Weekly Newsletter 9/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter  9/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Participate in the organising of AYY’s Representative Council elections 2015. You can apply for the Central Election Committee until 12noon on Wednesday at https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/kvl/.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. #Koulutuslupaus – campaign start in Tapiola, 25 Feb, 11am-1pm
  3. Aalto High 5 on this Thursday
  4. Create ideas for business students’ removal to Otaniemi monument!
  5. International tutors are needed!
  6. How could teaching of multicultural groups be improved in Aalto? Participate in AYY’s video
  7. Apply for Humans vs Zombies committee
  8. KYN concert at Kapsäkki on 27 Feb
  9. Become a voluntary support person for children or young people!
  10. ”Raised by two cultures” theme group
  11. AaltoBuild – Eco-efficient Construction & Building Services Recruiting Event
  12. Order the history book of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering or work in Cuba Night 100 party
  13. Navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat in the spring of 2015
  14. Inspired in Finland idea contest
  15. Summer of Startups – apply before the end of March

1. This and next week’s events

Week 9

Week 10

2. #Koulutuslupaus – Campaign start at Tapiola on 25 Feb, 11am-1pm

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) collects the education promises of the Parliamentary election candidates in Tapiola on Wednesday, 25 Feb, from 11am onwards. At the same time, candidates can take the entrance examination to the Parliament prepared by students. Come and meet the candidates and require that they make an education promise. Coffee and buns provided!

The event is part of #Koulutuslupaus election campaign, which is the national Parliamentary election campaign of higher education students. The campaign is coordinated by the Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences SAMOK and the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL). The website of the national campaign will open on 25 Feb at  koulutuslupaus.fi and on Facebook www.facebook.com/koulutuslupaus. The hashtag of the election campaign on social media is #koulutuslupaus.

3. Aalto High 5 on this Thursday

On this week’s Thursday, 26 Feb, starting at 2pm, we have time to get inspired and get to know each other when all Aalto members meet at Dipoli.

At 2pm-6pm, you have the opportunity to experience Aalto University in a nutshell. Would you like to try out a chair developed by Aalto ELEC, which takes health measurements and is combined with a lie detector? Or challenge your friends in the game room of Aalto SCI? Or see the icebreaker in action in the Arctic room? Or ask any questions from professors in different fields?

The day climaxes at 6pm when Boston Promenade gets on the stage.

High 5 is easily accessible by bus from the Arabia and Töölö campuses. Buses from Arabia leave at 13.30 and 16.00, from Töölö at 13.45 and 16.30.

4. Create ideas for business students’ removal to Otaniemi monument!

Bachelor business students will move to Otaniemi in September. This is a major event that we need to celebrate and it deserves a permanent monument on our campus coloured with the student history.

Sign up for the event through the link https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/943-2/.

The workshop event is held on 5 Mar. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, 25 Feb 2015. If you cannot attent the event, you can also send your ideas to the board member in charge of campus development Santeri Nuotio at santeri.nuotio(at)ayy.fi.

5. International tutors are needed!

Do you want to help international students to get a smooth start in their studies and guide them through student life at Aalto University? Would you like to try your intercultural skills in practice?

International tutors have a very important role in leading an international group, showing them around the campus and holding get-togethers. Tutors get to know new cultures, make new friends and have a great time! Tutors can also get a credit point, tutor certificate and reimbursement for the expenses.

More information about international tutoring can be found from AYY webpage.

Enthusiastic international tutors are searched right now. Student associations coordinate tutoring together with Aalto schools (CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI, BIZ and ARTS). You find the tutor recruiting forms of different associations HERE.

6. How could teaching of multicultural groups be improved in Aalto? Participate in AYY’s video

During the spring of 2015, AYY will film a 10-15 min video to develop teaching of multicultural groups in Aalto and we are now looking for potential students to share their opinions on the video. What has bothered you in teaching in Aalto? How is teaching different in your country of origin? Is the concept of a good student the same in your country and in Finland? Have you had difficulties understanding the teaching or instructions you have received in Aalto? The video will be made for the teaching staff and it is meant to open their eyes to understand the variety of students they have in their class. In the video we also give advice on how to develop teaching of multicultural groups, so we appreciate your ideas for that as well.

If you are interested in joining the project and appearing on the video, please send a brief description of your ideas and experiences regarding the theme to international@ayy.fi by 28 Feb 2015. The filming will be done in March-April and your time is needed for the maximum of 30 minutes. All the persons appearing on the video will get a movie ticket as a present.

7. Apply for Humans vs Zombies committee

Aalto Community Section Aava will organise the greatly popular Humans vs Zombies event again this spring. The event planning and organising require plenty of manpower and good ideas.  Therefore, a new committee is recruited this year to help Aava. If you like people, zombies, the organising of major events, innovations or cute kittens, you should definitely get involved! The committee is also a good way to get to know the activities of Aava and the entire AYY. Come and make the next Humans vs Zombies even more epic!

Please send an informal application to matti.suominen@ayy.fi by Mon, 9 Mar. Please tell us who you are and whether you have previously organised HvZ, in how many HvZ events you have participated, why you would be a good member of the committee, are you interested in organising the event both in the spring and in the autumn. In addition, you get additional points for good ideas and suggestions for improvement in relation to the plot or the overall conduct of the event, for example.

