Weekly Newsletter 49/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 49/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

The weekly newsletter will take a Christmas break after the newsletter published on 15 Dec. Therefore, there will be two more weekly newsletters this autumn. The first weekly newsletter of the spring will be published on Monday, 12 Jan 2015 and DL for this material is the previous Thursday, 8 Jan, 10am. Have a relaxing December everyone!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY Board elected for the year of 2015
  3. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day
  4. The Day for Free Education on Monday, 1 Dec
  5. 24/7 facility for students at Maarintalo
  6. Participate in Aalto’s energy efficiency contest
  7. Reserve the Student Union’s trailer for your use
  8. Teekkarispex 2015 ticket sales to begin on 1 Dec 2014
  9. The Aalto Media Factory Christmas calendar is coming!
  10. Do business, make an impact

1. This and next week’s events

Week 49

Week 50

2. AYY Board elected for the year of 2015

The Representative Council of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) appointed the Student Union Board for the year of 2014 at its meeting on Thursday, 27 Nov 2014. The fifth year student of network economics Niko Ferm was appointed as the chairperson of the Board. This year, Ferm has acted in AYY Board being responsible for communications, organisations and facilities. Previously, he has led Aalto Community Section Aava, among other things.

Other nine (9) members of AYY Board are:

  • Heikki Koponen, Aalto SCI
  • Rosa Nylen, Aalto BIZ,
  • Anni Rahiala, Aalto ENG
  • Jason Santeri Nuotio, Aalto ARTS
  • Heikki Pulkkinen, Aalto SCI
  • Milja Asikainen, Aalto SCI
  • Saana Rossi, Aalto ARTS
  • Tuulia Telin, Aalto BIZ
  • Joonas Tietäväinen, Aalto ELEC

3.  Torchlight procession of the Independence Day

The traditional torchlight procession of university students is organised again on the Independence Day on 6 Dec. The event website is available at itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi.

We will organise transport for flags from Otaniemi to the torchlight procession and back. Before the transport, please make sure that your flag includes identification – especially at the bottom of the stick!

Please register your flag for the transport by sending e-mail to arkisto@ayy.fi. Flags should be delivered to Otaniemi Service Point by 12noon on Friday, 5 Dec. If you need the sash in the colours of the Finnish flag or a carrier belt, please inform arkisto@ayy.fi.

Further information is available at itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi (updated in the next few days) and arkisto@ayy.fi

4. The Day for Free Education – Monday 1 December

Monday 1 December is the Day for Free Education. With this theme day the student movement wants to draw attention to all students’ equal opportunities to study at Finnish universities.

The theme day is particularly visible on social media, where students will share pictures related to education and explain why it is worth maintaining the free education.

Participate in the discussion on social media. You can share texts and pictures published by AYY, for example. The hashtag is #maksutonkoulutus.

5. 24/7 for students at Maarintalo

24/7 facility is available for guilds and other associations on the 2nd floor of Maarintalo (Sähkömiehentie 3), where you can have meetings, play games, watch films, etc. The building is open on weekdays at 8am-4pm. If the door is locked, you can ask the mail room downstairs to open the door on weekdays between 8am-4pm. Between 4pm-8am, you can ask the security guard in the building to open the front door downstairs if necessary.

The same AYY’s user rules apply to this facility. The only exception is that you do not have to fill out the checklist and the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in the facility. There is no running water or dishes, although you are allowed to consume meeting refreshments. After you have used the facility, you must clean the room and take all your items with you. Aalto University or AYY are not responsible for items you have left behind.

You can book the facility at booking.aalto.fi by logging in with Aalto username. After this, you can find the facility below ”Tilakalenteri/AYY” title in the facility menu on the left, in the section ”Otaniemi /  AYY”. Please also remember to choose ”U90202 AYY-yhteistyö” as the responsible unit when making the reservation. You can also make recurrent reservations for the facility. Write the name of the association or the guild as the reservation name if you make a reservation for your association or guild.

We aim at improving the facility equipment in the future. Development ideas and further instructions: tilat@ayy.fi

6. Book the Student Union’s trailer for your use

Do you have to move houses but AYY’s van is not available? Don’t worry! There is a high demand for the van and AYY aims at improving the situation. Through corporate cooperation, we have received a rented trailer for the use of our members. You can rent the trailer either for half a day or for the entire day. And the best thing is that you can use it completely free of charge! Further information on the trailer and its use is available at /jasenille/tilojen-vuokraaminen/trailerin-vuokraaminen/ . You can check the booking situation at  https://tila.ayy.fi/resource/Trailer/ .

7. Participate in Aalto’s energy efficiency contest

Aalto Energy Efficiency & Low Carbon Competition is organised in the autumn of 2014 in cooperation with Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and Aalto University Properties Ltd. The idea contest published on 10 Oct, Friday of the national energy saving week, aims to find

new solutions and best practises for improving energy efficiency in our everyday environment and campuses. All ideas from small everyday improvements to major infrastructure concepts are welcome! The contest is open to all university students, personnel and researchers.

Deadline for nominations is 30 Jan 2015. Read more about the contest and prizes at http://aalto.fi/energycompetition/.

8. Teekkarispex 2015 ticket sales to begin on 1 Dec 2014

The topic of teekkarispex in the spring of 2015 will be published and ticket sales will begin at 12noon on 1 Dec 2014. The premiere will take place in March. In addition to the metropolitan area, there are performances in Tampere, Turku, Vaasa and Kuopio.

On the site http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi , you can take a peak on the upcoming spectacle. Through the same link, you can find further information on the upcoming Teekkarispex and the ticket shop.

Welcome to watch the performance!

9. The Aalto Media Factory Christmas calendar is coming!

Each day in December, up until Christmas Eve, we will hide a prize somewhere at one of the three campuses in Helsinki area – Arabia, Otaniemi or Töölö – and your job is to find it and post a photo on our Facebook-page. Finder’s keeper’s! We will release a hint each morning at 8.00 to guide you to right direction. The hints will be posted on our Facebook-page. Be the first one to find the prize – it’s no fun to end up empty handed!

If you’re familiar with the game from last year’s debut, you know the drill. And of course we have added some new twists to add to the fun! Don’t miss out on the first calendar opening on Monday, 1 December!

10. Do business, make an impact

Are you interested in entrepreneurship with societal and environmental impact? Now you have an opportunity to influence activities and events about impact business! Participate in a brief survey (takes max. 2 min. to fill) and join us for the event on Dec 15, 2014 at 5pm in Lavaklubi, Helsinki.

We are open for your suggestions regarding the event and further activities on impact business. Please find a link to the survey below: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VVKHT35

Registration to the event: http://goo.gl/r4b2va More information about the event will follow. Stay tuned!

Aalto Global Impact www.aaltoglobalimpact.fi


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