Weekly Newsletter 4/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 4/2013

This week, you still have time to register for AYY’s incredible anniversary, the revolutionary after party and/or anniversary brunch. Read more and register at www.vuosijuhlat.fi

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Sign up for AYY’s fourth anniversary, after party and/or herring breakfast
  3. Do you want to include your own news in the weekly newsletter?
  4. Go to little shrovetide in Turku with Aava
  5. Aalto chaplains on duty on the campus during the academic terms
  6. New FSHS language strategy took effect on 1 Jan 2014
  7. KY-Spex 2014 Le Coq Magnifique ticket shop is open!
  8. International mining, mineral and environmental Master’s programme EMMEP’s info and sauna evening at Rantsu at 5pm on 22 Jan
  9. Environmental Stewardship – Summer scholarship for university students to the United States
  10. Spend an excellent summer in the world class university – Apply now for Stanford Summer Session
  11. Teekkari sailors’ info night at Ossinlinna at 6pm-11pm on Wed, 29 Jan
  12. Welcome to try out futsal with FC Kissat at Unisport Kumpula, 5pm-7pm, Wed, 29 Jan
  13. PSK Kupla’s basic course in scuba diving and try-out dive 2014

1. This and next week’s events

Week 4

Week 5

2. Sign up for AYY’s fourth anniversary, after party and/or herring breakfast

AYY’s fourth anniversary will be arranged at Event Center Telakka on Saturday, 1 Feb 2014. All student union members are cordially welcome. The price of the main celebration is €85 for students and €95 for other guests, including a festive casino dinner with endless catering and a revolutionary after party.

If you are not interested in the anniversary dinner with speeches and the dinner is too expensive for you, you can also participate in the anniversary as part of the revolution. The party begins at 9.30pm at the beer house in Telakka. The admission fee is €25 and you are entertained in the anniversary spirit until the early morning.

A happy herring breakfast is held on Sunday, 2 Feb. The breakfast price is €15.

The anniversary dresscode  is dark suit with academic honorary badges. In the after party, you can dress according to the revolution theme. Herring breakfast dresscode is casual.

Registration and further information: www.vuosijuhlat.fi

3. Do you want to include your own news in the weekly newsletter?

Would you like to include your own news in the weekly newsletter? Please send your brief text, a maximum of three brief paragraphs, approximately 150 words, by 10am on THURSDAY to tiedottaja@ayy.fi. Please also add a title to your text and write a summary of a few sentences for the e-mail version of the weekly newsletter. The news will be translated, so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (firstname.lastname@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9440).

4. Go to little shrovetide in Turku with Aava

Aava organises free transport to little shrovetide in Turku for all Aalto University students! Little shrovetide is a pub crawl organised in Turku, which is preceded by hill sliding in Puolalanpuisto Park. At departure and arrival, the bus drives through Otaniemi and Kamppi. When you register, please select your bus stop.

  • Otaniemi bus stop: Otaniemi shopping centre (Otakaari 11)
  • Kamppi bus stop: Bus parking space in front of KY Building on Eteläinen rautatienkatu

The price is EUR 30, including the ticket to the pub crawl. You will get payment details in a confimation e-mail. The after party takes place at Börs, Monkey and Amarillo. There are 50 seats and the registration will begin at 12noon on Thursday, 16 Jan at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/pl14/ Registration will end at 12noon on 2 Feb.

Further information http://www.pikkulaskiainen.fi/ or on Facebook.

5. Aalto chaplains on duty on the campus during the academic terms 

Aalto Chaplains Jenny Vainio and Juha Lassila are on duty at Otaniemi Main Building (Otakaari 1) in room M136, Mon-Thu, 9am-12noon. The university chaplains are there for you, regardless of your religion or conviction, when you want to talk about life, relationships or studies.

See the contact information of chaplains on other campuses and their office hours at Into.

6. New FSHS language strategy took effect on 1 Jan 2014

The new FSHS language strategy, approved by the Board of Trustees on 2 Sep 2013, became effective on 1 Jan 2014. The aim of the strategy is to guarantee equal services for all students.

The language strategy contains a service promise for FSHS clients. According to this promise, students in bilingual areas will receive service in good Finnish and Swedish; those whose first language is not Finnish or Swedish will receive service in at least acceptable English.

The FSHS website publishes current information on services and other information for clients in Finnish, Swedish and English. The most important patient guides and health promotion material are also published in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Read more on our language strategy and service promise.

7. KY-Spex 2014 Le Coq Magnifique – ticket shop is open!

C’est magnifique! KY-Spex 2014 has been published. Le Coq Magnifique invites all spex friends to enjoy a restaurant evening filled with fabulous actors, incredible dancers and immersive music. The premiere takes place at Theatre Forum on 6 Feb. If you are not afraid of corky humour, click yourself to the ticket shop through the website (kyspeksi.fi)!

Tickets are sold at the School of Business every week, ticket sales on other campuses are announced later. NB! You can pay with the card at KY Spex!

