Weekly newsletter 41/2014

This is AYY´s weekly newsletter 41/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

AYY is looking for students who deserve recognition throughout October. The nomination form is available at bling.ayy.fi.

AYY’s exchange scholarships are also open for applications for the autumn period. Unlike what was announced in the last week’s newsletter, the application period is open until the end of November.

Have a nice October!


  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for students who deserve recognition!
  3. Servin mökki summer weekend prices have changed
  4. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  5. FSHS I love arki site is open
  6. Apply for BEST winter courses by 12 Oct!
  7. Apply now for Aaltonaut
  8. Change in the period of validity of Aalto student IT accounts
  9. Answer and make a difference!
  10. Energy saving week is here again
  11. Concert of KYN’s two premieres at Savoy on 21 Oct – free tickets for freshmen
  12. Futsal rehearsals of FC Kissat in Viikki on Thursdays


1. This and next week’s events


Week 41

Week 42


 2. AYY is looking for students who deserve recognition!

A conscientious team player or a diligent workhorse. A relentless creator of Aalto spirit or whoever.

AYY is looking for individuals from among its members who deserve acknowledgement. The recipient does not have to be an active organisation member in ivory towers or an eternal student who has worn out the couches at AYY’s office. On the other hand, these features do not preclude anyone from receiving acknowledgement. Acknowledgements, which are granted for the first time, will be awarded in a festive event in 2013. Proposals are received by the acknowledgement working group.

The nomination form is available at bling.ayy.fi (will open on 1 Oct 2014)

The form is open until 12noon on 31 Oct.

 3. Servin mökki summer weekend prices have changed

At its meeting 32/2014, AYY Board made a decision on the reservation prices for the summer weekends of Smökki for the next summer. Summer weekends (Fri-Sun) are rented at the following prices between 1 June-31 Aug: AYY members €500/day, others €1,000/day, additional day €250/day. Associations in AYY’s association register do not have the right to book summer weekends first. Summer weekends can be booked throughout the year for now.  Prices for kitchen use and the night use for summer weekends are the same as at other times. If summer weekends are not yet open for reservations with Aalto username, you can book summer weekends through AYY’s administrative director.

Further information: Administrative Director Johanna Pietiläinen (johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi, 050 520 9434)

 4. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member.

This year’s nominations may be submitted until 10.14am on 10 Oct 2014. The nomination should include the nominated person’s name, picture and the reasons for the nomination, as well as the names of the person(s) who made the nomination. Please also include the candidate’s (expected) graduation year. You may submit nominations through the following form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/.

5. FSHS I love arki site is open

FSHS website has opened a new I love arki site, which includes information on which aspects form students’ everyday life. I love arki site includes information on a balanced diet, good sleep, stress management and adequate physical exercise.

Please visit the site! www.yths.fi

6. Apply for BEST winter courses by 12 Oct!

Want to experience the greatest January ever? BEST will organise five winter courses in January: 2x Ekaterinburg/Russia, Paris/France, Graz/Austria and Kosice/Slovakia. The maximum price is EUR 40 and the duration of the trip is 7-10 days. Joy, laughter, friends, sights, parties, study credits, adventures and experiences! Check out the course list http://www.best.eu.org/student/courses/coursesList.jsp  and application instructions http://besthelsinki.fi/kurssit/

 7. Apply now for Aaltonaut

Apply now for Aaltonaut by sending your motivation letter to aaltonaut@aalto.fi by 12 October!
Aaltonaut is Aalto University’s new Bachelor’s Minor Programme, which is built on interdisciplinary product development, entrepreneurial mindset and problem-based learning. Aaltonaut consists of seven courses, integrated language and communication studies in English, and academic mentoring. In addition, Aaltonaut offers possibilities for internships, exchange studies, and an interdisciplinary Bachelor’s thesis seminar. The programme is held mainly in English.
35 first and second year students will be selected to the Aaltonaut programme. The selection is based on a motivation letter and studies will start at Bootcamp (25– 26 October). For more information on the application and selection, please see  http://aaltonaut.fi/applying/.
Interested? Check out our website: aaltonaut.fi
or Facebook: facebook.com/aaltonaut
For more information, please contact: aaltonaut@aalto.fi

 8. Change in the period of validity of Aalto student IT accounts

As of 20 August, a new regulation has entered into force regarding the period of validity of the Aalto students’ IT accounts. After the change of policy, the students’ IT accounts will remain valid for four months after the expiry of their right to study.  Previously, the IT account was valid until the end of the term in which the right to study had expired. In other words, the change will extend the period of validity of the IT account for those students whose right to study expires at the end of the term.

See Guideline for the validity of the access rights in Aalto University’s information systems: https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ITServices/IT+Policies+and+Guidelines


9. Answer and make a difference!

Aalto University Properties Ltd owns most of the premises used by Aalto University. The company is responsible for leasing the real estate properties, their management and care, and for the associated support functions and the further development of the properties. The company works in close collaboration with the University’s Campus and Facility Services. An important factor guiding our operations is feedback from the users. We have developed our communications, improved outdoor areas and developed bicycling and walking routes on the campus.

Through the annual survey, we are collecting feedback from the University’s personnel and students about how to develop campuses further. Please provide your feedback and win a Jopo bicycle or iPad!

Link to the questionnaire: http://www.kti.fi/aalto

The questionnaire is open until 15October 2014. The survey is being carried out by KTI Property Information Ltd. The responses will go directly to them. The results will be processed confidentially and the respondents’ contact information will not be connected to the replies at any stage.

10. Energy saving week is here again

Aalto University, Aalto University Properties Ltd and AYY challenge Aalto members to join the national energy saving week on 6-10 Oct 2014!

The theme of the week is electricity use and energy-efficiency.

Further information on the energy saving week programme is available at /blog/2014/10/02/energiansaastoviikko-on-taalla-taas/

11. Concert of KYN’s two premieres at Savoy on 21 Oct – free tickets for freshmen

Welcome to a concert where light meets shadow, ethnicity meets jazz, the human voice meets instruments. Colours play music! This concert is the premiere for two works, performed by KYN: Jukka Linkola’s à cappella series Loitsut and Mikko Hassinen’s Jos minä puhuisin sinulle. The programme also includes Jukka Linkola’s Outo Kantele series. The concert includes rhytmic joy and strong interpretation. The leading Finnish musicians will join the choir on the stage. This concert will touch you, make you laugh and offer you an experience of something new.

KYN is conducted by Kaija Viitasalo: LIGHTS, SHADOWS – THE SOUND OF ETHNIC JAZZ
Tuesday, 21 Oct, 7pm at Savoy Theatre

Tickets with a service fee EUR 17,50 – 27,50 from Lippupalvelu (http://www.lippupalvelu.fi/event/kyn-valoja-varjoja-aanessa-etninen-jazz-lippuja/137701 ) or the choir members.

Aalto First Year Experience offers the 50 first first-year students the opportunity to listen to the concert for free. Book your tickets here: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ajc5LQKFU92ibC5s0NJHUaDiEjPt_ZKnlYIv4h6etpU/viewform).

Further information on the concert and choir is available at kyn.fi and fb.com/kynchoir

 12. Futsal rehearsals of FC Kissat in Viikki on Thursdays

Autumn evenings are getting darker and women’s football team FC Kissat will start to train indoors! Futsal rehearsals are held from 2 Oct onwards on Thursdays, 7.30pm-9pm at Unisport facilities in multi-purpose building in Viikki. The address is Maakaari 3. Old and new players are welcome. See you there! Further information on FC Kissat group on facebook.


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