Weekly Newsletter 5/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 5/2014

This week, we celebrate AYY’s fourth anniversary. Happy birthday four-year-old AYY! HSL collects feedback on a draft route network plan for the West Metro feeder services. Now you have a real opportunity to have influence. Further information here.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Comment on a draft route network plan for the West Metro feeder services
  3. Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy application deadline 9 Feb 2014
  4. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2014 is open
  5. Tools for anxious situations
  6. Easier and better writing – intensive workshop!
  7. Go to little shrovetide in Turku with Aava
  8. Participate in a career and education survey and win great prices!
  9. KY-Spex 2014 Le Coq Magnifique ticket shop is open!
  10. Spend an excellent summer in the world class university: call for outstanding students for the Stanford University Summer School
  11. EntreMill – working life oriented career training programme for higher education students! Apply now!

1.  This and next week’s events

Week 5

Week 6

2. Comment on a draft route network plan for the West Metro feeder services

HSL has completed the draft route network plan for the West Metro feeder services and is inviting comments on the draft until 2 Feb. Please have a look at the draft and make comments on HSL website through the online questionnaire.

Resident associations, organisations and companies may submit their comments on the draft plan via e-mail to lansimetron_linjastosuunnitelma@hsl.fi.

On the basis of the comments, HSL will assess whether the plan should be modified. After this, the plan will be finalised and submitted to the HSL Executive Board for approval.

Further information: https://www.hsl.fi/linjastosuunnitelmat/lansimetron-liityntalinjasto

3. Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy application deadline 9 Feb 2014

Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services, which employs 130,000 employees in 44 countries. Of them, more than 1,600 work for the Finnish customers. The company helps its clients to succeed by designing and integrating technical solutions to support their changing and evolving business operations. Capgemini provides management, development and hosting services for applications and infrastructure, as well as the outsourcing of business processes.

Capgemini is looking for recently graduated students in technical and commercial sectors to our

Young Professionals Academy (YPA) programme 2–3 times a year. The programme provides an excellent opportunity to start a career as an IT consultant in a permanent job. During the introduction period, you work in client projects supported by an experienced mentor, deepen your technological know-how and learn the basics of consultation. YPA application period is ongoing and the deadline for applications is Sun, 9 Feb 2014.

Join the team! More information here.

4. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2014 is open

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2014 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of €1000, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2014 will end on Sunday, 2 Feb 2013, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds in the spring of 2014 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website a http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

5. Tools for anxious situations

The workshop is intended for students whose anxiety affects their studies and who would like to find tools for coping with anxiety. There are many types of anxiety, one is nervous to perform, others fear social situations or might be anxious about something else.

The workshop provides an opportunity to handle different situations and anxiety in general – from the participants’ own starting points. Course methods include discussion, as well as exercises done alone and in the group. The workshop includes six meetings (two hours/meeting). The workshop is led by Study Psychologist Minna Nevala. The course is held in Finnish!

  • Meeting times: Tuesdays, 2pm-4pm, 25 Feb-1 Apr 2014
  • Meeting place: Otakaari 1, training room Majakka (M140)
  • Registrations and further information: opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi or 040 353 8112 (Minna Nevala).

Further information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5116000

6. Easier and better writing intensive workshop!

Is your master’s thesis approaching? Should you finish an essay? Has it been a long time since your last major writing project? Participate in the writing workshop!

In three workshop meetings, students get familiar with various texts and their production. What makes a text persuasive, readable, understandable, or touching? The more specific workshop themes partly depend on the participants, but the meetings focus on the recognition of different texts, getting rid of the fear of the blank page, and helping the production of text by means of fiction. The functions of written expression are approached through various text samples and small writing exercises.

The intensive workshops are held on three consecutive Tuesdays (11 Feb, 18 Feb, 25 Feb, 5pm-8pm) at the central office of Aalto University Student Union at the address Otakaari 11. Participants will be informed about pre-assignments preceding the meeting. Participation in the workshop only requires an open mind, commitment to participate in all three meetings and advance registration to the workshop leader Lotta Aarikka (by e-mail to lamaar@utu.fi). Participants (6-10) are elected in the order of registration. Planning, implementation and documentation of the workshops are part of the leader’s creative writing studies at the University of Turku.


