Weekly Newsletter 16/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 16/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The association newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

AYY’s scholarships are open for applications until 11.59pm on Tuesday, 15 Apr at ayy.fi/stipendit.

The weekly newsletter will be released next week on Tuesday after Easter. Have a relaxing Easter holiday!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for Otaniemi Regional Planning Working Group!
  3. Office space for rent at Smökki
  4. Apply as a student representative in administration 2014 in the supplementary call for applications
  5. Submit your events for AYY’s student calendar 2014-2015
  6. Students with an Aalto email address to be updated with Aalto address to Oodi starting from 28 April
  7. Apply as an AYY’s representative for KENKKU for the academic year 2014-2015
  8. Apply now for EuroEnviro, a student symposium on environment
  9. Prank finale, 23 Apr, 3pm @ Hall M
  10. KY City Challenge is arranged for the tenth time!
  11. Apply for AEGEE’s summer university by 23 Apr
  12. On the Couch: Business Alleviating Poverty?
  13. Atheos: Debate about intelligent design

1. This and next week’s events

Week 16

Week 17

2. Apply for Otaniemi Regional Planning Working Group!

Otaniemi will have major changes and development ahead. As a major operator in the area, the Student Union has the opportunity to influence the final content of Otaniemi land use, as well as the development of entire Otaniemi.

AYY is looking for AYY’s members who are interested in city planning to participate in Otaniemi Regional Planning Working Group. The working group members are expected to have basic understanding of land use planning. The knowledge of community planning, land use planning and/or traffic engineering, studies and experience in the field are considered an advantage. We aim at having a diverse working group, where different points of view are represented.

Further information on the working groups and its activities is available on AYY’s website at ayy.fi/blog/2014/04/07/hae-mukaan-otaniemen-aluesuunnittelun-tyoryhmaan/ (in Finnish) or from AYY Board Member Pyry Haahtela (040 480 8627 / pyry.haahtela@ayy.fi)

Please apply no later than 8am on Tue, 22 Apr at https://lomake.ayy.fi/asuminen/hakulomake-otaniemen-aluesuunnittelun-tyoryhmaan/

3. Office space for rent at Smökki

Aalto University Student Union offers office space for rent at the address Jämeräntaival 4 in Otaniemi. Office space is located in connection with Servin Mökki.

Facilities will be released from current tenants on 30 June 2014.
Further information and the floor plan can be found at: /ylioppilaskunta/toimistotilaa-vuokralle/

4. Apply as a student representative in administration 2014 in a supplementary call for applications

You still have time to apply as a student representative in administration in a supplementary call for applications! Student representatives in administration, ”hallopeds”, are ordinary students who do important work for better education and a better university. We need more student representatives for the student financial aid committee, degree committee, as well as the education councils of BIZ, SCI and ELEC. Please apply now, as the call for applications will end already at 11.59pm on 15 Apr.

All available positions and electronic applications forms are available at  https://www.halloped.fi/fi/aalto
Call for applications and further information can be found at /blog/2014/04/04/hae-taydennyshaussa-hallinnon-opiskelijaedustajaksi-2014/

5. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2014-2015

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Tuesday, 27 May 2014. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from  your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 27 May 2014, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

6. Students with an Aalto email address to be updated with Aalto address to Oodi starting from 28 April

A reform in the policy regarding the students’ email addresses will take place on 28 April. After the reform, all other students except the students of Open University and doctoral students, will have their @aalto.fi email address updated as their primary email address in Oodi.

After the change on 28 April, the students who have an Aalto email address will not be able to change or update their primary email in WebOodi. For the students of Open University, it is recommended that their email should be updated via AIMO although other email addresses than @aalto.fi can still be updated in WebOodi.

If students wish to forward their email from @aalto.fi address to another email address, this can be done at mail.aalto.fi according to the following guide:

https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ITServices/Forwarding+e-mails+%28students%29 (requires Aalto-login)

After the reform, the students can use the same email address in all services for teaching and studying and the reform increases information security and identifiability at Aalto.

