Weekly Newsletter 14/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 14/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The association newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

AYY’s scholarships are open for applications until 15 Apr 2014 at ayy.fi/stipendit.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Elaboration on the practices of weekly and association newsletters
  3. AYY is looking for a summer assistant for the housing office
  4. Aino magazine’s survey on academic sexism
  5. Work for Dipoli May Day 2014
  6. Get a security officer training
  7. President’s Aalto coffee at 9am on 8 Apr
  8. NuDe’s spring exhibitio “Rajamailla” on display at Lasipalatsi during this week
  9. All about Finnish Red Cross course in Tapiola
  10. Become a support person for a child or young person!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 14

Week 15

2. Elaboration on the practices of weekly and association newsletters

AYY publishes weekly and association newsletters every week. The purpose of the newsletters is to distribute information to the community about the activities of AYY and its associations and partners.

About 10 pieces of news are published weekly in the weekly newsletter. News cover topics that are relevant to the student union members. These include, among other things, news concerning the student card, student financial aid and other social affairs, the university’s releases that affect the student’s everyday life (e-mail service breaks, printing services, renovation of essential facilities, etc.) and interesting current events about the community. Information concerns as many AYY members as possible. Sports releases are also published in the weekly newsletter.

The association newsletter includes news that are relevant to associations. The recipients are associations, not individual members. Association news can include, for example, AYY’s training or grant advertisements, recruitment for working bees or the releases of associations to one another (e.g. releases about reserving tickets as an association). From now on, all texts for the association and weekly newsletters should be submitted to tiedotteet@ayy.fi. The communications specialist and communications officer will divide texts to the right newsletter in accordance with the above-mentioned description.

NB! The deadline for the association newsletter is 10am on Wednesday (published on Friday) and the deadline for the weekly newsletter is 10am on Thursday (published on the following Monday). The delay between the deadline and publicaton is due to the fact that all texts are translated into Swedish and English. Please take translating into account in your text: If the event is held in Finnish, please specify it by saying that ”The language of the seminar is Finnish” or ”Participation requires Finnish skills”.

If you have any feedback/comments/development ideas in terms of AYY’s newsletters, you can send them to tiedotteet@ayy.fi. Communications Specialist Kati Penttinen and Communications Officer Henna Lahti are glad to receive any ideas.

3. AYY is looking for a summer assistant for the housing office

AYY is looking for a SUMMER ASSISTANT for the housing office at Otaniemi Service Point for the period 5 May–30 Sept 2014 (or as agreed). The summer assistant works as part of AYYs housing office team. We particularly need the summer assistant for customer service. Duties include, among others, personal customer service, customer service related to e-mails and phone calls, coordination and responding to various housing inquiries. The position is suitable for a student of Aalto University, for example. The applicant should have a systematic approach and a positive attitude to customer service. The ability to use information systems and good basic skills in MS Office systems are necessary. In the customer service position, the applicant should have a good command of  English and Finnish, Swedish skills are an advantage.

The salary is based on the wage group II in the student union’s collective agreement. Weekly working hours are 37.5. Please send a written application and CV no later than Wednesday, 9 Apr 2014 to rekrytointi@ayy.fi. For further information on the position, please contact Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula, tel. 050 520 9444 and Chief Financial Officer Reija Väätäinen, tel. 040 7095900.


4. Aino magazine’s survey on academic sexism

Aalto student magazine Aino will include an article about gender discrimination in the academic community. Please help us to write a better article by responding to the survey here.

It takes approx. 2 minutes to respond to the survey. Thank you!

5. Work for Dipoli May Day 2014!

April and May Day are approaching, and now you have the opportunity to get new ribbons! This year, May Day party will be organised on 30 Apr at Dipoli after a few years break and we need plenty of workers for a successful party! We need workers for different duties, such as ticket sales, security, roadie work, decoration, technology, cooking and driving the van. Registration will begin at 12noon on Tuesday, 1 Apr, through this link.

