Weekly Newsletter 11/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 11/2014

Also remember to read the association newsletter, which is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

On this week’s Friday, SYL and SAMOK will organise the students’ euro election panel. Come to the panel or follow it live online (the link will be published on SYL’s website).
P.S. AYY’s own euro election panel will be organised at Design Factory in Otaniemi at 5pm on Thu, 8 May. Save the date!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Hey, listen EU! Students’ euro election panel, Fri, 14 March – also live broadcast
  3. Lost property stored at Otaniemi Service Point to be disposed of on 17 March
  4. Selling of junk bike collection in Teekkari Village
  5. I DO want to send mail to a member of parliament
  6. WANTED: Tutors for international students for the academic year 2014-2015
  7. Sano se suomeksi campaign’s last week starts!
  8. Second application round of TTE-Fund is open!
  9. FSHS hay fever theme day in Otaniemi
  10. English-speaker-friendly show of Teekkari Spex on March 25, 2014
  11. BEST Helsinki info evening
  12. Become a volunteer in Tapiola Red Cross multicultural group!
  13. Prank sauna, Wed, 19 Mar, 6pm @ Rantasauna
  14. ** Kohti pimeää: Films by Pekka Hyytiäinen ** Kino Tapiola 17 & 24 March
  15. Asian Film Festival in Helsinki on 13-16 March

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 11

Week 12

2.    Hey, listen EU! Students’ euro election panel, Fri, 14 Mar – also live broadcast

The Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK and the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) will organise the euro election panel at 9.30am-12noon on Friday, 14 March, with a particular focus on issues concerning the students and the young generation.

Top candidates of political parties will participate in the panel. Panelists include Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (SDP), Anni Sinnemäki (Greens), Sampo Terho (Finns Party), Nils Torvalds (Swedish People’s Party), Annika Lapintie (Left), Petri Sarvamaa (National Coalition Party), Anneli Jäätteenmäki (Centre Party) and Juha Richter (Christian Democrats).
Welcome to follow the hottest election debate of the spring!

  • Event: Students’ euro election panel: Hey, listen EU!
  • Time: Friday, 14 March, 9.30am-12noon
  • Location: Europe Hall (Malminkatu 16, HKI)
  • Social media: #kuuleEU

The panel is broadcasted live online. The link to the broadcast will be published on the websites of both SYL (www.syl.fi) and SAMOK (www.samok.fi).

3. Lost property stored at Otaniemi Service Point to be disposed of on 17 March

Have you lost something? Otaniemi Service Point has stored lost property saved from various events (mainly organised in Otaniemi). Lost property includes coats, backpacks, overalls, tailcoat, gloves, woolly hats, song books, car keys, etc. Please come and pick up your property immediately.
Uncollected lost property, which is currently stored, will be disposed of on Monday, 17 Mar 2014.

On Monday, 17 March, useful goods will be delivered to Otaniemi Recycling Centre and valuable goods (car keys, jewellery, etc.) will be delivered to Espoo Police Station. Dirty and broken goods will be placed in the bin. In the future, you can inquire lost property from Otaniemi Service Point for two weeks after the event in question.

4. Selling of junk bikes collected in Teekkari Village

Usable junk bikes collected in November will be sold in March. The selling will take place at Jämeräntaival 6 next to the place where the bikes are stored now. Bikes cannot be reserved in advance, so be fast. Prices range from EUR 20 to EUR 40, depending on the condition and features of bikes. Please remember to bring cash with you. Now is a good time to make great bike deals at the beginning of the cycling season. Unsold bikes will be donated to charity and sent to Tanzania!

Selling times are:

  • Tuesday 11 Mar, from 5.30pm to 7pm
  • Thursday 13 Mar, from 10am to 12noon
  • Sunday 16 Mar, from 12noon to 2pm

5. I DO want to send mail to a member of parliament!

Participate in the promotion of an equal marriage act in the Parliament and approach your own member of parliament with a post card! You do not have to make one, unless you want to, as AYY will send a card on your behalf on the Equality Day (19 Mar). You can leave your regards with an electronic form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/tahdon-lahettaa-kortin-kansanedustajalleni/

6. WANTED: International tutors for the academic years 2014-2015

Enthusiastic international tutors are searched for at Aalto CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI and ARTS (architecture students)! International tutors have a very important role in leading an international group and integrating them into our student community. Tutors get to know new cultures, make new friends and have a great time!International tutors are also entitled to one credit point after attending AYY’s tutor trainings and returning a report. Tutors will get a tutor certificate and expense reimbursement, too. Half-a-day tutor trainings are held in April, tutor groups formed during the summer and the action starts in the autumn, when the new international students arrive to Finland. Find more information at ayy.fi/international-tutoring and apply now!

7. Sano se suomeksi campaign’s last week starts!

Collect more signatures and return your passport at the latest on 14 Mar 2014!

