Weekly Newsletter 42/2104

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 42/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Bachelor students of the year 2014! Please remember to respond to the Bachelor’s feedback survey by 17 Oct. The link to the survey can be found in the email sent to you on 29 Sept.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Participate in AYY’s Development Cooperation week events this week
  3. Bachelor – Please respond to the Bachelor’s feedback survey by 17 Oct
  4. Next Stop: AYY – recruitments are here
  5. Storage Push for students on 14 October in Otaniemi – find real bargains
  6. Nominate Teekkari H.C. Honorary titles and the user rights of teekkari cap
  7. LIGHT UP installation – opening at 5pm on 15 Oct in TUAS building
  8. Kela’s new service channel for students and families with children
  9. Participate in Aalto’s energy efficiency contest
  10. Concert of KYN’s two premieres at Savoy on 21 Oct – free tickets for freshmen
  11. Teekkarispex events
  12. Aalto University Complex Systems Society meet up
  13. Free screenings of Spanish films in Tapiola on 13 Oct and Helsinki on 14-15 Oct
  14. Apply for student exchange or internship in Asia for the year of 2015
  15. Zouk’s intensive course at Polijazz

1. This and next week’s events

Week 42

Week 43

2. Participate in AYY’s Development Cooperation Week events this year

Are you ready for AYY’s Development Cooperation Week 2014 at Aalto University? AYY’s annual development cooperation week will inspire and motivate the globe trotting hearts, connection makers, and adventure seekers. Learn more about the career, study and volunteering possibilities in developing countries and hear what kind of projects the university has in the global south. Take part in dancing and music events, a sustainability related film evening and network with experts of development cooperation and meet students of the University of Helsinki. This week the campuses will turn global, be there and open your mind! See the programme here: https://www.facebook.com/ayykehyviikko

3. Bachelor – Please respond to the Bachelor’s feedback survey by 17 Oct

Those who have completed the Bachelor’s degree at Aalto University between 1 Jan-31 July 2014 are invited to respond to the Bachelor’s feedback survey. The survey is conducted in all Finnish universities and it is open on 29 Sept-17 Oct. You can respond to the survey electronically and the link has been sent to all who have completed the Bachelor’s degree via email by 29 Sept.

It is very important to respond to the survey, as the Ministry for Education and Culture will allocate approximately 50 million euros of basic funding allocated to universities based on student feedback from 2014 onwards. Aalto University also uses the results for the development of education and educational support services.

So please find the link in your-email and respond! The original message is sent on 29 Sept 2014 under the title Kandipalaute (”Bachelor’s feedback”).

4. Next Stop: AYY – recruitments are here

We are now looking for AYY actors for the year of 2015! What would you like to do in your Student Union next year? In October, the call for applications for the position of the former of the Board, the Board, the presiding officers of the Representative Council, the financial, regulation and continuity committee, as well as the Board of TTE-Fund are open. The call for other positions, such as the sections, will open in early November.

Further information, more detailed application schedule and the application forms are available at /stop/.

5. Storage Push for students in Otaniemi on 14 October – find real bargains

Campus and Facility Services (KaTi) organise a furniture and household goods recycling day on Tuesday 14 October from 9am to 4pm in the Marine Technology Hall (Tietotie 1, Otaniemi)

‘KaTi Storage Push – Take 2’. The event is only open to Aalto students. The free goods will be given out only on the presentation of the Aalto student card.

Each person is responsible for arranging transport for anything they collect during the event. However, Otaniemi Recycling Centre will provide help with transport by offering a non-stop service. Delivery cannot be booked beforehand and this delivery service will simply be offered for as long as time permits. (The second possible pick-up date is Wednesday, 15 October, from 10am to 2pm)

Further information: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enaalto/Storage+Push+for+students+on+14+October+in+Otaniemi+-+get+real+bargains

6. Nominate honorary Teekkari H.C. titles and user permissions for the teekkari cap

Now you have the opportunity to nominate honorary Teekkari H.C. titles and user permissions for the teekkari cap for persons who have worked long-term and successfully in favour of students. Acknowledgments will be awarded at Teekkari tradition celebration on 7 Nov. Both are traditions from TKY’s era and today they are acknowledgments arranged by Guild of the Round Tower (PTK) and Teekkari Section. Nominations can be made by associations or private persons.

More detailed descriptions on the acknowledgments and the recipients are available at http://ptk.ayy.fi/vastuut/

DL for nominations is 11.59pm on 20 Oct 2014. You can submit nominations via the electronic form:


7. LIGHT UP installation – opening at 5pm on 15 Oct in TUAS building

This is an invitation to light up your senses, read between the lines and plug into your own power source. Find your cosmic awareness in the hum of neon lights!

Opening of the neon light installation “LIGHT UP“ by Lora Dimova, Fine Arts MA:
15 October / 5pm / Tuas building, Otaniementie 17 / Main Lobby
Welcome to plug into the power source!

Facebook event page: http://goo.gl/7vVRwj
More information: www.tokyo.fi

The project is supported by Tokyo ry, I <3 KIPSARI grant and TTER Rahasto

8. Kela’s new service channel for students and families with children 

Kela offers a new channel for students and families with children to ask questions and get answers from Kela’s experts on Kysy Kelasta discussion forum. You can use the discussion forum as a registered or unregistered user. Just by reviewing the forum, you can find the answer to your questions: often students and families with children are concerned about rather similar issues.

