whether you dress in a jacket, designer glasses or your guild hoodie, you are cordially welcome. After the results, you can continue to Circus where Polin appro is already in full swing.

Event on facebook.

8. Thousands of students have created Citizen’s accounts – should you do, too?

Since September, the FSHS has been using Citizen’s accounts in contacts between students and the FSHS.

More than 10,000 students have already started using Citizen’s accounts. The FSHS invites you to create a personal Citizen’s account online at www.asiointitili.fi

You can give your consent to receive messages related to your care in connection with an appointment or online at yths.fi/ajat. NB. In addition to consenting, you must also create a Citizen’s account before the FSHS can send any messages to your address. So remember to create your Citizen’s account!

Read more at yths.fi/en/citizensaccount

9. News from Aalto Career Services

BIZ and Industrial Engineering students: now it’s time to start preparing for the ARENA Career Fair!

The annual ARENA fair is organized on Wed, 13 November at 9:30-16:00 at the School of Business main building. All the business students at Aalto (including industrial engineering) are welcome to the largest contact fair organized for business students and companies in Finland!

Check out the fair program, descriptions of employer presentations and open positions for speed interviews on Into’s ARENA page.

You can already tune yourself to the fair mood on ARENA Career Fair Facebook page, where ARENA-On-Line fair is already under way!

See you at the fair!

10. Tell your opinion on university facilities and win a Jopo or Ipad!

We need the students’ opinions again, this time on the university’s indoor facilities. Please respond to the survey by 5 Nov at: https://digiumenterprise.com/answer/?sid=1081415&chk=3XCFUPBB

Among all respondents who respond to the survey by the deadline we will raffle a Jopo bicycle and  Apple IPad 16 GB. The raffle will take place on 6 Nov 2013.

Further information at Into

11. ADS Presents: Debating 101 workshop series

Improve your reasoning, learn to argue better. On Wednesday, 6 Nov, 5:45pm, Aalto Debating Society will give you a sneak peak into the theory & practice of argumentation, after which you can immediately learn by doing! Argumentation exercises will follow in teams and/or in pairs. It’s a comfortable setting, so newcomers, please do not hesitate to join! The place to be is room Marskin Kabinetti on the 3rd floor of KY Building (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 b).

Following issues will be addressed, among others:

  • What key issues of argumentation are most relevant to debating practice?
  • What is the difference between a statement and an argument?
  • How do you choose your main points and develop them well?
  • How do you win an argument?

Debating is a great mind game that requires logic, decision-making, quick reactions & improvisation.

Link to thefacebook event for registration

This argumentation workshop is part of the series of workshops. Still coming up are:

  • Wednesday, 13 Nov at 5.45pm: Preparation time
  • Wednesday, 20 Nov at 5.45pm: Judging criteria

12. Mayor Pajunen challenges you to develop the city: Do you have a five million dollar idea?

The city of Helsinki is taking part in The Mayors Challenge, which is an ideas competition for European cities—a chance to win funding for a bold new solution to a major urban challenge. Mayor Jussi Pajunen now challenges you and all other students to come and seek for the best idea. You are welcome to join the Mayors Challenge workshop for students in Helsinki on Thursday, 14 Nov 2013, at 3pm-7pm. The workshop will be mainly conducted in Finnish and will have room for 20 students. Please join our workshop using creative brainstorming methods. You can come alone or as a group. For more information and registration (in Finnish).

13. RetuperĂ€n WBK’s concerts in Helsinki Music Centre on Saturday, 9 Nov 2013 – ticket sales extended to Otaniemi Campus

RetuperĂ€n WBK celebrates its 80-year-old journey as number one in the genre of newer French horn music. The world’s best teekkari fire brigade orchestra has two concerts in the mecca of the Finnish art music, Helsinki Music Centre, on Saturday, 9 Nov, at 12noon and 4pm. The soloist in the concert starting at 12noon is piano artist Jukka NykĂ€nen and horn maestro Jörgen Gachuabel is the soloist in the concert staring at 4pm.

NB! The concert starting at 4pm is sold out. Tickets for the concert starting at 12noon are sold through lippu.fi service. In addition, tickets can be purchased from the lobby of TKK’s main building on weekdays between 11am-2pm.

Price: 12noon – €50/35/25/15 (Deluxe/1st class/2nd class/students)

Catering can be ordered in advance at:

  • www.rwbk.fi/viini12
  • www.rwbk.fi/viini16

14. Join Startup Weekend Helsinki and go from idea to launch in 54 hours!

Startup Weekends are 54-hour-events, where developers, researchers, scientists, marketers and other entrepreneurial enthusiasts meet each other to create and develop ideas into business in multidisciplinary teams.

The next event takes place on Viikki campus from 22-24 Nov 2013. It is organized as a joint force between voluntary students and staff from both University of Helsinki and Aalto University. The aim is to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture at the universities, and bring hands-on entrepreneurship closer to the students’ everyday lives.

Startup Weekend is supported by the Kauffman Foundation (one of the world’s largest organizations supporting entrepreneurship), and has been executed hundreds of times around the world.

The target group is in particular the students or alumni from universities and universities of applied sciences in the capital area. However the event welcomes anyone interested in entrepreneurship regardless of their age or background!

Find us on facebook and register through the SW website:

Website and registration http://helsinki.startupweekend.org


Facebook ‘Startup Weekend Helsinki’

15. Music Hack Day Helsinki on 15-17 Nov @Startup Sauna

The first ever Music Hack Day is finally here in Helsinki! – brought to you by Aaltoes, the largest and most active student-run entrepreneurship community in Europe.

Are you an artist, programmer or designer interested in creating the future of music? Stay tuned because this event is definitely for you! Music Hack Day is an international 24-hour event where hackers of all talents come together to conceptualize, build and demo the future of music. Software, hardware, mobile, web, instruments, art – anything goes as long as it’s music related.

The weekend starts with a brief introduction, API workshops and demos by partner companies explaining what they offer and how participants can leverage it. After team selection and settling of ideas, the 24-hour hackathon starts and continues well throughout the night. Hackers will then be able to show off the fruit of their labor at demo time (open to the public), followed by prizes and awards to the best achievers in different categories.

So – ready to hack music? Remember to register early as the slots seem to fill up pretty quickly.

You can find further information here or facebook

Registration via Eventbrite


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