Weekly Newsletter 50/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 50/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

The weekly newsletter will take a Christmas break after the next week’s newsletter. The first weekly newsletter of the spring will be published on Monday, 12 Jan 2015 and the deadline for submitting material for this newsletter is the previous Thursday, 8 Jan, 10am. Have a relaxing December everyone!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. New operators to AYY
  3. Opening hours of service points during the Christmas and the turn of the year
  4. Send a card to someone nice!
  5. AYY 5th anniversary – experience Servin Mökki greater than ever!
  6. Wanted: The learning promotion deed and the international deed of the year 2014!
  7. What happens in the daily life of product development at Vaisala?
  8. The most beautiful Christmas carols at Otaniemi Chapel, 6pm, Sun, 14 Dec
  9. eQuality goes Accessible 2015 on 8 January
  10. Read Espoo magazine in English online
  11. Tapiola Red Cross’ Multicultural Pre-Christmas party on 10 December!
  12. Low Carbon Finland 2.0 Hackathon
  13. Volunteering for International Professionals in Asia

1. This and next week’s events

Week 50

Week 51

2. New operators to AYY

New corporate relations coordinator and cultural producer have been recruited to AYY. Mikko Autio will act as the corporate relations coordinator and Siiri Kihlström as the cultural producer. Read the release on the election of Siiri and Mikko here.

Chairpersons for sections were also elected for the year 2015. They are:
– Aalto Community Section Aava: Henrikki Soininen
– Internationality Section Mosaic: Rosa VĂ€isĂ€nen
– Teekkari Section: Matleena Kukkonen
– Corporate Relations Section: Iina Jokinen
In the next few weeks, the list will be completed with the intendant of Technical Students’ Museum and Village Chief of Teekkari Village.

Welcome to AYY and congratulations to all of you!

3. Opening hours of services points during the Christmas and the turn of the year



  • Fri, 12 Dec, 9am-1pm
  • Fri, 19 Dec, 9am-12noon
  • Week 52 (22-28 Dec) CLOSED
  • Mon-Tue 29-30 Dec, 9am-4pm
  • Wed, 31 Dec, 9am-1pm
  • Thu, 1 Jan 2015 CLOSED
  • Fri, 2 Jan 2015, 9am-4pm
  • Mon, 5 Jan 2015, 9am-4pm
  • Tue, 6 Jan 2015 CLOSED
  • From Wed, 7 Jan 2015 onwards, open normally on weekdays at 9am-4pm

Keys to facilities rented on a one-time basis must be collected on THURSDAY, 18 Dec or no later than Friday, 19 Dec. (NB! Opening hours on Friday: 9am-12noon)


  • 20 Dec 2014-6 Jan 2015 CLOSED


  • 19 Dec 2014-6 Jan 2015 CLOSED


  • Fri, 12 Dec CLOSED
  • Fri, 19 Dec–Sun, 28 Dec CLOSED
  • Mon-Wed 29-31 Dec, open normally
  • Thu, 1 Jan 2015 CLOSED
  • Fri, 2 Jan 2015, 9am-4pm
  • Mon, 5 Jan 2015 klo 12noon-4pm
  • Tue, 6 Jan 2015 CLOSED
  • From Wed, 7 Jan 2015 onwards open normally

Have a peaceful Christmas everyone!

4. Send a card to someone nice!

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you. You can report a nice person at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/

Let’s remember to thank each other!

5. AYY 5th anniversary – experience Servin Mökki greater than ever!

AYY’s fifth anniversary will be organised at Servin Mökki at 4pm on Saturday, 31 Jan 2015. Greetings to the five-year-old AYY are presented in the main celebration during the incredible programme and delicious five-course menu.

The after party will be organised at the event centre Gloria from 10pm onwards. An incredible variety of bands will play at the party.

All members of AYY and Aalto community with their companions and the friends of Aalto members are welcome to the party.

The price of the main event is €75 for AYY’s members and €100 for other guests. The ticket for the after party costs €10. On Sunday, 1 Feb, the traditional anniversary brunch is organised at Servin Mökki, which costs €15.

The dress code for the main event is dark suit with academic badges of honour. You can dress any way you like for the after party. For the brunch, you can dress as casually or festively as you feel like.

Further information (e.g. menu) and registration is available at www.vuosijuhlat.fi The anniversary on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/729771663774478

You cannot miss this party! You are cordially welcome!

6. Wanted: The learning promotion deed and the international deed of the year 2014!

It’s time to reward the learning promotion deed and the international deed of the year. Has a professor of yours, a student association or someone else done something special to enhance learning or internationalisation in Aalto? If yes, propose their deed for the learning promotion deed or the international deed of the year -award! The price can be awarded to any person, group or organisation within Aalto.
Please send your proposal by 14 December 2014:  /en/blog/2014/11/13/wanted-the-learning-promotion-deed-and-the-international-deed-of-the-year-2014/.

