Weekly Newsletter 47/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 47/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

There is a big pile of uncollected student cards at AYY’s service points. Please come and pick up your own card! P.S. We always send an e-mail about the received student cards to the e-mail address you have provided at Oodi.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship by 30 Nov
  3. Aalto University Academic Summit on the campus this week
  4. International Student Satisfaction Survey (ISB) coming to Aalto!
  5. Become a student representative for university administration for the year of 2015
  6. Lost property stored at Otaniemi Service Point to be disposed of on 1 Dec
  7. Name contest: suggest a name for AYY’s new housing system!
  8. AYY’s Shadow Independence Day Reception 2014
  9. Millennium Technology Prize winner Stuart Parkin meets Aalto University students
  10. The new ESNSurvey 2015 is out!
  11. From a problem into a resource – seminar on sanitation in Finland and abroad on 19 Nov
  12. Participate in Aalto’s energy efficiency contest
  13. Apply for the Aalto/ESADE course “innovation internship project” (i2p)
  14. Office package free of charge for Aalto students
  15. Create learning solutions for the future and participate in the contest
  16. FC Kissat organises a sports try-out!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 47












Week 48

2. Apply for AYY’s exchange scholarship by 30 Nov

AYY distributes scholarships to its members in accordance with the Student Union’s Scholarship Regulation and the regulations of the scholarship funds administered by the Student Union. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of low-income students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life. In addition, AYY administers certain field-specific scholarship funds.

The distribution of the scholarships and scoring criteria for applications are regulated by Scholarship Regulation and the guideline for the scoring of community activities.

In the autumn of 2014, the application period is 8am, 1 Oct 2014–11.59pm, 30 Nov. Only exchange scholarships are granted in the autumn.

Further information and the application form are available at  /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/

3. Aalto University Academic Summit on the campus this week

On 16-20 Nov, Aalto University will organise an international scientific event, Aalto University Academic Summit, which offers high-quality programme for five days. The programme will include the award ceremony for the World Cultural Council. The event will bring together top names from academia and the business world to engage in a globally-significant debate about the role of universities in supporting economic growth, job creation, and well-being in the information society. Most of the events are held on Otaniemi Campus. Entry is free-of-charge, students are cordially welcome. The schedule and registrations at wcc.aalto.fi.

News on Aalto website: http://www.aalto.fi/fi/current/news/2014-10-20-006/

4. International Student Satisfaction Survey (ISB) coming to Aalto!

On November 6th all international (degree and exchange) students received an email with a survey link. Hopefully you will hear about this survey via many different avenues over the next month. It is also greatly hoped that you will take the 7 or so minutes it takes to respond in order to have your say.

This survey forms part of a wider ongoing study and is independently administered for the University by the International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate.org).  As a thank-you for completing the questionnaire, i-graduate gives you the chance to win a €1000 cash prize or to suggest a €1000 donation to charity. In addition to this €1000 prize, Aalto University is offering additional prizes especially for Aalto students.

So far 23 institutions in Finland have signed up to be a part of this survey. We will be looking very closely at the results internally (data will be anonymous) as well as looking where Aalto sits nationally and internationally. This is a great opportunity to help yourselves and your fellow students. The data will be provided to the University in late February/early March for internal analysis and there will be a presentation of the results soon afterwards. The last time we conducted this survey Aalto University had the highest response rate in all of Finland…let’s try it again!

5. Become a student representative for university administration for the year 2015 

Participate in the improvement of Aalto! Student representatives in administration, hallopeds, are regular students who take the students’ greetings to the staff and do important work to improve education and the university. The call for applications for hallopeds for the year 2015 is open. There are vacancies in education councils, degree committee, restaurant committee and Aalto University’s committee for academic affairs.

All available positions and electronic application forms can be found at https://www.halloped.fi/fi/aalto

Call for applications and further information is available on AYY’s site at www.ayy.fi

6. Lost property stored at Otaniemi Service Point to be disposed of on 1 December

Have you lost something? Otaniemi Service Point has stored lost property saved from various events (mainly organised in Otaniemi). Lost property includes coats, backpacks, overalls, tailcoat, gloves, woolly hats, song books, car keys, etc. Please come and pick up your property immediately.
Uncollected lost property, which is currently stored, will be disposed of on Monday, 1December 2014.

On Monday, 1December, useful goods will be delivered to Otaniemi Recycling Centre and valuable goods (car keys, jewellery, etc.) will be delivered to Espoo Police Station. Dirty and broken goods will be placed in the bin. In the future, you can inquire lost property from Otaniemi Service Point for two weeks after the event in question.

7. Name contest: suggest a name for AYY’s new housing system!

AYY’s old campus system will be replaced by a brand-new and custom-built housing system. We need a name for the new system!

Through the housing system, we will organise all AYY’s housing issues from housing applications to rental agreements. The system will be completed in the spring of 2015 and tens of thousands of AYY’s members will be provided housing through the system throughout centuries. Now is your chance to think up this new name and write your name in the history books!

Please suggest a new name through the form below by 30 Nov. After this, AYY Board will choose the best name for the system.


8. AYY’s Shadow Independence Day Reception 2014

Academic dinner party at Yläkertsi in KY Building!

