Weekly Newsletter 51/2014

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 51/2014

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

The weekly newsletter will take a Christmas break! The first weekly newsletter of the spring will be published on Monday, 12 Jan 2015 and the deadline for submitting material for this newsletter is the previous Thursday, 8 Jan, 10am. Have a relaxing December everyone!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Opening hours of service points during the Christmas and the turn of the year
  3. AYY 5th anniversary – experience Servin Mökki greater than ever!
  4. AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis for the spring and summer of 2015 to be reserved from 18 Dec onwards
  5. KYN’s Christmas concert on 17 Dec and 20 Dec
  6. Mindfulness workshops in the spring of 2015
  7. Long night – short films: Short Film Day is coming on 19 Dec
  8. eQuality goes Accessible 2015 on 8 January
  9. Aalto Wiki is updated on Monday, 29 Dec 2014, 8am-2pm
  10. Summer job and Master’s thesis market on 15 Jan 2015
  11. Fully funded 7 months entrepreneur programme in London

1. This and next week’s events

Week 51

2. Opening hours of services points during the Christmas and the turn of the year



  • Fri, 12 Dec, 9am-1pm
  • Fri, 19 Dec, 9am-12noon
  • Week 52 (22-28 Dec) CLOSED
  • Mon-Tue 29-30 Dec, 9am-4pm
  • Wed, 31 Dec, 9am-1pm
  • Thu, 1 Jan 2015 CLOSED
  • Fri, 2 Jan 2015, 9am-4pm
  • Mon, 5 Jan 2015, 9am-4pm
  • Tue, 6 Jan 2015 CLOSED
  • From Wed, 7 Jan 2015 onwards, open normally on weekdays at 9am-4pm

Keys to facilities rented on a one-time basis must be collected on THURSDAY, 18 Dec or no later than Friday, 19 Dec. (NB! Opening hours on Friday: 9am-12noon)


20 Dec 2014-6 Jan 2015 CLOSED


  • 19 Dec 2014-6 Jan 2015 CLOSED


  • Fri, 12 Dec CLOSED
  • Fri, 19 Dec–Sun, 28 Dec CLOSED
  • Mon-Wed 29-31 Dec, open normally
  • Thu, 1 Jan 2015 CLOSED
  • Fri, 2 Jan 2015, 9am-4pm
  • Mon, 5 Jan 2015 klo 12noon-4pm
  • Tue, 6 Jan 2015 CLOSED
  • From Wed, 7 Jan 2015 onwards open normally

Have a peaceful Christmas everyone!

3. AYY 5th anniversary – experience Servin Mökki greater than ever!

AYY’s fifth anniversary will be organised at Servin Mökki at 4pm on Saturday, 31 Jan 2015. Greetings to the five-year-old AYY are presented in the main celebration during the incredible programme and delicious five-course menu.

The after party will be organised at the event centre Gloria from 10pm onwards. An incredible variety of bands will play at the party.

All members of AYY and Aalto community with their companions and the friends of Aalto members are welcome to the party.

The price of the main event is €75 for AYY’s members and €100 for other guests. The ticket for the after party costs €10. On Sunday, 1 Feb, the traditional anniversary brunch is organised at Servin Mökki, which costs €15.

The dress code for the main event is dark suit with academic badges of honour. You can dress any way you like for the after party. For the brunch, you can dress as casually or festively as you feel like.

Further information (e.g. menu) and registration is available at www.vuosijuhlat.fi The anniversary on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/729771663774478

You cannot miss this party! You are cordially welcome!

4. AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis for the spring and summer of 2015 to be reserved from 18 Dec onwards

Reservations for AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis for the period 12 Jan-16 Aug 2015 open to all on Thursday, 18 Dec 2014,8am. You can make reservations in TILA system, which you can use with your Aalto username. Further information and help is available at https://tila.ayy.fi/help/ and /jasenille/tilojen-vuokraaminen/

5. KYN’s Christmas concert 17 Dec and 20 Dec

At its Christmas concert, the Academic Female Choir KYN invites you to the whiteness of snow, brightness of Chrismas lights and the greatest light of the Christmas. Traditional Christmas carols bring you back memories. Familiar and important lyrics open up and touch you in a new way when dear classics are interpreted with fresh arrangements. Let KYN sing Christmas to you.

PyhÀn SydÀmen kappeli chapel (Kirstinkatu 1) Wed, 17 Dec, 6pm and 8pm
Temppeliaukion kirkko church (Lutherinkatu 3) Sat, 20 Dec, 8pm

Tickets from Tiketti 20 € / 13,50 € including Tiketti service fee, from the choir members 18 € / 12 € and one hour before the event at the entrance.

