Weekly Newsletter 6/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 6/2014

NB! Aalto’s printing services have a maintenance break today on Monday, 3 Feb 2014, from 5pm onwards. The break lasts for about two hours when the print management server is updated. During the maintenance break, Canon printers and multifunction printers will not be available. Other manufacturers’ devices function normally during the break.

AYY celebrated its four-year-old journey at Event Centre Telakka during the weekend. AYY thanks all the participants!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY granted awards and acknowledgments at its anniversary on Saturday
  3. Apply for a garden plot from Aalto Garden at Ossinlampi
  4. Breaks in Aalto e-mail services on Wednesday, February 5
  5. FSHS neck and shoulder muscle maintenance course and relaxation group
  6. Students’ Apple Day 2014
  7. Aalto School of Students – sign up as a teacher
  8. KY-Spex 2014 Le Coq Magnifique – premiere this week!
  9. Teekkari Spex 2014: ticket sales to begin at 12noon on 5 Feb 2014
  10. Tools for anxious situations
  11. Easier and better writing intensive workshop!
  12. Participate in a career and education survey and win great prices!
  13. News from Aalto Career Services
  14. Polijazz’s intensive courses of creative dance and oriental dance
  15. PSK Kupla’s try-out dive CANCELLED – basic course in scuba diving organised as announced

1. This and next week’s events

Week 6

Week 7

2. AYY granted awards and acknowledgments at its anniversary on Saturday 

AYY’s fourth anniversary was celebrated at Event Centre Telakka in Helsinki on Saturday, 1 Feb 2014. At the anniversary, AYY’s first acknowledgements, the Learning Promotion Deed and International Deed awards for the year 2013 were granted. The Learning Promotion Deed of the year 2013 was Uudet Koekäytännöt project. Read more: /en/blog/2014/02/03/ayy-awarded-the-international-deed-and-learning-promotion-deed-of-the-year-2013/

The International Deed of the year 2013 was the English performance of the Physicist Spex. In addition, Sergei Chekurov and Gaurav Das were awarded with honorable mentions. Read more: /en/blog/2014/02/03/ayy-awarded-the-international-deed-and-learning-promotion-deed-of-the-year-2013/

AYY’s first acknowledgments were also granted at the anniversary. For this first time, eleven community badges, fourteen badges of merit, one badge of honour and two hero badges were awarded. Proposals for the awarded badges were made in the years of 2012 and 2013.
Read more: /en/blog/2014/02/03/ayy-awarded-its-first-acknowledgments/

3. Apply for a garden plot from Aalto Garden at Ossinlampi

Have you dreamed of a garden plot in the middle of the campus by the pond? Now it is time to make this dream come true as the first farming season of Aalto Garden is approaching.

Otaniemi Urban Farming Association rents garden plots from Martti Levón Park (next to Ossinlampi) in Otaniemi. The association promotes and develops urban farming activities and gardening among the employees, students and associations of Aalto University. There are a total of 45 garden plots and the sizes range from 7-24 square metres.                     .

So act now or no later than 15 February 2014. Further information (garden plot rents, etc.) and the application form are available at http://tinyurl.com/viljelypalsta.

4. Breaks in Aalto e-mail services on Wednesday, February 5

Aalto e-mail services will be updated on Wednesday, February 5, 2014. During the update users may encounter several short breaks in use of the e-mail service and it can also take longer than normal for mails to be delivered.

For example, for OWA (http://mail.aalto.fi) user the breaks are shown so that you are asked to re-login to the system.  Aalto look of the OWA login page will disappear during the update temporarily. Please, check the URL carefully when you re-login to the service.

This update affects all @aalto.fi e-mail users. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Contacts: servicedesk@aalto.fi

5. FSHS neck-shoulder muscle maintenance course and relaxation group

There is still plenty of room in the neck-shoulder muscle maintenance physiotherapy course of FSHS starting on 13 Feb! The course duration is 2x75min. The course is well suited for students who have mild neck-shoulder symptoms. It is also suitable for students with neck problems due to occlusion symptoms. The course includes an educative section, as well as self-care and massage guidance and exercises. The course is organised at FSHS Töölö Health Centre. More information is available on FSHS website at www.yths.fi. You can register for physiotherapy groups by calling the physiotherapy helpline: Mon-Fri, 11am-12noon, tel. 0467101503.

