Weekly newsletter 47/2013

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 47/2013

Don’t you have any plans for the next year? Apply for AYY Board or volunteer positions. Further information is available at ayy.fi/stop.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Aura informs: Apply for Tieto’s Generation-T programme!
  3. AYY’s association training at Design Factory on 26 Nov
  4. AYY is looking for persons in non-military service
  5. AYY’s recruitment night, Tue, 19 Nov
  6. MP3 Experience of the autumn, Wed, 27 Nov, 7pm
  7. Junk bikes were collected from AYY’s locations in Teekkari Village
  8. TransHelsinki 2013 – events around the metropolitan area, 19–24 Nov 2013
  9. CEMS Stage 2013
  10. Physicist Spex presents: Limbo — No loitering. Buy your tickets now!
  11. Join Startup Weekend Helsinki and go from idea to launch in 54 hours!

1. This and next week’s events



2. Aura informs: Apply for Tieto’s Generation-T programme!

Tieto has constructed Generation-T programme for young professionals, which is full of opportunities. The participants will gain experience and information and develop diversely during the programme. Tieto’s Generation-T programme is tailored for you who wants a flying take-off for your career! The application period is 4-24 Nov 2013 and the programme starts on 17 Feb 2014.

In the Generation-T programme you will work as Junior Consultant within the following areas:

  • Software architecture
  • Infrastructure architecture
  • Software engineer in Telecom and Cloud R&D
  • Business consulting
  • Analyst
  • Sales
  • Project management
  • Marketing

For more information on the programme and the positions, please visit our website (link: http://www.tieto.com/careers/tieto-careers-students-and-young-professionals/generation-t) and apply for a vantage point in an international IT company!

3. AYY’s association training at Design Factory on 26 Nov

AYY’s association training is organised at Espoo Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5) from 5pm onwards on Tuesday, 26 Nov. Training is intended for old and new operators in the member associations of AYY’s association register. You can also show up if you are interested in organisational activities or consider the establishment of a new association. Training is suitable both for beginners in association activities and more experienced actors. If you are very experienced, you should consider in advance in which training sections you would like to participate and attend accordingly.

The first common section for everyone mainly addresses issues related to AYY and Aalto community as well as the operating grants, whereas the latter group-specific programme covers the twists and practical arrangements of association activities. Training will end at 8pm at the latest.

Training lasts for three hours and is quite intensive, so it is advisable to take refreshments with you. Unfortunately, training is arranged only in Finnish. Facilities are accessible in a wheelchair.

A more detailed schedule and programme is available at /yhdistyskoulutus-2013/. After getting to know the programme, you can sign up at http://tinyurl.com/yhdistyskoulutus-2013. If you have any training-related questions or suggestions, please contact us at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi.

4. AYY is looking for persons in non-military service

AYY is looking for persons in non-military service for the positions of property assistant and IT support person. Detailed information on the job descriptions is available on AYY’s website at /siviilipalvelus/.

Both of these positions are filled as soon as suitable candidates are found.

For further information on the position, please contact AYY’s Secretary General Janne Koskenniemi (paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi / 050 520 9415).

5. AYY’s recruitment night, Tue, 19 Nov

We Want You! Do you know what AYY’s volunteers do? Would you like to be a part of our colourful team? Do you have a great idea that you would like to implement? Are you interested?

Come to Otaniemi Rantasauna to laid-back AYY atmosphere at 6pm on Tuesday, 19 Nov. Snacks are provided and you have the opportunity to get to know the participants of the year 2013. Further information on AYY’s volunteer recruitment is available at www.ayy.fi/stop/ and facebook

6. MP3 Experience of the autumn at 7pm on Wed, 27 Nov 

Join the MP3 Experience, which has attained an incredible international reputation! This event is definitely something that you have never experienced before and if you have, you can’t wait for the next time!

Mosaic will organise AGAIN this hugely successful event again on Wednesday, 27 November. The only thing that you need for the event is a functioning mp3 player and a watch, not forgetting the MP3 spirit! You are welcome on your own or with a group of friends.

The purpose is to attract positive attention, delight other people and have fun in a great group, within the limits of law.

