Weekly Newsletter 45/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 45/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Candidates for the position of the former of the Board and the chairperson of the Representative Council will be interviewed this Monday, 3 Nov, at 6pm in Hall TU1 at TUAS Building. Come and follow the panel there or watch the live broadcast at ayy.fi/live.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for cultural producer, apply by 7 Nov
  3. Watch an incredible video on AYY’s volunteer activities and apply!
  4. Become a student representative in university administration for the year 2015
  5. Apply for HOAS delegation by 5 Nov
  6. Join the Tieto Generation-T
  7. Spend your Saturday at engineering students’ brunch
  8. Workshop on teaching in multicultural groups, come share your views! (11 Nov 2014)
  9. AYY’s International Week on 10-15 Nov
  10. The best of the scientific and business world at Aalto University in November
  11. Participate in Loneliness seminar on Thursday, 20 Nov, 2pm
  12. OtaHOAS craft space is open again
  13. TalentIT and ARENA fairs are approaching
  14. Interested in the world’s top universities? Participate in the virtual fair!
  15. Apply for the Aalto/ESADE course “Innovation Internship Project” (I2P)
  16. PSK Kupla organises scuba diving experiment and a beginner’s course in underwater rugby

1. This and next week’s events

Week 45

Week 46

2. AYY is looking for a cultural producer, apply by 7 Nov 

AYY is looking for a producer for open-ended full-time employment from 16 Nov 2014 onwards or as agreed. The producer supports the student union sections in event organising in cooperation with the other producer. Read the entire call for applications at /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-tapahtumatuottajaakulttuuriasiantuntijaa/ (in Finnish). The call for applications will close at 4pm on 7 Nov.

3. Call for applications for AYY Board and sections for the year 2015

The call for AYY’s volunteer positions is open! The call for the Board is open until 12 Nov and now you can also apply for the position of the section chairperson or member.

We have recorded the thoughts of volunteers and sections in this video. Watch and learn a bit more. 

Further information on AYY’s recruitment is available at www.ayy.fi/stop/

4. Become a student representative in university administration for the year of 2015

Get involved and make Aalto a better place! Student representatives in administration, hallopeds, are regular students who deliver the students’ comments to the staff and do important work for better education and better university. The call for student representatives for the year of 2015 is open. There are available positions in the education councils, degree committee, restaurant committee and Aalto University’s Committee for Academic Affairs.

All open positions and electronic application forms are available at https://www.halloped.fi/fi/aalto

Call for applications and further information on AYY’s website at www.ayy.fi

5. Apply for HOAS delegation by 5 Nov

In accordance with the regulations of the Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region    (HOAS), AYY has the right to appoint it own representatives for certain organs. AYY has the right to appoint nine (9) members for HOAS delegation for two calendar years at a time. Based on the resignation regulations of the foundation, AYY Board will elect five (5) new members this autumn for the term 2015-2016.

The duties of HOAS delegation include the confirmation of the financial statements, budget and the action plan of the foundation. The actual meetings of the delegation are the spring meeting held in May and the autumn meeting held in November.

If you are interested in representing in the delegation, please apply for the position by filling out the application form at https://lomake.ayy.fi/rekry/hoasn-valtuuskunta/ by 11.59pm on 5 Nov 2014.

6. Join the Tieto Generation-T

Do you dare to change perspectives? If yes, then Tieto Generation-T program might be something for you. The application for the programme for 2015 is now open. We are looking for young professionals with future potential for different positions in several business areas. Be sure to be our next future talent and send in your application already today! If you want to get to know our young professionals from the last programme, read their stories on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TietoCorporation)

Apply by 18 November at www.tieto.fi/generationt

7. Spend your Saturday at engineering students’ brunch

Engineering students’ brunch is a spectacle where participants are pampered with the greatest company, incredible brunch and surprise performers! Dress in an optional dress and head to Smökki at 12noon on 8 Nov!

Ticket sales are open until 12noon on Tue, 4 Nov at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/teekkarisillis-2014/ .

Tickets left from advance sales can be inquired when the brunch begins at Servin Mökki at 12noon on Saturday, 8 Nov. Event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/763466463725286/

8. AYY – Workshop on teaching in multicultural groups, come share your views! (11.11.2014)

How does teaching in multicultural groups work? Join AYY’s workshop and discuss with Aalto teachers what could be improved!

Aalto University is a community of almost 100 nationalities. Different cultures have different understandings of authority, of directness of speech, of the concept of a good student, of the role of the teacher, just to name a few. How could we make sure that the teaching situations acknowledge the fact that the groups are multicultural? How does cultural background affect the learning experience and understanding of the subtle non-verbal communication? How could we create an atmosphere in the class that would support openness and learning from other cultures? How could we make multicultural group works increase cooperation and understanding across cultures? How could we increase integration of international and Finnish students in teaching situations? AYY invites all interested members of the teaching staff to share their thoughts with international and Finnish students of Aalto University. In the workshop on developing multicultural teaching on 11 Nov 2014 from 4pm to 6pm at Open Innovation House (Otaniementie 19-21) students and teaching staff will discuss the problems they have experienced in multicultural teaching and think about possible solutions. Join the workshop to make sure the teachers understand your perspective to teaching! The workshop will function as a basis for AYY’s and Aalto University’s joint project on developing multicultural teaching in year 2015. Please sign up for the workshop by sending an e-mail to international@ayy.fi by 3 November. Refreshments and snacks will be provided, please inform us of your allergies and dietary restrictions when signing up. Welcome! /en/blog/events/ayy-workshop-on-teaching-in-multicultural-groups-come-share-your-views/

9. AYY International Week 10-15 Nov

The world comes to you, embrace it.

