Weekly Newsletter 35/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 35/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at /en/associations/association-newsletter/.

Hot summer is beginning to turn into autumn and AYY’s weekly newsletter is returning from the summer break. Please remember to register for attendance through Oodi by Friday, 12 Sept. The academic year is traditionally opened on Tuesday, 2 Sept. Further information on the opening ceremony is available at avajaiset.ayy.fi. Have a great autumn everyone!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Year tags and the updating of travel card – what, where, when?
  3. Opening ceremony of the academic year and Aalto Party 2 Sept
  4. AYY’s emergency accommodation coordinator helps homeless students
  5. Become a student represenative in university administration!
  6. Offer a sofa to a person in need of accommodation through Aalto Sofa Service
  7. Apply for Marmon’s driver training by 1 Sept
  8. Join the organising team of development cooperation week!
  9. Otasuunnistus and Stadisuunnistus events in the first weeks of September
  10. Otatarha Race is here again on 30 Sept
  11. Work at Lakinlaskijaiset party 2014!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 35

Week 36

2. Year tags and the updating of travel card – what, where, when?

Autumn is here again and you need to update your year tag and travel card. Please register for attendance and pay AYY’s membership through Oodi by 12 Sept.

Year tags are distributed at AYY’s service points. Otaniemi Service Point is open on weekdays between 9am-4pm. In addition, there is a temporary year tag service point located in the library lobby in Otaniemi. The temporary service point is open at 10am-4pm on weekdays in AUGUST and at 10am-6pm in SEPTEMBER until 19 Sept. We recommend that those who only need the year tag use the temporary year tag service point.

Töölö Service Point is open at 10.30-2.30pm on Mon-Thu. In August, the after work service point is open for those who need year tags in Töölö. The service point is open at 4pm-6pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Also remember to get AYY’s new calendar!

HSL has opened a temporary service point for updating travel cards in the lobby of Otaniemi library next to AYY’s year tag service point. The service point is open at 9am-4pm until 5 Sept. In Helsinki, you can update your travel card at the railway station or the main building of the University of Helsinki (Fabianinkatu 33), for example.


3. Opening ceremony of the academic year and Aalto Party 2 Sept

The academic year is traditionally opened on Tuesday on 2 Sept 2014. This year, the opening ceremony is held at 1pm on Arabia Campus, where the celebration begins with the traditional professor procession and continues until approximately 2.30pm.

Aalto Party will begin at 4pm. The party is located at Aino Square in Otaniemi (green area and parking area between Otaniementie 11 and Konemiehentie 2). Please note that the parking area is not in use between 1-2 Sept.

There is a bus transport to Aalto Party from Töölö and Arabia campuses in front of the main buildings as follows: Arabia: 3pm, 2 buses / Töölö: from 15.30onwards until 4.30pm. The buses leave when there are enough travellers.

Student registration for the day-time event, https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/Students_2014 DL 29 Aug
Registration for Aalto Party: https://eage.aalto.fi/?f/en/2014_Aalto_Party DL 2 Sept

Further information: /blog/2014/08/21/lukuvuoden-2014-2015-avajaiset/ and avajaiset.ayy.fi

4. AYY’s emergency accommodation coordinator helps homeless students

Emergency housing coordinator is in charge of emergency housing for AYY students who urgently need a short-term accommodation. You can also contact emergency housing coordinator for general guidance on how to look for accommodation (short and long-term) in Helsinki Capital area. More info about finding an apartment in the capital area here. /en/housing/apartment-seekers/how-to-find-housing/

Visiting address: AYY Housing Office – Otakaari 11, Espoo

Office hours: Monday-Friday

  • 25 Aug – 12 Sept,  12.00noon-4pm
  • 15 Sept– 30 Sept, 12.00noon-2pm
  • Other times by appointment

Emergency Housing Coordinator – Otto Palonen, e-mail address: emergencyhousing@ayy.fi,

Telephone number: +358 50 520 9413

The Emergency Housing Coordinator is hired in co-operation with the Aalto University.

5. Become a student representative in university administration! 

Participate in the improvement of Aalto! Student representatives in administration, hallopeds, are regular students who take the students’ greetings to the staff and do important work to improve education and the university. More student representatives are needed for education councils, student financial aid committee, degree committee, restaurant committee and Aalto University’s committee for academic affairs. The call for applications is open between Fri, 22 Aug– Sun, 7 Sept.