6. Students’ Apple Day 2014

Students’ Apple Day will be again celebrated in all FSHS units on Thursday, 13 Feb 2014. The theme of Students’ Apple Day in 2014 is the 60-year-old FSHS. Students’ Apple Day is a health promotion day of FSHS, when FSHS specialists share information on healthy living through various health promotion themes and tell you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

7. Aalto School of students – sign up as a teacher

What is your passion? At Aalto School of Students, you can share it with others! The event is organised at Design Factory on Sunday, 23 March, 1pm-6pm. The day consists of lessons (duration 45 minutes) held by us, the students!

The lessons range from relationship skills to problem solving and the architecture of ships. We are now looking for teachers for the event. We believe that the best teachers are those who are genuinely enthusiastic about their topic. So you do not have to be the highest expert in your field – enthusiasm takes you far and the participants are interested beginners. Please note that you can teach in Finnish, English or Swedish. If you are interested, please contact us by 28 Feb by e-mail (aaltoschoolofstudents@gmail.com) and tell us briefly what you would like to teach. Further information is also available at: http://aalto-school-of-students.tumblr.com/ .

If you do not want to be a teacher but would rather participate in the class, stay tuned!

8. KY Spex 2014 Le Coq Magnifique – premiere this week!

Mon Dieu! Sacré Bleu! The premiere of KY Spex 2014 Le Coq Magnifique takes place this week!  Le Coq Magnifique invites all spex friends to enjoy a restaurant evening filled with fabulous actors, incredible dancers and immersive music. Performances take place at Theatre Forum on 6, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 15 Feb. If you are not afraid of corky humour, click yourself to the ticket shop through the website (kyspeksi.fi)!

Ticket sales this week:

  • School of Economics: Tue, 4 Feb, Wed, 5 Feb and Thu, 6 Feb, 12noon and 2pm breaks
  • Otaniemi: Main building, Tue, 4 Feb, 11am-1pm

NB! You can pay with the card at KY Spex!

Tickets are also available at kyspeksi.fi

Are you a freshman? Welcome to watch KY Spex on 13 Feb. AFYE offers free tickets for the first hundred first-year students to the greatest spectacle of February. Like KY-Spex’s Facebook site, fill out the form (www.tinyurl.com/kyspeksi14) and make sure that you do not miss the hottest event of this month. Bienvenue!

9. Teekkari Spex 2014: ticket sales begin at 12noon on 5 Feb 2014

Your wait is over, Teekkari Spex is here again! Finland’s largest student musical celebrates its 25-year-old journey in 2014. So be ready at 12noon on Wednesday, 5 Feb 2014, when the veil of secrecy is revealed and the theme of the Teekkari Spex of the spring is announced at http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi. At the same time, ticket sales for the spring performances begin. Order an e-mail reminder about performance dates and ticket sales: http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi/teaser/. Get your ticket fast, in recent years they have been sold out and the best seats are reserved first!

10. Tools for anxious situations

The workshop is intended for students whose anxiety affects their studies and who would like to find tools for coping with anxiety. There are many types of anxiety, one is nervous to perform, others fear social situations or might be anxious about something else.

The workshop provides an opportunity to handle different situations and anxiety in general – from the participants’ own starting points. Course methods include discussion, as well as exercises done alone and in the group. The workshop includes six meetings (two hours/meeting). The workshop is led by Study Psychologist Minna Nevala. The course is held in Finnish!

  • Meeting times: Tuesdays, 2pm-4pm, 25 Feb-1 Apr 2014
  • Meeting place: Otakaari 1, training room Majakka (M140)
  • Registrations and further information: opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi or 040 353 8112 (Minna Nevala).
  • Further information on Into.

11. Easier and better writing intensive workshop!

Is your master’s thesis approaching? Should you finish an essay? Has it been a long time since your last major writing project? Participate in the writing workshop!

