Weekly Newsletter 36/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 36/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote.

The academic year is traditionally opened tomorrow on Tuesday, 2 Sept. Further information on the opening ceremony is available at avajaiset.ayy.fi.

Please also remember to register for attendance through Oodi by Friday, 12 Sept and collect a new year tag from AYY’s Service Point. More detailed instructions for the payment of membership fee are available at /jasenille/jasenyys-ja-jasenmaksu/maksuohjeet/-

Have a nice September!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Year tags and the updating of travel card – what, where, when?
  3. AYY’s emergency accommodation coordinator helps homeless students
  4. Become a student represenative in university administration!
  5. Office package free of charge for Aalto students
  6. Nominate Aalto Athlete 2014 by 12 Sept
  7. Silence retreat for students on 10–12 Oct 2014
  8. Registration for improvisation and dance courses of Teekkarispex to begin on 10 Sept
  9. Study psychologists’ mindfulness workshops
  10. Rugby beginner’s course for women
  11. Welcome to dance courses of the dance club HOT-Dance of Hämäläis-Osakunta student nation!
  12. Respond to the survey on good academic teachership
  13. EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge welcomes applications on 1-30 Sept

1. This and next week’s events

Week 36

Week 37

2. Year tags and the updating of travel card – what, where, when?

Autumn is here again and you need to update your year tag and travel card. Please register for attendance and pay AYY’s membership through Oodi by 12 Sept.

Year tags are distributed at AYY’s service points. Otaniemi Service Point is open on weekdays between 9am-4pm. In addition, there is a temporary year tag service point located in the library lobby in Otaniemi. The temporary service point is open at 10am-6pm on weekdays until 19 Sept. We recommend that those who only need the year tag use the temporary year tag service point.

  • Töölö Service Point is open at 10.30-2.30pm on Mon-Thu.
  • Arabianranta Service Point is open on Mon&Fri, 12noon-2pm and Tue-Thu, 12noon-3pm

Also remember to get AYY’s new calendar!

HSL has opened a temporary service point for updating travel cards in the lobby of Otaniemi library next to AYY’s year tag service point. The service point is open at 9am-4pm until 5 Sept. In Helsinki, you can update your travel card at the railway station or the main building of the University of Helsinki (Fabianinkatu 33), for example.


3. AYY’s emergency accommodation coordinator helps homeless students

Emergency housing coordinator is in charge of emergency housing for AYY students who urgently need a short-term accommodation. You can also contact emergency housing coordinator for general guidance on how to look for accommodation (short and long-term) in Helsinki Capital area. More info about finding an apartment in the capital area here. /en/housing/apartment-seekers/how-to-find-housing/ . The emergency accommodation coordinator is hired in cooperation with Aalto University.

Visiting address: AYY Housing Office – Otakaari 11, Espoo

Office hours: Monday-Friday

  • 25 Aug – 12 Sept,  12.00noon-4pm
  • 15 Sept – 30 Sept, 12.00noon-2pm
  • Other times by appointment

Emergency Housing Coordinator – Otto Palonen, e-mail address: emergencyhousing@ayy.fi, Telephone number: +358 50 520 9413

4. Become a student representative in university administration! 

Participate in the improvement of Aalto! Student representatives in administration, hallopeds, are regular students who take the students’ greetings to the staff and do important work to improve education and the university. More student representatives are needed for education councils, student financial aid committee, degree committee, restaurant committee and Aalto University’s committee for academic affairs. The call for applications is open between Fri, 22 Aug–Sun, 7 Sept.

All available positions and electronic application forms can be found at https://www.halloped.fi/fi/aalto

The call for applications and further information is available on AYY’s website: /en/blog/2014/08/22/31397/

5. Office package free of charge for Aalto students

Aalto students can download the Microsoft Office package (e.g. Word, Excel and PowerPoint) for free to own devices via the “Student Advantage” program as part of Office 365 service.

You can download the software from the web with your Aalto user account. The service is available early September, the exact time will be announced on Into.

More information as well as instructions for registration and use will be found on Inside after the service is launched.

6. Nominate for Aalto Athlete 2014 by 12 Sept  

Aalto Athlete 2014 will be awarded in connection with Aalto Kymppi event on Sunday, 21 Sept 2014. You can submit your nomination for Aalto Athlete to AYY.

