Weekly Newsletter 40/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 40/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Have you began your studies in 2011 or later and have 9 or less student financial aid months left? With a few brief questions, the Student Union would like to clarify the reasons for the inadequacy of student financial aid months in your case. In addition, we are interested in how you intend to finance your studies after the end of student financial aid months. It takes only a few minutes to respond to the survey but it is very important in terms of the Student Union’s advocacy work.

Address to the survey: https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/vahiin-kay-ennen-kuin-loppuu/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. This week: Voi hyvin Aallossa well-being week on the campuses
  3. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship by 30 Oct
  4. AYY is looking for students who deserve recognition!
  5. Send a card to someone nice!
  6. Coming up: Development Cooperation Week 13-19 Oct 2014
  7. Battle for the Mastery of Otaniemi goes bubble football
  8. Cleaning Bee in Teekkari Village
  9. Boston Promenade’s 50th anniversary concert on 11 Oct 2014
  10. ESN Aalto & SIK International presents: 1930s mafia sitsit
  11. Respond to Nyyti’s survey for new students or discuss in online groups
  12. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards In Espoo on 4 Oct 2014
  13. Join SLUSH 2014 as a volunteer!
  14. “So you want to work at a startup?” event hosted by Startup Life
  15. Startup Weekend Vantaa on 10-12 Oct
  16. TERES Cooper 6 Oct 2014

1. This and next week’s events

Week 40

Well-being week: see the programme of the entire week at voihyvin.ayy.fi

Week 41

2. This week: Voi hyvin Aallossa well-being week on the campuses

Would you like to take a little moment to relax along your busy studies? Or are you interested in a more exotic sports try-out? The well-being week is annually organised at Aalto. The purpose of the week is to get everyone to think about their own well-being and present Aalto’s health and well-being organisations for students and staff. This week, the well-being week is organised in week 40 (29 Sept-3 Oct).

The week includes try-outs, wellness lectures, parties, mass events, display stands on campuses and other programme. The programme of the entire week is collected to one event site at voihyvin.ayy.fi. Further information is available on Aalto-Inside (requires logging in with Aalto username). Please note that you have to sign up for some of the events, so please act fast.

3. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship by 30 Oct

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities.

In the autumn of 2014, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2014– 11.59pm, 30 Oct. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Further information and the application form are available at  /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/

4. AYY is looking for students who deserve recognition!

A conscientious team player or a diligent workhorse. A relentless creator of Aalto spirit or whoever.

AYY is looking for individuals from among its members who deserve acknowledgement. The recipient does not have to be an active organisation member in ivory towers or an eternal student who has worn out the couches at AYY’s office. On the other hand, these features do not preclude anyone from receiving acknowledgement. Acknowledgements, which are granted for the first time, will be awarded in a festive event in 2013. Proposals are received by the acknowledgement working group.

The nomination form is available at bling.ayy.fi (will open on 1 Oct 2014)

The form is open until 12noon on 31 Oct.

5. Send a card to someone nice!

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you. You can report a nice person at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/

Let’s remember to thank each other!

6. Coming up: Development Cooperation Week 13-19 Oct 2014

Are you ready for AYY’s Development Cooperation Week 2014 at Aalto University?AYY’s annual development cooperation week will inspire and motivate the globe trotting hearts, connection makers, and adventure seekers. Learn more about the career, study and volunteering possibilities in developing countries and hear what kind of projects the university has in the global south. Take part in dancing and music events, a sustainability related film evening and network with experts of development cooperation and meet students of the University of Helsinki. In a few weeks the campuses will turn global, be there and open your mind! See the programme here: https://www.facebook.com/ayykehyviikko

7. The Battle for the Mastery of Otaniemi goes bubble football

We have survived the zombies and now it is time to find out who is the king of Otaniemi! This battle will take place on Thursday, 2 Oct.

This year the sport is bubble football (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oft3XIU7lWI) and the games will be played in teams of five (5) people. The tournament is based on divisions. There are four divisions and every division includes the maximum of four teams. Therefore, every team will play at least three games. The game time for one division is about one hour and the games will start at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm and 6pm, depending on what is suitable for the teams. After the divisions, there are semifinals and the final.

The tournament is full but feel free to come along and join the crowd.After the games, come to Rantasauna to wash off the dirt from the game 🙂

The event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/783585998350811/?context=create&source=49

See you at the battle! Aalto Community Committee Aava

8. Cleaning bee in Teekkari Village

All the merry parties of the autumn have left our Teekkari Village a bit untidy. So join the cleaning bee on Sunday, 5 October, with other volunteers and pick up trash around Teekkari Village. The Village Senate will provide the cleaning equipment.

We will start the cleaning party at 11am in front of Smökki, which is also the place where you can pick up equipment if you will join us later on.

Afterwards you can enjoy the sauna, thehot tub and snacks at Rantasauna, starting at 5pm.

