Weekly Newsletter 21/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 21/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote.

AYY’s scholarships were allocated. The list of the scholarship recipients is available here!

The last newsletter of the spring will be published on Monday, 26 May. Have a great end of the semester!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2014-2015
  3. Masters of Afterwork, 23 May, 5pm-8pm, Eteläesplanadi 22
  4. Hitchball 4000 – Let the adventure begin!
  5. Masters of Aalto showcases multidisciplinary Master pieces in the centre of Helsinki on 16 May−1 June
  6. Join the open lectures of EuroEnviro2014
  7. CVs & Interviewing Workshop: Tuesday, 27 May
  8. Explore the World with AIESEC’s volunteer abroad program or Join AIESEC Aalto
  9. Join the youth team of WWF
  10. Boston Promenade Millennium Club & record publication at 8pm, Fri, 23 May
  11. Participate in brain research in Otaniemi!
  12. Summer course on house by Polijazz!
  13. Create an experiential drink department

1. This and next week’s events

Week 21

Week 22

2. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2014-2015

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Tuesday, 27 May 2014. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from  your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 27 May 2014, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

3. Masters of Afterwork, 23 May, 5pm-8pm, Eteläesplanadi 22

Take a running start to the weekend on Friday afterwork organised by Aava and Masters of Aalto! Gather your friends or coworkers with you and come ease up the stress at Masters of Aalto show exhibition. At the event you’ll get to enjoy the exhibition, good company and some drinks in a relaxed atmosphere.
The event is from 5pm to 8pm but you can come whenever you wish.

Come and experience a different kind of afterwork party and explore the fine Master works!

Link to FB-event is available here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1420323181566204/

4. Hitchball 4000 – Let the adventure begin!

Hitchball 4000 is an epic hitchhiking race across Northern and Eastern Europe. It’s a weekend-long adventure you’re not soon to forget. Already a tradition, the event is now organised for the second time. The feedback from last year’s teams was excellent. Some even went as far as calling it one of the greatest and the most eye-opening experiences of their lives. Several first-timers became very excited about this great form of transportation.

So find yourself a team mate to build a lasting bond with and take a leap of faith to the next level. It will pay off! The winner is the team that with a cunning tactic hitchhikes in the best possible ratio the longest way possible and the farthest possible from the starting point during the weekend, and gets back in time as well. The winners will be awarded with fame and glory in addition to a real prize 🙂 The winning team will get for a year to decorate their home with the Hitchball 4000 Cup to which the name of the team will be engraved as well.

Each team embarks a GPS tracking unit, which enables their progress to be followed on the web page of Hitchball 4000, as well as their pictures and updates from the road. The teams will also be given some fun tasks to do along the way. In addition to the prize for the actual race, with separate criteria, one team will be awarded with the Spirit of Hitchball award.

The registration for the competition opens on Monday, 12 May at http://tinyurl.com/hitchball14 and will close at 11.59pm on 29 May. When registering, teams must provide us with an address to their Tumblr profile where we hope to see updates from along the race. The posts will also be shown on the Hitchball 400 web page.

Good luck and Godspeed!

5. Masters of Aalto showcases multidisciplinary Master pieces in the centre of Helsinki on 16 May−1 June

Masters of Aalto is a crosscut of the projects of all Aalto University fields: engineering, economics and arts. In the exhibition, you can experience more than 60 works and student projects. The dialogue between the works brings up a social multidisciplinary aspect, which is characteristic to studies and research at Aalto University. This time, the featured works are the most current projects selected by the department directors.

Aalto University students and alumni are actively involved in the construction of Masters of Aalto project. They have planned the architecture of the exhibition, the visual look and the website of the event.

Further information:_moa.aalto.fi.

Masters of Aalto, 16 May−1 June 2014, Eteläesplanadi 22, Helsinki. The exhibition is open on Mon-Fri, 11am-7pm and on weekends at 12noon-5pm. Free admission.

6. Join the open lectures of EuroEnviro2014

Welcome to join the open lectures of EuroEnviro 2014, the 19th European student symposium on the environment during the week 19-23 May 2014, daily at 9am-12:30pm.

Our modern lifestyle has proven to be fundamentally on an unsustainable basis: The warming climate is causing unpredictable risks and uncertainties to the future. Our economy is fuelled by oil and exploitation of human and natural resources. The growing urban population needs new ways to sustain itself.

