Weekly Newsletter 46/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 46/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

This week, we celebrate AYY’s International Week. The week will open at Design Factory today at 3pm. The opening speech is held by politician Pekka Haavisto. AYY’s Internationality Section Mosaic is responsible for the arrangements. Follow the week’s events on facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/events/357802421049092/?fref=ts . The world comes to you, embrace it!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY Board and sections for the year 2015
  3. AYY’s International Week starts today – opening speech in English by politician Pekka Haavisto.
  4. Save the Date – celebrate AYY’s 5th anniversary on 31 Jan 2015
  5. Name contest: suggest a name for AYY’s new housing system!
  6. Influenza vaccinations for risk groups at Otaniemi FSHS
  7. Aalto University Academic Summit at Aalto University in November
  8. ARENA fair at the School of Business on Wednesday
  9. Suggest a name for the new Aalto Virtual Learning Environment
  10. Going on: Think Africa Week 2014 – Building Bridges for Innovation
  11. What is Christianity?
  12. Future seminar with members of the Parliament on 11 Nov
  13. CS and IDBM Programmes organise the Helsinki Berry Jam for Sustainability
  14. CEMS Goes Restaurant Day
  15. Finnish speakers wanted for a listening experiment on 18-19 Nov

1. This and next week’s events

Week 46

Week 47

2. Apply for AYY Board and sections for the year 2015

The call for AYY’s volunteer positions is open! The call for the Board is open until 12 Nov and now you can also apply for the position of the section chairperson or member.

We have recorded the thoughts of volunteers and sections in this video. Watch and learn a bit more.  http://youtu.be/ldgue1orvPI

Further information on AYY’s recruitment is available at www.ayy.fi/stop/

3. AYY’s International Week starts today – opening speech in English with politician Pekka Haavisto

Internationalisation means unexpected friends, surprising experiences, tingling fun and on the other hand awareness, recognition and responsibility. During the international week you will experience a colorful reality of new and exciting thoughts, tastes, languages, experiments, insights and so much more! See what exciting is happening during the week by checking out the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/357802421049092/

The opening speech of the week will be held today at 3pm at Design factory by politician Pekka Haavisto. Haavisto is a renowned Finnish politician from the Green Party. He has ample experience in international tasks, varying from peace negotiations in Darfur and leading the UN Environmental Programme to writing backpacking guide books for adventure seekers. He made it to the second round of the Finnish presidential elections in 2012 as the first Green Party candidate. Come hear his thoughts on the importance of internationalisation! There will also be time for discussion. Some snacks will be served.
Time: 3pm
Place: Design Factory, Otaniemi


4. Save the Date – celebrate AYY’s 5th anniversary on 31 Jan 2015

AYY’s 5th anniverary celebration will be organised on Saturday, 31 Jan 2015. Greetings to the 5-year-old AYY are given during the main celebration from 4pm onwards. The after party will be organised from 10pm onwards at a location to be announced later. All the student union members are cordially welcome to the main celebration and the after party.

The main celebration price for students is €75 for students and €100 for other guests, including the after party. On Sunday, 1 Feb, the traditional anniversary brunch will be organised at Servin Mökki. The brunch costs €15. The after party price and the location of main celebration will be announced later.

Dresscode: dark suit with academic badges of honour

Registration will open at 12noon on 24 Nov at www.vuosijuhlat.fi
AYY 5th anniversary on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/729771663774478/?fref=ts

5. Name contest: suggest a name for AYY’s new housing system!

AYY’s old campus system will be replaced by a brand-new and custom-built housing system. We need a name for the new system!

Through the housing system, we will organise all AYY’s housing issues from housing applications to rental agreements. The system will be completed in the spring of 2015 and tens of thousands of AYY’s members will be provided housing through the system throughout centuries. Now is your chance to think up this new name and write your name in the history books!

Please suggest a new name through the form below by 30 Nov. After this, AYY Board will choose the best name for the system.


6. Influenza vaccinations for risk groups at Otaniemi FSHS

Free influenza vaccinations are provided for those to whose health influenza poses a threat and who significantly benefit from the vaccination. Further information. (http://www.thl.fi/fi/web/rokottaminen/rokotteet/kausi-influenssarokote). If you are in a risk group, please make an appointment for vaccination at Otaniemi FSHS at 046 710 1027. If you are not enitled to free vaccination, please call FSHS to get a recipe for the vaccination and book an appointment to have the vaccination. Further information: http://www.yths.fi/yhteystiedot/toimipisteet/espoo

7. The best of the scientific and business world at Aalto University in November 

On 16-20 Nov, Aalto University will organise an international scientific event, Aalto University Academic Summit, which offers high-quality programme for five days. The programme will include the award ceremony for the World Cultural Council. The event will bring together top names from academia and the business world to engage in a globally-significant debate about the role of universities in supporting economic growth, job creation, and well-being in the information society. Most of the events are held on Otaniemi Campus. Entry is free-of-charge, students are cordially welcome. The schedule and registrations at wcc.aalto.fi.