Did you not receive an invitation to the President’s Independence Day Reception? Does your cocktail dress need to be taken out? Do not worry, as Aalto Community Section Aava will organise the shadow Independence Day reception in KY Building on 6 Dec 2014! It is easy to join the event directly from the torchlight procession of university students.

The event is intended to all AYY members. In the event, we watch the President’s Independence Day reception on the big screen and celebrate the 97-year-old Finland with a three-course dinner.

So wear your festive outfit and show up no later than 7.30pm. The cocktail event begins at 6.30pm.

Further information from Aava: (aava(ät)list.ayy.fi).

Registration (ends on Sun, 30 Nov): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qgczLb-M2uzFayWQtFegZ0edl1TJoEPlAslCwWBpON4/viewform

  • WHAT: AYY’s Shadow Independence Day Reception 2014
  • WHERE: Cocktail event and academic dinner party at Yläkertsi in KY Building
  • WHEN: 6 Dec, from 6.30pm onwards
  • WHY: Because of independent Finland!
  • WHAT DOES IT COST: €15/13
  • DC: Dark suit / Cocktail dress

9. Millennium Technology Prize winner Stuart Parkin meets Aalto University students

Come and have a chat with the 2014 Millennium Technology Prize winner Professor Stuart Parkin.

  • Date: Wednesday, 19 November at 2pm–3:30pm
  • Venue: Open Innovation House, Otaniementie 19 B, Seminar Hall, ground floor

The meeting is moderated by Dean Risto Nieminen, Aalto University School of Science.

If you cannot join us at the Open Innovation House, check out the live stream online http://www.ictlabs.ubicast.tv/lives/helsinki/ and take part in the conversation via Twitter at #eithelsinki.

10. The new ESNSurvey 2015 is out!

Have you ever been abroad studying or doing an internship? If so, share your experience by answering our ESNSurvey questionnaire at http://www.esn.org/esnsurvey.

The Erasmus Student Network is researching how to improve the Erasmus programme and needs your help. It will only take you 15 minutes and we will a brick for a school in Guinea Bissau.

Thanks for your help and have a great day.

11. From a problem into a resource – seminar on sanitation in Finland and abrad on 19 Nov

How to transform sanitation problems into resources, how can urban planning have influence, is energy production more useful than nutrients and can you make money with toilets? The best professionals from business life, public administration, research and organisations tell and present cases both from Finland and developing markets. Aalto students from UNICEF projects will also participate in the seminar. There is plenty of time reserved for discussion in connection with each presentation.

The event is free of charge and organised by Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finnish Water Forum and Aalto University. The seminar is held in Finnish.

12. Participate in Aalto’s energy efficiency contest

Aalto Energy Efficiency & Low Carbon Competition is organised in the autumn of 2014 in cooperation with Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and Aalto University Properties Ltd. The idea contest published on 10 Oct, Friday of the national energy saving week, aims to find

new solutions and best practises for improving energy efficiency in our everyday environment and campuses. All ideas from small everyday improvements to major infrastructure concepts are welcome! The contest is open to all university students, personnel and researchers.

Deadline for nominations is 30 Jan 2015. You can submit nominations from Friday, 17 Oct 2014 onwards.

Read more about the contest and prizes at http://aalto.fi/energycompetition/.

13. Apply for the Aalto/ESADE course “innovation internship project” (i2p)

Nordic madness + Mediterranean energy = The Innovation Internship Project with ESADE Business School Barcelona is back!
Apply by 20 November 2014
Course period: January-May 2015
ECTS: 6-8

I2P is about “Innovation in Action”, challenging old conventions and shaking common assumptions, taking action early, getting out of the building, and developing idea through experiments. It is for all Master’s students in Aalto who want to learn how to develop innovative solutions to solve real-life, open-ended challenges given by different organisations. You will travel to and work with students from Esade Business School in Barcelona. Find out more info and about how to apply here: http://www.mindspace.fi/i2p/

14. Office package free of charge for Aalto students

Aalto students can download the Microsoft Office package (e.g. Word, Excel and PowerPoint) for free to own devices via the “Student Advantage” program as part of Office 365 service.

You can download the software from the web with your Aalto user account.

More information as well as instructions for registration and use can be found on Inside https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ITServices/Microsoft+Office+software+for+students

15. Create learning solutions for the future and participate in the contest

The theme of Ericsson Innovation Awards 2015 contest is the future of learning. Ericsson Innovation Awards 2015 encourages students to create fresh products, services and other solutions for learning and teaching.

You can participate in the contest in teams of 2–4 people. It is recommended that teams include students of both engineering and business, but the contest is open to all who study in higher education institutions. Teams can sign up until 26 Nov 2014 at http://www.ericsson.com/innovationawards. The winner of the contest will be revealed in April 2015.

Contest website: http://www.ericsson.com/innovationawards
Contest on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ericsson.Innovation.Awards

16. FC Kissat organises a sports try-out!

Women’s football team FC Kissat invites students to get to know the fascinating world of futsal! The introduction session is organised in Otaniemi on Tue, 25 Nov, 4.30pm-6pm in the field 1 of the multi-purpose hall (in front of the stand).
Come and learn about futsal in a laid-back atmosphere! Welcome!
Further information: fckissat@gmail.com
Also remember FC Kissat group on Facebook.