Internationalisation means unexpected friends, surprising experiences, tingling fun and on the other hand awareness, recognition and responsibility. During the international week you will experience a colorful reality of new and exciting thoughts, tastes, languages, experiments, insights and so much more!

See what exciting is happening during the week by checking out the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/357802421049092/

or AYY event calendar: /en/blog/events/ayy-international-week/

10. The best of the scientific and business world at Aalto University in November 

On 16-20 Nov, Aalto University will organise an international scientific event, Aalto University Academic Summit, which offers high-quality programme for five days. The programme will include the award ceremony for the World Cultural Council. The event will bring together top names from academia and the business world to engage in a globally-significant debate about the role of universities in supporting economic growth, job creation, and well-being in the information society. Most of the events are held on Otaniemi Campus. Entry is free-of-charge, students are cordially welcome. The schedule and registrations at wcc.aalto.fi.

News on Aalto website: http://www.aalto.fi/fi/current/news/2014-10-20-006/

11. Participate in the loneliness seminar on Thursday, 20 Nov, 2pm

The loneliness seminar is organised at the University of Helsinki, Porthania II at 2pm-6pm on Thursday, 20 Nov. Loneliness is a topic which raises a variety of feelings and thoughts. As a phenomenon, it can be approached from various viewpoints. But how does loneliness concretely appear around us? More information on the content of the seminar: uskotoivorakkaus.fi/yksinaisyys
Registrations: juha.petterson@evl.fi

School work of the Parish Union of Helsinki
University of Helsinki, HYY, FSHS.

12. OtaHOAS craft space is open again

Would you like to work on a project/craft/repair/mill in a suitable space in Otaniemi? The improvement project of the craft space in HOAS facilities downstairs of Jämeräntaival 11 B has been finished and now the space is ready for all kinds of projects. The space includes general electric and wooden tools, as well as a small milling machine with four axles. Fire works are prohibited in the facilities.

You can reserve the space by contacting Antti Korhonen (antti.w.korhonen@aalto.fi).

The improvent project is funded by TTE-Fund, the Guild of Mechanical Engineers and OtaHOAS.

13. TalentIT and ARENA fairs are approaching

Meet the top companies in ICT field and parties interested in ICT experts at TalentIT fair at Dipoli at 11am-5pm on 6 Nov 2014. The CV clinic open to all engineering students is organised at the fair, where you get tips on how to polish your CV from human resources specialists in the engineering field. Now you have an excellent opportunity to get your job hunting documents in order. Further information and registration at https://into.aalto.fi/careerweb. Further information on TalentIT fair and exhibitors. http://www.aalto.fi/fi/cooperation/career_services/fair/talentit/

The annual ARENA Career Fair is organised on Wed, 12 November at 9.30am-4pm at the School of Business main building. All the business students at Aalto (including industrial engineering) are welcome to the largest contact fair organised for business students and companies in Finland! This year, we have over 60 exhibitors as well as numerous employer presentations, CV Clinic, speed interviews and CV photo shooting.

Check out the fair programme and descriptions of employer presentations on Into’s ARENA page (https://into.aalto.fi/display/encareer/ARENA+Career+Fair). See also ARENA Code for students – tips on how to prepare for the fair. To get the most out of ARENA, prepare well and make a schedule for ARENA day beforehand!

You can already tune yourself to the fair mood on ARENA Career Fair Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ARENACareerFair), where ARENA-On-Line fair is already under way!

See you at the fair!

14. Interested in the world’s top business schools? Attend the virtual fair

The Global Business Schools E-Fair provides you the opportunity to get to know some of the world’s best business schools without having to do any travel. The event is a virtual fair that takes place online between 12-13 November.

For more information, see: http://www.globalbusinessefair.com/

15. Apply for the Aalto/ESADE course “Innovation Internship Project” (I2P)

Nordic madness + Mediterranean energy = The Innovation Internship Project with ESADE Business School Barcelona is back!

Apply by 20 November 2014
Course period: January-May 2015
ECTS: 6-8

I2P is about “Innovation in Action”, challenging old conventions and shaking common assumptions, taking action early, getting out of the building, and developing idea through experiments. It is for all Master’s students in Aalto who want to learn how to develop innovative solutions to solve real-life, open-ended challenges given by different organizations. You will travel to and work with students from Esade Business School in Barcelona. Find out more info and about how to apply here: http://www.mindspace.fi/i2p/

16. PSK Kupla organises scuba diving experiment and beginner’s course in underwater rugby

Scuba diving experiment

A compulsory lecture for scuba diving will be held at Otaniemi School of Electrical Engineering on Thursday, 6 Nov, 6pm-7.30pm in Hall E111, the address is Otakaari 5A. Diving itself will take place at Tapiola Swimming Hall on 20 Nov, 8pm-11pm. You have to sign up in advance, as a limited number of participants can attend. Registration link and further information on PSK Kupla site:   http://kupla.ayy.fi/psk/kurssit/laitesukelluskokeilu.

Lectures are organised only in Finnish.

Beginner’s course in underwater rugby

The underwater rugby, which includes three sessions for beginners, is organised at Tapiola Swiming Hall on Sunday evenings in November. All who are interested can participate in the course. The course fee is EUR 15 and it is paid in cash during the first session.

Further information and the registration link are available on PSK Kupla site:  http://kupla.ayy.fi/psk/uppopallo/uppopallokurssi-2014/



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