7. Go to little shrovetide in Turku with Aava

Aava organises free transport to little shrovetide in Turku for all Aalto University students! Little shrovetide is a pub crawl organised in Turku, which is preceded by hill sliding in Puolalanpuisto Park. At departure and arrival, the bus drives through Otaniemi and Kamppi. When you register, please select your bus stop.

  • Otaniemi bus stop: Otaniemi shopping centre (Otakaari 11)
  • Kamppi bus stop: Bus parking space in front of KY Building on Eteläinen rautatienkatu

The price is EUR 30, including the ticket to the pub crawl. You will get payment details in a confimation e-mail. The after party takes place at Börs, Monkey and Amarillo. There are 50 seats and the registration will begin at 12noon on Thursday, 16 Jan at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/pl14/ Registration will end at 12noon on 2 Feb.

Further information http://www.pikkulaskiainen.fi/ and on facebook.

8.  Participate in a career and education survey and win great prices!

Annual student survey ‘trendence Graduate Barometer’ is open again. The survey is conducted online and is quick and easy to fill out.

The questions asked include how satisfied you are with our studies and what you expect from your future career. The survey gathers student opinions from across Europe and explores differences and similarities that exist among the individual countries. After completing the survey, you can compare your answers to the average results of students in Europe.

To participate, please click here: www.trendence-gradbarometer.eu (no later than 10 February 2014)

Furthermore, you have the chance to win one of the following prizes: 5 x Amazon vouchers of each €500, 10 x Amazon vouchers of each €200. This survey is conducted with our research partner the trendence Institut. We can reassure you that your answers will be anonymous and your data will be legally protected.

9. KY-Spex 2014 Le Coq Magnifique – ticket shop is open!

C’est magnifique! KY-Spex 2014 has been published. Le Coq Magnifique invites all spex friends to enjoy a restaurant evening filled with fabulous actors, incredible dancers and immersive music. The premiere takes place at Theatre Forum on 6 Feb. If you are not afraid of corky humour, click yourself to the ticket shop through the website!

Tickets are sold at the School of Business every week, ticket sales on other campuses are announced later. NB! You can pay with the card at KY Spex!

Are you a freshman? Welcome to watch KY Spex on 13 Feb. AFYE offers free tickets for the first hundred first-year students to the greatest spectacle of February. Like KY-Spex’s Facebook site, fill out the form and make sure that you do not miss the hottest event of next month.


10. Spend an excellent summer in the world class university: call for outstanding students for the Stanford University Summer School

As the student of Aalto (bachelors at the final phase and masters at the early stage), you have the opportunity to apply for the summer school organised by the Stanford University – Stanford Summer International Honors Program SSIHP – which is organised on 21 June–17 Aug 2014 in California. Aalto University, in cooperation with the Stanford University Summer School, supports the studies of the maximum of six Aalto members with full scholarships.

Deadline for applications is 31 Jan 2014. Application instructions and further information on Into.

11. EntreMill – working life oriented career training programme for higher education students! Apply now!

Do you need sparring in your job search? Are you interested in entrepreneurship? EntreMill career training programme is the answer to these and many other questions! EntreMill is a career training programme connected to the working life, which includes contact teaching, counselling and consulting, as well as a final project carried out during the programme. Training is based on measures promoting effective employment and development of those professional skills that are not learned at school. The training programme is ideal for students, as you can study, work on your thesis or work part-time at the same time. The training programme is intended for enthusiastic and motivated students who study in higher education institutions or who are graduating (polytechnic/university), or recent graduates who need sparring in their transition to the working life and the development of professional skills.

The training programme is free for students who are elected to the programme!

Further information and application instructions are available here.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity and apply no later than 4pm on 31 Jan 2014!


This year, Boston Promenade, which has entertained the friends of versatile big band music already for decades, celebrates its 50th anniversary. The monthly organised Boston Clubs give you the opportunity to time travel from past decades to the current day. During the same night, you will hear amazing performances of both the former and current Boston Promenade! Would you like to participate? Further information on facebook.

WHEN: FRI, 31 JAN, 8PM->  | WHERE: Music Theatre Kapsäkki, Hämeentie 68 | STUDENT TICKETS: €8 (entrance) / €9.50 Lippu.fi

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