Weekly Newsletter 7/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 7/2015

Association-related issues are available in the association newsletter. Read the association newsletter at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

The first Aino magazine of the year will be published today! Aino’s first issue of the spring interviews the wellness queen Nelli Lähteenmäki, takes the parliamentary election candidates to a karaoke bar, scans the brain, reviews the background of Nyyti association and visits a yoga class for men. The magazine is available on the campuses and online from 10 Feb onwards: http://www.ainolehti.fi.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Club room at OK18A available for reservations from 9 Feb 2015 onwards
  3. Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee
  4. Mosaic’s World Dinner on Thursday, 19 Feb
  5. Aalto High 5 – come and celebrate our joint achievements at Dipoli and listen to Boston Promenade
  6. Join the activities of Otaniemi Urban Farming Association
  7. Antti Nurmesniemi scholarships for postgraduate design studies
  8. Global Impact Competition Finland 2015 – for a better world
  9. Participate in Universum Career survey, find your ideal employers
  10. Industrial Internet seminar at 4pm on 12 Feb @ Saha
  11. Navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat in the spring of  2015
  12. Students’ baseball club OtaKoppi is active in the winter season!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 7

Week 8

2. Club room at OK18A available for reservations from 9 Feb 2015 onwards

The club room at OK18A is located in the staircase of Otakaari 18 A building. The size of the room is approximately 70 m2 and it includes a small kitchen. The facility is suitable for playing board games or having meetings, for example. The facility is modestly furnished and there are no kitchen utensils, for example. However, we aim at improving the room and you can send development suggestions to tilat@ayy.fi. The club room at OK18A is free of charge for the student union members and costs €60 / hour for others.

You can make reservations starting from 9 Feb 2015 onwards at https://tila.ayy.fi/.

3. Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee

In addition to all the other exciting affairs, the year 2015 is the year of the Representative Council elections. The Central Election Committee is in the heart of the elections. Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections the best so far? Applications for the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/. The deadline for applications is 12noon on 18 Feb 2015.

The members of the Central Election Committee may not run as candidates in the Representative Council elections in 2015.

The Central Election Committee decides on polling and advance polling stations, establishes the election committees, checks the candidacy notifications and agreements on electoral alliances and coalitions, performs the vote count audit and supervises the general order in the elections, among other things.

4. Mosaic’s World Dinner on Thursday the 19th of February @ Smökki

World Dinner is the perfect opportunity to enjoy exotic delicacies and show off your cooking skills. Joining in on this experience is simple: sign up at lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/world-dinner/, cook something delicious to serve and come to Smökki to enjoy the treats made by others. You can participate in the event individually, but it is easiest to gather a group of 2-5 people and cook a large meal together (meaning at least as much, as your group together would eat).

See you in Smökki!

5. Aalto High 5 – come and celebrate our joint achievements at Dipoli and listen to Boston Promenade

There are many exciting happenings going on at our university but we rarely have the time and the opportunity to explore what we all do and get excited about the successes of others. On Thursday, 26 Feb, starting at 2pm, we have time for inspiration and getting to know each other, when all Aalto members meet at Dipoli.

At 2pm-6pm, you have the opportunity to experience Aalto University in a nutshell. Would you like to try out a chair developed by Aalto ELEC, which takes health measurements and is combined with a lie detector? Or challenge your friends in the game room of Aalto SCI and Aalto ARTS? Or see the icebreaker in action in the Arctic room? Or ask any questions from the professors in different fields?

The day climaxes at 6pm when Boston Promenade gets on the stage.

All Aalto members are cordially welcome to the event. Transport to Otaniemi is organised from Töölö and Arabia campuses.

Click and sign up!: https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/AaltoHighFive

Further information on Into: https://into.aalto.fi/display/events/Aalto+High5

6. Join the activities of Otaniemi Urban Farming Association 

Are you interested in growing your own food? Would you like to do it next to your study/workplace? In a good company? Easily? If your answer is yes, join the activities of Otaniemi Urban Farming Association! The association rents farming plots from Martti Levon park to individual persons, associations and communities.

