Weekly Newsletter 18/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 18/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote.

May Day 2014 is here! Have a sunny labour day! P.S. Check out the May Day events and schedules at wappu.fi and share your May Day photos in social media with the hashtag #AaltoWappu.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Dipoli May Day 2014
  3. Waputin
  4. AYY presents: The Grand Debate on the Future of Europe
  5. Office space for rent at Smökki
  6. Last chance: Apply as a mentee by 30 Apr!
  7. Respond to the survey on the cabin of the Architect Guild — win a free reservation!
  8. Highland Games 3 May 2014
  9. Join the Clean Beach working bee!
  10. FC Kissat begins outdoor rehearsals
  11. Explore the world with AIESEC’s “global citizen” programme
  12. Gadget Jam development event in Helsinki calling for participants
  13. Startup Weekend Helsinki: Sustainability & Bioeconomy

1. This and next week’s events

Week 18

Week 19

2. Dipoli May Day 2014

The long anticipated and missed Dipoli May Day is finally here again!

In May Day Eve, Dipoli will be packed with the May Day spirit and students. This May Day, Retropop and Ukkosmaine will take care of the incredibe party atmosphere! In addition to top performers, there is much else to do in Dipoli. You can show your singing skills at OtaKala’s checkpoint, say hi to Teekkari girls or take a closer look at Radiodiodi’s activities or play dancing game at Polygame’s checkpoint! Performers will entertain the party crowd as follows:

  • 10:30pm Retropop
  • 00:00midnight RWBK
  • 00:30am Ukkosmaine

DJ Hami B will also play party music during the evening!

So come to Dipoli to honour traditions and press your student cap on your head at midnight along RWBK’s tunes! Ticket prices EUR 10/12 in advance/at the entrance or Tiketti. Check out ticket sales at dipolin.wappu.fi All May Day schedules are available at: www.wappu.fi


Super Mario? Angry birds? Game music! The best way to end May Day is to come to Waputin concert ball to Millennium pavilion at Kansalaistori Square at 5pm on 1 May. In the first half of the concert, the orchestra and soloists play along the tunes from Super Mario, Angry Birds and Battlefield. Later, you can dance along waltzes, tangos and foxtrot, not to mention the showy entrance of RetuperÀn WBK and the salon band Jorma.

The concert includes both classic and quite non-classic music. The oldest May Day magazine Waputin also participates in the event. Tickets: 15 € (humans) / 7 € (students), available at www.polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi and at the entrance of the concert. http://polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi/waputin https://www.facebook.com/events/1437968049774604/

4. AYY presents: The Grand Debate on the Future of Europe

Who will represent you for the next five years in the European Parliament? Who agrees with you on the management of the economic crisis? Who has the keys to solving Europe’s energy policy? Whose side are you on in the battle against the climate change? Who will find work for young people in Europe? What will the EU become when it grows up? Join AYY’s great euro election debate, participate in the discussion and remember to vote in May!

Aalto University Student Union AYY will organise the EU election panel in English at Design Factory in Otaniemi at 5pm on Thursday, 8 May 2014. Doors will open at 4pm, when you can meet the representatives of political parties. Themes of the interactive panel include European employment and economic policy, climate and energy policy, as well as the future of the European Union.

The panel includes experienced parliamentarians and keen challengers:

  • Anneli JÀÀtteenmĂ€ki, Centre: ”More transparency, less bureaucracy!”
  • Janne PaalijĂ€rvi, Pirate Party: “Respect privacy, end the spying!”
  • Jyrki J.J. Kasvi, Greens: ”Civil Digital Futures for Europe”
  • Li Andersson, Left: ”LOVE Europa & STOP #talouskuri #työttömyys #co2 #rasismi”
  • Marcus Rantala, Swedish People’s Party: ”EU is our ally in trade, competence and security. Finland belongs to Europe.”
  • Sampo Terho, Finns Party: “EU – we wonÂŽt get fooled again”
  • Sari Essayah, Christian Democrats: “Let the good work continue!”
  • Sirpa PietikĂ€inen, National Coalition Party: “Get it together, loose it alone”
  • Timo Harakka, Social Democratic Party (independent): “Putting Europe to work – protecting people, not banks”

The discussion will be led by Juhani MykkÀnen.

Come to challenge the candidates or follow the panel via the live stream (address to be announced later at ayy.fi). You can also follow the discussion at Twitter with the hashtag #EUdebate. You can also find the event on facebook at facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta/events

Event: AYY’s EU debate: The Grand Debate on the Future of Europe
Time: Thursday, 8 May 2014, 5pm–7pm. Come and meet the representatives of political parties at Design Factory before the debate from 4pm onwards. Location: Aalto Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5, Otaniemi Espoo) Social media: #EUdebate

Further information:

AYY’s Specialist for International Affairs Milla Ovaska, 050 520 9446 or milla.ovaska@ayy.fi

5. Office space for rent at Smökki

Aalto University Student Union offers for rent office space at the address JÀmerÀntaival 4 in Otaniemi. Office space is located in connection with Servin Mökki.