News on Aalto website: http://www.aalto.fi/fi/current/news/2014-10-20-006/

8. ARENA fair at the School of Business on Wednesday

The annual ARENA Career Fair is organised on Wed, 12 November at 9.30am-4pm at the School of Business main building. This year, we have over 60 exhibitors as well as numerous employer presentations, CV Clinic, speed interviews and CV photo shooting.

Check out the fair programme and descriptions of employer presentations on Into’s ARENA page (https://into.aalto.fi/display/encareer/ARENA+Career+Fair). See also ARENA Code for students – tips on how to prepare for the fair. To get the most out of ARENA, prepare well and make a schedule for ARENA day beforehand!

You can already tune yourself to the fair mood on ARENA Career Fair Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ARENACareerFair), where ARENA-On-Line fair is already under way!

See you at the fair!

9. Suggest a name for the new Aalto Virtual Learning Environment

A new virtual learning environment is being developed at Aalto University. The learning environment is meant for course activities such as informing, material distribution, assignment submissions and interaction. The system will be in use in August 2015.

We’re looking for a name for the learning environment. The name competition is aimed for Aalto University faculty, staff and students. One of the suggestions will be rewarded with an Aalto University-themed prize. The final decision about the name is made by the development project’s steering group.

Suggest your name idea by 24 Nov 2014! You can submit several suggestions.

Take part in the name competition here!

10. Going on: Think Africa Week 2014 – Building Bridges for Innovation

Think Africa Week 2014: Building Bridges for Innovation – 10-14 Nov 2014 is a joint event week for students, research community, entrepreneurs and non-governmental organisations. One of the themes of the week is the role of students in the creation of new practices for innovation and cross-cultural collaboration. Students are an important target group during our week, which brings under the same roof both thinkers and doers. Regardless of your study background, the week provides opportunities for interesting meet-ups, samples of open innovation as well as critical debates and solutions of how diversity can stimulate the creation of new ideas and a culture of collaborative doing.

The main hub of events is Helsinki Think Company (Vuorikatu 5, Kaisaniemi). Tuesday’s networking event is organised in Magito, Suvilahti. The final party takes place in Café Mascot (Neljäs linja 2, Kallio). All the events of the week are free. Click in, and find your Think Africa Week 2014 events here! https://www.facebook.com/events/584481685008122/

11. What is Christianity?

Why do smart people believe in God? Is a beliver’s life really all about obeying and following instructions? What do mercy and inner peace actually mean? What is Christianity?  What is Christianity? evening Wednesday, 12 Nov, 6.45pm Otaniemi Chapel, Jämeräntaival 8

If you are pondering on the issues above, please do not hesitate to join us. We also provide evening snack See you at the chapel!

12. Future seminar with members of the Parliament on 11 Nov

The Association of Members of the Parliament and Scientists Tutkas and Aalto University will organise the future seminar on concrete actions to secure the future of Finland on Tuesday, 11 Nov. Students are welcome to exchange ideas with the members of the Parliament and other presenters.

Time: 11 Nov, 4pm-6pm
Place: Otaniemi, Otakaari 1, Hall B

Further information on the seminar and programme is available at Into https://into.aalto.fi/display/events/Tulevaisuustalkoot+11.11.+kansanedustajien+kanssa

13. CS and IDBM Programs organise the Helsinki Berry Jam for Sustainability

Students and alumni from the Creative Sustainability and International Design Business Management Master Programs are organising the Helsinki Berry Jam for Sustainability that will take place on 21-23 November.

The event is part of the Global Sustainability Jam and its purpose is to join people with different backgrounds all over the world to work together and come up with creative solutions for a global challenge in an intense and fun weekend.

The Helsinki Berry Jam for Sustainability will take place at HUB13 in Kaisaniemi, Helsinki. If you would like to join, hurry up, for the number of participants is limited!

Further information:

14. CEMS Goes Ravintolapäivä

CEMS Club Helsinki welcomes all students to its very own street café ‘Baby Bagel Bar’ on the 15th of Nov in the Restaurant Day. Come enjoy one of our mouth-watering bagels, which we serve with freshly squeezed juice. All profits will be donated to charity!

Remember also CEMS stage event on 25 November. Book your free ticket now through this link! https://www.facebook.com/events/217628335077626/

15. Finnish speakers wanted for a listening experiment on 18-19 Nov

Have you ever wondered why listening in a pub can be quite challenging, and why this is even harder when listening in a non-native language? Are you a native speaker of Finnish and do you speak English? Please sign up for our experiment. If you are interested in participating in this study, please follow the link below to reserve a time and find more information: https://aalto-acoustics-fi-nl.youcanbook.me/

Sharing the link is much appreciated too! Thank you for your participation!

For more information (in English):
Esther Kroese, e.kroese@let.ru.nl


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