AYY Weekly Newsletter 17/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 17/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote.

May Day 2014 will truly begin this week when Academic Quarter race is organised at Alvari Square, the best pranks of the year are awarded in Prank Finale, Julkku magazine is published and sitsi contest is organised. In addition, Aalto members’ May Day radio Radiodiodi began its broadcast yesterday (radiodiodi.fi and 105,0 Mhz). Have a great May Day season!
P.S. Check out May Day events at wappu.fi and join the festivities!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Share your May Day photos with hashtag #AaltoWappu and win AYY Shop products
  3. Send a card to someone nice!
  4. Office space for rent at Smökki
  5. MP3 Experience surprises again on 24 April!
  6. Dipoli May Day 2014
  7. Get to know software career opportunities at Vaisala
  8. Aalto in Asia is looking for new members
  9. CALL FOR RESTAURANTS on Working Bee Day/ Restaurant Day in Aalto!
  10. Helsinki Open 2014 Debating Tournament
  11. Veritas Forum: Has Science buried God?
  12. Students’ Finnish Championships in American Football in Helsinki, 25-26 Apr


1. This and next week’s events

Week 17

Week 18

2. Share your May Day photos with hashtag #AaltoWappu and win AYY Shop products

May Day is here! An enormous number of events will be organised in Aalto community over the coming weeks and AYY wants to see what your May Day looks like. AYY declares open the competition where the purpose is to share May Day photos or updates in social media. Publish your photos or updates with the hashtag #AaltoWappu on facebook, instagram and/or twitter and participate in the competition. The competition period is from 00:01am, Thu, 10 Apr until 11.59pm on 1 May.
Winners will be announced after May Day in week 19 and the winning photos and updates will be shared on AYY’s facebook site. You can also enter the competition by sending your photos by e-mail to tiedottaja@ayy.fi.
AYY rewads the best May Day photos and updates with AYY hoodies and t-shirts. Winners will be notified personally.

3. Send a card to someone nice!

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you. You can report a nice person at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/

Let’s remember to thank each other!

4. Office space for rent at Smökki

Aalto University Student Union offers for rent office space at the address Jämeräntaival 4 in Otaniemi. Office space is located in connection with Servin Mökki. Facilities are released from current tenants on 31 June.
Further information and the floor plan are available at: /ylioppilaskunta/toimistotilaa-vuokralle/

5. MP3 Experience surprises again on 24 April!

Once again it is time to confuse the pedestrians of Helsinki with the 5th MP3 Experience organised by Mosaic! The idea is to download a music file (approx. 45 min) to your phone or music device, push PLAY simultaneously with the crowd and follow the instructions you hear. Previously we have done Harlem Shake on the Senate Square, invaded the main post building and done all the clichés of tourism in Esplanadi park.

What is going to happen this year? 200 people having a group hug on the Market Square? Blocking the escalators of Forum shopping centre? Hitchhiking on Mannerheimintie? There’s only one way to find out!

What: MP3 Experience
When: Thu, 24 Apr, 5pm
Where: Ruttopuisto + Helsinki city centre
How: http://mp3.wappu.fi ja https://www.facebook.com/events/450817321687478/

6. Dipoli May Day 2014

The long anticipated and missed Dipoli May Day is finally here again!

In May Day Eve, Dipoli will be packed with the May Day spirit and students. This May Day, Retropop and Ukkosmaine will take care of the incredibe party atmosphere! In addition to top performers, there is much else to do in Dipoli. You can show your singing skills at OtaKala’s checkpoint, say hi to Teekkari girls or take a closer look at Radiodiodi’s activities or play dancing game at Polygame’s checkpoint!

Performers will entertain the party crowd as follows:
10:30pm Retropop
00:00midnight RWBK
00:30am Ukkosmaine
DJ Hami B will also play party music during the evening!

So come to Dipoli to honour traditions and press your student cap on your head at midnight along RWBK’s tunes!

Ticket prices EUR 10/12 in advance/at the entrance or Tiketti.

Check out ticket sales at dipolin.wappu.fi
All May Day schedules are available at: www.wappu.fi

7. Find out about Antti’s work as a Software Engineer at Vaisala

Hey all future Software Gurus! Are you interested in leaving your professional footprint by developing software in a global company with innovative high-tech products? Did you know that Vaisala employs a team of almost one hundred highly competent software professionals? These professionals are developing software for products targeted, for example, at predicting complex weather phenomena.

