Weekly Newsletter 3/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 3/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Have a great new year 2015 everyone! Please remember that registration for AYY’s 5th anniversary is ongoing at the address vuosijuhlat.fi.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY 5th anniversary – experience Servin Mökki greater than ever!
  3. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2015 is open!
  4. Apply for Vaisala Giant Leap programme now!
  5. Spend an excellent summer in the world class university – Apply now for Stanford Summer Session
  6. CEMS Seminar: Responsible Global Leadership
  7. Spring audition of KYN on Mon, 19 Jan 2015
  8. Teekkarispex 2015: Supernova
  9. Become an active member of ESN Aalto!
  10. PSK Kupla’s scuba diving course to begin on Thu, 5 Feb
  11. Weekly spring classes of Polijazz to begin on 19 Jan 2014!
  12. Oriental dance course 16-17 Jan
  13. Welcome to the dance courses of HÀmÀlÀis-Osakunta dance club HOT-Dance!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 3

Week 4

2. AYY 5th anniversary, Sat, 31 Jan – experience Servin Mökki greater than ever!

AYY’s fifth anniversary will be organised at Servin Mökki at 4pm on Saturday, 31 Jan 2015. Greetings to the five-year-old AYY are presented in the main celebration during the incredible programme and delicious five-course menu.

The after party will be organised at the event centre Gloria from 10pm onwards. An incredible variety of bands will play at the party.

All members of AYY and Aalto community with their companions and the friends of Aalto members are welcome to the party.

The price of the main event is €75 for AYY’s members and €100 for other guests. The ticket for the after party costs €10. On Sunday, 1 Feb, the traditional anniversary brunch is organised at Servin Mökki, which costs €15.

The dress code for the main event is dark suit with academic badges of honour. You can dress any way you like for the after party. For the brunch, you can dress as casually or festively as you feel like.

Further information (e.g. menu) and registration is available at www.vuosijuhlat.fi The anniversary on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/729771663774478

You cannot miss this party! You are cordially welcome!

3. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2015 is open!

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2015 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of €1,000, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2015 will end on Sunday, 25 January 2015, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2015 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

4. Apply for Vaisala Giant Leap programme now!

Are you looking for a summer internship that would really let you show what you can do? Vaisala Giant Leap programme might be the one for you. Challenging but rewarding, the program is designed for 3+ year students in a university or polytechnic with a variety of skills, qualities and educational backgrounds. This year, we are offering projects in competitor mapping, customer value and market studies, product and concept development for R & D and software development, for example. Application kicks off NOW – go to www.vaisala.com/giantleap for more details on project contents, requirements and instructions on how to apply, and find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/VaisalaGiantLeap to get updated info on the next summer projects and to stay in the loop of the recruitment process. To find out about last year’s interns’ experiences, check out this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RziGsC3yACQ

5. Spend an excellent summer in the world class university – Apply now for Stanford Summer Session

Advanced bachelor’s/beginning master’s students at Aalto University have an excellent opportunity to apply for Stanford Summer School International Honors Program (SSIHP) held between  20 June – 16 August, 2015 in California.  Aalto University, in conjunction with SSIHP, will provide a maximum of six full scholarships.

Deadline for applications Wed 28 Jan 2015


6. CEMS Seminar: Responsible Global Leadership

We would like to warmly welcome you to a CEMS Seminar in Responsible Global Leadership on Friday 16 January at 1.30 pm at the Stora Enso Hall (Chydenia H-324) of Aalto University School of Business.

Ms. Rebecca Piekkari (Vice Dean, Aalto Biz) opens the seminar with a few words, after which Mr. Bruce Oreck (Executive in Residence, Aalto Biz) will share his views on Responsible Global Leadership. Mr. Jussi Hiltunen (Associate Principal at McKinsey & Co.) will continue by discussing responsibility and the business perspective. At the end, there will be a brief Q&A session.

The event is open to all Aalto students, faculty and alumni. Please register your seat as soon as possible (12 January at the latest) by sending an e-mail to cems@aalto.fi. Limited number of seats available.

More information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/384607988374701/

7. Spring audition of KYN on Mon, 19 Jan

KYN is looking for new enthusiastic singers! KYN consists of young women of different ages and different educational backgrounds, and now you have the opportunity to join us. KYN is one of the top Finnish female choirs, which has exceeded musical barriers and introduced new Finnish jazz to the choir field.

