Weekly Newsletter 37/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 37/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Please register for attendance through Oodi by Friday, 12 Sept and collect a new year tag from AYY’s Service Point. If you have not registered for attendance or non-attendance during the registration period, you must contact OOP service desk of your school and pay a re-registration fee.

Have a nice September!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy call for applications is ongoing!
  3. AYY is looking for a person in non-military service for a graphic designer position
  4. AYY’s emergency accommodation coordinator helps homeless students
  5. Sign up for Aalto-kymppi race by 14 Sept
  6. Nominate Aalto Athlete 2014 by 12 Sept
  7. Send your pics to AYY’s development cooperation week’s photo exhibition!
  8. Aalto University Student Family Friend Programme
  9. Get to know new kinds of souvenirs of designer students’ What the F collective during Design Week!
  10. Join the Chamber Choir Dissonanssi!
  11. 25th anniversary revue of Teekkarispex on 13-14 Oct 2014
  12. EHJÄ is looking for new volunteers to act as support persons for children and young people in the metropolitan area
  13. Students’ baseball championships on 27-28 Aug 2014, come and represent Aalto University!
  14. Free Taekwon-Do beginners’ course

1. This and next week’s events

Week 37

Week 38

2. Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy call for applications is ongoing!

Get a kick-start for your career! Get to know Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy programme and apply by 21 Sept. Capgemini is looking for recent graduates in engineering and business for Young Professionals Academy (YPA) programme 2–3 times a year. The programme provides an excellent opportunity to start a career as IT consultant in a permanent job. During the introduction period, you work in customer projects supported by an experienced mentor, deepen your technological knowledge and learn the basics of consulting. Further information is available at: http://www.fi.capgemini.com/careers/your-career-path/young-professionals-academy

3. AYY is looking for a person in non-military service for a graphic designer position

AYY is looking for a person in non-military service for a graphic designer position starting in October 2014 or as agreed. The graphic designer’s duties include design and layout of AYY’s publications and electronic material, as well as participating in the development of graphic image. In practice, this includes various posters, business cards and brochures. The major challenges are the Student Union’s calendar and AYY’s annual report. The graphic designer uses Adobe CS.

If you are interested in completing your non-military service in the Student Union, please contact the Student Union’s Secretary General (paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi / 050 520 9415). Further information on the position is also available from Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 0505209440).

4. AYY’s emergency accommodation coordinator helps homeless students

Emergency housing coordinator is in charge of emergency housing for AYY’s students who urgently need short-term accommodation. You can also contact emergency housing coordinator for general guidance on how to look for accommodation (short and long-term) in Helsinki metropolitan area. More info about finding an apartment in the metropolitan area is available here. /en/housing/apartment-seekers/how-to-find-housing/. The emergency accommodation coordinator is hired in cooperation with Aalto University.

You can visit the emergency accommodation coordinator at AYY’s Housing Office in Otaniemi at least at the following times:

  • 25 Aug – 12 Sept, 12noon-4pm
  • 15 Sept – 30 Sept, 12noon-2pm
  • Other times by appointment

Contact information: Emergency Accommodation Coordinator Otto Palonen 050 520 9413, emergencyhousing(at)ayy.fi

The emergency accommodation coordinator also constantly updates AYY’s own databank on housing search in the metropolitan area. The databank is available at:   /asuminen/asunnon-hakeminen-muualta/

5. Sign up for Aalto-kymppi race by 14 Sept

Aalto-kymppi race is an event aimed at Aalto University’s staff and students on Sunday, 21 Sept 2014. In the event, you can move ten kilometres in any way you like; by walking, Nordic walking, running, going front or backwards or in any other way, and you can stop at any time to enjoy the really beautiful scenery on the way. Sign up for Aalto-kymppi by 14 Sept at:  www.rantamaraton.fi/aaltokymppi

Further information: /blog/2014/08/29/osallistu-aalto-kymppi-tapahtumaan-toimitsijoille-tarjolla-30-ilmaispaikkaa/

6. Nominate Aalto Athlete 2014 by 12 Sept  

Aalto Athlete 2014 will be awarded in connection with Aalto Kymppi event on Sunday, 21 Sept 2014. You can submit your nomination for Aalto Athlete to AYY.

The criteria are as follows:

  • successful in ones’ sport on a national or international level or particularly this year
  • successful study progress
  • fair and upright member of the community

Nominations for Aalto Athlete 2014 can be submitted to laura.keski-hakuni@ayy.fi by Friday, 12 Sept.

7. Send your pics to AYY’s development cooperation week’s photo exhibition!

DO YOU HAVE SOME THOUGHT PROVOKING, OR VISUALLY STUNNING PICTURES FROM YOUR PROJECTS OR COURSES ABROAD IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES? Send your pics to AYY’s development cooperation week’s photo exhibition that will take place in early October!

The application period for the photo exhibition held during AYY’s Kehyviikko (AYY Development Cooperation Week) in October is open now!

The theme of the photo exhibition is the perspective of developing countries, including the daily life, education, society and business, etc. Have you lived/traveled in the global south? Have you worked or volunteered in the developing countries? Have you participated on a course with a development context? The photos selected by AYY’s Kehyviikko team will be exhibited with the author’s name and a description of the photo in Aalto University and in AYY’s Kehyviikko facebook page 13.10-19.10.2014.