If interested in learning more, check out the stories of our Software engineers Antti Sulanto and Riku Kokko. Both of them have originally graduated from Aalto University. Who knows, maybe you might be our future team member delivering cutting edge software to our demanding customers. In our team, innovative spirit, passion in your work, strong technical expertise and team player mindset are well appreciated!

Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement. Vaisala employs over 1,500 professionals in 15 countries, and serves customers in more than 150 countries each year. Vaisala’s technologies provide information on weather and other environmental phenomena for meteorologists, road authorities, wind farms, and tightly controlled industrial environments, for example.

8. Aalto in Asia is looking for new members

Would you like to spend the coldest and darkest part of the Finnish winter in Asia? Aalto in Asia is organising a trip to the Far East to explore the growing markets, hottest corporations and start-ups.

Apply now! Aalto in Asia is looking for new members for both the fundraising team as well as the media team. The main duties of these teams are to collect sponsors and to promote Aalto in Asia, respectively. In addition, Aalto in Asia is looking for an experienced individual with expertise in organising seminars, with the main responsibility of organising a seminar during the autumn of 2014.

If you are interested, please send your CV and motivation letter to sanni.siipilehto@aalto.fi. Applications will be considered according to first-come-first-serve principle! If you have other talents like blogging, video editing, writing, negotiating, etc. that might be useful, please let us know.

For further information, please visit our homepage:

9. CALL FOR RESTAURANTS on Working Bee Day / Restaurant Day at Aalto!

On Saturday, 17 May, Aalto University invites the staff, students, alumni and rest of the community to take part in the National Working Bee Day. The area of Puumiehenkuja block will undergo some major development in the future and this day will be a nice opportunity to take part in the forthcoming new campus plans.

This day also happens to be the Restaurant Day, so if you feel the master chef inside you or just fancy contributing in some other way and help on Working Bee Day, please contact heikki.sjoman@aalto.fi (050-3849719) who coordinates catering and join your restaurant with other Aalto kitchens that will feed the hungry working bee participants! Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/537249719726974/

What: Found a restaurant for a day!
When: 17 May, 11am-5m (food will be served at least between 12noon-3pm)
Where: Working Bee: Puumiehenkuja 5 area / Kitchens: ADDLAB Sähkömiehentie 4 G

10. Helsinki Open 2014 Debating Tournament

Aalto Debating Society and Helsinki Debating Society have combined their forces to organise the biggest ever international debating tournament in Helsinki. The tournament takes place on Friday 16 May – Sunday 18 May on the City Centre Campus of the University of Helsinki.

Make the most out of this unique opportunity and either

  1. Debate in the tournament! Jump out of your comfort zone and start debating. See how much you can learn in approximately one month and surprise yourself. We will help you in the process! Come to our weekly debates or contact us at aaltodebatingsociety@gmail.com
  2. Help making the event even better by volunteering! Send us your contact details through http://bit.ly/1hQlhG1
  3. Write down Sunday 18 May to your calendar and come to the grand finals. Unique chance to see world-class debating in Finland! Stay tuned for more information.

For more information about the tournament:

11. Veritas Forum: Has Science buried God?

This spring, Veritas Forum Finland has organised a series of discussions around world view questions. The tour will end with the visit of John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics from the University of Oxford, who will discuss with Matti Kamppinen, Professor in Comparative Religion from the University of Helsinki on the topic “Has Science Buried God?”.

Has Science Buried God? (in English)
(Discussion is based on Lennox’s book under the same title) Fri, 25 Apr, 2pm-4pm, University of Helsinki, Main Buiding, Hall 1, Fabianinkatu 33


  • John Lennox (Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford)
  • Matti Kamppinen (Professor in Comparative Religion, University of Turku)
  • Moderator: Markus Lammenranta, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Helsinki

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/486239151480545/

The event is organised by Veritas Forum Finland http://www.veritasforum.fi/. OPKO Helsinki, Ristin kilta, Atheos and TYT participate in the event.

12. Students’ Finnish Championships in American Football in Helsinki, 25-26 Apr

Students’ Finnish Championships in American football will be organised in Helsinki on 25-26 Apr. Come to follow explosive entertainment! Qualification matches on Friday, finales on Saturday. The event also includes a cheerleader contest and entertainment for children.
Tickets EUR 5, students EUR 3, free admission for children. Tickets include admission to the after party on Saturday: http://osm2014.fi/
The main partner is Qentinel, other partners are Accenture and TEK. Players are accommodated by Omena Hotels. Procter & Gamble also participates in the event. MVP prize is offered by TMS Footballshop.