The criteria are as follows:

  • successful in ones’ sport on a national or international level or particularly this year
  • successful study progress
  • fair and upright member of community

Nominations with reasons for Aalto Athlete 2014 can be submitted to laura.keski-hakuni@ayy.fi by Friday, 12 Sept.

7. Silence retreat for students on 10–12 Oct 2014

Come and take a break in the middle of busy autumn. The silence retreat is a good way to recharge your batteries, relax and take time to your own thoughts. At the retreat, you have the opportunity to rest, spend time outdoors and read. We provide good food, beautiful environment and praying together in a chapel. You can discuss with the instructor at agreed times.

The student retreat of Espoo parishes is organised at Heponiemi Retreat Centre in Karjalohja. University Pastors Margit Peltovirta and Jenny Vainio are the retreat instructors. Please register by 12 Sept 2014 to yst.toimisto.espoo(ät)evl.fi. Please include your name, school, contact details and special diets. You will receive a confirmation after the end of registration. The entry fee is €30, including transfer and full board.

Priority is given to students over 18 years of age who live or study in Espoo. Get in touch and get more information! Margit 040 513 0852 and Jenny 050 365 2256 (firstname.surname@evl.fi).

8. Registration for improvisation and dance courses of Teekkarispex to begin on 10 Sept 

Registration for beginner’s improvisation course and dance courses of Teekkarispex begin at 12noon on Wednesday, 10 Sept in the lobby of the former TKK main building (current Kanditalo). You can sign up for advanced improvisation courses at 6pm on Wednesday, 10 Sept, in the lobby of JMT1. Further information on courses is available at http://teekkarispeksi.fi/speksi/tapahtumat/impro-tanssikurssien-ilmoittautuminen-alkaa

Improvisation courses are organised in Otaniemi in weeks 39-46. Eight three-hour sessions are organised for all groups. Improvisation courses cost EUR 45 for members of Teekkarispex and EUR 50 for others.

Dance courses are held in Otaniemi starting in week 38. Classes are held on Wednesdays during 12 weeks. Dance courses for the autumn term cost EUR 35 for members of Teekkarispex and EUR 40 for others.

9. Study psychologists’ mindfulness workshop

In the autumn term, four mindfulness workshops are organised for Aalto students. Mindfulness means approving presence, a deliberate choice to know how to stop and focus on this moment – our thoughts wander easily either to the future or the past. Mindfulness skills help you to be aware of the present moment and live in it.

Workshops meet five times, excpt the group IV meets six times (2hours/meeting). Workshop schedule:

  • Group I Fridays, 19 Sept–17 Oct, 9.30am-11.30am
  • Group II Fridays, 19 Sept-17 Oct, 1pm-3pm
  • Group III Fridays, 31 Oct-28 Nov, 9.30am-11.30am (in English)
  • Group IV Fridays, 31 Oct-5 Dec, 1pm-3pm, focuses on anxiety theme 

Workshops are held at the address Otakaari 1, Classoom Majakka (M140).

Registrations and further information: opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi, https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6300082 (in Finnish), https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+workshop (in English).

10. Rugby beginner’s course for women

Warriors ladies organise a free rugby beginner’s course for women on Tue, 9 Sept and Thu, 11 Sept at 7:30pm-9pm. The venue is Tali Sports Park (Purotie 8, 00380 Helsinki), the southern grass field. The nearest street address is Ulvilantie 21.

Previous experience is not required! In order to participate, you will need outdoor training gear, training shoes (football boots are the best) and a water bottle. You are welcome to join our team!

More information: http: //warriorsrugbyclub.org, facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1533518776860311/ or Lilli Tikkanen, lilli.tikkanen@gmail.com

11. Welcome to dance courses of HOT-Dance, the dance club of Hämäläis-Osakunta Student Nation!

HOT-Dance is the students’ dance club of Hämäläis-Osakunta Student Nation. The courses in the autumn of 2014 will begin on Wednesday, 10 Sept. In the beginner’s course, you learn traditional dances, which is a good foundation for other partner dances. See the more specific course programme, prices and schedules on the student nation website at http://www.hamalais-osakunta.fi/kerhot/hot

You do not need to register in advance or have your own partner. You only need comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for indoors (optional). Courses are organised at Hämäläisten talo at the address Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6, inner courtyard, 4th floor, Punainen Mylly. For further information, see the Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/7538262156/

12. Respond to the survey on good academic teachership

University teaching in Finland has undergone many changes, and new changes are ongoing and upcoming. Aalto University’s course ”Teacher as a developer” (Opettaja kehittäjänä) examines what good academic teachership means from different perspectives and needs and what this means for the development of teaching. Results are used to develop teaching, which means that you can now influence our university teaching.

The survey is two pages long and it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to respond. You can justify your answers or give feedback at the end of the survey. Responses are needed from students, university teachers, other university staff, members of working life and society, so you can forward the link to your summer job supervisor, for example. You can participate in the survey online:


Thank you for your time and effort!

13. EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge welcomes applications 1-30 Sept

The contest

EIT ICT Labs calls students and early stage startups with the drive to found a business to submit ideas that address the topics Smart Energy Systems, Internet of Things, Cyber Security & Privacy, or Urban Life & Mobility. The best teams will be invited to London, Trento, Berlin or Stockholm (depending on the topic) and receive the chance to pitch their ideas in front of an expert jury.

Please apply before 30 Sept

Applications can be submitted through www.ideachallenge.eitictlabs.eu before the end of September 2014.



This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 36/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote.

The academic year is traditionally opened tomorrow on Tuesday, 2 Sept. Further information on the opening ceremony is available at avajaiset.ayy.fi.

Please also remember to register for attendance through Oodi by Friday, 12 Sept and collect a new year tag from AYY’s Service Point. More detailed instructions for the payment of membership fee are available at /jasenille/jasenyys-ja-jasenmaksu/maksuohjeet/-

Have a nice September!

1.      This and next week’s events

2.      Year tags and the updating of travel card – what, where, when?

3.      AYY’s emergency accommodation coordinator helps homeless students

4.      Become a student represenative in university administration! 

5.    Office package free of charge for Aalto students

6.      Nominate Aalto Athlete 2014 by 12 Sept 

7.      Silence retreat for students on 10–12 Oct 2014

8.       Registration for improvisation and dance courses of Teekkarispex to begin on 10 Sept

9.      Study psychologists’ mindfulness workshops 

10.   Rugby beginner’s course for women

11.   Welcome to dance courses of the dance club HOT-Dance of Hämäläis-Osakunta student nation!

12.   Respond to the survey on good academic teachership 

13.  EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge welcomes applications on 1-30 Sept




1. This and next week’s events


Week 36

Tue, 2 Sept – Opening ceremony of the academic year and Aalto Party /blog/events/aalto-party-2/
Wed, 3 Sept – Otasuunnistus orienteering (ELEC+SCI+ARTS+TF)
Thu, 4 Sept – Otasuunnistus orienteering (ENG+CHEM)

Fri, 5 Sept – Embrace Aalto with CSSA-Espoo ayy.fi/blog/events/31557-2/

Sat, 6 Sept – Open RPG days /blog/events/avoimet-roolipelipaivat-open-rpg-days-2/


Week 37

Mon, 8 Sept – First rehearsals of Polytech Orchestra in the autumn season 2014  /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-orkesterin-syyskauden-2014-ensimmaiset-treenit/

Tue, 9 Sept – Stadisuunnistus orienteering

Wed, 10 Sept – Opening night /blog/events/avajaisilta-2/

Wed, 10 Sept – Registration for impro and dance courses of Teekkarispex /blog/events/teekkarispeksin-impro-ja-tanssikurssien-ilmoittautuminen/

Fri, 12 Sept – Hang-out night /blog/events/hengailuilta-10/

Fri, 12 Sept – ESN Aalto’s welcome sauna /blog/events/esn-aaltos-welcome-sauna/

Fri, 12 Sept – Shotokai-karate’s beginner’s course starts /blog/events/shotokai-karaten-peruskurssi-alkaa-3/

2. Year tags and the updating of travel card – what, where, when?


Autumn is here again and you need to update your year tag and travel card. Please register for attendance and pay AYY’s membership through Oodi by 12 Sept.


Year tags are distributed at AYY’s service points. Otaniemi Service Point is open on weekdays between 9am-4pm. In addition, there is a temporary year tag service point located in the library lobby in Otaniemi. The temporary service point is open at 10am-6pm on weekdays until 19 Sept. We recommend that those who only need the year tag use the temporary year tag service point.


Töölö Service Point is open at 10.30-2.30pm on Mon-Thu.

Arabianranta Service Point is open on Mon&Fri, 12noon-2pm and Tue-Thu, 12noon-3pm

Also remember to get AYY’s new calendar!


HSL has opened a temporary service point for updating travel cards in the lobby of Otaniemi library next to AYY’s year tag service point. The service point is open at 9am-4pm until 5 Sept. In Helsinki, you can update your travel card at the railway station or the main building of the University of Helsinki (Fabianinkatu 33), for example.



Membership fee payment: /jasenille/jasenyys-ja-jasenmaksu/maksuohjeet/

AYY’s service points: /yhteystiedot/palvelupisteet/


3. AYY’s emergency accommodation coordinator helps homeless students

Emergency housing coordinator is in charge of emergency housing for AYY students who urgently need a short-term accommodation. You can also contact emergency housing coordinator for general guidance on how to look for accommodation (short and long-term) in Helsinki Capital area. More info about finding an apartment in the capital area here. /en/housing/apartment-seekers/how-to-find-housing/ . The emergency accommodation coordinator is hired in cooperation with Aalto University. 


Visiting address: AYY Housing Office – Otakaari 11, Espoo

Office hours: Monday-Friday

·         25 Aug – 12 Sept,  12.00noon-4pm

·         15 Sept – 30 Sept, 12.00noon-2pm

·         Other times by appointment

Emergency Housing Coordinator – Otto Palonen, e-mail address:

Telephone number: +358 50 520 9413



4. Become a student representative in university administration! 

Participate in the improvement of Aalto! Student representatives in administration, hallopeds, are regular students who take the students’ greetings to the staff and do important work to improve education and the university. More student representatives are needed for education councils, student financial aid committee, degree committee, restaurant committee and Aalto University’s committee for academic affairs. The call for applications is open between Fri, 22 Aug–Sun, 7 Sept.

All available positions and electronic application forms can be found at https://www.halloped.fi/fi/aalto

The call for applications and further information is available on AYY’s website: /en/blog/2014/08/22/31397/


5. Office package free of charge for Aalto students

Aalto students can download the Microsoft Office package (e.g. Word, Excel and PowerPoint) for free to own devices via the “Student Advantage” program as part of Office 365 service.

You can download the software from the web with your Aalto user account. The service is available early September, the exact time will be announced on Into.

More information as well as instructions for registration and use will be found on Inside after the service is launched.


6. Nominate for Aalto Athlete 2014 by 12 Sept  

Aalto Athlete 2014 will be awarded in connection with Aalto Kymppi event on Sunday, 21 Sept 2014. You can submit your nomination for Aalto Athlete to AYY.

The criteria are as follows:

·         successful in ones’ sport on a national or international level or particularly this year 

·         successful study progress

·         fair and upright member of community 

Nominations with reasons for Aalto Athlete 2014 can be submitted to laura.keski-hakuni@ayy.fi by Friday, 12 Sept.

7. Silence retreat for students on 10–12 Oct 2014

Come and take a break in the middle of busy autumn. The silence retreat is a good way to recharge your batteries, relax and take time to your own thoughts. At the retreat, you have the opportunity to rest, spend time outdoors and read. We provide good food, beautiful environment and praying together in a chapel. You can discuss with the instructor at agreed times.

The student retreat of Espoo parishes is organised at Heponiemi Retreat Centre in Karjalohja. University Pastors Margit Peltovirta and Jenny Vainio are the retreat instructors. Please register by 12 Sept 2014 to yst.toimisto.espoo(ät)evl.fi. Please include your name, school, contact details and special diets. You will receive a confirmation after the end of registration. The entry fee is €30, including transfer and full board.


Priority is given to students over 18 years of age who live or study in Espoo. 

Get in touch and get more information! Margit 040 513 0852 and Jenny 050 365 2256 (firstname.surname@evl.fi).