This is how it works:

  1. Go to MP3 Experience site at http://mp3.ayy.fi/
  2. Download MP3 file.
  3. Show up at the Narinkkatori (next to Kamppi centre) at 7pm on Wednesday, 27 November, and wait for the countdown.
  4. Press PLAY!

Fb event.

The original idea of the event can be found here.

7. Junk bikes were collected from AYY’s locations in Teekkari Village

Junk bikes were collected by the Village Senate on Tuesday, 5 Nov. Bikes are stored in two containers at JMT 6 parking lot and the adjacent lawn area. Containers are locked and also the bikes outside the containers are locked in a chain. Bikes are now stored for three (3) months, until the beginning of February 2014.

Bikes are still the property of their original owners and should not be touched. If you did not remember to take the pink paper band off your bike or if you are in any doubt whether your bike is still in a safe place, be sure to check the matter right away. If your bike is not where you left it, please contact the Village Senate (kylasenaatti@list.ayy.fi). Please spread the word to your friends who are undertaking student exchange, etc. Please note that bikes were also collected from bike stores and cellars.

The destiny of the bikes is still being discussed with the authorities and any auction, etc. will be announced later on the e-mail list of Teekkari Village, the official facebook site of the village and AYY’s weekly newsletter.

8. TransHelsinki 2013 – events around the metropolitan region on 19–24 Nov 2013

TransHelsinki is a nationwide event aimed at gender minorities, which provides programme targeted at trans persons and people close to them, as well as seminars open to all. The goal of the week is to bring up the main human rights violations subject to sexual minorities, but also to give voice to creativity, knowledge and experiences among trans persons and intersex persons.

The event week includes discussions, political speeches, parties and coffee evenings where we celebrate the diversity of gender and network with people arriving from across Finland. On Wednesday afternoon, a memorial service is held in for trans persons who have died as hate crime victims. TransHelsinki events are directed to everyone whose life is touched by gender diversity, to professionals in different fields, as well as for those who want to know more about gender diversity.

TransHelsinki events are organised by Seta and its Transgender Support Center, Trasek, Dreamwear Club, Amnesty’s Finnish department and Culture Collective Utopia Helsinki. Events are mainly free of charge.

The programme of the week and information on TransHelsinki is available at http://transhelsinki.fi

9. CEMS Stage 2013

CEMS Stage 2013 invites you to an amazing speaker and networking event on 27 November at 5pm at the School of Business! We will hear four inspiring and international speeches about the theme “Personal Growth” (e.g. Speaker of the year 2012 André Noël Chaker and the ice hockey legend Juhani “Tami” Tamminen). After this the networking event will take place along with a glass of sparkling wine. More information and instructions for your free ticket on Facebook.

10. Physicist Spex presents: Limbo — No loitering. Buy your tickets now!

Is blood thicker than whale oil? Is there light at the end of the tunnel? The Physicist Spex 2013 presents you an epic tale of two brothers. Come witness the dramatic plot of Hamlet, the historical accuracy of Julius Caesar and the witty turns of the Importance of Being Earnest combined!

The performance is at the following time:

  • 4 Dec, 4.30pm (in English)

The performance is held at Stella Theater at Kaapelitehdas (Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki, entrance from door T). Tickets from here and Alvari Lobby, Otaniemi, weekdays 11 Nov-4 Dec, 10am-2pm

Further information: http://www.fyysikkokilta.fi/en/speksi and https://www.facebook.com/events/318035555005765/?fref=ts

11. Join Startup Weekend Helsinki and go from idea to launch in 54 hours!

Startup Weekends are 54-hour-events, where developers, researchers, scientists, marketers and other entrepreneurial enthusiasts meet each other to create and develop ideas into business in multidisciplinary teams.

The next event takes place on Viikki campus from 22-24 Nov 2013. It is organised as a joint force between voluntary students and staff from both University of Helsinki and Aalto University. The aim is to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture at the universities, and bring hands-on entrepreneurship closer to the students’ everyday lives.

Startup Weekend is supported by the Kauffman Foundation (one of the world’s largest organisations supporting entrepreneurship), and has been executed hundreds of times around the world.

The target group is in particular the students or alumni from universities and the universities of applied sciences in the capital area. However the event welcomes anyone interested in entrepreneurship regardless of their age or background!

Find us on facebook and register through the SW website: