Weekly Newsletter 4/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 4/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

You can register for AYY’s 5th anniversary and brunch until Friday. Please note that you can also participate only in the afterparty and/or brunch if the main celebration is not for you.

P.S. Today on Monday, there are only 225 days left until bachelor business students move to Otaniemi! 🙂

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s 5th anniversary– experience Servin Mökki greater than ever!
  3. AYY’s housing office and cashier closed on Thu-Fri, 22-23 Jan
  4. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2015 is open!
  5. Welcome to Otaniemi bachelor business students – 225 days to the removal!
  6. Apply for Capgemini’s Young Professional Academy programme
  7. New Year, New Challenges, New Opportunities at Neste Jacobs!
  8. Rent the Student Union’s trailer
  9. Take part in Aalto Energy Efficiency & Low Carbon Competition by 30 Jan
  10. Application for AIESEC Aalto is opening!
  11. Apply for Startup Life starting on 19 Jan!
  12. Contact Forum recruitment fair at Kaapelitehdas on Thu, 29 Jan
  13. PUS-Basket is looking for new players for men’s and women’s teams
  14. Info evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat on Tue, 27 Jan, 6pm-11pm at Ossinlinna

1. This and next week’s events

Week 4

Week 5

2. AYY’s 5th anniversary, Sat, 31 Jan 2015 – Also remember the afterparty and brunch!

Main celebration

Come and celebrate the five-year-old AYY on 31 Jan 2015!

AYY’s fifth anniversary will be organised on Saturday, 31 Jan 2015 at Servin Mökki. A five-course dinner with drinks is served and Servin Mökki looks better than ever. Further information and registration at www.vuosijuhlat.fi. Registration will end at 12noon on Friday, 23 Jan 2015.

Anniversary on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/729771663774478


The afterparty of AYY’s fifth anniversary will be organised at Event Centre Gloria on 31 Jan 2015 from 10pm onwards. The incredible set of bands, which you have not seen before, are in charge of the programme at the venue. Everyone who do not participate in the main celebration are welcome to the afterparty! The admission fee for the afterparty is €10+cloakroom fee.

Ticket sales:

In the lobby of Kanditalo in Otaniemi at 10am-2pm/
In Töölö during lecture breaks

  • Wed, 21 Jan
  • Fri, 23 Jan
  • Mon, 26 Jan
  • Wed, 28 Jan
  • Fri, 30 Jan

Afterparty on facebook.


Did you miss AYY’s main anniversary celebration? Don’t worry!

Welcome to enjoy a laid-back atmosphere at AYY’s anniversary brunch on Sunday, 1 Feb 2015, starting at 12noon. The brunch is catered at Smökki and this tasty and excellent food and surprise performances will relieve your morning.

The brunch costs €15, and you can register at http://www.vuosijuhlat.fi/brunch/

Registration will end at 12noon on Friday, 23 Jan 2015.

3. AYY’s housing office and cashier closed on Thu-Fri, 22-23 Jan 2015

AYY’s housing office and cashier will be closed this week on Thursday and Friday, 22-23 Jan due to the office trip. The housing office and cashier will be normally open again on Monday, 26 Jan. Service points on all campuses are open in accordance with the opening hours.

4. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2015 is open!

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2015 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 1000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2015 will end on Sunday, 25 January 2015, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2015 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

5. Welcome to Otaniemi bachelor business students – 225 days to the removal!

Bachelor education at the School of Business will begin in Otaniemi next autumn! Today on Monday, there are only 225 days left until the opening ceremony of the new academic year and the removal! Much will happen in the year of 2015, but the removal has been already prepared in 2014. Read here what we have already done and achieved.

During the spring, we will report actively about matters related to the removal of bachelor business students in the weekly newsletter and KY’s Monday post. Also follow the news on KY web and AYY.fi and KY’s excellent campus site!

The removal will also be visible on social media with the hashtag #Otakylteri. Follow the hashtag on Instagram and Twitter and share your own photos, stories and incidents by using the hashtag #Otakylteri! The best pictures and updates will be rewarded on a monthly basis!

6. Apply for Capgemini’s Young Professional Academy programme

Capgemini is looking for recent graduates in engineering and economics for Young Professionals Academy (YPA) programme 2–3 times a year. The programme offers an excellent opportunity to start a career as IT consultant in a permanent job. During the orientation period, you will be working in customer projects supported by an experienced mentor, deepen your technology competence and learn the basics in consulting. The next YPA application period is 16 Jan-8 Feb 2015, so you can apply now! Further information and application instructions are available at: http://www.fi.capgemini.com/careers/your-career-path/capgemini-young-professionals-academy

 7. New Year, New Challenges, New Opportunities at Neste Jacobs!

The new year brings new challenges and possibilities for Neste Jacobs. Apply now to be part of great Neste Jacobs team. Check out the link for the CEO’s summary for future opportunities and the reasons behind the success of Neste Jacobs: /blogi/2015/01/19/new-year-new-challenges-new-opportunities-at-neste-jacobs/

8. Rent the Student Union’s trailer

Do you have to move houses but AYY’s van is not available? Don’t worry! There is a high demand for the van and AYY aims at improving the situation. Through corporate cooperation, we have received a rented trailer for the use of our members. You can rent the trailer either for half a day or for the entire day. And the best thing is that you can use it completely free of charge! Further information on the trailer and its use is available at /jasenille/tilojen-vuokraaminen/trailerin-vuokraaminen/ . You can check the booking situation at https://tila.ayy.fi/resource/Trailer/ .

