Weekly Newsletter 38/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 38/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

The first Aino magazine of the spring will be published on Thursday! The magazine includes an article of completing university studies in prison, Aalto student who got thousands of teenage boys to read books, visit to Hursti’s bread queue and the sauna evening of the bourgeois. Get your own magazine on the campus or read it online at: http://www.ainolehti.fi

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for a project grant from TTE-Fund!
  3. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  4. Teekkari cap 120 years –exhibition open on two more Sundays
  5. 100-hour relay race of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering on 26-30 Sept
  6. Darkroom Open Doors Night
  7. Dominante is looking for new singers
  8. Lighten your load on the climate and win a JoPo bicycle!
  9. Apply for Startup Life from 15 Sept onwards!
  10. Recruitment sauna of Teekkarispex on Tue, 23 Sept
  11. Register to become a member of Aalto Management Consulting Association
  12. Join AIESEC – the world’s largest student-run organisation
  13. PUS-Basket is looking for new players for men’s and women’s teams
  14. OFC offers marshial arts for your autumn
  15. Sailing demonstrations and information evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat

1. This and next week’s events

Week 38

Week 39

2. Apply for a project grant from TTE-Fund!

TTE-Fund allocates grants for all Aalto members for their diverse projects! The call for applications is open throughout the academic year and the deadline for the last application round in 2014 will end at 11.59pm on Sunday, 28 Sept 2014.

Application deadlines of all application rounds in the academic year 2014-2015 and instructions for making an application are available at  http://tter.ayy.fi/ . Keep up to date by liking us on facebook: www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

3. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member.

This year’s nominations may be submitted until 10.14am on 10 Oct 2014. The nomination should include the nominated person’s name, picture and the reasons for the nomination, as well as the names of the person(s) who made the nomination. Please also include the candidate’s (expected) graduation year. You may submit nominations through the following form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/.

4. Technical students’ cap 120 years – exhibition open on two more Sundays

You still have time to visit the exhibition telling about the history of technical students’ cap, introduced in its current form in 1893, on Sundays, 12noon-2pm on 21 and 28 September. Such a thorough presentation will not take place until the year of 2018.

Get to know engineering students’ caps from three centuries, the history of the Finnish student cap, other technical students’ caps, the caps of our neigbouring countries, as well as the showcase of horrors – what not to do! Professional museum guides are waiting for all of you!! Welcome! Technical Students’ Museum, Jämeräntaival 3

5. 100-hour relay race of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering on 26-30 Sept

The 100th anniversary of Guild of Mechanical Engineering is finally ON! To celebrate the respectable age of 100 years KIK will be active whole year through. So that students could feel the long path of 100 years KIK will organise a 100-hour relay race between Otaniemi amphitheater and the old main building at Bulevardi. The run will take place on 26-30 September. The last leg will end at Lakinlaskijaiset party!

The route will go through Keilaniemi and Lauttasaari. Halfway through the route there will be one checkpoint, thus the distance of one leg will be 4.2 kilometres. You can choose any style you want to progress as soon as it remotely reminds us of running. You can run alone or with your friends. It does not matter how fast you are, only the great feeling counts!

In order to achieve the 100-hour goal, we need your help! Sign up for the run here: http://www.koneinsinoorikilta.fi/Toiminta/Tapahtuma/?id=963. Registration will open soon.

In a nutshell:
What: 100-hour relay run
Where: Between Otaniemi and the Old Poly (now Metropolia)
When: 26 Sept, 4:30pm

Additional information: Heikki Laaki, heikki.laaki@aalto.fi

6. Darkroom Open Doors Night

Are you interested in looking the world through a desaturation filter?

Aallon valokuvausseura opens the doors to the darkroom at Jämeräntaival 5 B at 5pm on Wed, 24 September. The event is open for everybody who is interested in hearing about the possibilities of the darkroom, seeing demonstrated developments of b&w films and meeting fellow darkroom users. The event serves to underlay the Course in Darkroom Basics organised later in the autumn, where participants are guided through the film development process in practice.

No need to register and come when it suits you! The darkroom is located in the JMT5B basement and you will find guiding at the location.

  • Organiser: Lauri Levola
  • Email: lauri.levola@aalto.fi
  • Phone: 044 021 2279
  • Starts: 24 Sept 2014, 5pm
  • Ends: 24 Sept 2014, 9pm
  • Place: Darkroom
  • Address: Jämeräntaival 5 B
  • City: Espoo

7. Dominante is looking for new singers

If you enjoy singing a cappella and with orchestras, want to develop as part of a community and have a desire to experience unforeseen concerts around the world, Dominante may be a choir for you!

Dominante is Aalto University’s mixed choir, which is one of Finland’s finest choirs. Their repertoire includes modern Finnish music, old choral classics, as well as orchestral works. Dominante has a passionate attitude towards everything it does, spiced up with engineering students’ sense of humour.

You can experience the choir atmotsphere and highlights of the future programme in the open rehearsals on 15 Sept, 6pm (TuAS Building).

Welcome to the audition on Wed, 17 Sept or Tue, 23 Sept, 4pm–9pm (TuAS Building, Otaniementie 17)! You can reserve an audition time from the mother of all freshmen, Aino Valli (041 531 3380 or aino.valli (at) aalto.fi). Pleae be prepared to sing an unaccompanied song. In addition, we will test your vocal range and note reading skills. Welcome! www.dominante.fi

8. Lighten your load on the climate and win a JoPo bicycle!

Aalto University and AYY are participating in Climateinfo’s Reduce a Tonne campaign (Kevennä Tonni campaign). Higher education students in the metropolitan area will be reducing their carbon footprint as part of the campaign, and at the same time get the chance to win some nice prizes. Join the campaign at http://ilmastoinfo.fi/kevennatonni/en/reduce-a-tonne-2014. Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/766073256786781/. For Aalto students joining the campaign before 31 October 2014, there will be a prize draw to win a JoPo bicycle!

