Weekly Newsletter 20/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 20/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote.

The last weekly newsletter of the spring will be published in week 22, on Monday, 26 May.  Have a great end of the semester!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2014-2015
  3. Come to explore Otaniemi, our common campus!
  4. ASP – an extremely useful concept
  5. New Campus and Interfaith Services planning meeting on 20 May
  6. Hitchball 4000 – Let the adventure begin!
  7. Application period for Aalto internal mobility on 1 May-15 May
  8. Helsinki Open Grand Finals
  9. Great debate night – the hottest debate of the city
  10. Come and enjoy light spring evenings by playing football!
  11. Green Campus hackathon
  12. Season opening of OtaKoppi on 14 May 2014
  13. Sailing demonstrations of Teekkaripurjehtijat in the spring of 2014

1. This and next week’s events

Week 20

Week 21

2. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2014-2015

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Tuesday, 27 May 2014. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from  your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 27 May 2014, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

3. Come to explore Otaniemi, our common campus!

During the afternoon, small groups of students will tour Aalto University’s Otaniemi facilities and relevant study places (ARTS students can visit the facilities of Miestentie, for example). In addition, participants have the opportunity to tour the village and AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis. After the tour, you can continue the evening in a more casual get-together and go to the sauna.

The tour will begin from the yard of AYY’s Central Office (Otakaari 11) at 3pm and  Tietosauna (Otakaari 8E, the top floor) will be warm from 5.30pm onwards. Snacks and refreshments will be provided at the sauna.

Please sign up for the tour no later than 14 May at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/otaniemi-tutuksi/ . The event is also on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/245613492309483/ .

Come and explore our common campus!

4. ASP – an extremely useful concept   

”I bought my first home when I was 22-years-old. I wanted to by an apartment as soon as possible, as it is a smart way to save money, I thought. I funded my two-room apartment with a loan without having any big savings. I had heard about the abbreviation ASP, but I had no idea what it meant. I did not know that I could have opened this ASP account when I was between 18 to 30 years old, and I could have taken out a smaller loan for my mortgage needs, which means that I could have paid a smaller amount and less interest every month!

ASP abbreviation stands for housing savings incentive scheme. Basically it means that you save for your first home. This is an extremely easy way to put money aside and get a mortgage with better benefits and conditions. As a student of Aalto University, it is advisable to open an ASP account at Helsinki OP Bank, where you get a free Easy insurance for a year. Read more and book an appointment at the office at op.fi/asp.

Read more about ASP on AYY’s blog (in Finnish).

5. New Campus and Interfaith Services – meeting on 20 May. Welcome!

The Student Union and university chaplains invite all students of Aalto representing the diversity of faiths and religious communities to discuss about new campus and possible intercultural & faith services to be provided there. What do you think should be taken into account when planning the new campus and its services for different religious and cultural groups? Meeting will be organised on 20 May from 12noon to 2pm in the meeting room on the second floor of AYY’s office (Otakaari 11). If you cannot attend but would like to give your comments, please do not hesitate to contact AYY! Please inform us of your participation at milla.ovaska@ayy.fi so we know how much refreshments we should provide.

6. Hitchball 4000 – Let the adventure begin!

Hitchball 4000 is an epic hitchhiking race across Northern and Eastern Europe. It’s a weekend-long adventure you’re not soon to forget. Already a tradition, the event is now organised for the second time. The feedback from last year’s teams was excellent. Some even went as far as calling it one of the greatest and the most eye-opening experiences of their lives. Several first-timers became very excited about this great form of transportation.

So find yourself a team mate to build a lasting bond with and take a leap of faith to the next level. It will pay off! The winner is the team that with a cunning tactic hitchhikes in the best possible ratio the longest way possible and the farthest possible from the starting point during the weekend, and gets back in time as well. The winners will be awarded with fame and glory in addition to a real prize 🙂 The winning team will get for a year to decorate their home with the Hitchball 4000 Cup to which the name of the team will be engraved as well.

Each team embarks a GPS tracking unit, which enables their progress to be followed on the web page of Hitchball 4000, as well as their pictures and updates from the road. The teams will also be given some fun tasks to do along the way. In addition to the prize for the actual race, with separate criteria, one team will be awarded with the Spirit of Hitchball award.

The registration for the competition opens on Monday, 12 May at http://hitchball4000.fi/ and will close at 11.59pm on 29 May. When registering, teams must provide us with an address to their Tumblr profile where we hope to see updates from along the race. The posts will also be shown on the Hitchball 400 web page.

Good luck and Godspeed!

