Weekly Newsletter 8/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 8/2014

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Send a card to someone nice!
  3. Report delayed course grading
  4. Masters of Aalto 2014 wants you & your project!
  5. FSHS reminder: try out the electronic citizen’s account!
  6. Neste Jacobs’ summer job application period to end on 24 Feb
  7. Tieto summer job campaign 2014
  8. Sign up for study psychologists’ workshops
  9. Antti Nurmesniemi design scholarships 2014 for further education for the academic year 2014-2015 are now open for applications
  10. Welcome to the game night!
  11. Start aikido in Otaniemi
  12. Leisure and coastal skipper courses
  13. Friend and dating service for university students – AcademicSingles is open!
  14. Participate in the international youth activities of the Finnish Red Cross!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 8

Week 9

2. Send a card to someone nice!

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you. You can report a nice person at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/

Let’s remember to thank each other!

3. Report delayed course grading

Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to us and Aalto University administration via the electronic form. The form information can be found on AYY’s website at: /jasenille/annapalautetta/

4. Masters of Aalto 2014 wants you & your project!

We are looking for inspiring, innovative and brilliant thesis and project works to be exhibited at the Masters of Aalto exhibition between 15 May and 1 June 2014.

What is a suitable project / work to exhibit?

  • *is made by a single person or a group with an eager attitude and passion for her/his/their work
  • *the work / result of the project can be shown as a physical “product” or somehow demonstrated (that it is not only posters)
  • *the thesis is finalized between June 2013 and May 2014 or the project work executed during the academic year 2013-2014 is a remarkable example of Aalto spirit

When and how?

  • * please contact your thesis supervisor or the head of your study programme for further information on how to be a part of Masters of Aalto 2014

What the student will gain?

  • *reward and visibility for your exceptional work
  • *the honour to represent your department
  • *get new contacts from all the fields of Aalto University
  • *a path to potential employers

Want to know more?

Contact the producer of Masters of Aalto Tarja Peltoniemi tarja.peltoniemi@aalto.fi 050 532 3817

5. FSHS reminder: try out the electronic Citizen’s account!

FSHS reminds students that the Citizen’s account, which FSHS has used since 1 Sept 2013, is a convenient and secure electronic channel.

The Citizen’s account is a secure channel between FSHS and the students. After your appointment, you can receive messages electronically through your account concerning details related to your treatment (results, charges, care instructions, etc.) in a secure way at a time convenient for you. It is only possible to contact FSHS tourist information service through the Citizen’s account. NB! You can communicate with the doctor or other medical staff only when FSHS has first send you a message to the Citizen’s account.

Have a look at the video and create a new convenient account for yourself through the link below: www.asiointitili.fi.

We would also like to remind you that the courses of FSHS physiotherapy unit in the spring of 2014 are held in Finnish.

6. Neste Jacobs’ summer job application period to end on 24 Feb

Neste Jacobs’ summer job application period will end on Monday, 24 Feb. Neste Jacobs is a preferred solution provider of high-quality technology, engineering and project services for a wide range of industries in the oil and gas, petrochemicals, chemicals and biotechnology fields. Neste Jacobs have more than 50 years of experience in technology development and industrial investment projects as well as maintenance and performance improvement in Europe, North and South America, Asia and the Middle East. In addition to the Nordic countries we are looking to grow in the expanding markets of the Middle East and Russia in particular. We employ some 1,000 professionals globally.

Read about available positions at www.nestejacobs.com/careers

7. Tieto summer job campaign 2014

IT’s summer 2014!

This summer Tieto hires over 40 summer interns into different positions and locations in Finland. The application period is open until February 28th. Some of our open positions in the Helsinki/Espoo region are:

  • Software Processes and Tools Improvement summer intern
  • Data Scientist summer intern
  • Java and TOAS Developer summer intern
  • HR Generalist Summer intern
  • Summer project coordinator
  • HP OpenVMS  Operating system intern
  • Mobile Development summer intern
  • Mobile/Front end Guru summer intern

Have a look at all the open positions and apply at: www.tieto.fi/kesatyo

For non-Finnish speaking applicants; most positions require fluent knowledge in Finnish, but we also have some positions available, where only English is needed.

Welcome to spend your summer at the Nordic’s largest IT-company

Best regards,Viktoria Petrell, Tieto

8. Sign up for study psychologists’ workshops

The workshop is intended for students whose anxiety affects their studies and who would like to find tools for coping with anxiety. There are many types of anxiety, one is nervous to perform, others fear social situations or might be anxious about something else.

The workshop provides an opportunity to handle different situations and anxiety in general – from the participants’ own starting points. Course methods include discussion, as well as exercises done alone and in the group. The workshop includes six meetings (two hours/meeting). The workshop is led by Study Psychologist Minna Nevala. The course is held in Finnish!

