Weekly Newsletter 8/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 8/2015

Association-related issues are available in the association newsletter. Read the association newsletter at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Participate in the organising of AYY’s Representative Council elections 2015. You can apply for the Central Election Committee until 12noon on Wednesday at https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee
  3. Mosaic’s World Dinner on Thursday, 19 Feb
  4. Aalto High 5 – come and celebrate our achievements at Dipoli and listen to Boston Promenade
  5. Gravitaatio on Tuesday, 17 Feb at the Circus!
  6. Espoo marathon and half-marathon on Sat, 19 Sept 2015 – 40 free admissions for Aalto members
  7. Create ideas for business students’ removal to Otaniemi monument!
  8. Kino Sheryl opens at Arabianranta on 21 Feb
  9. Tools for anxious situations workshop
  10. Apply for CIMO internships abroad
  11. Spring market on 8 Mar – reserve tables now
  12. Teekkarispex 2015: get your tickets in time!
  13. Work at Silicon Valley! Startup Life info event for Aalto University members
  14. Treier’s lecture ”KroppssprĂ„ket ljuger aldrig” 23 Feb, 12noon
  15. OFC marshial arts course to begin in Otaniemi on 27 Feb!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 8

Week 9

2. Apply for the Student Union’s Central Election Committee

In addition to all the other exciting affairs, the year 2015 is the year of the Representative Council elections. The Central Election Committee is in the heart of the elections. Are you interested in making AYY’s next Representative Council elections the best so far? Applications for the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/. The deadline for applications is 12noon on 18 Feb 2015.

The members of the Central Election Committee may not run as candidates in the Representative Council elections in 2015.

The Central Election Committee decides on polling and advance polling stations, establishes the election committees, checks the candidacy notifications and agreements on electoral alliances and coalitions, performs the vote count audit and supervises the general order in the elections, among other things.

3. Mosaic’s World Dinner on Thursday the 19th of February @ Smökki

World Dinner is the perfect opportunity to enjoy exotic delicacies and show off your cooking skills. Joining in on this experience is simple: sign up at lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/world-dinner/, cook something delicious to serve and come to Smökki to enjoy the treats made by others. You can participate in the event individually, but it is easiest to gather a group of 2-5 people and cook a large meal together (meaning at least as much, as your group together would eat).

See you in Smökki!

4.  Aalto High 5 – come and celebrate our achievements at Dipoli and listen to Boston Promenade

There are many exciting happenings going on at our university but we rarely have the time and the opportunity to explore what we all do and get excited about the successes of others. On Thursday, 26 Feb, starting at 2pm, we have time for inspiration and getting to know each other, when all Aalto members meet at Dipoli.

At 2pm-6pm, you have the opportunity to experience Aalto University in a nutshell. Would you like to try out a chair developed by Aalto ELEC, which takes health measurements and is combined with a lie detector? Or challenge your friends in the game room of Aalto SCI? Or see the icebreaker in action in the Arctic room? Or ask any questions from the professors in different fields?

The day climaxes at 6pm when Boston Promenade gets on the stage.

All Aalto members are cordially welcome to the event. Transport to Otaniemi is organised from Töölö and Arabia campuses.

  • Click and sign up!: https://eage.aalto.fi/?fs/AaltoHighFive
  • Further information on Into: https://into.aalto.fi/display/events/Aalto+High5
  • The event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/895975483792520/?fref=ts

5. Gravitaatio on Tuesday, 17 Feb at The Circus!

Gravitaatio is here again! The biggest interdisciplinary party of the early year takes place on Shrove Tuesday, 17 Feb!

Gravitaatio organised at The Circus is the official afterparty of the shrovetide celebrations organised at UllanlinnanmÀki. So after all the slliding, come and warm up at the Circus, where our great performers will entertain you:


DJ Jerome keeps the dance floor hot between the artists!
Äpy, JĂ€ynĂ€ and RWBK also participate in the party!

What: Gravitaatio 2015
Where: The Circus
When: Shrove Tuesday, 17 Feb
How: Tickets in advance €13. At the entrance €15.

Also see:


6. Create ideas for business students’ removal to Otaniemi monument!

Bachelor business students will move to Otaniemi in September. This is a major event that we need to celebrate and it deserves a permanent monument on our campus coloured with the student history.

Sign up for the event through the link https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/943-2/.

The workshop event is held on 5 Mar. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, 25 Feb 2015.

If you cannot attent the event, you can also send your ideas to the board member in charge of campus development Santeri Nuotio at santeri.nuotio(at)ayy.fi.

7. Kino Sheryl opens at Arabianranta on 21 Feb

A new cinema, Kino Sheryl, will open in Arabianranta on 21 Feb. In addition to box-office hits, the programme includes more alternative art house films. Screenings will begin on Saturday, 21 Feb 2015 at the address HĂ€meentie 135 C. The opening week programme will be updated in the coming days on the cinema website.

