Weekly Newsletter 13/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 13/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Thank you for everyone who participated in the amazing housing carnival on Friday! Pictures of the event will be published on AYY’s Flickr in the near future.P.S. #Kotioiskiva!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. #Kotioiskiva – Uudenmaa electoral disctrict panel on 31 Mar
  3. Participate in AYY’s security officer course!
  4. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2015-2016
  5. Report delayed course grading
  6. Mosaic’s CafĂ© Lingua – magical mystery tour
  7. Dominante performs the Easter passion and looks for new male singers
  8. Grants of Polytech Choir Fund open for applications – DL 27 Apr, 11.59pm
  9. Storage campaign for students in Otaniemi on 25 Mar 2015
  10. Earth Hour on the last Saturday of March
  11. Interested in pancakes, coffee and good deals?
  12. Master student, apply for the Aalto University mentoring programme!
  13. Download free Microsoft Office on your computer
  14. Apply for AIESEC’s Summer Program Abroad!
  15. Sailor and helsman courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat
  16. LĂ€nsivĂ€ylĂ€juoksu run on 26 Apr 2015 – discount for Aalto students

1. This and next week’s events

Week 13

Week 14

2. #Kotioiskiva – Uudenmaa electoral district election panel on 31 Mar

Student housing! The future of higher education! Current major political issues!

In AYY’s and HYY’s #Kotioiskiva election panel of Uusimaa electoral district, representatives of the parliamentary parties are questioned about these themes, among other things. Join us to see how the candidates deal with pressure!

The panel in Otaniemi is hosted by stone-hard AYY and SYL operators Lauri Lehtoruusu and Noora Laak, and the panel consists of the following persons:

  • Anne Berner (Centre)
  • Carl Haglund (Swedish People’s Party)
  • Saara Hyrkkö (Greens)
  • Mikko Kiuttu (Christian Democrats)
  • Teemu Lahtinen (Finns Party)
  • Antti Lindtman (Social Democrats)
  • Pia Lohikoski (Left Alliance)
  • Raija Vahasalo (National Coalition Party)

You are cordially welcome to the panel! You can also follow the live stream online – the link will be published later.

HYY and AYY organise #Kotioiskiva election panel for candidates in the Helsinki electoral district on 9 Apr.

The Helsinki district panel: https://www.facebook.com/events/811635222204907/

3. Participate in AYY’s security officer course!

AYY trains 20 people in the security officer course in the middle of April. The course is free of charge if you commit to act as a security officer in four (4) AYY’s events by the end of the year 2016.  Those who pass the course can apply for the actual security officer card from the police. If you have the card, you can work as a security officer in other events and earn money.

The duration of the course is 32 hours and the intensive course is organised on 10-13 Apr 2015. The course is organised on AYY’s facilities in Otaniemi.

Registration and further information is available here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/vapaaehtoiset/kouluttaudu-jarjestyksenvalvojaksi/

4. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2015-2016

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Tuesday, 26 May 2015. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 26 May 2015, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

5. Report delayed course grading

Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to Aalto University administration.

6. Mosaic’s Cafe Lingua – Magical Mystery Tour

Do you think that your language skills are a bit rusty? Would you like to learn how to speak like a native or chat with people from all around the world? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then Café Lingua is definitely meant for you! Once every month, one of the lovely venues of Otaniemi will turn into a café hosting an open language exchange event, the Café Lingua. All the cafés will have a unique theme.

People interested in a certain language will gather around the same table to talk in that language with native speakers. The point is to practice languages in small groups, meet people, learn about cultures and enjoy a cup of coffee or other refreshments! When you arrive to the café, find a table of your interest or start a new one. All languages and skill levels are warmly welcome!

Get ready to meet fellow wizards and sorceresses in our next CafĂ© Lingua on the 31st of March, when Mosaic’s cozy little coven welcomes you for a magical evening at the OK20 in mystical Otaniemi. The doors will open at 6 pm. so be there to hear the latest legends and enjoy our delicious concoctions.

  • WHAT: Mosaic’s Cafe Lingua – Magical Mystery Tour
  • WHEN: Tuesday, 31 March from 6 pm. till late
  • WHERE: Otakaari 20, Otaniemi
  • HOW MUCH: Free of charge
  • WHY: Wizardry and witchcraft for everyone!

7. Dominante performs the Easter passion and looks for new male singers

Are you interested in choral singing in one of the leading choirs in Finland? Dominante is constantly looking for new singers. This time, we particularly need more male singers. So would you like to become a tenor or bass? If you want to join us, please contact Artistic Director Seppo Murto (0400 607 606 | conductor@dominante.fi), and book an audition.

DOLORUM – Bach: St John Passion, Temppeliaukio Church, Tue, 31 Mar, 7pm!

Dominante’s Easter passion is coming to Helsinki after a few years break. Soloists include Ilona Jokinen, Jeni PackalĂ©n, Tobias Hunger, Elja Puukko and Esa Ruuttunen and the orchestra is Sinfonia Lahti. The choir, orchestra and soloists are led by Seppo Murto.

Tickets starting from EUR 10 from choir members and at the address www.dominante.fi.

8. Grants of Polytech Choir Fund open for applications – DL 27 Apr, 11.59pm

The purpose of the Polytech Choir Fund is to provide scholarships and grants and thus support and promote the singing hobby of the members of AYY and its associations. The Polytech Choir Fund opens scholarhips for applications for the period 2014-2015.