In order to find solutions to these challenges, the EuroEnviro 2014 is held with the theme Transforming societies – towards an environmentally sustainable future, focusing on the following subtopics:

  • Monday, 19 May: Transformation of economics @ Finnish Environment Institute
  • Tuesday, 20 May: Food production in transformation @ University of Helsinki, Viikki campus
  • Thursday, 22 May: Challenges of urbanization @ Aalto University, Urban Mill, Otaniemi
  • Friday, 23 May: Creating change from grassroots up @ Aalto University, Arabia

The lectures are open to all, but registration is needed. For more information on the program and link to the registration form, see: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/euroenviro2014/lectures/

7. CVs & Interviewing Workshop: Tuesday, 27 May

Tuesday, 27 May, 6pm, Tekniikantie 12 (Innopoli 1).

Come and hear experienced professionals speak about CVs and interviewing. Trainerswill give separate presentations on their respective topics followed by time for Q&A and discussion. This event is brought to you by United Community Church, a multicultural community made up primarily of professionals and students. For more Information on the workshop:http://www.ucclife.fi/#/ministries-classes/cvs-and-interviewing

Join us also for a Sunday service at United Community Church Otaniemi. United Community Church is an ethnically diverse, non-denominational, evangelical Christian community that meets together weekly for a time of singing, praying and Bible preaching. We meet every Sunday at Tekniikantie 12 (Innopoli 1) from 3pm-4:30pm followed by an informal ‘café’ hour. For further information contact Pastor Daniel Ottoson Daniel@ucclife.fi or visit


8. Explore the World with AIESEC’s volunteer abroad program or Join AIESEC Aalto

Go for AIESEC Global Citizen volunteer program in Kenya, the Philippines or Colombia. Projects last from 6 to 12 weeks. Are you ready to have a life-changing experience? So hurry up, invite your friends and go together. Please apply at http://globalcitizen-fi.com before 23 May.

For more information, please contact joao.corsini@aiesec.net

Join AIESEC Aalto

AIESEC Aalto is part of the world’s largest international student organisation AIESEC that exists in 124 countries & territories with 90,000 members worldwide.

More information about AIESEC: https://www.aiesec.fi or https://www.facebook.com/AIESECinAalto

Contact us at mira.mielonen@aiesec.net, and don’t forget to join us by filling out the application by 31 May: https://www.aiesec.org/join/fi

9. Join the youth team of WWF

WWF Finland is looking for creative young volunteers to create, plan and execute with us projects related to our key themes. The youth team organises events with us and is involved in lobbying, organises the youth climate conference at Heureka, supports environmental groups at schools and inspires thousands of Finns to join WWF’s activities.

Please apply no later than 25 May! Read more and apply at: wwf.fi/vapaaehtoistyo.

10. Boston Promenade Millennium Club & record publication, 8pm, Fri, 23 May 

This year, Boston Promenade, which has entertained big band music lovers already for decades, celebrates its 50th anniversary. During the evening, you will hear amazing performances of both the former and current Boston Promenade! In the last club gig of the spring, we dance to the beats of the 21st century. The evening climaxes with the Finnish hits from the brand new record Lähtisitkö? performed by the current Boston.

11. Participate in brain research in Otaniemi!

We are looking for test subjects for Aivokummit project, where the participants can get to know research made by modern brain imaging equipment at Aalto University’s Brain Research Unit in Otaniemi. If you are between 18 to 60 years of age, healthy, native speaker of Finnish, you can participate in the research. You must not have any metal in your body, which would prevent the magnetic resonance imaging (such as braces, tattoos or pacemaker). The registered persons will receive invitations (mainly via e-mail) from researchers to ongoing research projects, and they can participate in researches according to their own schedule. By participating in the project, you promote the Finnish brain research and get to know interesting research projects of the multidisciplinary Brain Research Unit!

Are you interested? Please get in touch and we will send you an information package:

aivokummit [at] neuro.hut.fi
Further information is available at http://lounasmaalab.aalto.fi/fi/about/aivokummit/.

12. Summer Course on House by Polijazz!

House is a dance style developed in the clubs of Chicago and New York. Jacking, the body’s rhythmic movement to music, and fast footwork are characteristic features of house. Check out the style here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvTptgnr0pw

The summer course on house consists of six classes on Mondays and Thursdays between 22 May and 9 June from 6pm to 7pm at Jämeräntaival 3A, Otaniemi. The course fee is EUR 30. The course is suitable for both beginners and more advanced dancers.

More info: FB-event https://www.facebook.com/events/616636318419791/

Register: http://polijazz.ayy.fi/ or sign up during the first class at the latest.

13. Create an experiential drink department

KY and Hartwall offer you a summer project! The idea is to create new ideas for drink department layouts in grocery stores in order to make them more experiential. How can you make the customers to buy more? The project deadline is Sunday, the 17th of August. The size of your team does not matter, only the results count.
Please sign up via e-mail to max.mononen@kyweb.fi and check out the details from the Facebook event. The winner will receive EUR 2500. The contest is open for everyone!




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