Weekly Newsletter 39/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 39/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Have you began your studies in 2011 or later and have 9 or less student financial aid months left? With a few brief questions, the Student Union would like to clarify the reasons for the inadequacy of student financial aid months in your case. In addition, we are interested in how you intend to finance your studies after the end of student financial aid months. It takes only a few minutes to respond to the survey but it is very important in terms of the Student Union’s advocacy work.

Address to the survey: https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/vahiin-kay-ennen-kuin-loppuu/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for a project grant from TTE-Fund!
  3. Sign up for kitchen training at Smökki
  4. Voi hyvin Aallossa well-being week on campuses 29 Sept–3 Oct
  5. Send your pics to AYY’s development cooperation week’s photo exhibition!
  6. Respond to Nyyti’s survey for new students or discuss in online groups
  7. Registration for the legendary narrow-film course of Montaasi is ongoing!
  8. What does an academic need a labour union for? Answer TEK’s survey
  9. Persons needed for hearing tests for the sound quality of mobile audio in 5G network, week 41
  10. Spend the summer of 2015 in culture exchange in Canada!
  11. Engineering grants open for applications at Into
  12. University news: Minors guide is published and the application period for internal mobility is ongoing until 30 Sept
  13. EntreMill – working life oriented career training programme for higher education students! Apply now!
  14. Start aikido in Otaniemi – performance at Otahalli today on 22 Sept at 4.30pm

1. This and next week’s events

Week 39

Week 40

Well-being week: see the schedule for the entire week at voihyvin.ayy.fi

2. Apply for a project grant from TTE-Fund! 

TTE-Fund allocates grants for all Aalto members for their diverse projects! The call for applications is open throughout the academic year and the deadline for the last application round in 2014 will end at 11.59pm on Sunday, 28 Sept 2014.

Application deadlines of all application rounds in the academic year 2014-2015 and instructions for making an application are available at  http://tter.ayy.fi/ . Keep up to date by liking us on facebook: www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

3. Sign up for kitchen training at Smökki

Would you or your association like to have a party at Smökki and take care of catering by yourself? Are you not familiar with how to use a catering kitchen? There is a solution to your problems: Smökki’s kitchen training.

In the autumn of 2014, a free kitchen training available for all AYY’s members will be organised from 3pm onwards on Monday, 6 Oct. The maximum of 20 people can participate in the training in the order of registration. If you want to participate, please be fast. Please sign up for the course by 11.59pm on Thu, 2 Oct at https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/ilmoittautuminen-servin-mokin-keittiokoulutukseen/. We will confirm your registration via-email. Registration is binding. If there are more than 20 people to sign up, the rest of them are added to the waiting list due to cancellations.

Further information: Administrative Director Johanna Pietiläinen (johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi, 050 520 9434)

4. Voi hyvin Aallossa well-being week on campuses 29 Sept–3 Oct

Would you like to take a little moment to relax along your busy studies? Or are you interested in a more exotic sports try-out? The well-being week is annually organised at Aalto. The purpose of the week is to get everyone to think about their own well-being and present Aalto’s health and well-being organisations for students and staff. This week, the well-being week is organised in week 40 (29 Sept-3 Oct). The week includes try-outs, wellness lectures, parties, mass events, display stands on campuses and other programme. The programme of the entire week is collected to one event site at voihyvin.ayy.fi. Further information is available on Aalto-Inside (requires logging in with Aalto username). Please note that you have to sign up for some of the events, so please act fast.

5. Send your pics to AYY’s development cooperation week’s photo exhibition!

DO YOU HAVE SOME THOUGHT PROVOKING, OR VISUALLY STUNNING PICTURES FROM YOUR PROJECTS OR COURSES ABROAD IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES? Send your pics to AYY’s development cooperation week’s photo exhibition that will take place in early October!

The application period for the photo exhibition held during AYY’s Kehyviikko (AYY Development Cooperation Week) in October is open now!

The theme of the photo exhibition is the perspective of developing countries, including the daily life, education, society and business, etc. Have you lived/traveled in the global south? Have you worked or volunteered in the developing countries? Have you participated on a course with a development context? The photos selected by AYY’s Kehyviikko team will be exhibited with the author’s name and a description of the photo in Aalto University and in AYY’s Kehyviikko facebook page 13.10-19.10.2014.

All the finalists will get a certificate and the best work, and the best finalist will be awarded a special gift and can keep their professionally printed photo! Your photo will be posted the development week Facebook page for a public vote.