Welcome! The Village Senate and OtaHoas

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1477810372484913/

9. Boston Promenade’s 50th anniversary concert on 11 Oct 2014

Boston Promenade big band, which has been established at the School of Economics, will celebrate its 50-year journey on Saturday, 11 Oct 2014. This is the best party big band in Finland and therefore the festivities will start in the afternoon and last until the dark hours of the following night! On the day of celebration, a glamorous jazz and swing concert will be organised at Linnanmäki Peacock Theatre from 1pm onwards. In the evening, the party at Virgin Oil will start at 10pm. Student tickets €12/8. Welcome!

Further information: https://www.facebook.com/events/380565185427856/

10. ESN Aalto & SIK International presents: 1930s mafia sitsit

ESN Aalto and SIK International welcome all international students and internationally-minded people to the 1930s mafia sitsit at 7pm on Thursday, 9 Oct!

  • WHERE: Smökki, Otaniemi (Jämeräntaival 4)
  • PRICE: With ESNcard/SIK member €15/non-alcoholic €13 (without ESNcard/SIK membership €17/€15)
  • DRESSCODE: Suit/dress with the 1930s mafia theme

Ticket sales open on 30 Sept! More information can be found in the FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/304277883093979/

11. Respond to Nyyti survey for new students or discuss in online groups

1. Nyyti’s survey for new students is open again on Nyyti’s website (www.nyyti.fi). The survey charts the new students’ experiences about the academic world and their adjustment to it. You can respond to the survey until 5 Oct in Finnish or Swedish. You can answer anonymously and it takes only a few minutes to respond. Nyyti bags and memory sticks are raffled among those who submit their contact details. Link to the survey: http://digiumenterprise.com/answer/?sid=1205990&chk=DZ6Y8GUR

2. Nyyti’s online groups have started at the beginning of September. The group themes continue to be loneliness, being a single, and a break-up. In addition, there is a new group called ”Alkutaipaleella askarruttaa.” The group is intended for new students who begin their studies this autumn. Further information on online groups is available at  www.nyyti.fi/nettiryhmat .

12. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards in Espoo on 4 Oct 2014

Are you a 19-30-year-old student with leadership potential? Do you have cooperation and communication skills? Would you like to know what is takes to become a leader?

Are you studying at Aalto? YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS ESPOO kicks off on 4 October and you are invited to take part in the festivities. Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5, 02150 Espoo is our meeting spot for a day of fun and excitement.  100 FASTEST ONES WILL BE SELECTED!

Further information and registration at http://rylaespoo.splashthat.com/

13. Join SLUSH 2014 as a volunteer!

Slush is the focal point for Eurasian startups and tech talent to meet with top-tier international investors, executives and media. In 2014, Slush brings together 10,000 attendees and more than 2,500 companies for the two-day event, which takes place on 18-19 November at Messukeskus, Helsinki.

Slush is a non-profit event organised by the community of entrepreneurs, investors, students and music festival organisers. Although Slush has grown from a 300-person event to become one of the leading events of its kind in the world, the philosophy behind it has remained the same: to help the next generation of great, world-conquering companies forward.

This year’s Slush organisation is growing to 1,000 and we are still looking for awesome volunteers. Send your application by 8 October here: www.slush.org/volunteer and join the biggest event Finland has ever seen!

Additional info: www.slush.org, volunteers@slush.org

14. “So you want to work at a startup?” event hosted by Startup Life

Are you interested in working in a start-up? Do you know the difference between applying for a start-up and a larger company? Next week, Startup Sauna will organise an event where we help you with concrete examples to apply for a start-up. The event is open to all students of Aalto University students, regardless of their study field, only the interest to work in a start-up is enough! Welcome to hear more from 5pm onwards on Monday, 6 Oct!

  • WHAT: “So, you want to work at a startup?” event hosted by Startup Life
  • WHEN: Mon, 6 Oct, from 5pm onwards
  • WHERE: Startup Sauna (Betonimiehenkuja 3, Otaniemi, Espoo)

Further information on the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/592069890903273/  or by contacting the event organisers Eeva Siika-aho (eeva@startupsauna.com) or Erika Noponen (erika@startupsauna.com).

See you at the sauna!

15. Startup Weekend Vantaa on 10-12 October

Sign up for Startup Weekend Health & Well-being! The weekend-long event takes place at Heureka Science Centre on 10-12 Oct. You will receive coaching from a team of industry experts and experienced entrepreneurs take your idea to the next level. Come, pitch your idea, form a team and make a change!
Sign up now at
More info at http://www.up.co/communities/finland/helsinki/startup-weekend/4090

16. TERES Cooper on 6 Oct 2014

Welcome to the Cooper test organised by Teekkarireserviläiset at Otaniemi sports field at 5.30pm on Monday, 6 Oct 2014. The Cooper test is a running test where the goal is to run as far as possible within 12 minutes. We will carry out an instructed warm-up, after which we run the test.

There will be pacesetters running 3,000 and 2,800 metres. The latest test results have varied between 2000-3720 metres, so regardless of your physical condition, you can come and participate in the test.

Please come to Otaniemi sports field at 5.30pm. Register for the test through the following link: http://tinyurl.com/qgwcsuq

You can attend without registration but registration helps our preparations. Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/273634376180744/

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