Weekly Newsletter 43/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 43/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

President’s Aalto Coffee will be held on Wednesday, 22 Oct. Please sign up in order to confirm the amount of refreshmens today on Monday, 20 Oct.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for students who deserve recognition! DL 31 Oct
  3. Next Stop: AYY?  –  We Want You!
  4. Campus Expo 28-29 Oct
  5. RuDi Rock Otaniemi – Running Dinner that rocks!
  6. MP3 Experience comes again on 30 October!
  7. Get to know the opportunities at Neste Jacobs in Otaniemi Campus Expo on 29 Oct!
  8. Mindfulness workshop, anxiety theme
  9. Respond to the campus environment survey and win a Jopo bicycle or iPad!
  10. Ristin kilta autumn camp 7-9 Nov
  11. After-pycon python sprint on 28 Oct, 10am-5pm
  12. Neon Rave 2014 at Smökki on 24 Oct
  13. Your (anonymous) story for a sex-themed documentary?

1. This and next week’s events

Week 43

Week 44

2. AYY is looking for students who deserve recognition! DL 31 Oct

A conscientious team player or a diligent workhorse. A relentless creator of Aalto spirit or whoever.
AYY is looking for individuals from among its members who deserve acknowledgement. The recipient does not have to be an active organisation member in ivory towers or an eternal student who has worn out the couches at AYY’s office. On the other hand, these features do not preclude anyone from receiving acknowledgement. Acknowledgements, which are granted for the first time, will be awarded in a festive event in 2014. Proposals are received by the acknowledgement working group.
The nomination form is available at bling.ayy.fi (will open on 1 Oct 2014)
The form is open until 12noon on 31 Oct.

3. Next Stop: AYY?  –  We Want You!

What next? What do they do at the Central office? Could I do something in the Student Union? What does it mean to be a member of AYY Board?  How much time does it take? What about voluntary activities? Sections? Committees? What kind of things could I do? Scary? Strange?
Let’s have Q&A sessions in Töölö, Otaniemi and Arabia, come and present questions!

  • Töölö: Tue, 28 Oct, Main building lobby in connection with Campus Expo
  • Otaniemi: Wed, 29 Oct. Main building lobby in connection with Campus Expo, more at Rantsu in the evening from 6pm onwards
  • Arabia: TOKYO hub in the first week of November. The day will be specified!

Further information on AYY recruitments is available at www.ayy.fi/stop/

4. Campus Expo 28-29 Oct

Come and get to know Aalto’s wide association field and association activities at Campus Expo!
This year, the event will be organised in the main building lobby in Töölö on Tue, 28 Oct and in the main lobby next  to Alvari Square in Otaniemi on Wed, 29 Oct. Display stands are open on both days between 9.45am-2.15pm.

AYY’s Campus Expo is a two-day event to all Aalto members. In the event, students have a great opportunity to explore AYY’s wide association field at display stands, through competitions or by trying out different sports. The expo is also an excellent opportunity to get more overall badges to your collection. Welcome to meet like-minded fellow students and find something new!

28 Oct, Tuesday
9.45am-2.15pm Association presentations
Töölö Campus, main building lobby (Runeberginkatu 14-16)
Evening programme: https://www.facebook.com/events/310801889105765

29 Oct, Wednesday
9.45am-2.15pm Association presentations
Otaniemi Campus, main building lobby (Otakaari 1)
Evening programme: https://www.facebook.com/events/310801889105765

5. RuDi Rock Otaniemi – Running Dinner that rocks!

Would you like to cook 1/3 of a dinner and enjoy the other parts at someone else’s place? RuDi is a concept of cooking, meeting people and partying in the end. It will give you the opportunity to enjoy a three-course meal while meeting 12 new people during one evening, only for the price of the meal you cook.

You will form a team of two and cook with EUR 16 budget for 6 people (= 4 guests + you). If you cook appetizers, you need to go to given addresses to enjoy the main course and desserts. 1h 15min for each course and 15min for getting from place to place – that’s the running part! The event will take place in Otaniemi on 28 Oct. 6pm-10.30pm, afterparty at Smökki 10.30pm onwards.

Let’s make history – full info and sign up here.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1555864327970394

6. MP3 Experience comes again on 30 October!

Once more, it is time to confuse Helsinki with the 6th MP3 Experience organised by Mosaic, and this time with a special halloween twist! The idea is to download a music file (approx. 45 min) to your phone or music device, push PLAY simultaneously with the crowd and follow the instructions you hear.

Harlem shake on the Senate Square, waltzing in Kamppi? Invading the railway station, hitch-hiking on Mannerheimintie? EVERYTHING is possible in the MP3 experience, and there’s only one way to find out what is going to happen this time!