8. Tools for anxious situations workshop

You still have time to sign up!

The workshop is intended for students whose anxiety affects their studies and who would like to find tools for coping with anxiety. There are many types of anxiety, one is nervous to perform, others fear social situations or might be anxious about something else.

The workshop provides an opportunity to handle different situations and anxiety in general – from the participants’ own starting points.Course methods include discussion, as well as exercises done alone and in the group.

Meeting times: Mondays, 23 Feb-30 Mar, 2pm-4pm, Otakaari 1. Please register no later than Tuesday, 17 Feb. Further information https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=18387906                        

9. Espoo marathon and half marathon on Sat, 19 Sept 2015 – 40 free admissions for Aalto members

The traditional Aalto-kymppi race will be held again in the autumn on Sunday, 20 Sept 2015. In the same weekend, Espoo marathon is also organised. Aalto provides a total of 40 free admissions for the marathon and half-marathon on Sat, 19 Sept 2015. The places are filled in the order of registration and the registration starts at 9am on Mon, 16 Feb 2015.

Further information: /blog/2015/02/11/aalto-kympin-ja-aalto-vitosen-ilmoittautuminen-aukeaa-16-2/

10. Apply for CIMO internships abroad

Apply for CIMO internships abroad. CIMO offers internships in Finnish magazines abroad, teaching centres of the Finnish language and culture, Finnish cultural and scientific institutes, Finnish embassies, Finpro offices, Tekes offices, Finnish seniors’ centres and development programme organisations / UNDP.

The internships are intended for higher education students and recent graduates who are Finnish citizens. More specific descriptions are available on CIMO website:


The round of applications for country programmes are organised at the same time with the round of applications for organisation programmes. Further information: http://www.cimo.fi/ohjelmat/kansainvalinen_harjoittelu/maaohjelmat

11. Spring market on 8 Mar – reserve tables now

The Smökki Spring Market comes again on Sunday, 8March! Book a table, do some price tagging and get rid of your extra books, kitchenware, clothes, [you name it!] and sport equipment. The table booking is already going, more information on http://tinyurl.com/kevatmarkkinat (FB-link). Organiser: Teekkaritytöt TT ry (Engineering girls association)

12. Teekkarispex 2015: Get your ticket in time!

The updated website of Teekkarispex in the spring of 2015 will be published in the coming days at http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi – see what the upcoming spectacle is all about! You can buy tickets for perfomances in the metropolitan area on 16 Mar-21 Apr 2015 but please note that there are only random seats available in the stalls for some of the performances. So head to the online ticket shop now if you want to have good seats or tickets to a certain performance. Welcome!

The website of Teekkarispex in the spring of 2015: http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi . Teekkarispex on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teekkarispeksi

Facebook event of Helsinki performances: https://www.facebook.com/events/388441954657042/

13. Work in the Silicon Valley! Startup Life info event for Aalto University members

Come and hear about the common internship programme of Aalto University and Startup Sauna!

Startup Life invites the active members of Aalto University to Startup Sauna on Tuesday, 24 Feb, 6pm to hear about the common internship programme of Aalto University and Startup Sauna. The alumni of the programme will attend the event and we provide food and refreshments.

Startup Life takes the top achievers of the Finnish higher education institutions and universities to work in the top growth companies in the Silicon Valley and New York. The internship lasts 3-12 months and this is the best opportunity to gain experience and expertise in your own field. Aalto University is committed to pay the visa and flight expenses to Aalto University students who participate in the internship through Startup Life.
Further information on the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/691280060992590/. You can also directly contact the manager of the programme Eeva (eeva@startupsauna.com).

14. Treier’s lecture ”KroppssprĂ„ket ljuger aldrig” 23 Feb, 12noon

On Monday, 23 February, mental trainer and business coach Christoph Treier will present a lecture related to body language titled ”KroppssprĂ„ket ljuger aldrig”.

Come to Treier’s lecture to hear how your body language affects your behaviour. You learn easy ways, which are useful both at work and private life. The lecture is held in Swedish on 23 Feb, 12noon-2pm at Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5C (location on the map).

Treier is a Swiss who has lived in Finland for a long time. During his career, he has supported many top athletes. The rally world champion Marcus Grönholm and biathlon world champion Kaisa MĂ€kĂ€rĂ€inen, for example, are Treier’s customers.

Read more about Christoph Treier at: http://treier.fi.

Further information: Pia Rydestedt (pia.rydestedt@aalto.fi, tel. 050 5608378) and Teknologföreningen.

15. OFC’s martial arts course to begin in Otaniemi on 27 Feb!

A martial arts course by OFC starts in Otaniemi!

Otaniemi Fight Club organizes a six session muay thai and wrestling course in Otahalli starting this month. We expect some basic experience and equipment from the participants. Read more about the course online: http://ofc.ayy.fi/pgs/course.php

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