7. Application period for Aalto internal mobility on 1 May-15 May

The application period for Aalto internal mobility is ongoing and will end on 15 May. In this call for applications, you can apply for minor studies or individual courses for the next academic yar. There are plenty of interesting courses and minor subjects available. Get to know the selection on Into’s internal mobility site and apply for studies. Further information, selection and application instructions are available here: https://into.aalto.fi/display/fimobility/Etusivu.

8. Helsinki Open Grand Finals

Thirty international teams, six rounds of debate, four finalists and one winner. Helsinki Open is the chance of the year to see world-class debaters in Helsinki. The event will take place in the main building of the University of Helsinki on Sunday 18 May at 2pm-4pm. No entry fee, just the best debating ever in Helsinki.

The event is organised by Aalto Debating Society and Helsinki Debating Society. For more information see the FB event.

9. Great debate night – the hottest debate of the city

@ Apollo Live Club (Mannerheimintie 16) on Wednesday, 14 May, 7pm-9pm. The doors will open at 6pm.

  • Rapper Mercedes Bentso and Presenter Jone Nikula debate on the topic “Onko naisen elämä vaikeampaa kuin miehen?” (”Is a woman’s life more difficult than a man’s life?”)
  • Euro election candidate Heidi Hautala (Greens) and the Chairman of The Finns Party Timo Soini ask “Onko EU:sta enemmän hyötyä vai haittaa?” (”Does the EU benefit or harm us more?”)
  • Lawyer Jon Hellevig and Author Jukka Mallinen debate on the topic “Onko Venäjä roistovaltio?” (”Is Russia a rogue state?”)

Commentator is Journalist Maria Pettersson. DJ MikkoMattlar. Debates are held in Finnish.

Tickets at the entrance EUR 6. Advance tickets from Tiketti EUR 4 + service fee EUR 1.50 = EUR 5.50.

10. Come and enjoy light spring evenings by playing outdoor football!

FC Kissat have started their outdoor rehearsals. Rehearsals are led by the coach in Herttoniemenranta on Mondays, 7.45pm-9pm at the address Paasivaarankatu 9. All female players, new and old, are welcome to join us.

FC Kissat are also looking for a goalie for the summer. In addition to outdoor rehearsals, the summer leagues have also begun.

Read more about us at www.fckissat.fi and the Facebook group “FC Kissat”

11. Green Campus hackathon

Green Campus hackathon is a two-day ICT & Big Data for sustainability themed event as part of Green Hackathon series. It takes place on the weekend 24–25 May at the Open Innovation House in Otaniemi, Espoo. Please sign up by 20 May: http://www.meetup.com/Green-Campus-CIVIS/events/178850142

The aim is to promote the application of Big Data to tackle environmental and sustainability issues, with particular focus on energy efficiency data, on one side, and on social media data, on the other side. Aalto and HIIT Professors and researchers, who are members of CIVIS joint EU research project, organise the event. Sustainability is a complex problem, thus the hackathon call is open for diverse and multidisciplinary teams. Energy engineers, data scientists, designers, journalists, entrepreneurs, researchers, social psychologists, policy-makers and everyone else who is aware of the environmental issues today, and who also wants to act towards such awareness, is invited to join our event.

Find out more:

Website http://greencampus.greenhackathon.com

12. OtaKoppi season opening on 14 May 2014

OtaKoppi summer activities have began again and in order to celebrate this, we will organise a fun season opening by playing summer baseball on Wednesday, 14 May. Everyone who is interested in playing baseball are welcome to attend!

OtaKoppi organises summer baseball weekly throughout the summer. Playing is laid-back and everyone is welcome, regardless of their knowledge or skills. Summer baseball is organised mainly at 6pm on Wednesdays at Tuuliniitty field (Espoo, Tapiola, Tuulikuja 8). You do not need your own equipment as OtaKoppi provides gloves, bats and balls.

Further information on summer baseball and associations is available at: http://otakoppi.fi/. If you are interested in the activities, you should come and participate! The membership of AYY is free for AYY’s and HYY’s members. By becoming a member, you can subscribe to the mailing list where you receive information about upcoming rehearsals and events.

13. Sailing demonstrations of Teekkaripurjehtijat in the spring of 2014

Teekkari sailors will organise sailing demonstrations of the spring of 2014 in the coming weeks. A more detailed schedule and registration are available on the club’s website and behind this link:


Sailing demonstrations are intended for those who are interested in sailing and the activities of Teekkaripurjehtijat but are not members of the club yet. Participants are not required to have sailing experience, a mere interest in the sport is enough. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know this sport and the club at the sea! Check out the most suitable time for yourself and sign up for the sailing demonstration!


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