The audition will be organised on Monday, 19 Jan, approx. 6pm-8pm at the School of Economics. You can sign up for the audition via e-mail at koelaulut(a)kyn.fi.e  Write a message with the subject ”Audition” and tell us about your musical and singing background. Please also include your contact details and tell us if you have any wishes with regard to the time of the audition. Be prepared to perform one optional song without accompaniment. You do not need to prepare in advance for other exercises testing basic musicality.
Further information is available on our website
http://www.kyn.fi/ and FB site http://facebook.com/kynchoir

8. Teekkarispex 2015: Supernova

Teekkarispex 2015 takes us to Ceres asteroid to the year 2404. We are living in the golden age of an asteroid rush and miners seeking for riches believe that everything is possible in the frontier of space. However, the real success is far away, as mining operations are dominated by Kajo Group’s monopoly. The matriarch of the mighty family is transferring power to their daughter but does the ambition of the younger brother threaten the centuries-old tradition?

Tickets for Teekkarispex performance in the spring of 2015 are sold at website at http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi/kauppa/ – get your ticket now as the best seats are sold first! Performances are held at Alexander Theatre in Helsinki (Bulevardi 23-27) and there are eight performances: 16-17 March, 23-24 March, 12-13 Apr and 20-21 Apr 2015. Welcome!

Website of Teekkarispex Spring 2015: http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi Teekkarispex on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teekkarispeksi

Facebook event of performances in Helsinki: https://www.facebook.com/events/388441954657042/

9. Become an active member of ESN Aalto!

ESN Aalto is the local section of ESN Finland and ESN International. ESN Aalto has a great group of active members who help organizing events and with other smaller tasks and now it’s your chance to join! Active members also get special benefits such as priority registration, special member events and the possibilty to join events on the national level. Our active members consist of Finnish students, international degree students and exchange students.

Join us by coming to one of our general meetings (always posted in our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/esnaalto/ about a week ahead, here you can also find more info on our events) or contact us even before if you have any questions by sending email to esn-b@list.ayy.fi or coming to talk to our members in our events. You can find more info on our webpage http://esnaalto.org/.

10. PSK Kupla’s scuba diving course to begin on Thu, 5 Feb    

PSK Kupla organises a beginner’s course in scuba diving in the spring of 2015! After completing the beginner’s course succesfully, you will receive the diving certificate CMAS */P1, which meets international standards and is equivalent to PADI’s OWD certification, for example.

The scuba diving course will begin on Thursday, 5 Feb with a free and open info lecture. The lecture provides more information on the course and how to participate. In addition, we provide information on the activities of the scuba diving club Kupla.

The info lecture will be organised at 6pm-7.30pm in Otaniemi in Hall E111 at the School of Electrical Engineering at the address Otakaari 5A.

Advance registration and further information is available here: http://kupla.ayy.fi/psk/kurssit/lspk/


11. Spring classes of Polijazz to begin on 19 Jan 2014!

Welcome to Polijazz dance classes. We provide weekly classes of oriental dance, break dance, modern dance and now also house and wacking. See the class schedule and SIGN UP at http://polijazz.ayy.fi/. You can also join during the season!
Classes are held in Otaniemi at the multi-purpose facility at JÀmerÀntaival 3A.

‱ Website: http://polijazz.ayy.fi/
‱ Facebook group: Polijazz https://www.facebook.com/groups/6361325263/
‱ Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1462812447328945/
‱ E-mail list of the Board: polijazzh@list.ayy.fi

Welcome to dance and have fun!

12. Oriental dance course, 16-17 Jan

The intensive course in oriental dance will start the dance spring of Polijazz. The course is held on Fridays, 16 Jan, 5pm-6.30pm and Sat, 17 Jan, 12.30pm-2pm. In this course, you get a taste of the mid section control and the foundation to continue oriental dance in the weekly classes.

Please register on Polijazz site by the next Wednesday (14 Jan), as at least 6 persons are needed in order to organise the course. The course fee is EUR 12. Karita Kajanto is the instructor. Further information and registration through the link below.



13. Welcome to the dance courses of HÀmÀlÀis-Osakunta dance club HOT-Dance!

Traditional dance courses of HĂ€mĂ€lĂ€is-Osakunta dance club in the spring of 2015 are about to begin! The dance classes will be held in the student nation facilities at Kamppi at Urho Kekkosen katu 4–6. The beginner’s couse is held on Wednesdays, from 14 Jan onwards at 4pm-5.30pm and 5.30pm-7pm. The classes are identical in content, so you can choose either one of the classes. There are also courses for those with more dance experience.

Course descriptions and further information is available on the dance club website at http://www.hamalais-osakunta.fi/kerhot/hot/

Welcome to the courses!





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