  • What: MP3 Experience
  • When: Thu, 30 Oct, 6pm
  • Where: In front of Tennispalatsi
  • How: /en/blog/events/mp3-experiment-5/ and https://www.facebook.com/events/928194177209395/

7. Get to know the opportunities at Neste Jacobs in Otaniemi Campus Expo on 29 Oct!

One of AYY’s main partners Neste Jacobs participates in the Campus Expo with their own display stand. Come and get to know the company and hear about career opporunities in technology, planning and project management services and solutions. Neste Jacobs has over 50 years of experience in the field, extensive global expertise and over 1,000 professionals at their service. Neste Jacobs is constnatly looking for new professionals – come and hear more at our display stand!

More information on Neste Jacobs as an employer.

8. Mindfulness workshop, anxiety theme

There are still a few seats left to the workshop beginning on Friday, 31 Oct!

In mindfulness, it is essential to approvingly detect and identify your own thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. Often our own requirements and critical attitude make us nervous when performing or in other social situations. Mindfulness training helps you to observe and accept your own thoughts, feelings and physical reactions, which often reduces anxiety.

The workshop is held on Fridays, 31 Oct-5 Dec, 1pm-3pm at Otakaari 1, classroom Majakka (M140). Further information. This workshop will be held in Finnish.

9. Respond to the campus environment survey and win a Jopo bicycle or iPad!  

Aalto University Properties Ltd. owns most of the premises used by Aalto University. The company is responsible for leasing the real estate properties, their management and care, and for the associated support functions and the further development of the properties. The company works in close collaboration with the University’s Campus and Facility Services. An important factor guiding our operations is feedback from the users. We have e.g. developed our communication, improved outdoor areas and developed bicycling and walking routes on the campus.

Through the annual survey we are collecting feedback from University’s personnel and students about how to develop campuses further. Provide your feedback and win a Jopo-bicycle or iPad!

Link to the questionnaire: http://www.kti.fi/aalto

The questionnaire is open until 21 October, 2014. The survey is being carried out by KTI Property Information Ltd. The responses will go directly to them. The results will be processed confidentially and the respondents’ contact information will not be connected to the replies at any stage.

10. Ristin kilta autumn camp 7-9 Nov

Ristin kilta will organise an autumn camp on Fri-Sun, 7-9 Nov, in Hila camp centre in Kirkkonummi! The camp offers laid-back activities, Bible reading, connecting the Christians and outdoor activities. The guest speaker is youth pastor Timo Liiri from the Finnish Bible College. The price of the camp is approx. EUR 35. The price includes accommodation, meals and transport from Otaniemi to Hila and back.

Further information and registration instructions are available here.

Registration DL is Fri, 24 Oct 2014.

11. After-pycon python sprint on 28 Oct, 10am-5pm

Interested in contributing to Python? PyCon Finland and PyLadies Helsinki will organise a Python Sprint in the Helsinki area on 28 Oct, from 10am to 5pm.  In the sprint, we will be fixing bugs in the Python source code, documentation or infrastructure. There are lots of tasks for different skill levels available!
Location will be announced soon, it will be in Helsinki or Espoo. RSVP at the event page to keep up-to-date!

Come and get your name included in the history of Python 🙂

12. Neon Rave 2014 at Smökki on 24 Oct

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the sickest rave of the year, Neon Rave! For one night Smökki will be turned into an industrial hall with superb lights and heady sounds from the five DJs: MVNE! DJ Mauke! EAS! 2Side! And DJ lojt serve you genres from house to hardstyle. Don’t miss out, this is a must!

  • What? Neon RAVE
  • Where? at Smökki
  • When? 24th October from 9 pm to 3 am
  • Ticket saling: 20.-24.10. 10-14 Main building. Ticket prices: 5e in advance, 7e at the door”

13. Your (anonymous) story for a sex-themed documentary?

Why do drunken sex stories turn into admired hero myths? Special Film Company will make a short documentary film, which films sex stories, taking artistic liberties and adapting the stories to the form of the poem. The stories may be true, common experiences or dreams. The purpose is to research the human feeling of loneliness. People generally wish others well, but desire and a subjective perception may cause them not to consider the consequences of their actions, which may upset other people. Perhaps.
Special film Company is looking for interviewees in their twenties or thirties, who would be interested in sharing their own experiences. Stories are read by an actor and they do not have to be identifiable. Please write to us if you want to participate in the project. We will conduct the interviews in November. The film is produced by Special Film Company and the director is Vesa Kuosmanen. The premiere will take place at the end of 2015.

The production assistent is Tiina Vanhanen who provides further information:  tiina@vanhanen.fi. You can also directly contact Director Vesa Kuosmanen who will conduct the interviews: vesa@specialfilmcompany.fi


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