Are you a freshman? Welcome to watch KY Spex on 13 Feb. AFYE offers free tickets for the first hundred first-year students to the greatest spectacle of February. Like KY-Spex’s Facebook site, fill out the form and make sure that you do not miss the hottest event of next month. Bienvenue!

8. International mining, mineral and environmental Master’s programme EMMEP’s info and sauna evening at Rantasauna at 5pm on  22 Jan

Aalto University Laboratory of Rock Engineering together with the Rock Engineering Club, KTK, will organise an information and sauna evening to everyone who is interested in a two-year Master’s programme European Mining, Mineral and Environmental Program, EMMEP, starting in the autumn of 2014. The programme is a two-year Master’s programme, which is organised in various universities across Europe. Aalto University, RTWH Aachen (Germany), TU Delft (Netherlands), Miskolc (Hungary) and Wrocklaw (Poland) participate in the programme. In the programme, you can specialise in either mining, mineral engineering or geotechnical engineering.

Come and listen to general information presented by professors in charge and the thoughts of students who have completed the programme at Rantasauna at 5pm on Wednesday, 22 Jan 2014. Good food and drinks are provided by our sponsors Normet and Caterpillar!  Glück Auf!!!

Register for the event at: http://ik.ayy.fi/ilmomasiina_raksalle/signup/421

Further information on the programme:

9. Environmental Stewardship – Summer scholarship for university students to the United States

Fulbright Center has declared Environmental Stewardship scholarship open for applications. The scholarship is intended for 18-22 year old Finnish students undertaking the lower academic degree. With the scholarship covering all costs, you can study for five weeks at the Institute on Environmental Stewardship programme in the United States in the summer of 2014. During the training, you also learn about the American culture and society, in addition to the environmental sciences. Students of all disciplines may apply for the scholarship.

Deadline for applications is 10am on Thursday, 23 Jan 2014.

Further information on the scholarship and application forms are available on the website of Fulbright Center.

Inquiries from 13 Jan 2014 onwards: Johanna Lahti, Assistant Manager, Fulbright Center tel. 044 5535 278, johanna.lahti(at)fulbright.fi

10. Spend an excellent summer in the world class university – Apply now for Stanford Summer Session

Advanced bachelor’s/beginning master’s students at Aalto University have an excellent opportunity to apply for Stanford Summer School International Honors Program (SSIHP) held between 21 June – 17 August 2014 in California. Aalto University, in cooperation with SSIHP, will provide a maximum of six full scholarships. Deadline for applications 31 of Jan, 2014.

Please see more information on Into.

11. Teekkari sailors info night at Ossinlinna at 6pm-11pm on Wed, 29 Jan

Are you interested in fresh sea air and noble sailing skills? Do you want to learn how to read a nautical chart and identify the worst reefs in the foreground of Helsinki? Would you like to camp in the beautiful Finnish archipelago in a laid-back and good company, finding the most atmospheric campfire places, warm beach saunas and the most beautiful sunsets?Are you only really alive when a log displays double-digit figures and water splashes around? Do you enjoy scraping a boat in the spring sun? Whether you are a more experienced sea dog or a landlubber, come to Ossinlinna sauna on Wednesday, 29 Jan, to hear about the activities of Teekkari Sailors and about different activities organised throughout the year! There is information about courses in the winter and spring, the working bee in the spring, sailing trip in the summer and Trip Venture 2014, the trip to the Mediterranean Sea. We also provide food, drinks and sauna, and everything is free of charge!

  • What: Trip’s info night
  • Where: Ossinlinna
  • When: Wed, 29 Jan, starting at 6pm, info: approx. 7pm-8pm
  • Price: Free!
  • Equipment: yourself, open mind and sauna gear. And bring your friend too.

12. Welcome to try out futsal with FC Kissat at Unisport Kumpula, 5pm-7pm, Wed, 29 Jan 

The event is suitable for all females, regardless of their condition and skills. You do not need previous experience – everyone is welcome!

The purpose of the event is to get to know futsal led by our nice coach, and have a fun training session according to the participants’ skill level. Naturally, our aim is to get as many people as possible to get excited about futsal! 😉

You need indoor sports clothing (shorts and a shirt, for example) and suitable indoor sport shoes. If you have a football or futsal ball, please bring it with you so we can have a versatile training session! You do not have to be a member of Unisport.

Please register no later than Tue, 28 Jan, by sending e-mail to fckissat@gmail.com. See you there!

  • What? Futsal try-out
  • Where? Unisport Kumpula (Väinö Auerin katu 11)
  • When? Wed, 29 Jan, 5pm-7pm

13. PSK Kupla’s basic course in scuba diving and try-out dive 2014

The info lecture of the spring course will be held at 5.30pm on Thursday, 6 Feb 2013. The location will be confirmed on the course website well in advance.

At the beginning of the course we will also organise the try-out dive on Thu, 6 Feb. The event provides basic information on scuba diving and you can try out scuba diving in the pool led by an experienced instructor. After the try-out, you can still join the spring course if you wish to do so. The course and the try-out dive are held only in Finnish.

Further information (in Finnish)

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