Use Finnish in everyday situations at the University and ask the staff to sign your Sano se suomeksi passport with their name, as well as the date and place where you used Finnish. Return the passport(s) to the Language Centre, AYY service points or to the Student Services office of your School by 14 March 2014. The five students who collect the most signatures will get a funny and interesting book about Finland and the Finns. In addition we will arrange a lottery among all those who return their passports with at least ten signatures. If you collect at least 10 signatures, you get a nice official certificate, too. Don’t be shy, it’s the effort that counts, not the pureness of the grammar!

More information is available here:

8. Second application round of TTE-Fund in 2014 is open!

Second application round of TTE-Fund in 2014 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 1000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

Second application round of 2014 will end on Sunday, 23 March 2014, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds of year 2014 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.


  • Wednesday, 19 March 2014, 12noon-2.30pm
  • Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 12noon-2.30pm

at FSHS, Otaniemi Unit, Otakaari 12

Otaniemi FSHS organises hay fever theme day on Wed, 19 March and Wed, 23 Apr, 12noon-2.30pm
During the afternoon, you can renew your hay fever recipe at a doctor’s appointment without a reservation. In addition, you can get information on hay fever and its treatment. More information is available through the link below and at http://www.yths.fi/yhteystiedot/toimipisteet/espoo
In March-April, in weeks 12-15, we also organise the recycling weeks at Otaniemi FSHS. In the lobby, we recycle items that are in good condition to new owners. Come and find treasures in the spirit of sustainable development!

10. English-speaker-friendly show of Teekkari Spex on 25 March 2014

Teekkari Spex, the biggest student musical in Finland, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with DANSE MACABRE – a musical spectacle on the 18th century Spanish inquisition, mystical decadence and seduction.
The acting, singing and dancing are complemented with improvisation and every show is unique: the audience is able to influence the events that happen on stage.
This “spex” is a tradition unique to the student cultures of Finland and Sweden, so make sure that you experience one!

The special English-speaker-friendly show on 25 March will provide a summary of the plot in English.
This is a great opportunity to familiarise yourself with Finnish student activities and to brush up your Finnish!

More information and ticket reservations: evgenia.antonova@aalto.fi  (see also http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi).

11. BEST Helsinki info evening

BEST Helsinki invites you to visit info evening (6 Mar 2014 and 10 Mar 2014) about summer courses all over the Europe. We are going to provide you with information about courses, what is going on there, who the applicants are and how to become one of them.

By coming to this info evening (first one on 6 March 2014), you will take the first step towards an unforgettable summer! The second evening will be held on 10 March 2014.

  • Place: GORSU, Jämerantaival 5a.
  • Time: 7pmBEST
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BESTHelsinki
  • Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/672159212825538/
  • AYY calendar link: /en/blog/events/best-summer-courses-2014-info-evening-1/

12. Become a volunteer in Tapiola Red Cross multicultural group!

Tapiola Red Cross is looking for enthusiastic people, who are perhaps searching for a new hobby and new friends, to become volunteers in its multicultural group.

We offer: possibility to get involved in creating and organising multicultural events (for example on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in March), occasions to meet, getting to know with people from different cultures…

We expect from you: open-mindedness, interest towards other cultures and people with different backgrounds, respect of the Red Cross values (you can learn more about the principles here: http://www.ifrc.org/who-we-are/vision-and-mission/the-seven-fundamental-principles/ )

If you got interested, please contact:

13. Prank sauna, Wed, 19 Mar, 6pm @ Rantasauna

Go to the sauna and get tips on how to make pranks at Rantsu on 19 Mar! ”I will not stop making pranks until I grow up, I have grown up when I finish making pranks”, says an ancient proverb.
So come to Rantsu on Wednesday, 19 March, to hear the best reasons to make pranks this spring and participate in the prank contest. One of the reasons to participate are the great prizes of the spring, which will be published in the prank sauna. In addition, we offer free tips on how to make pranks and continue to talk about the topic in the sauna.
We offer pranks, free food, good vibes and board games!
Event on Facebook.

14. ** Kohti pimeää: Films by Pekka Hyytiäinen ** Kino Tapiola 17 & 24 March

Film Club Montaasi organises a retrospective of films by Pekka Hyytiäinen at Kino Tapiola at 7pm on 17 and  24 March. The event consists of two screenings, where all three feature films of Hyytiäinen will be screened, as well as plenty of unseen material from his career. Hyytiäinen’s friends and partners will come to talk about the making of films.

Hyytiäinen (1950–2008) is a forgotten natural talent of the Finnish cinema and one of those rare Finnish independent film makers of the 1970s and 80s, who managed to break through to the mainstream. His  films received plenty of praise from critics when they were published, but did not achieve commercial success.

Tickets for the event will be sold in the screenings, the total price is €5.
The ticket is valid for both shows.

Further information: http://montaasi.ayy.fi/kohtipimeaa
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/812175768799680/
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/87024756

15. Asian Film Festival in Helsingki on 13-16 March

On 13–16 March, Helsinki Cine Asian film festival will be held for the second time. The festival’s program focuses on East and Southeast Asian contemporary film. Included are films from Japan, China, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines, among others. The festival showcases films from well-known directors as well as films from new up-and-coming directors. The whole festival program can be found on Helsinki Cine Aasia’s website (www.helsinkicineaasia.fi/en)
Further information:

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