If you want to make sure that you get yourself a plot, join the association board. The workload is not very demanding and you get to develop the new association and urban farming in Otaniemi! You get to know new people and gain valuable association experience!

Come to the additional annual meeting of Otaniemi Urban Farming Association, where the new board is elected for the association for the year of 2015. The meeting is held on Thursday, 12 Feb, at 4.15pm in the meeting room Alvar Aino Elissa at the address Lämpömiehenkuja 2.

Persons outside the association board may apply for plots later in the spring.

Further information: /blog/2015/02/05/lahde-mukaan-otaniemen-kapunkiviljely-yhdistyksen-toimintaan/

7. Antti Nurmesniemi scholarships for postgraduate design studies

In 2000, Askon Säätiö Foundation established scholarships bearing the name of Professor Antti Nurmesniemi to support postgraduate studies or internships abroad. Two scholarships (EUR 17,000 each) are allocated each academic year. One of the scholarships is intended for those who have completed the Finnish Master of Arts or similar degree for postgraduate studies or internship. The other scholarships is intended for those who have completed the Finnish Bachelor of Arts or similar degree for completing the master’s studies.

Antti Nurmesniemi 2015 scholarships for postgraduate design studies for the academic year 2015-2016 are open for applications on 1 Feb-30 Apr 2015.

You may apply for the scholarship with an informal, preferably electronical application, addressed to Askon Säätiö foundation. The application must be delivered to the representative by the end of April 2015. Further information and application instructions: www.askonsaatio.fi

8. Global Impact Competition Finland 2015 – for a better world

The Global Impact Challenge will be held in Finland for the first time ever this spring 2015, and is now open for entries. Singularity University, the Silicon Valley-based institute and startup-accelerator holds regional innovation competitions around the world each year, from where the winner gets awarded a seat and a fully funded scholarship worth €25,000 to a 3-month long intensive course based at NASA Ames Research Center in California.

Read more at Into https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=18386658

9. Participate in Universum Career survey, find your ideal employers

Share your opinion about employers and your priorities in future work life. By participating you can win EUR 1,000 gift card to a store of your choice. Start here: http://uledge.co/Aalto (choose English language on survey website)

10. Industrial Internet seminar 12 Feb, 4pm @ Saha

Industrial Internet seminar gathers together five companies in the field to share their views on a rising industrial trend. The participants include KONE, Konecranes, Tieto, IBM and Airbus. The event is open to anyone interested in the topic and participation is free of charge.

Registration http://koneinsinoorikilta.fi/iot

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/638740439584907/

11. Navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat in the spring of 2015

The navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat will begin again. The beginner’s course on navigation theory and maritime traffic regulations, the leisure skipper course is held on Wednesdays, from 25 Feb onwards, 5.30pm-8pm in lecture hall M1 (M232) Otakaari 1 (main building). In the course, you will learn how to find your way between the right signs, navigate on the map and identify other ships based on lights. Teaching begins from the basics, so previous knowledge is not required. The continuation course, the coastal skipper course, is held on Thursdays, 5.30pm-8pm starting on 5 March, in lecture hall M1 (M232) Otakaari 1 (main building). The course provides further information on tides, meteorology and the use of the radar.

More specific descriptions of the courses and schedules are available on the club’s website at http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=229. The training sessions are intended for the members of Teekkaripurjehtijat, become a member on our website!

12. Students’ baseball club OtaKoppi is active in the winter season!

OtaKoppi is the students’ baseball association that provides its members with a wide range of opportunities to play baseball. OtaKoppi has diverse activities also in the winter season. We have rehearsals at Otahalli on Tuesdays, 9pm-11pm, where you can refine your hits and on Sundays, 3.20pm-4.40pm we exercise and play floorball. All who are interested are very welcome to keep up their shape in a great company!

In the summer, OtaKoppi plays in the men’s provincial league, the women’s regional league and the amateur league. Informal summer baseball is organised weekly in the summer, where everyone can participate, regardless of their background!

You can read more about OtaKoppi on its website (otakoppi.fi). The membership is free for the members of AYY and HYY. By becoming a member, you are added to the mailing list of OtaKoppi, which provides information on upcoming rehearsals and events.

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