In three workshop meetings, students get familiar with various texts and their production. What makes a text persuasive, readable, understandable, or touching? The more specific workshop themes partly depend on the participants, but the meetings focus on the recognition of different texts, getting rid of the fear of the blank page, and helping the production of text by means of fiction. The functions of written expression are approached through various text samples and small writing exercises. Workshops will be held in Finnish.

The intensive workshops are held on three consecutive Tuesdays (11 Feb, 18 Feb, 25 Feb, 5pm-8pm) at the central office of Aalto University Student Union at the address Otakaari 11. Participants will be informed about pre-assignments preceding the meeting. Participation in the workshop only requires an open mind, commitment to participate in all three meetings and advance registration to the workshop leader Lotta Aarikka (by e-mail to lamaar@utu.fi). Participants (6-10) are elected in the order of registration. Planning, implementation and documentation of the workshops are part of the leader’s creative writing studies at the University of Turku. Welcome!

12. Participate in a career and education survey and win great prices!

The annual student survey ´’trendence Graduate Barometer’ is open again. The survey is conducted online and is quick and easy to fill out.

The questions asked include how satisfied you are with our studies and what you expect from your future career. The survey gathers student opinions from across Europe and explores differences and similarities that exist among the individual countries. After completing the survey, you can compare your answers to the average results of students in Europe. To participate, please click here: www.trendence-gradbarometer.eu (not later than February 10th 2014. )

Furthermore, you have the chance to win one of the following prizes: 5 x Amazon vouchers of each €500. 10 x Amazon vouchers of each €200. This survey is conducted with our research partner the trendence Institut. We can reassure you that your answers will be anonymous and your data will be legally protected.

13. News from Aalto Career Services

The legendary contest, the Student of the Year, will begin again!

Universum and its partners are looking for students who have been successful in their studies or in some other area, such as student organisations or the working life, who are active, enthusiastic and forward-looking. The application deadline is 16 March 2014 and finalists will be awarded in the Employers of the Year event at Culture Factory Korjaamo in Helsinki on 6 May 2014. Further information on the contest is available at: http://www.vuodenopiskelija.fi/

Are you a contributor, developer or a proceeder? Find out your own motivation profile!

You can find out your motivation profile by responding to a renewed T-Media employer image survey! In the employer image 2014 research, T-Media clarifies the latest working life trends, attractiveness of employers in Finland and expectations related to the working life and employers. By responding, you can improve the quality of working life! Filling out the form will take about 15 minutes and a travel voucher of EUR 1,200 is raffled among the participants, as well as 5 pieces of gift cards worth of EUR 50 to presentcard.fi site. Research: http://www.t-media.fi/tyonantajakuva-2014/ (in Finnish). Please respond to the research by Fri, 14 Feb!

Doctors’ career follow-up 2013 has been completed!

The research covers the employment, career quality and the development needs of doctoral education of those who have graduated as doctors of science in the years of 2010-2011. The Career Services implement the career researches of masters and doctors in alternate years. You can find the latest and older career researches at CareerWeb.

14. Polijazz’s intensive courses of creative dance and oriental dance 

Polijazz organises two great intensive courses of oriental dance (beginners) and creative dance (open level) in February. Both courses will be held in Otaniemi on five Fridays: 7 Feb, 14 Feb, 21 Feb, 28 Feb and 7 March at 5pm-6pm (oriental) and 6pm-7pm (creative). The course fee is EUR 20 per course. Read more on the Facebook event and register at http://polijazz.ayy.fi/ .

15. PSK Kupla’s try-out dive is CANCELLED – basic course in scuba diving is organised as announced

The try-out dive organised by PSK Kupla will have to be cancelled due to a fire in the club room, as we do not have an adequate number of diving equipment by 6 Feb. The next try-out dive will most likely be held in the autumn of 2014.

The info lecture of the basic course in scuba diving is held at 5.30pm on Thu 6 Feb. Everyone who is interested in the course is welcome. Kupla’s website does not work at the moment but you can see further information on the basic courses, etc. on the temporary website at www.kupla.org.