All available positions and electronic application forms can be found at https://www.halloped.fi/fi/aalto

The call for applications and further information is available on AYY’s website: /en/blog/2014/08/22/31397/

6. Offer your sofa for a person in need of accommodation through Aalto Sofa Service

More Sofas needed for Aalto Sofa Service! Have you already tried couchsurfing? Do you have a little space on your sofa/in your apartment for a couple of nights for a new international student? Many new international students arrive in Finland a few days before they get their rental apartment and would like to get to know locals instead of hostels. AYY’s Internationality Section Mosaic organises a Sofa Service, please sign up via the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ncEaJcfqC2lo3E2E5ATZ7eIHa9Te9YP4uwRetfhNPR4/viewform

7. Apply for Marmon’s driver training by 1 Sept

Are you interested in old cars, maintenance and driving? Engineering students have owned Marmon (1927) already for 55 years and now they are looking for new enthusiastic people for its maintenance team. Experience from engines, old cards and tuning is a plus but no means an absolute requirement. 3-4 people are elected as Marmon journeymen. We will train them as skilled drivers and a handy maintenance team. Are you interested? GOOD! An informal application sent by midnight on 1 Sept 2014 to the address arkisto@ayy.fi is a step towards great experiences, thrill of maintenance and speed! From the elected journeymen we require enthusiasm, willingness to commit themselves and participate in ten hours of voluntary work during the academic year. We offer them thorough training, the opportunity to become a driver, as well as unique experiences for even decades to come. The archives provide more information, pictures are available on Technical Students’ Museum’s FB site.

8. Join the organising team of AYY’s development cooperation week!

AYY will organise a development cooperation week on 13-18 Oct 2014. Join the organising team if you are into global issues!

The development cooperation week is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. This year’s central theme is development and education. Joining the organising team is a great chance to network with other students and professionals in the development co-operation field. Come and organise interesting, multi-cultural and thought-provoking events with us!

As a volunteer you can:

  • Use the experience in your CV or professional career profile as participating and organising a project funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
  • improve your project management and communications skills.
  • get a free lunch during the development cooperation week every day when you organise something.
  • get a credit point for your activity (depends on your study programme). Ask for a possibility to get a credit point from your study coordinator!
  • The next meeting of the development cooperation week is organised on Thursday 11 Sept .2014 from 6pm to 8pm in KY Building’s Marski Cabinet at Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B. See you there! You can also contact Coordinators Briana Romero (brianaromero8@gmail.com) or Lap Duong (duonglap1989@live.com) for more information.

9. Otasuunnistus and Stadisuunnistus events in the first weeks of September

In Otasuunnistus event, freshmen tour Otaniemi and get to know the activities of AYY’s sub-associations and other organisations operating among students. The event begins at 5pm at Otakaari Amphi and freshmen go through checkpoints in the groups of 6-8 people. Checkpoints are open between 5pm-10pm. The afterparty begins at Smökki at 9.30pm and the best orienteering teams get to participate in the spectacular finale at Smökki during the afterparty.

Freshmen events are organised as follows:

  • Wed, 3 Sept ELEC+SCI+ARTS+TF
  • Thu, 4 Sept ENG+CHEM

Check out the event on FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/884473431580960/

Next Tuesday, 9 Sept, engineering students will take over the Eastern harbour city and entertain their fellow residents by performing the most peculiar tasks in the our capital. Stadisuunnistus orienteering will start from the Senate Square at 6pm and checkpoints are located in Helsinki city centre.

Checkpoints are open between 6pm-9pm and the afterparty will be held at Tivoli at the address

Fredrikinkatu 51 from 9pm onwards. Tivoli offers student-friendly prices throughout the night! Afterparty admission costs €2 (not including cloakroom).

Check out the event on FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/700023973398058/

10. Otatarha Race is here again on 30 Sept 

On 30 September at the Alvari Square will be held a carnival-like race amongst self-made cars. Design and build your own vehicle and participate in the race! Check the rules at the end of the description. Even if you do not build your own car, you are more than welcome to follow the races.

Registration for the event will open soon!


  • 1 The vehicle must run by human power (such as pedals, pushing or pulling) – no motors allowed
  • 2 Teams will compete in the race at their own risk. Teams must attend to their safety.
  • 3 The number of team members or drivers is not limited.
  • 4 Intentionally bumping into other racers and wrecking other’s cars is prohibited.
  • 5 Racers must drive on track.
  • 6 Teams will be judged on speed, the appearance of the vehicle and  the spirit of the team.

11. Work at Lakinlaskijaiset Party 2014!

Autumn is approaching and student caps have to be laid down again. Lakinlaskijaiset 2014 will be organised at Dipoli on 30 Sept and there will be renowned performers, amazing DJs and plenty of other great entertainment! This party needs plenty of people to perform various tasks, such as ticket sales, carrying equipment, decoration, cooking, security officers and van drivers! You can sign up for work at https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/toihin-lakinlaskijaisiin-2014/

As a reward, workers get a free admission to the party, an overall badge and access to an afterparty for workers! In addition, workers get one achievement required for a desired pink ribbon. In order to get this ribbon, you need to work twice in one of the three major parties (Gravitaatio, May Day, Lakinlaskijaiset). There are also workstations for freshmen!

Any questions may be submitted to jtmk@list.ayy.fi