Seven capital region higher education institutions are participating in the Reduce a Tonne challenge. Together the students commit to trying to reduce emissions and lighten their load on the environment by many thousands of kilos. These education institutions have been set the shared emission reduction goal of 10,000 tonnes CO2-eq, which is equivalent to 3000 petrol cars being taken off Finnish roads for a whole year.

Aalto University and AYY encourage students to participate in the Reduce a Tonne campaign, and also tell their fellow students about it!

The Reduce a Tonne campaign also appears in Aalto University’s sustainability brochure for new students, which is being produced for the third time this autumn, and available in three languages: www.aalto.fi/ecocampus

Further information:

Sustainability at Aalto University, Meri.Loyttyniemi@aalto.fi,+358 50 313 7549, aalto.fi/sustainability

AYY, Sanna.Unkuri@ayy.fi,+358 40 579 6125, www.ayy.fi


Startup Life is a programme that sends students of Finnish universities to do 3-12 month long, paid internships at start-ups located in Silicon Valley and New York. We believe you learn best by doing, and our internships offer a chance for ambitious students to unleash their full potetial. We offer positions in the areas of engineering, business, and design.

Application period for internships starting in January is now open! To apply, please visit our webpage at http://startuplife.fi and check out the jobs page.

For more information about the programme, please visit our website at http://startuplife.fi or contact our Coordinators Erika Noponen (erika@startupsauna.com) and Eeva Siika-aho (eeva@startupsauna.com). Take the leap, it’s worth it.

10. Recruitment sauna of Teekkarispex, Tue, 23 Sept

Do you already know what you would like to do in Teekkarispex? Whether you answer yes or no, you are welcome to our recruitment sauna event to the main side of OK 20 on Tuesday, 23 Sept 2014! Please note that AYY’s calendar has a wrong date (16 Sept), so please be patient and wait another week.

Each part of the production presents their activities with a fun “Hands-on” task /checkpoint. Everyone is ready to answer your questions and guide you in the direction which interests you.

Recruitment sauna is a laid-back event where you get to know new and old spex members and spend time in a laid-back atmosphere. If you want to go to the sauna, please bring your own towel.

See the participant list and add your own name on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/725317520863846/?ref=ts&fref=ts


11. Register to become a member of Aalto Management Consulting Association from 15 to 26Sept


Aalto Management Consulting Association (AMCA) is proud to have partnerships with globally respected management consulting companies in Finland. We are dedicated to provide learning and career support for students at Aalto University who are interested in management consulting career. As a member of the association, you have chance to take advantage of the following activities:

  •       Weekly case interview practice
  •        Member-exclusive events at corporate partners’ premises
  •        Networking

Further information, please contact amcaemail@gmail.com, and like us on Facebook (http://on.fb.me/1uCEbbx) for more updates.

12. Join AIESEC – the world’s largest student-run organisation

AIESEC is a big, multinational youth organisation; you can find us in over 120 countries and territories. We are a global youth network that strives to impact the world through leadership experiences. Currently we are offering students two main programmes:

Global Leader: Become a member of AIESEC Aalto while you develop your professional and personal skills by taking part in real-life projects. As a Global Leader, you would gain real practical experience while working in a multicultural organization.

Global Citizen (Volunteer abroad): Get out of your comfort zone and make an impact on society by living and working in a different culture. The volunteering programmes are available in Uganda, Philippines, Colombia and Poland and last from 6-12 weeks. You can already apply for this winter and even the next summer, travel abroad and make a difference!

We have two info sessions in the upcoming week, food and drink will be served:

Tuesday (16 Sept) at 5.30pm in Aalto Design Factory – The Stage
Thursday (18 Sept) at 5.30pm in KY Building – Main Side

13. PUS-Basket is looking for new players for men’s and women’s teams

Searching for a basketball team?
Have you played before, but cannot find a suitable team?
How about two rehearsals per week in a student team, and less than EUR100 season fee?

PUS-Basket is the basketball team of Aalto University. Both men’s (2nd division) and women’s (3rd division) teams are looking for new players. Information about the teams (e.g. rehearsal schedules) can be found from our recruitment poster and website.

More information:

14. OFC offers marshial arts for your autumn

This autumn, Otaniemi Fight Club organises several opportunities to get to know and practise marshial arts. Introduction events are free of charge and mainly do not require any previous experience. With the membership fee, you can participate in the weekly rehearsals. We will also organise Muay Thai course including four rehearsals at Otahalli.

Further information is available on the club website: http://ofc.ayy.fi/

15. Sailing demonstrations and information evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat

Sailing demonstrations of Teekkaripurjehtijat provide an excellent opportunity to try out sailing and find out more about this sport and the activities of our club!

Sailing demonstrations are particularly aimed at new students and others interested in our activities, who are not members of TRIP yet. Sailing demonstrations are free of charge and you can participate without previous experience. Demonstrations are usually organised in the evenings and include a skipper and a helmsman. 4-5 participants can join the demonstration where we tour the near waters for a few hours. Registration for sailing demonstrations opens on Monday, 15 Sept, on TRIP’s website and directly through this link: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=200

Information evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat will be organised at Ossinlinna (Otakaari 18) from 6pm onwards on Tuesday, 23 Sept.

Further information: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/

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