Student Information Systems
Student Services

7. Apply as an AYY’s representative for KENKKU for the academic year 2014-2015

The Development Cooperation Advisory Board KENKKU is the adviser of SYL Board in development cooperation matters. KENKKU is responsible for the administration of SYL’s development cooperation projects together with the development cooperation coordinator. The work in KENKKU includes assisting in project management, reporting, overseeing project budgets and monitoring on-going projects.

Please send an informal application to milla.ovaska@ayy.fi by 5 May 2014.

Further information on KENKKU, its duties and the application process can be found at: /blog/2014/04/10/hae-ayyn-edustajaksi-syln-kehitysyhteistyoasian-neuvottelukunta-kenkkuun-lukuvuodelle-2014-2015/ (in Finnish)

8. Apply now for EuroEnviro, a student symposium on environment

EuroEnviro is an annual European student symposium on the environment. It is held every year in a changing European country, by students for fellow students. In 2014, the EuroEnviro will be hosted in Helsinki (May 17th to 25th) with the theme Transforming societies – towards an environmentally sustainable future.

We will accept 55 participants from all over Europe to participate in the symposium. Out of these, 15 places are reserved for students of the University of Helsinki and Aalto university (both degree and exchange students). Now is your chance to apply!

We will accept all eligible applicants on the first come first served basis, so be fast to secure your place! To apply and for more information on the admission criteria, see:
Application related questions to: euroenviro2014.application@gmail.com

9. Prank finale, 23 Apr, 3pm @ Hall M

Now is a good time to start May Day!

Come and check out this year’s finest and most hilarious pranks in Hall M in Kanditalo building at 3pm on Wednesday, 23 Apr! The event has been greatly popular so please arrive on time to ensure your seat.

Also remember the public voting which opens immediately after the prank finale at www.jäynä.fi!

The winner and the public’s favourite of the 27th prank contest in Otaniemi will be published on the roof of Smökki in connection with the May Day declaration on 30 Apr.

10. KY City Challenge is here already for the tenth time!

Now is again the time to strecth your muscles and head to the rougher side of the Ring Road III. The highly popular KY City Challenge will transform the Helsinki region into an urban adventure field, which the competitors will conquer by running, cycling and paddling against time. Gather a group of three persons and get ready to challenge yourself at adventure checkpoints along the way! The competition requires courage, perseverance and team work skills. Do you have what it takes?

Challenge accepted? Please sign up for the most unforgettable adventure by 18 Apr at: www.kycitychallenge.fi/ilmoittautuminen

Link to fb event: https://www.facebook.com/events/672903019420138/?fref=ts

11. Apply for AEGEE’s summer university by 23 Apr

“Summer University” courses are not academic courses. The fee for a Summer University course is only 90€ per week at max.
The price covers:

  • Accommodation
  • Breakfast and a warm meal every day
  • Programme for two weeks and related journeys (NB! Flight costs are not included.)

For more information check: www.aegee.org/su and www.aegee-helsinki.org or send your questions here: board@aegee-helsinki.org

  • Check the Summer Universities for next summer here: http://www.projects.aegee.org/suct/su2014/
  • How to apply? Check this page: http://www.aegee-helsinki.org/activities/aegee-summer-universities-2014


12. On the Couch: Business Alleviating Poverty?

Friday night, pizza, beer, poverty and business – this time On The Couch will be discussing the controversial topic of poverty alleviation through business! What does it mean? How does it work? Are win – win situations possible? The second On The Couch invites Reetta Nevala from the Ekokriha project and Tytti Nahi, a researcher in Aalto University to join the Couch to discuss and answer your critical questions around the topic.
The event will take place on Friday, 25 Apr, 6.30pm in Helsinki City center (tbc). Please sign up by 16 Apr 2014 by sending an email to aaltosbc@gmail.com with the headline “On the couch”.
Further information: /en/blog/events/on-the-couch-business-alleviating-poverty-25-4-2013/

13. Atheos: Debate night about intelligent design

Atheos – atheist engineering students – will organise a debate night about intelligent design in Hall E of the Main Building at 6pm on Thursday, 17 Apr (the event starts at 6pm sharp!). Presentations by Otto Pellinen, Mikko Lehikoinen and Ilmari Hirvonen. Titles of presentations can be found at: /blog/events/tieteellinen-paattely-ja-suunnittelun-tunnistaminen/

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