All the finalists will get a certificate and the best work, and the best finalist will be awarded a special gift and can keep their professionally printed photo! Your photo will be posted the development week Facebook page for a public vote.

  • Who can join?  Anyone with an electronic picture (and copyrights to it) related to the topic.
  • How to join?  Send your picture to the email address: developmentweek.aalto@gmail.com. Please include your name, contact information, photographer of the photo, and a brief description of the contents.
  • Technial requirements for photo: The resolution 300dpi/ppi and the size of the photo should be at least 3508 x 4961px (to print it to A3) for exhibiting.
  • What’s the deadline? Pictures need to be submitted by 24.9.2014.
  • Questions?  Please contact by email: duonglap1989@live.com, briana.romero8@gmail.com

8. Aalto University Student Family Friend Programme: Apply now!

International students, do you want to expand your horizons in Finland by getting to know the culture beyond your campus and studies?

Aalto Student Family Friend Programme matches international students with Aalto University’s families. This programme offers international students of Aalto University a chance to better integrate in the Finnish society by getting to know the Finnish way of life through a friendship with a local family – at the same time, the family also has a special opportunity to make international friends and learn about the students’ home country and culture. The only requirement is to meet at least once.

For more information and to apply go to https://alumninet.aalto.fi/AlumniBenefits/StudentFamilyFriendProgramme_.aspx

Application deadline: 22 September

9. Get to know new kinds of souvenirs of designer students’ What the F collective during Design Week!

Students of Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture present their ideas on new kinds of souvenirs at Cultura Foundations’ meeting point Kasi.  The students have established What the F collective. The collective’s vision on interesting Finnish products is a combination of sweet, black, sweat, humour, practicality, traditions, mysteries and quality. As a result, they have created fresh and alternative souvenir products, the prototypes of which the students first presented at Travel Fair in January 2014. Now these souvenirs are presented in Design Week!

Welcome to experience, watch and comment What the F products in Design Week on 9- 13 Sept 2014 at the meeting point Kasi! Welcome to the opening ceremony at 5.30pm-7pm on 9 Sept 2014 at the meeting point Kasi at Vuorikatu 8 in Helsinki!

10. Join the Chamber Choir Dissonanssi!

The Chamber Choir Dissonanssi sings diverse music ranging from renaissance to glam metal – not forgetting to have fun. We are now looking for new singers, particularly male singers, but also new female singers are welcome. We rehearse in Otaniemi in the building of Mechanical Engineering every Tuesday evening at 5.30pm-8pm during the academic terms. Auditions for the autumn term will be arranged on 16 Sept and 23 Sept, but you can also join in the middle of the term. If you are interested, please contact out Artistic Director Yki Kortesniemi (yki.kortesniemi@gmail.com).

11. 25th anniversary revue of Teekkarispex on 13-14 Oct 2014

The 25th anniversary revue of Teekkarispex will take place on the stage of Alexander Theatre on 13-14 Oct 2014. The revue consists of the best bits of the history of Teekkarispex over a quarter of a century, as well as unexpected new events of beloved spex characters at later stages of their lives. The revue climaxes with a bunch of unforgettable spex songs, as well as improvisation fueled by omstart shouts from the audience.

Participate in Facebook event (https://www.facebook.com/events/640057099442093) and get your ticket at the ticket store at http://www.speksi25.com as soon as it opens: the best seats are sold fast!

  • Performances: 13-14 Oct 2014, 7pm
  • Venue: Alexander Theatre, Albertinkatu 32, Helsinki
  • Tickets: EUR 15 (students), EUR 20/25 (others)

12. EHJÄ is looking for new volunteers to act as support persons for children and young people in the metropolitan area

As a support person in child welfare, you can offer your time and do something nice with a child or a young person in need of support. EHJÄ is looking for new volunteers to act as support persons in the metropolitan area.

As a volunteer support person, you will:

  • – meet the child/young person once or twice per month
  • – do various things together, such as spend an autumn afternoon in the park or go ice-skating in the winter
  • – give adult attention and support.

Read more and get excited! www.ehja.fi/kuvat/tukihenkiloksi.pdf

Get in touch: tukihenkilo@ehja.fi / 045 132 9321

You can find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ehjatukihenkilotoiminta


13. Students’ Finnish championships in baseball on 27-28 Aug 2014, come and represent Aalto University!

This year, students’ Finnish Championships in baseball will be organised in Seinäjoki on 27-28 Sept. OtaKoppi gathers teams for amateur and contest leagues and invites all Aalto members to represent Aalto University in the championships! So if you are interested in laid-back baseball, this is an excellent opportunity to try out our national sport!

Questions and registrations to otakoppi-hallitus@list.ayy.fi. Further information on the championships is available at: http://www.samo.fi/osm-pesapallo2014.

14. Free Taekwon-Do beginners’ course

Start a new hobby in good company! Taekwon-Do of the University of Helsinki will organise a beginners’ course for the students and staff of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University.

The course is free of charge and no previous experience is required. At rehearsals, you get in better shape, strengthen abdominal muscles, learn kick and punch techniques, as well as body control and maintenance.

Rehearsals are held in the sports hall in the administrative building on Wednesdays, 5.30pm-6.30pm and Saturdays, 1pm-2.30pm. The first rehearsals are held on Wednesday, 10 Sept. You can join throughout September! WELCOME!

Sign up: Beginners’ course http://www.hytaekwondo.com/club/signup.php?ref=club-course-bottom

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