Facilities are released from current tenants on 31 June.

Further information and the floor plan are available at: /ylioppilaskunta/toimistotilaa-vuokralle/

6. Last chance: Apply as a mentee by 30 Apr!

Are you about to graduate but concerned about the future and the transition to working life? Would you like to develop your working life skills and get new perspectives from more experienced experts in the field? Are you interested in networking in the interdisciplinary group of experts?

Grab this unique opportunity and apply at: http://alumninet.aalto.fi/mentorointi. Application period: 3 March-30 April.

7. Respond to the survey on the cabin of the Architect Guild – win a free reservation!

The Architecture Club’s Cabin Foundation reviews experiences and ideas for the development of the cabin as part of its 10th anniversary strategic work. All responses are very valuable and welcome. It only takes a few minutes to respond to the survey. We will raffle a free reservation (Fri-Sat) for the cabin of the Architect Guild among those who respond to the survey by 5 May 2014. Please respond to the survey at: http://goo.gl/qsVVPY

8. Highland Games 3 May 2014

Whiskyföreningen vid teknologföreningen invites everyone to participate in Highland Games! You can sign up until May Day. Contestants will receive a wristband which they can use to taste our drinks as much as they like and they also have access to the afterparty in TF’s basement where the sauna is warm.

So what will you do on Saturday after May Day? Well, you wear your hat and a kilt or similar, come to the Alvari Square to taste whiskey ( you do not have to) and throw logs, straw bales and two different types of sledgehammers. There will also be gentleman fencing. You can sign up through the link below and there are plenty of pictures and videos in the facebook event.

Last year, the best three teams received prizes worth of hundreds of euros.

FB event

Registration form: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&formkey=dGlUYmlUeThnYVZCWjJCS05jWm5uZ1E6MA

9. Join the Clean Beach working bee!

Do you know a beach that needs cleaning? Gather your team and let’s clean together the beaches of Espoo! The City of Espoo provides rubbish bags, gloves and picks up full rubbish bags. Associations, clubs, hobby groups, workplaces, companies, students, organisations, families and groups of friends, as well as invidivual residents, may participate in the campaign.

Date of the working bee: 12-25 May 2014. Location: Public beach areas in Espoo (participants are free to choose and report the area).

Further information and registration (no later than 8 May 2014) at: http://www.espoo.fi/fi-FI/Asuminen_ja_ymparisto/Ymparisto_ja_luonto/Ymparistotietoisuus/Suomenlahtivuosi/Suomenlahtivuosi_mukana_Siisti_Biitsi_ta%2846869%29

10. FC Kissat begins outdoor rehearsals

In the honour of the spring, FC Kissat will begin outdoor rehearsals after May Day! Rehearsals are organised in Herttoniemenranta on Mondays, from 5 May onwards, between 7.45pm-9pm. The field is located at the address Paasivaarankatu 9. All female players are welcome!

In addition to new players, FC Kissat is also looking for a new goalie for the summer.

11. Explore the world with AIESEC’s “global citizen” programme

Would you like to embrace exotic culture? Would you like to make international friends? Would you like to explore new sceneries? Would you like to learn a new language?

Then go for AIESEC Global Citizen volunteer programme in Kenya, Philippines, Colombia and many other countries. Projects last from 6-12 weeks, concerning entrepreneurship, education (language, culture, social skills, health care) and environmental issues. Are you ready to have a life-changing experience? Apply at globalcitizen-fi.com . For more information, please contact joao.corsini@aiesec.net

12. Gadget Jam development event in Helsinki calling for participants

What can you do with Kinect? How about Arduino? Do you dream of getting your hands on Oculus Rift? Come join us for this unique event held from 2 May to 4 May in central Helsinki!

Gadget Jam is a 48-hour development event dedicated entirely to all kinds of electronic devices. During the weekend the participants will be divided into teams and they race against the clock to create a working application for a gadget of their own choosing.

We welcome both professionals and hobbyists alike. You don’t need to have a team or a development idea ready before the event, all you need is an interest in gadgets and an open mind!

More information and registration: http://www.gadgetjam.org Gadget Jam 2014 on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gadgetjamorg Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GadgetJamOrg

13. Startup Weekend Helsinki: Sustainability & Bioeconomy

Have you ever dreamed of turning our planet into a nicer and more sustainable place to live in? Now you have a great chance to make it happen! Come, pitch your idea, form a team and make a change!

Startup Weekend Helsinki: Sustainability & Bioeconomy is an event where multidisciplinary teams openly co-develop business ideas and solutions for products and services of the future sustainability & bioeconomy fields. Participants can pitch their own ideas or take one of the business/technology challenges provided by companies and develop it throughout the 2,5 day event into product or service prototypes, viable business models or other solutions, which are presented in public at the end of the event.

The event takes place on May 9-11, 2014 at the TAF’s Millennium Pavilion, Kansalaistori Square, Eero Erkon Katu, Helsinki.

For more information you can find us:

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