Further information:
Kysy Kelasta discussion forum online: http://www.kela.fi/kysy-kelasta

Ask about the benefits:

Students: https://kysykelasta.kela.fi/opiskelijat
Families with children: https://kysykelasta.kela.fi/lapsiperheet

9. Participate in Aalto’s energy efficiency contest 

Aalto Energy Efficiency & Low Carbon Competition is organised in the autumn of 2014 in cooperation with Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and Aalto University Properties Ltd. The idea contest published on 10 Oct, Friday of the national energy saving week, aims to find

new solutions and best practises for improving energy efficiency in our everyday environment and campuses. All ideas from small everyday improvements to major infrastructure concepts are welcome! The contest is open to all university students, personnel and researchers.

The deadline for entries is 30 Jan 2015. You can submit entries from Friday, 17 Oct onwards.

Read more about the contest and prizes at http://aalto.fi/energycompetition/.

10. Concert of KYN’s two premieres at Savoy on 21 Oct – free tickets for freshmen

Welcome to a concert where light meets shadow, ethnicity meets jazz, the human voice meets instruments. Colours play music! This concert is the premiere for two works, performed by KYN: Jukka Linkola’s à cappella series Loitsut and Mikko Hassinen’s Jos minä puhuisin sinulle. The programme also includes Jukka Linkola’s Outo Kantele series. The concert includes rhytmic joy and strong interpretation. The leading Finnish musicians will join the choir on the stage. This concert will touch you, make you laugh and offer you an experience of something new.

KYN is conducted by Kaija Viitasalo: LIGHTS, SHADOWS – THE SOUND OF ETHNIC JAZZ
Tuesday, 21 Oct, 7pm at Savoy Theatre

Tickets with a service fee EUR 17,50 – 27,50 from Lippupalvelu ( http://www.lippupalvelu.fi/event/kyn-valoja-varjoja-aanessa-etninen-jazz-lippuja/137701 ) or the choir members.

Aalto First Year Experience offers the 50 first first-year students the opportunity to listen to the concert for free. Book your tickets here: (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ajc5LQKFU92ibC5s0NJHUaDiEjPt_ZKnlYIv4h6etpU/viewform).

Further information on the concert and choir is available at kyn.fi and fb.com/kynchoir

11. Teekkarispex events

The review night of the old spex on 16 Oct: here you can watch a recording of some of the productions from recent years on a big screen and, naturally, go to the sauna in a laid-back company. https://www.facebook.com/events/1471868043073255/?fref=ts

Behind the Scenes screening at Gorsu on 23 Oct: Do you wonder what happens during the show offstage? Now you can have a look, come and watch behind the scenes documentary and talk with the experienced spex actors. https://www.facebook.com/events/1678287295730072/?fref=ts

If you do not know yet which area you are interested in, come and get to know the activities of various teams in the workshops of the autumn! The best way to follow Teekkarispex events and news is to like Teekkarispeksi site on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teekkarispeksi or by following the website at http://teekkarispeksi.fi/speksi/.

12. Aalto University Complex Systems Society meet up

Aalto University Complex Systems Society (https://www.facebook.com/groups/AaltoCOMPLEX/) is a multidisciplinary group for the people in Aalto community who are interested in the study of complex systems, such as control systems, organisations, machine learning or neural networks. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_systems)

The society was founded this spring and this is its second event. This time we will have presentations about a cybernetic machine learning algorithm and organisational complexity. After the presentations, we will have free discussions around these subjects.

  • Time: Tuesday, 14 October, 5:30pm
  • Location: Sähkömiehentie 3, Maari-240-241

If you are interested, please join the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1488694604747202/

13. Free screenings of Spanish films in Tapiola on 13 Oct and Helsinki on 14-15 Oct

Finland-Spain-Finland society will organise the week of Spanish cinema in cooperation with the Embassy of Spain on 13-15 Oct 2014. Free admission (within age limits). The language of the films is Spanish, subtitles in English.

The week of Spanish cinema
13 Oct Kino Tapiola, Mäntyviita 2, Espoo, 5pm
14-15 Oct Kino (Cultural Complex Andorra), Eerikinkatu 11, Helsinki, 5pm and 7.30pm

Further information and more detailed schedule is available at: http://www.suomiespanjaseura.fi/fi/elokuvat2014.php

14. Apply for student exchange or internship in Asia for the year of 2015 

Asia Exchange call for applications is open for exchange destinations in Asia for the year of 2015. Asia Exchange student exchanges with tuition fees are intended for freemovers, who will leave for destinations outside the exchange destinations of their own school. The language of instruction is English.

Deadline for the spring term of 2015: October 2014. Deadline for the autumn term 2015: May 2015. The exact dates are available at www.asiaexchange.fi.

Through Asia Exchange, you can also apply for internships in China and Indonesia. There are hundreds of places available for students from different fields of study.

Further information and application: www.asiaexchange.fi


Welcome to learn Brazilian zouk in Otaniemi in October! Zouk is a sensual and versatile partner dance with unlimited opportunities for musicality and expression. You don’t need to bring your own partner to attend. The course is primarily for students.

The instructors Jukka Välimaa and Sonja-Maria Ignatius have been studying zouk for several years both in Finland, Europe and Brazil with world-renowned zouk instructors.

Course fee: EUR 35.

Registration: http://polijazz.ayy.fi/index.php/kurssi

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