The Polytech Choir Fund will be discontinued and therefore this is the last application round, during which the entire capital of the fund will be allocated.

Applicants should describe their singing hobby and justify their need for the grant. The application should include the applicant’s personal identity number, tax municipality, contact details and account number, copy of AYY’s membership receipt or student card and a clarification on the expenses of the singing hobby during the period September 2014-August 2015.

Applications must be delivered electronically in the PDF format by 11.59pm on Monday, 27 Apr 2015 to the address pkr-hakemukset@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi

9. Storage campaign for students in Otaniemi on 25 Mar 2015

Campus Services (CAS) organise a recycling day of furniture and household items for students on Wednesday, 25 Mar 2015 at 8.30am-4pm in Meritekniikka Hall (Tietotie 1, Otaniemi). We provide furniture, household appliances, dishes, linen, etc., from former guest houses. Items are free of charge but they are donated only for the holders of Aalto student card.

Persons who pick up the items are responsible for transport and carrying. Otaniemi Recycling Centre provides transport in the afternoon. The van leaves immediately when it is full and then comes and picks up the next load. You cannot book transport in advance and it is very limited.

Further information: Tanja PietikÀinen, tel. 0400 492859, tanja.pietikainen@aalto.fi
Campus Services, sustainable practices: www.aalto.fi/ecocampus

10. Earth Hour on the last Saturday of March

Aalto University, AYY and Aalto University Properties Ltd encourage everyone to celebrate WWF Earth Hour event on Saturday, 28 Mar2015, 8.30pm-9.30pm. Let’s give a break to the world and ourselves and switch off the lights. This year, Aalto University Properties will switch off interior lighting for one hour on six locations on Otaniemi Campus. AYY participates in the campaign by switching off the lights at the Otaniemi Central Office, Arabia and Töölö service points and by encouraging students to switch off the lights in student apartments and rented facilities.

11. Are you interested in pancakes, coffee and good deals?

Join the pancake carnival on Thursday when Äpy provides pancakes, coffee and other refreshments in the lobby of Kanditalo building. We provide pancakes between 10am-4pm and present opportunities to sell Äpy magazine!

  • What? Pancakes, coffee and deals
  • When and where? On Thursday, 26 Mar, 10am-4pm, lobby of Kanditalo building, on the side of Alvari Square
  • Why? Because pancakes are good and Äpy deals are excellent!
  • FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1569725919979492/

12. Master student, apply for the Aalto University mentoring programme!

Mentors are University graduates, our alumni. As a student (mentee) you will get support and guidance how to face working life, especially in another culture, a chance to improve your job application skills and a unique possibility to build your network among a cross-disciplinary group of professionals.

Application period 10 Mar-10 May

Grab the chance for a great opportunity: http://alumninet.aalto.fi/mentoring

13. Download free Microsoft Office on your computer

Aalto University provides you with the opportunity to download safe and familiar Office tools on your own computer for free in the form of Office 365 ProPlus package.

Office 365 ProPlus includes a useful programme package which can be donloaded on five devices. Instructions for smart phone/tablet downloads is available here: http://sovellus.info/

Further information on Into: https://into.aalto.fi/display/fiit/Maksuttomat+Office-ohjelmistot+opiskelijoille

14. Apply for AIESEC’s Summer Program Abroad!

We at AIESEC offer you a unique alternative, maybe something you have never heard or thought about. Together with Poland, Uganda, Colombia, Greece and the Philippines we are organizing social internships, one could also describe them as volunteering abroad. If you would like to start your adventure abroad in May or June this year, you have until 12 April to apply through the following: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ocRFdyhsf4WCsNnIQbw-wg4X16jktYfPVHymivSDcj8/viewform

We will then get back to you as soon as possible and invite you for a meeting to help you find your dream internship and destination. We’re looking forward to hearing from you soon!

For further information please contact Mira Mielonen at mire.mielonen@aiesec.net OR Zarrin Fatima at zarrin.fatima@aiesec.net

15. Sailor and helmsman courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat

Would you like to learn how to sail? Participate in the sailor and helmsman courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat! In the courses, you will learn the basics of sailing and how to control a boat. The course is intended for beginners and no advance information is required. If you already have experience in sailing or you have already completed the sailor course, you can continue to the helmsman course. The courses consists of theoretical and practical sessions.
Registration for courses will open on Trip website at http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231 at 12noon on Monday, 30 Mar. On the same page, you will find further information on the courses and the latest information on the courses is updated on the website.

16. LĂ€nsivĂ€ylĂ€juoksu run on 26 Apr 2015 – discount for Aalto students

The traditional opening of the running season, LÀnsivÀylÀjuoksu, is now organised for the 39th time on Sunday, 26 Apr 2015.

Admission fees for Aalto members are valid until 20 Apr. Prices include a t-shirt and a medal.

  • Running (women and men) 6 km, €20 // 17.3 km, €25
  • Walking (women and men) 6 km, €10

Registration at: https://fi.mynextrun.com/lansivaylajuoksu?eventEditionUuid=81aee3b70ac8423b8669b68349f6796c&register=true&formUuid=a344f946c7b345d589acaa2fc9934e95

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