8. KYN concert on 27 Feb 

On Friday, 27 Feb 2015, 7pm at Music Theatre Kapsäkki in Helsinki

The female choir KYN performs Anna-Mari Kähärä’s songs that have delighted audiences both in Finland and abroad. In the concert, the choir performs alone and together with the composer.

Tickets from Kapsäkki ticket sales (09 260 0907): €20 / €16
Tickets from www.lippu.fi: €22,50 / €18,50

KYN is an expressive choir that is passionate about making music, it wants to touch people and tell stories. KYN has broken musical boundaries by introducing rhythm music and jazz to choir repertoire. The choir is known for its expressiveness, unique sound and ehtnic jazz repertoire.

9. Become a voluntary support person for children and young people! 

As a voluntary support person, you can support a child by giving your attention and time. A support person is an adult who listens, encourages and meets the child a few times a month and does nice things together with the child. A support person and a child can go ice-skating or to the library, for example. EHJÄ is now looking for support persons for the Espoo region.

Adults who have their own life in order and are able to commit to activities may apply for the position of a support person.  Training and support are provided for the position.

The next training session will begin in March, please get in touch and tell us about yourself! tiina.tuomala@ehja.fi / tel. 045 125 6201

Also see:

10. ”Raised by two cultures” theme group

”Raised by two cultures” theme group is organised online for young people (18-30 years) who have grown in the middle of two cultures, i.e. for young people whose parents were born in different countries. Participants exchange ideas and experiences in the group and discuss how the background of two cultures is visible and impacts their adulthood and the present. The group is organised on TukiNetti on 2 Mar – 18 Mar 2015 and is led by volunteers trained by Duo. Registration is ongoing, please fill in the registration form online: bit.ly/1unbmv0

Further information on the group is available on Duo’s website: duoduo.fi/teemaryhmaumlt. The group also has its own Facebook site (event) at: facebook.com/events/337497746458255.

11. AaltoBuild – Eco-efficient Construction & Building Services Recruiting Event

Wednesday 4 Mar 2015 at 11-14, Otakaari 1 lobby, Otaniemi campus

Career opportunities & networking for students and young experts interested in construction, building services and energy technology.

Get to know the companies and organizations, ask for traineeship, present your competences or open discussions about the idea of your thesis work.

11am – 2pm Meet the companies at stands in the lobby
2pm – 4pm Info flashes, E Hall (Only in Finnish)

More information:
Info flashes in Finnish.

Organisations at stands will be updated at the following site:


12. Order the history book of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering or work in Cuba Night 100 party

The long journey of the Guild of Mechanical Engineering is compiled between the covers of the 100-year history book! You can order the book to your home by mail, please fill in the order form on the following link: http://www.koneinsinoorikilta.fi/Historiateos/

Further information:

Work in Cuba Night 100 party

The Guild of Mechanical Engineering celebrates its 100th anniversary on 28 Mar 2015. The event brunch is organised on 29 Mar 2015. Would you like to see what happens behind the scenes? The pink people make it possible. Are you interested? Please do not hesitate and make the party of the century with us! Registration: http://www.koneinsinoorikilta.fi/Ilmot/sata-rekry/

13. Navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat in the spring of 2015

The navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat will begin again. The beginner’s course on navigation theory and maritime traffic regulations, the leisure skipper course is held on Wednesdays, from 25 Feb onwards, 5.30pm-8pm in lecture hall M1 (M232) Otakaari 1 (main building). In the course, you will learn how to find your way between the right signs, navigate on the map and identify other ships based on lights. Teaching begins from the basics, so previous knowledge is not required. The continuation course, the coastal skipper course, is held on Thursdays, 5.30pm-8pm starting on 5 March, in lecture hall M1 (M232) Otakaari 1 (main building). The course provides further information on tides, meteorology and the use of the radar.

More specific descriptions of the courses and schedules are available on the club’s website at http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=229. The training sessions are intended for the members of Teekkaripurjehtijat, become a member on our website!

14. Inspired in Finland idea contest

The Savonlinna Opera Festival has brought together nine leading companies. Now we are looking for creative people and new ideas for the Finnish working life. Create a new way (method, product or service) to understand and serve the customer better. You can use one or several partner companies of Inspired in Finland or the Savonlinna Opera Festival as an example.

The following nine companies participate in Inspired in Finland project: Accenture, Ahlström Capital, Andritz, Finnair, Fortum, Gasum, Ilmarinen, OP and Sanoma Media Finland.
The winner will receive a paid trainee programme. In addition, the top three participants receive the prizes of EUR 3,000, 2,000 and 1,000.

15. Summer of Startups – apply by the end of March 

The application period for Summer of Startups programme has begun and we are now looking for entrepreneurial-minded adventurers from universities to build their own dreams in the form of a startup.

Summer of Startups programme is a two-month programme aimed at students and recent graduates. The programme is organised in June-August, where the team (1-X persons) can build their idea into a growth company. Teams are offered work facilities, company-specific training from professionals, tools for organising a startup, accommodation if necessary, and a grant of €1,500-5,000 paid for the summer, depending on the size of the team.

The application period is ongoing and you can apply until the last day of March. Please fill in the application at www.summerofstartups.com.

For further information, please see our website (www.summerofstartups.com) or contact the programme leaders Riko Nyberg (riko@aaltoes.com) and Joona Karjula (joona@aaltoes.com).

“Take a leap of faith – and have fun”

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