8. Registration for improvisation and dance courses of Teekkarispex to begin on 10 Sept 

Registration for beginner’s improvisation course and dance courses of Teekkarispex begin at 12noon on Wednesday, 10 Sept in the lobby of the former TKK main building (current Kanditalo). You can sign up for advanced improvisation courses at 6pm on Wednesday, 10 Sept, in the lobby of JMT1. Further information on courses is available at http://teekkarispeksi.fi/speksi/tapahtumat/impro-tanssikurssien-ilmoittautuminen-alkaa

Improvisation courses are organised in Otaniemi in weeks 39-46. Eight three-hour sessions are organised for all groups. Improvisation courses cost EUR 45 for members of Teekkarispex and EUR 50 for others. 

Dance courses are held in Otaniemi starting in week 38. Classes are held on Wednesdays during 12 weeks. Dance courses for the autumn term cost EUR 35 for members of Teekkarispex and EUR 40 for others. 

9. Study psychologists’ mindfulness workshop

In the autumn term, four mindfulness workshops are organised for Aalto students. Mindfulness means approving presence, a deliberate choice to know how to stop and focus on this moment – our thoughts wander easily either to the future or the past. Mindfulness skills help you to be aware of the present moment and live in it.

Workshops meet five times, excpt the group IV meets six times (2hours/meeting). Workshop schedule:

·         Group I Fridays, 19 Sept–17 Oct, 9.30am-11.30am

·         Group II Fridays, 19 Sept-17 Oct, 1pm-3pm

·         Group III Fridays, 31 Oct-28 Nov, 9.30am-11.30am (in English)

·         Group IV Fridays, 31 Oct-5 Dec, 1pm-3pm, focuses on anxiety theme 

Workshops are held at the address Otakaari 1, Classoom Majakka (M140).

Registrations and further information: opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi, https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6300082 (in Finnish), https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+workshop (in English).


10. Rugby beginner’s course for women


Warriors ladies organise a free rugby beginner’s course for women on Tue, 9 Sept and Thu, 11 Sept at 7:30pm-9pm.


The venue is Tali Sports Park (Purotie 8, 00380 Helsinki), the southern grass field. The nearest street address is Ulvilantie 21.


Previous experience is not required! In order to participate, you will need outdoor training gear, training shoes (football boots are the best) and a water bottle.


You are welcome to join our team!


More information: http: //warriorsrugbyclub.org, facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1533518776860311/

or Lilli Tikkanen, lilli.tikkanen@gmail.com


11. Welcome to dance courses of HOT-Dance, the dance club of Hämäläis-Osakunta Student Nation!

HOT-Dance is the students’ dance club of Hämäläis-Osakunta Student Nation. The courses in the autumn of 2014 will begin on Wednesday, 10 Sept. In the beginner’s course, you learn traditional dances, which is a good foundation for other partner dances. See the more specific course programme, prices and schedules on the student nation website at http://www.hamalais-osakunta.fi/kerhot/hot

You do not need to register in advance or have your own partner. You only need comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for indoors (optional). Courses are organised at Hämäläisten talo at the address Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6, inner courtyard, 4th floor, Punainen Mylly. For further information, see the Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/7538262156/


12. Respond to the survey on good academic teachership

University teaching in Finland has undergone many changes, and new changes are ongoing and upcoming. Aalto University’s course ”Teacher as a developer” (Opettaja kehittäjänä) examines what good academic teachership means from different perspectives and needs and what this means for the development of teaching. Results are used to develop teaching, which means that you can now influence our university teaching.

The survey is two pages long and it takes approximately 10-15 minutes to respond. You can justify your answers or give feedback at the end of the survey. Responses are needed from students, university teachers, other university staff, members of working life and society, so you can forward the link to your summer job supervisor, for example. You can participate in the survey online:


Thank you for your time and effort!


13. EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge welcomes applications 1-30 Sept

The contest

EIT ICT Labs calls students and early stage startups with the drive to found a business to submit ideas that address the topics Smart Energy Systems, Internet of Things, Cyber Security & Privacy, or Urban Life & Mobility. The best teams will be invited to London, Trento, Berlin or Stockholm (depending on the topic) and receive the chance to pitch their ideas in front of an expert jury. 

Please apply before 30 Sept 

Applications can be submitted through www.ideachallenge.eitictlabs.eu before the end of September 2014.







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