9. Take part in Aalto Energy Efficiency & Low Carbon Competition by 30 Jan

There’s still time to participate and win great prizes!

The University, Student Union AYY and Aalto Uni Real Estate Ltd are organizing a competition to find and promote existing best practises and uncover novel ideas in the fields of energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction. Be it a personal upgrade in one’s everyday habits or a bold student housing improvement concept, we are excited to hear about it!

The best propositions can receive up to 5 000€ development budget, win Polar Loop activity trackers, Nokia battery packs or one of more than 20 additional product prizes!

Read more and participate at http://aalto.fi/energycompetition/. Deadline for the competition is 30 January.

10. Application for AIESEC Aalto is opening!

Are you interested in international atmosphere, leadership development and volunteer/work abroad opportunities?  AIESEC organization, which exists in 124 countries with 90,000 members worldwide, gives you the chance!

We strive to develop global leaders and make a difference in the world. Our members fully explore their potentials through professional training, managing projects, international exchange programs and companies engaging, etc. Join us right now: https://aiesecinfinland.typeform.com/to/cy2Fg8 Deadline: 31 Jan

Welcome to our welcoming sauna party with free delicious BBQ food on 22 Jan!  We will introduce our big family and of course have some fun games prepared for you! Check out more: https://www.facebook.com/events/608224509308734/

Any questions? Please contact: mira.mielonen@aiesec.net

More information about AIESEC:


11. Apply for Startup Life starting on 19 Jan!

Startup Life is a program that sends students of Finnish universities to do 3-12 month long, paid internships at startups located in Silicon Valley and New York. We believe you learn best by doing, and our internships offer a chance for ambitious students to unleash their full potetial. We offer positions in the areas of engineering, business, and design.

Application period for internships starting in Mau is now open! To apply, please visit our webpage at http://startuplife.fi and check out the jobs page.

For more information about the program, please visit our website at http://startuplife.fi or contact our coordinators Erika Noponen (erika@startupsauna.com) and Eeva Siika-aho (eeva@startupsauna.com). “Internships for the ambitious.”

12. Contact Forum recruitmet fair at Kaapelitehdas on Thu, 29 Jan 

Contact Forum recruitment fair will be organised at Helsinki Kaapelitehdas on Thursday, 29 Jan 2015, 10am-5pm.

Approximately 80 companies from diffferent fields present themselves in the recruitment fair 2015. They provide summer jobs, trainee programmes and long-term employment. So bring your CV and head to the fair departments of the companies that interest you and try out CV and advise clinics. You can also test yourself in a speed interview or get a CV photo taken by a professional, which costs EUR 5 in cash.

Free buses will take you from Viikki, Otaniemi, Arabia and Kumpula campuses to the fair. From the city centre, you can take the metro to Kaapelitehdas and the tram 8 brings you directly to Kaapelitehdas.

Further information is available on our website www.contactforum.fi. Like us on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates.

13. PUS-Basket is looking for new players for men’s and women’s teams

Searching for a basketball team? Have you played before, but can’t find a suitable team? How about 1-2 practices per week in a student team, and less than 100e season fee?

PUS-Basket is the basketball team of Aalto University. Men’s 1st team (2nd division), men’s 2nd team (Unisport amateur series) and women’s (3rd division) teams are looking for new players. Information about the teams (e.g. practice schedules) can be found from our recruitment poster (http://tiny.cc./pusbasket-poster) and website (http://pusbasket.ayy.fi/).

More information:

14. Info evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat on Tue, 27 Jan, 6pm-11pm at Ossinlinna

Are you interested in fresh sea air and noble sailing skills? Do you want to learn how to read a nautical chart and identify the worst reefs in the foreground of Helsinki? Would you like to camp in the beautiful Finnish archipelago in a laid-back and good company, finding the most atmospheric campfire places, warm beach saunas and the most beautiful sunsets?Are you only really alive when a log displays double-digit figures and water splashes around? Do you enjoy scraping a boat in the spring sun? Whether you are a more experienced sea dog or a landlubber, come to Ossinlinna sauna (Otakaari 18) on Tuesday, 27 Jan, to hear about the activities of Teekkari Sailors and about different activities organised throughout the year! There is information about courses in the winter and spring, the working bee in the spring and a sailing trip in the summer. We also provide food, drinks and sauna, and everything is free of charge!

What: Trip’s info evening
Where: Ossinlinna
When: Tue, 27 Jan, 6pm onwards, info session approx. 7pm-8pm
Price: 0e
Bring with you: open mind and sauna gear 

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