Weekly Newsletter 44/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 44/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

NOTE! The translator of English language is having a vacation so the weekly newsletter of this week is not entirely translated. The weekly newsletter will be translated properly again next week! We apologize for any inconvenience!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for producer
  3. Watch a fantastic video about AYY’s volunteers! – Apply now and become volunteer yourself!
  4. Teekkari Village Sauna
  5. AYY International Week 10.-15.11.
  6. Campus Expo 28-29 Oct
  7. Arabia maskerad calling 1st November.
  8. MP3 Experience comes again on 30 October!
  9. Teekkarispeksi’s castings
  10. Maquerade beer Pong
  11. TalentIT in Dipoli Thu 6th November
  12. Lighten your load on the climate and win a jopo bicycle!
  13. Muay Thai course in Otaniemi!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 44

Week 45

2. AYY is looking for a producer

AYY is looking for a producer. See the job advertisement here (in Finnish) /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-tapahtumatuottajaakulttuuriasiantuntijaa/.

3. Watch a fantastic video about AYY’s volunteers! – Apply now and become volunteer yourself!

What next? What do they do at the Central office? Could I do something in the Student Union? What does it mean to be a member of AYY Board?  How much time does it take? What about voluntary activities? Sections? Committees? What kind of things could I do? Scary? Strange? Watch this video and you know a little bit more. http://youtu.be/ldgue1orvPI (Subtitles in english and Swedish are coming soon).

Let’s have Q&A sessions in Töölö, Otaniemi and Arabia, come and present questions!

  • Töölö: Tue, 28 Oct, Main building lobby in connection with Campus Expo
  • Otaniemi: Wed, 29 Oct. Main building lobby in connection with Campus Expo, more at Rantsu in the evening from 6pm onwards
  • Arabia: TOKYO hub in the first week of November. The day will be specified!

Further information on AYY recruitments is available at www.ayy.fi/stop/

4. Teekkari Village Sauna

Come to have some great time with other tenants of Teekkarikylä.
Both saunas of rantsu will be warm and there will be some food and non-alcoholic drinks served. Also featuring palju (hot tub). The Village senate will also be present so if you have any suggestions or ideas come and share them with us!

Further info on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/events/1629028987324083/?fref=ts

5. AYY International Week 10.-15.11.

The world comes to you, embrace it. Internationalization means unexpected friends, surprising experiences, tingling fun and on the other hand awareness, recognition and responsibility. During the international week you will experience a colorful reality of new and exciting thoughts, tastes, languages, experiments, insights and so much more!

See what exciting is happening during the week by checking out the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/357802421049092/ or AYY event calendar: /en/blog/events/ayy-international-week/

6. Campus Expo 28-29 Oct

Come and get to know Aalto’s wide association field and association activities at Campus Expo!
This year, the event will be organised in the main building lobby in Töölö on Tue, 28 Oct and in the main lobby and upstairs next to Alvari Square in Otaniemi on Wed, 29 Oct. Display stands are open on both days between 9.45am-2.15pm.

AYY’s Campus Expo is a two-day event to all Aalto members. In the event, students have a great opportunity to explore AYY’s wide association field at display stands, through competitions or by trying out different sports. The expo is also an excellent opportunity to get more overall badges to your collection. Welcome to meet like-minded fellow students and find something new!


28 Oct, Tuesday
9.45am-2.15pm Association presentations, Töölö Campus, main building lobby (Runeberginkatu 14-16)
Evening programme: https://www.facebook.com/events/310801889105765

29 Oct, Wednesday
9.45am-2.15pm Association presentations, Otaniemi Campus, main building lobby and upstarirs (Otakaari 1)

6pm onwards: Official after party AYY recruitment sauna, Rantasauna https://www.facebook.com/events/1538265189752704

Associations’ evening programme around Otaniemi, starting approximately at 5pm, unless otherwise mentioned. More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/310801889105765

7. Arabia Maskerad calling 1st November 2014

TOKYO’s annual ball, the biggest maskerad of the Finland.

Further information.



8. MP3 Experience comes again on 30 October!

Once more, it is time to confuse Helsinki with the 6th MP3 Experience organised by Mosaic, and this time with a special halloween twist! The idea is to download a music file (approx. 45 min) to your phone or music device, push PLAY simultaneously with the crowd and follow the instructions you hear.

Harlem shake on the Senate Square, waltzing in Kamppi? Invading the railway station, hitch-hiking on Mannerheimintie? EVERYTHING is possible in the MP3 experience, and there’s only one way to find out what is going to happen this time!

What: MP3 Experience
When: Thu, 30 Oct, 6pm
Where: In front of Tennispalatsi
How: /en/blog/events/mp3-experiment-5/ and https://www.facebook.com/events/928194177209395/

9. Teekkarispeksi’s castings

Castings 16.11. and 18.11. (registration DL 10.11.) Try-outs for dancers.  8.11. (registration DL 5.11.) + Recruiting for choreography (application DL 19.11.) Band jams 11.11. and 12.11. (registration DL 31.10.)

Interested? Read more: http://teekkarispeksi.fi/speksi/blogi/hae-mukaan-teekkarispeksiin

10. Maquerade beer Pong

Aalto Beer Pong is organizing a masquerade themed Beer Pong Tournament. Find your best costume from the closet and come win the tournament! The costume can be a stylish disguise or your dirtiest teddy bear suit. In addition to the tournament winner, the coolest costume will also be awarded.

To participate in the tournament, some kind of costume is mandatory!

Further info: https://www.facebook.com/events/813178905412814/

11. TalentIT in Dipoli Thu 6th November

Meet the top employers in the field of ICT in Finland and take a step towards your dream career! Over 60 employers and startups!

Time: Thu 6 Nov 2014 11 am – 5 pm
Place: Dipoli, Otaniemi, Otakaari 24
Free entrance

CV Clinic for Aalto Students (SCI, ELEC, ENG and CHEM)
Get feedback from your CV/LinkedIn Profile from HR professionals in the field of ICT.
Make your appointment in advance in CareerWeb: (First sign in to Into with your Aalto account  http://www.into.aalto.fi and then go to https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=17322758)

Bring your CV with you! Further information: http://www.aalto.fi/fi/cooperation/career_services/fair/talentit/
Organizer: Aalto University Alumni and Corporate Relations

12. Lighten your load on the climate and win a jopo bicycle!

Aalto University and AYY are participating in Climateinfo’s Reduce a Tonne campaign (Kevennä Tonni campaign). Higher education students in the metropolitan area will be reducing their carbon footprint as part of the campaign, and at the same time get the chance to win some nice prizes. Join the campaign at http://ilmastoinfo.fi/kevennatonni/en/reduce-a-tonne-2014. Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/766073256786781/. For Aalto students joining the campaign before 31 October 2014, there will be a prize draw to win a JoPo bicycle!

The Reduce a Tonne campaign also appears in Aalto University’s sustainability brochure for new students, which is being produced for the third time this autumn, and available in three languages: www.aalto.fi/ecocampus

Further information:

Sustainability at Aalto, Meri.Loyttyniemi@aalto.fi, +358 50 313 7549, www.aalto.fi/sustainability

AYY, Sanna.Unkuri@ayy.fi, +358 40 579 6125, www.ayy.fi

13. Muay Thai course in Otaniemi!

Otaniemi Fight Club organizes a four session Muay Thai course in Otahalli starting this month. Both novices and experienced artists are welcome. Read more about the course online: http://ofc.ayy.fi/pgs/course.php

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