You are cordially welcome. Follow KYN also on facebook: facebook.com/KYNchoir.

6. Mindfulness workshops in the spring of 2015

In the early 2015, two mindfulness workshops will be organised for Aalto students.

Mindfulness is approving the presence. It means a conscious choice to pause and focus on this moment – our thoughts easily wonder either to the future or the past. Mindfulness skills help you to be aware of the current moment and live in it.

The workshops include five sessions (2hours/session). Workshop schedule:

  • Group I Mondays, 12 Jan-9 Feb, 10am-12noon
  • Group II Fridays, 16 Jan-13 Feb klo 1pm-3pm

Workshops will be held at the address Otakaari 1, classroom A128. Workshops are held in Finnish.

Registrations and further information: opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi, https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6300082

7. Long night – short films: Short Film Day is coming on 19 Dec

Aalto Media Factory together with ELO Film School Helsinki are proud to announce two screenings of short films at Media Factory auditorium as part of the International Short Film Day on 19 December!

Festival Winners presents some of Finland’s most successful and awarded short films from recent years.

ELO student films will present some handpicked pieces from the Department of Film, Television and Scenography of Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Come see what the future filmmakers of Finland are up to!

  • Schedule for Short Film Day at the Aalto Media Factory, Friday 19 Dec
  • Festival Winners at 10am and 1pm and ELO Student Films at 11:30am and 2:30pm

All films are subtitled in English. Further information: http://mediafactory.aalto.fi/long-night-short-films-short-film-day-is-coming/

8. eQuality goes Accessible 2015 on 8 January

The next Accessible Aalto symposium will be “eQuality goes Accessible 2015” on 8 January 2015, at H304, Otakaari 1, Espoo.

This fourth symposium will concentrate especially on the equality issues in practice: What does it mean in education, learning and research? What is eQuality of eLearning and co-creation? Issues like our language policy and guidelines, equal education and learning, multicultural collaboration, safety, good relations, wellbeing, mentoring and peer support and such will be discussed in the equality and accessibility framework. We will also work to improve our culture to include all freshers and new employees in Aalto community.

Here’s the latest version of the programme (bookmark and follow updates, please): https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/AGA/Equality+goes+Accessible+2015

Choose your workshop: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/AGA/EgA2015+Workshop+proposals

and enroll, please: https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/AGA/Enrolment+for+Equality+goes+Accessible+2015

9. Aalto wiki will be updated on Monday, 29 December, 8am -2pm

Aalto Wiki group and collaboration platform will be updated to the newest version on Monday, 29 December. The update will start at 8am and end at 2pm the latest. During the update, the service is not available.

You will find new features and some improvements in the new version. Current functions remain, e.g. plugins and macros.

You can read more about changes at: https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/whats-new/confluence-50.html or wiki page: https://wiki.aalto.fi/x/9hJYB .

If you have any questions, please write them on the wiki page above.

10. Summer Job and MasterŽs Thesis Market

Thu 15 Jan, 2015 Otakaari 1 main lobby, Hall D and E


11am-2 pm Company stands

11am-2 pm Alumni Coaching Café
Alumni from technical schools share their experiences and coach students with thesis planning and  summer job plans in a popup café in the main lobby

2pm-4pm Info Flashes

2pm-2.30pm Role of CV, LinkedIn profile and motivation letter in recruitment – Company case
2.30pm-2.45pm Foundation of Aalto University Science and Technology co-financing the master’s theses
2.45pm -3.15pm How to succeed in the job interview – Company case
3.15pm-3.45pm Social media in job hunting – EmployerÂŽs perspective

11. Fully funded 7 months entrepreneur programme in London

BEST Helsinki is providing you a lifetime chance to apply to our partners entrepreneur program in London. What would you build if you had 3 months of funded freedom to work on any tech you wanted? There’s less than a month to go until the deadline for Entrepreneur First 2015/16 applications so make sure you apply now to find out.

About Entrepreneur First London: we are the best place for Europe’s top technical individuals to meet and build world-changing startups in London. We select purely on the basis of technical talent, so you can apply before you have a team or an idea. Our intensive 7-month program is designed to give you the best possible support in the first 100 days of your startup’s life. In the past two years we’ve created 20 startups now worth over $90million. They’re funded by some of the most prestigious investors including Y Combinator, Index Ventures, and Octopus Ventures.

To find out more and apply here: www.joinef.com/apply. DL 31 Dec 2014

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