Workers have free admission through a separate VIP door, overall badge, one of the two achievements required for the pink ribbon, the legendary May Day basket and admission to the afterparty for employees! This year, the fastest workers to sign up will also get a seat for the karaoke bus to Ullis on 1 May!
Questions can be sent by e-mail to jtmk@list.ayy.fi. The form will be closed when we have enough employees. After this, you can still contact us via e-mail if you want to be added to biletmk mailing list. Those on the list will receive information about recruitments before others.

6. Get a security officer training

AYY offers a basic course of a security officer (32 hours) for the fastest 20 persons to register. The course will be held on Fri, 11 Apr-Mon, 14 Apr. Training is available free of charge when you promise to work as a security officer in four (4) AYY’s events by the end of the year 2015. The training will be held in Finnish.

After passing the final exam, you will receive the course certificate. A person who has successfully completed the course must apply for the right to act as a security officer from the local police. The card costs approximately €30 and it is valid for up to five years at a time. You are personally responsible for the payment of the card fee.

See a detailed course schedule and content and sign up at https://lomake.ayy.fi/vapaaehtoiset/kouluttaudu-jarjestyksenvalvojaksi/

7.  President’s Aalto Coffee 8 April at 9.00 am

All faculty, staff and students are warmly welcome to President’s Aalto Coffee on 8 April at 9.00-10.30 am in Otaniemi, Otakaari 1, Hall E.

Ilkka Niemelä who is the acting president during Tuula Teeri’s sabbatical will tell about current issues at Aalto. We will also have two new staff members presenting themselves: Head of Security and Risk Management Seija Piiponniemi-Lahti and Communications Director Elina Ämmälä.

The languages of the presentation are both Finnish and English (if needed). Questions and discussion are welcome in English, Swedish or Finnish.

Please, register no later than 31 March: https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/en/aalto_kahvit

8. Spring exhibition of NuDe “Rajamailla” on display at Lasipalatsi during this week

“Rajamailla” is the spring exhibition of young designers NuDe. This year, the exhibition theme is moving at the interface of art and design. New works of art are offerd to you by students of Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. The exhibition is open for a week between 31 Mar-6 Apr every day at 12noon-10pm. The opening of the spring exhibition will be held on Monday, 31 Mar, 6pm-11pm. Welcome!

Exhibition on facebook.

9. All about Finnish Red Cross course in Tapiola

The Red Cross is the world’s largest humanitarian aid organisation in the world, millions of voluntary people work wherever help is needed most. Would you also like to get involved? Want to find out about different people and at the same time to do something which brings joy for you and others? Do not hesitate, you’re needed!

The course is free of charge, is held in English and is intended for anyone interested in Red Cross activities! The course is organized by Finnish Red Cross Tapiola branch.

  • WHAT? History, ideology and international operations of the Red Cross organisation. Volunteer work at Red Cross. Everyday heroes’ stories.
  • WHEN? Wednesday, 2 April, at 6pm
  • WHERE? In Tuulimäen kalliosuoja, Itätuulenkuja 9, Tapiola.
  • QUESTIONS & HOW TO REGISTER? More information and signing up for the course by 1April to international@spr-tapiola.org

10.  Become a support person for a child or young person!

Are you interested in volunteer work among children and young people? Would you like to give your time, presence and a positive adult relationship to a child or a young person? EHJÄ is looking for volunteer adults to become support persons for children, young people and young persons who are becoming independent from child caring institutions in the metropolitan area. A support person and a child/young person meet about 1-3 times per month and do various nice things together. They can go ice skating, spend a summer day eating ice cream or go to the theatre, for example.

The next training will be organised in the middle of April. The training will be held in Finnish.

Read more through the link http://www.ehja.fi/kuvat/tukihenkiloksi.pdf

Contact details:

  • If you are interested in becoming a support person for children and young people: tukihenkilo@ehja.fi / 045 132 9321
  • If you are interested in becoming a support person for young people who are becoming independent: vilhelmiina.kemppainen@ehja.fi / 045 8439651