  •     Meeting times: Tuesdays, 2pm-4pm, 25 Feb-1 Apr 2014
  •     Meeting place: Otakaari 1, training room Majakka (M140)
  • Registrations and further information: pintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi or 040 353 8112 (Minna Nevala).
  • Further information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5116000


Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings.

The workshop consists of five sessions. There are two workshops in English: on Mondays 9.30am-11.30am from 13 Jan until 10 Feb and on Mondays 9.30am-11.30am from 24 Feb until 24 March. The workshop is free of charge.

The address is Lönnrotinkatu 23 a 7, Helsinki.

You can sign up by sending e-mail to opintopsykologi@aalto.fi. For more information please see Into.

9. Antti Nurmesniemi design scholarships 2014 for further education for the academic year 2014-2015 are now open for applications 

Askon Säätiö foundation has established scholarships bearing the name of Antti Nurmesniemi in the year of 2000, which support further studies or work abroad. Every academic year, two scholarships of EUR 17,000 are granted. Students who have completed the Finnish masters of art or equivalent degree may apply for one of the scholarships for further studies or internship. Students who have completed the Finnish bachelor of arts or equivalent degree in order to graduate as a master may apply for the other scholarship.

You may apply for the scholarship with an informal, preferably electronical application, addressed to Askon Säätiö foundation. Applications must be delivered to the representative by the end of April 2014. Further information and application instructions: www.askonsaatio.fi

10. Welcome to the game night!

We offer you and your friends an evening in good company with refreshments and various games. In the event, you can also try out RAY’s new and unreleased games. The game night is part of Aalto University’s research project organised in cooperation with the Slot Machine Association RAY. The event will be organised on 21 Feb 2014, 6pm-10pm, in RAY’s head office in Leppävaara (Turuntie 42, Espoo).

In order to receive a personal invitation to the game night for you and your friends, please fill out the application form by Wednesday, 19 Feb 2014!

Please follow our Facebook site at: www.facebook.com/gamenightidbm

11. Start aikido in Otaniemi

Aalto Aikikai organises a weekend camp on aikido basics in Otahalli on 21-23 Feb. The camp gives you readiness to join the weekly rehearsals of the club. The price of the camp is EUR 20. You can also join the activities after the camp. More information is available at:  http://www.aaltoaikikai.ayy.fi

12. Leisure and coastal skipper courses

Teekkari Sailors’ navigation courses in the spring of 2014:

  • Leisure skipper course on Tuesdays, 25 Feb-15 Apr, 5:30pm-8pm
  • Coastal skipper course on Wednesdays, 5 Mar-16 Apr, 5:30pm-8pm
  • Examinations of both courses: Fri, 25 Apr, 6pm-10pm

The leisure skipper course is the beginner’s course on navigation theory and maritime traffic regulations. You will learn how to find your way between the right signs, navigate on the map and identify other ships based on lights. Teaching begins from the basics, so previous knowledge is not required. Later, you can continue your studies in the coastal skipper course, which includes tides, meteorology and the use of the radar. You may participate in both courses at the same time.

You can join the courses by becoming a member of TRIP and paying the membership fee.

Further information: trip.ayy.fi


13. Friend and dating service for university students – AcademicSingles is open!

At Aalto University, about 2/3 of the students are men, whereas at the University of Helsinki, the ratio is just the opposite. Through AcademicSingles, you can get to know people at different universities in the metropolitan area. In this way, all profiles are always of high quality and authentic. You can always decide who sees your profile according to the university and degree programme.

The service allows you to get to know academic singles in the metropolitan area:

  1. Online –In addition to browsing the members’ basic information, you can comment your life on a wall similar to FB, follow the posts of others and discuss online on chat, for example.
  2. Hobbies – You do not always want or even look for a partner. Through the service, you can easily find company to your favourite hobbies or cultural activities.
  3. PopUp events – Members can organise PopUp events for each other and invite the kind of singles they would like to meet. Or you can just participate in events organised by others!

The first version of the service is available in Finnish and free of charge for the first 1,000 registrants throughout the year 2014. Create your own profile at: https://academicsingles.fi/.

14. Participate in the international youth activities of the Finnish Red Cross!

The youth delegate course of the Finnish Red Cross is now open for applications. Youth delegates are the Red Cross youth members who are 18 years or over and chosen and trained to work as youth delegates in the organisational development field.

You may apply for the basic course of youth delegates if you

  • are between 18 and 28 years of age
  • speak fluent English
  • have experience of voluntary work from the Red Cross or somewhere else and you understand the difference between voluntary and paid work.

Further information and link to the application: http://www.punainenristi.fi/nuoret/kansainvalinen-toiminta

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