  • Who can join?  Anyone with an electronic picture (and copyrights to it) related to the topic.
  • How to join?  Send your picture to the email address: developmentweek.aalto@gmail.com. Please include your name, contact information, photographer of the photo, and a brief description of the contents.
  • Technial requirements for photo: The resolution 300dpi/ppi and the size of the photo should be at least 3508 x 4961px (to print it to A3) for exhibiting.
  • What’s the deadline? Pictures need to be submitted by 24.9.2014.
  • Questions?  Please contact by email: developmentweek.aalto@gmail.com

6. Respond to Nyyti survey for new students or discuss in online groups 

1. Nyyti’s survey for new students is open again on Nyyti’s website (www.nyyti.fi). The survey charts the new students’ experiences about the academic world and their adjustment to it. You can respond to the survey until 5 Oct in Finnish or Swedish. You can answer anonymously and it takes only a few minutes to respond. Nyyti bags and memory sticks are raffled among those who submit their contact details. Link to the survey: http://digiumenterprise.com/answer/?sid=1205990&chk=DZ6Y8GUR

2. Nyyti’s online groups have started at the beginning of September. The group themes continue to be loneliness, being a single, and a break-up. In addition, there is a new group called ”Alkutaipaleella askarruttaa.” The group is intended for new students who begin their studies this autumn. Further information on online groups is available at  www.nyyti.fi/nettiryhmat .

7. Registration for the legendary narrow-film course of Montaasi is ongoing!

In the legendary film-making course of Montaasi during the weekend between 3-5 Oct, we go through the basics of script writing, visual narration, lighting and filming, as well as shoot short films in groups to 8 mm colour film. The course thus provides a unique opportunity to make a film to narrow-film which becomes rarer each year.

Films are sent to the laboratory to be developed, after which they are edited in Montaasi’s film cutting room at times agreed upon by the groups. Cutting is carried out with the so-called classical method, by cutting and taping.

More detailed course schedule: http://montaasi.ayy.fi/event/kaitafilmikurssi-2014/

Further information and registrations via e-mail: montaasi@list.ayy.fi

Fifteen people may attend the course and the price is EUR 20 for Montaasi members. If you are not a member yet, you can pay the membership fee of EUR 10 in connection with the course fee. You can become a member at http://montaasi.ayy.fi/jaseneksi/




8. What does an academic need a labour union for? Answer TEK’s survey

Participate in the development of TEK by answering this survey. It is short – you can complete it in 5 minutes. All university students can answer the survey (both current TEK members and those students who don’t belong to TEK yet). An iPad Air is raffled among all the respondents who leave their contact information.

To answer the survey, please click the link: https://my.surveypal.com/TEK_opiskelijoiden_webkysely_syyskuu2014_fi_eng

Thank you for your effort!

9. Persons needed for hearing tests for the sound quality of mobile audio in 5G network, week 41

Do you want to hear how the next generation’s mobile phones sound like?

We are looking for people for hearing tests measuring the sound quality on 6-10 Oct 2014. Tests will have effect on the features of 5G network audio codec. The test takes 2-2.5h and you will get a gift voucher of €35. Tests are organised at SPA’s facilites at the address Otakaari 5.

Further information and registrations at https://aalto-akustiikka.youcanbook.me

10. Spend the summer of 2015 in culture exchange in Canada!

Kaledonistit and its equivalent in Toronto, Hart House Finnish Exchange, form the exchange programme between universities in the metropolitan region and students at the University of Toronto, which is one of the oldest exchange programmes of Finland with its over 60-year history.

Now we are looking for eight students to have a summer job in Toronto in 2015, organise a summer in Helsinki for participants from Toronto in 2017 and form the board of Kaledonistit for the next four years between 2015–2018.

Further information and application instructions: www.kaledonistit.com

11. Engineering grants available for applications at Into

Deadline for applications is 15 Oct 2014.

12. From the University: Minors guide is published and the application period for Aalto internal mobility is ongoing until 30 Sept 

Aalto University’s minors guide has been published
The new Aalto University’s minors guide has been published! Now the majority of minors available at Aalto University are conveniently in the same place.  The minors guide contains a presentation of all minors at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, minors in accordance with the new degree structure of the schools of technology, as well as minors at the School of Business, which are also offered to applicants from other Aalto schools.


The application period for Aalto internal mobility is ongoing and will end on 30 September. Now it is possible to apply for minors and individual courses organised during periods II-V. Many interesting minors and courses are offered. Please check the minors and courses offered from Into and apply now. More information and instructions on how to apply can be found here: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enmobility/Homepage.

13. EntreMill – working life oriented career training programme for higher education students! Apply now!

Do you need sparring in your job search? Are you interested in entrepreneurship? EntreMill career training programme is the answer to these and many other questions! EntreMill is a career training programme connected to the working life, which includes contact teaching, counselling and consulting, as well as the opportunity for personal career guidance. The training programme is intended for enthusiastic and motivated students who study in higher education institutions or who are graduating (polytechnic/university), or recent graduates who need sparring in their transition to the working life and the development of professional skills. The training programme is free for students who are elected to the programme!

Further information and application instructions are available here.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity and apply no later than 12 Oct 2014!

14. Start aikido in Otaniemi – performance at  Otahalli today on 22 Sept, 4.30pm

Aalto Aikikai organises an aikido performance at Otahalli at 4.30pm on Monday, 22Sept. Rehearsals for new students will begin in tatami hall at Jämeräntaival 5 A at 5.30pm on Thursday, 25 Sept. Welcome to watch and try out! More information: www.aaltoaikikai.ayy.fi


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