Weekly Newsletter 13/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 13/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The association newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s scholarships open for applications on 17 Mar-15 Apr 2014!
  3. Apply for AYY’s anniversary committee by 26 Mar
  4. WWF Earth Hour, Sat, 29 Mar 14, 8.30pm-9.30pm – turn the lights off!
  5. Aalto in Asia – Join the organisation team?
  6. Reminder about opening hours and making appointments at FSHS Otaniemi Unit
  7. President’s Aalto coffee at 9am on 8 Apr
  8. Join Radiodiodi’s activities!
  9. World IP Day 2014 – writing contest for students
  10. Apply for AIESEC’s Global Citizen programme
  11. Engineering contest EBEC in Otaniemi on 29 Mar 2014

1. This and next week’s events

Week 13

Week 14

2. AYY’s scholarships open for applications on 17 Mar-15 Apr 2014!

AYY’s scholarships are open for applications in March-April. This spring, the application period is between 12noon, Mon, 17 Mar 2014–11.59pm, Tue, 15 Apr 2014. NB! AYY’s pocket calendar reminds students about the scholarship application at the end of April but this year the deadline for applications is already Tuesday, 15 Apr!

AYY has three scholarships: exchange scholarship, community scholarship and study scholarship. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage to successfully combine studies and the student life.

Further information and the application form are available at ayy.fi/stipendit.

3. Apply for AYY’s anniversary committee by 26 March 

We are looking for members for AYY’s anniversary committee. You can apply to organise the 5th anniversary of our student union. As a member of the committee, you get to see AYY’s activities closely, get to know incredible people and, of course, make decisions concerning our 5th anniversary!

You can fill out the application at https://lomake.ayy.fi/rekry/vuosijuhlatoimikunnan-puheenjohtajaksi-2015-ja-vuosijuhlatoimikunnan-jaseneksi/ until 26 March.

Please write your application already today!

4. WWF Earth Hour, Sat, 29 Mar 14, 8.30pm-9.30pm – turn the lights off!

Aalto, AYY and Aalto University Properties challenge all members of our community to celebrate WWF Earth Hour on Saturday, 29 Mar 2014, 8.30pm-9.30pm.

AYY participates in the campaign by turning off the lights in the central office in Otaniemi and Arabia and Töölö service points and by encouraging students to turn off the lights in student housing and rental facilities. AYY also challenges the associations to turn off the lights in club rooms and events during the Earth Hour.

Aalto University Properties Ltd will participate in WWF Earth Hour by turning off the lights in three buildings on Töölö Campus and in the following buildings on Otaniemi Campus: Tietotalo, TUAS Building, Library and Lämpömiehenkuja 2. Outdoor lighting cannot be turned off.

Further information:

Ps. Do you already have ”please turn the lights off” stickers in your building? If not, you can order them free of charge: Senior Advisor, Sustainable Development Meri.Loyttyniemi@aalto.fi, 050 313 7549, Campus and Facility Services

5. Aalto in Asia – join the organisation team?

Would you like to spend the coldest and darkest part of the winter in Asia? Aalto in Asia https://www.facebook.com/aaltoinasia is organising a trip to the Far East to explore the growing markets and the hottest corporations and start-ups. The application period is extended until the end of March. Read more on our facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/aaltoinasia

6. Reminder about opening hours and making appointments at FSHS Otaniemi Unit

FSHS Otaniemi Unit is open from Mondays to Thursdays between 8am-5pm and on Fridays between 8am-2pm. You can get a doctor’s appointment by making a reservation in advance.

You can make an appointment or get an evaluation on the need for health care by phone or, if necessary, during the opening hours of the patient office on Mon-Thu, 8am-3pm and on Friday, 8am-2pm.

Our unit does not offer emergency appointments for the public health nurse or the general practicioner and you should always make an appointment in advance. After the closing time, our unit does not have the required personnel for acute health care. If you need acute care during the day or evaluation on the need for health care when our unit is closed, please contact the nearest health centre. http://www.espoo.fi/fi-FI/Sosiaali_ja_terveyspalvelut/Terveyspalvelut/Terveysasemat

7. President’s Aalto Coffee at 9am on 8 April

All faculty, staff and students are warmly welcome to President’s Aalto Coffee on 8 April at 9am-10.30am in Otaniemi, Otakaari 1, Hall E.

Ilkka Niemelä who is the acting president during Tuula Teeri’s sabbatical will tell about current issues at Aalto. We will also have two new staff members presenting themselves: Head of Security and Risk Management Seija Piiponniemi-Lahti and Communications Director Elina Ämmälä.

The languages of the presentation are both Finnish and English (if needed). Questions and discussions are welcome in English, Swedish or Finnish.

Please register no later than 31 March: https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/en/aalto_kahvit

8. Join Radiodiodi’s activities!

The May Day radio Radiodiodi in Otaniemi will make a comeback to entertain the May Day crowd! The radio has been a very popular students’ media format in the previous years and it is now

looking for new and fresh people to participating in the making of an even better May Day radio.

Have you always wondered how you would sound like on the radio? Do your friends laugh at your stories? Have you always wanted to speak to large audiences? Come and make a radio programme! In matters related to content production, you may contact Programme Chief Ilkka Rekola (ilkka.rekola@aalto.fi). If you already have programme ideas, tell us about them so we can implement your ideas together. However, we do not require finished programme ideas, as long as you are enthusiastic!

If you do not want to make a radio show, but you are interested in working on the radio, you can contact the Chief Editor Oskari Korpelainen (oskari.korpelainen@aalto.fi), who will tell you how you can help.

9. World IP Day 2014 – writing contest for students

IPR University Center will organise a writing contest with the copyright theme. Texts should address issues related to copyrights, such as ”The world without copyrights?” The writing style is free: pragmatic text, causerie, blog, column or fiction, all texts are welcome.

Participate by sending your text by 6 Apr 2014 to info@iprinfo.com. The writing should be sent as a Word-file. Detailed contest rules are available at www.iprinfo.com/ -> Koulutus -> World IP Day 2014 -> Kirjoituskilpailu

Further information: info@iprinfo.com, tel. 040-3521527, www.iprinfo.com

10. Apply for AIESEC’s Global Citizen programme

Global Citizen is AIESEC’s international volunteer internship programme of 6-12 weeks for students who want to do something useful and at the same time learn and develop themselves by living and working abroad. Through the programme, you can develop a local community by working in an organisation, school or doing volunteer work together with other international young people. Challenge your worldview, begin an adventure and experiece the diversity of the human kind while developing yourself in a new culture!

Are you interested? Apply for the summer programme 2014 at globalcitizen-fi.com

Please contact the exchange contact person of AIESEC Aalto at van1311.dang@aiesec.net if you have any questions.

11. Engineering competition EBEC in Otaniemi on 29 March

BEST Helsinki organises for the fifth time a pre-selection round for the international engineering competition EBEC. The winners of the pre-selection will be sent to Copenhagen where the second round of the competition will take place. Teams of four will built catapult devices from assigned materials and claim victory with an effective resolution and showing good teamwork skills. The 8-hour event is free of charge and open for everyone who studies at Aalto at the moment. In addition to the 1st prize, there will be product prizes and the participants will be offered lunch. Please sign up before 12noon on 26 March.

