Weekly Newsletter 9/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 9/2014

The first Aino of the year will be published this week. Come and read the latest magazine at the pop-up café at the Central Office on Thursday, 12noon-5pm!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Sano se suomeksi! campaign ongoing until 14 Mar
  3. Send a card to someone nice!
  4. Report delayed course grading
  5. AINO Pop-Up Café @ Otaniemi
  6. FSHS neck-shoulder muscle care course in Otaniemi
  7. Technological Finland Youth to Business
  8. Students’ baseball team OtaKoppi is active during the winter season!
  9. KYN is again looking for new enthusiastic singers!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 9

Week 10

2. Sano se suomeksi! campaign ongoing until 14 March 

AYY, Aalto University and the Language Centre organise a campaign between 13 Jan-14 Mar where international students can practise their Finnish skills in everyday situations at the university. Students collect entries to their passport when speaking Finnish at AYY’s service points, student restaurants, student services and other university staff. Passports are distributed at AYY’s service points, the Language Centre and student service points. Prizes will be raffled among the participants. The campaign will end on 14 March 2014, so you still have time to participate.

Further information on campaign’s fb-pge.

3. Send a card to someone nice!

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you. You can report a nice person at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/

Let’s remember to thank each other!

4. Report delayed course grading

Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to us and Aalto University administration via the electronic form. The form information can be found on AYY’s website at: /jasenille/annapalautetta/

5. AINO Pop-Up Café @ Otaniemi

AINO 1/2014 has been published! In order to celebrate this, Aino’s editorial staff will organise a pop-up café at AYY’s Central Office (Otakaari 11, 2nd floor) for one day on Thursday, 27 Feb, 12noon-5pm. We offer excellent ADD CAFE coffee, Froosh smoothies, laid-back music and freshly printed magazines. Welcome! Bring your friends with you!

Event on Facebook.

6. FSHS neck-shoulder muscle care course in Otaniemi

A muscle care course is organised for students who have neck-shoulder symptoms at FSHS Otaniemi Unit at the address Otakaari 12. The course is well suited for students who have mild neck-shoulder symptoms and students with neck problems due to occlusion symptoms. The course includes an educative section, as well as self-care and massage guidance and exercises.

The course meetings will be held on Thu, 3 Apr and Thu, 10 Apr, 4pm-5.15pm (2x75min) and they are organised in the facilities of FSHS Otaniemi at Otakaari 12. The instructor is a physiotherapist of FSHS. The course language is Finnish.

Students who have paid the membership fee to a student union within the sphere of FSHS may participate in the course. Course registrations to physiotherapy consultation number 046 7101503 Mon-Fri, 11am-12noon.

Cancellations to the same number or telephone machine 046 7101028.

Uncancelled appointments cost EUR25, otherwise the course is free of charge.

7. Technological Finland Youth to Business

Finland Youth to Business is an event held by AIESEC in Finland bringing together students, business leaders and experts in a space for actionable ideas generation.

This time under the theme “How digital innovation reforms Finnish businesses” the forum creates a platform for students to step forward from theory to business reality, understanding which competences are needed to be successful in a technological and changing world and how to overcome the odds of unemployment and actually influence the future whether innovating in companies or starting new projects.

Finland Youth to Business is free for all students studying in Finland at the moment or for those who have recently graduated and it will take place on 28 Mar 2014 in HAAGA-HELIA, Pasila Campus.

Register here.

For further information you can consult the website and facebook page of the event:

8. Students’ baseball team OtaKoppi is active during the winter season!

OtaKoppi is the students’ baseball team which provides its members with diverse opportunities to play baseball. OtaKoppi is also active during the winter season. There are rehearsals at Otahalli on Tuesdays, 9pm-11pm, where you can practise your hits. We also play floorball at Otahalli on Sundays at 4pm. In addition, the women’s team has rehearsals on Monday, 8pm. Everyone who is interested in baseball is very welcome to come and exercise in a nice company!

In the summer, OtaKoppi plays in the men’s provincial league, the women’s regional league and the amateur league. Informal summer baseball is organised weekly in the summer, where everyone can participate, regardless of their background! In late summer, OtaKoppi also participates in the Finnish student championship tournament with a team filled with positive spirit. You should keep these recreational opportunities in mind, as the summer is approaching fast.

You can read more about OtaKoppi on its website (otakoppi.fi). The membership is free for the members of AYY and HYY. By becoming a member, you are added to the mailing list of OtaKoppi, which provides information on upcoming rehearsals and events. If you are interested, you should join us. Welcome to play baseball in a good company!


9. KYN is again looking for new and enthusiastic singers!

Welcome to the audition that will be held at the School of Economics on Mon, 3 Mar, approx. 6pm-8pm. Please sign up for the audition via e-mail to puheenjohtaja(a)kyn.fi by Sunday, 2 Mar 2014 with the subject ”Audition” and tell us about your musical and singing background. Please also mention your contact details and whether you have any preferences on the audition time. Be prepared to sing one optional song without accompaniment.

Please sign up by Sun, 2 March!

Further information about us is available on our website and our FB site.


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