7. What happens in the daily life of product development at Vaisala?

It’s surprising how many fields of science are covered in Vaisala. We can start from thin film chips and wonder how their nanometer scale layers interact. The spectral range of one micrometer is full of information. The inaccuracy of one millimeter can ruin your miniaturized optical measurement and ten centimeters may mean a lot in the dynamics of measured fluid. How is electricity conducted through these structures? Is heat dissipated well enough? What are their optical properties and how do they respond to ambient conditions? Why are the results of computer simulations different to experiments? And the most important question: How could a little Giant Leap intern know all of this?” Timo V., Giant Leap Intern 2013

What happens in the daily life of product development at Vaisala?

Check out the pictures from Aalto and JyvÀskylÀ University graduates Timo V. and Timo K. who are now working in Vaisala product development team.  They both joined Vaisala originally in 2013 by participating in Giant Leap summer internship program.

P.S. The application period for Giant Leap Summer Internship  program 2015 starts on 8 January and ends on 8 February 2015. For more information, visit www.vaisala.com/giantleap and find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/VaisalaGiantLeap to stay in the loop of the recruitment process.

8. The most beautiful Christmas carols at Otaniemi Chapel, 6pm, Sun, 14 Dec 

The most beautiful Christmas carols at the Otaniemi Chapel (JÀmerÀntaival 8) on 14t December at 6pm . Welcome to sing together!

9. eQuality goes Accessible 2015 on 8 January

The next Accessible Aalto symposium will be “eQuality goes Accessible 2015” on 8 January 2015, at H304, Otakaari 1, Espoo.

This fourth symposium will concentrate especially on the equality issues in practice: What does it mean in education, learning and research? What is eQuality of eLearning and co-creation? Issues like our language policy and guidelines, equal education and learning, multicultural collaboration, safety, good relations, wellbeing, mentoring and peer support and such will be discussed in the equality and accessibility framework. We will also work to improve our culture to include all freshers and new employees in Aalto community.

Here’s the latest version of the programme (bookmark and follow updates, please): https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/AGA/Equality+goes+Accessible+2015

Choose your workshop: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/AGA/EgA2015+Workshop+proposals

and enroll, please: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/AGA/Enrolment+for+Equality+goes+Accessible+2015

10. Read Espoo magazine in English online

The City of Espoo publishes a magazine for its residents. The Finnish and Swedish versions of the magazine are delivered on paper for each household in Espoo. The magazine is also translated into English but this version is only published in the electronic format. Read Espoo magazine in English at:  http://espoolehti.magnet-media2.eu

11. Tapiola Red Cross’ Multicultural Pre-Christmas party on 10 December!

Tapiola Red Cross multicultural group invites you and your friends to International club’s Pre-Christmas party on 10 December at Yhteisötupa in Tapiola.

We may have a visitor from Korvatunturi during the evening, so please bring a small present (preferably something useless from home, no need to buy anything)! Only the ones who bring a present will also get one.

What? Multicultural Pre-Christmas party
When? 10 December, 6.30pm
Where? Yhteisötupa, Kauppamiehentie 6, Tapiola, 02100 Espoo
Who organises? Tapiola Red Cross, Multicultural group

If you are coming, please let us know by 8 December: international (at) spr-tapiola.org

12. Low Carbon Finland 2.0 Hackathon

Have you ever wondered on which grounds the Finnish energy policy is made? How can we achieve low carbon Finland? This has been discussed by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy in Low Carbon Finland report. However, this review is incomplete. For this reason, New Energy Policy project will organise an open hackathon at Otaniemi Energy Garage on 13 Dec, 9am-9pm. In the hackathon, we will create Low Carbon Finland 2.0 report (LCF2.0).

Low Carbon Finland 2.0 report is a carefully commented version of the original document with extensive references. It will be produced during 12 hours by volunteer specialists and enthusiasts in the field.

In addition to political decision-makers and journalists, LCF2.0 is a tool for perceiving energy policy trends for all who are interested.

Come and build new Finnish energy policy. Read more about the event at http://on.fb.me/1FPtnqM and register no later than 11 Dec: http://goo.gl/forms/6S2kRXjGGV.

13. Volunteering for International Professionals in Asia

About: Impact Hub Kuala Lumpur is looking for 50 young international professionals for a 4-month fellowship.

The job: In teams of 5 (3 International Fellows and 2 Malaysian Fellows), you’ll be leading and delivering a short-term, high-impact programme in a Malaysian NGO.

You: 21 years old or above, passionate about making an impact, and at least 1 year’s work experience, from any field and background.

The impact: For one, you’ll be leading and delivering high-impact projects on the ground. Perhaps more importantly, the Fellowship is intended to enable skill transfer between the International Fellows, the Malaysian Fellows and the NGOs, the goal being to make the new generation of Malaysian NGO leaders more entrepreneurial and efficient.

The sweet, sweet deal: All expenses covered (including plane ticket, visa, housing in a nice INDIVIDUAL flat with no annoying roommates) and a decent stipend.

Please note that the last day of submitting your application is 15 December 2014.

More information and an online application can be found by clicking on the following link: http://www.vip.org.my/

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