Weekly Newsletter 15/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 15/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

Advance voting in the parliamentary elections will begin today. Advance voting is possible at all advance polling stations by showing an identity card. You do not need the notice on the right to vote mailed to your home. In Otaniemi, you can vote in advance at Aalto University Library at the address Otaniementie 9. On Töölö Campus, the most convenient place to vote is the Post Office (Mannerheiminaukio 1). In Arabia, you can vote at Arabianranta Library (Hämeentie 135 A).

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for a coordinator for the development cooperation week
  3. Apply to organise AYY’s 6th anniversary celebration
  4. Mosaic’s Running Dinner
  5. Sitsi contest at Alvari Square on 25 Apr
  6. Aalto Greens open a pop up café to Otaniemi shopping centre – opening on 7 Apr
  7. Become international in summer and short courses
  8. Additional tickets to Teekkarispex performances
  9. Mindfulness workshops
  10. Graphics code training session at 6pm on Wed, 15 Apr @Rantasauna
  11. Come and develop the future digital Finland!
  12. What would you do with 100 square metres? planning evening, Fri, 10 Apr

1. This and next week’s events

Week 15

Week 16

2. AYY is looking for a coordinator for the development cooperation week

The development cooperation theme week is part of the communication and global education project coordinated by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) that is implemented with the project grant of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The coordinator is responsible for the arrangements of AYY’s local theme week. The coordinator collects a voluntary team consisting of students, who help to implement the theme week. The planning work takes place in the spring. Most work is to be done during the theme week organised in the autumn and the reporting process will take place approximately one month after the event. A one-time fee of approx. €1,400 is paid for the position.

Applications and CVs should be submitted to milla.ovaska@ayy.fi  by 5pm on Wednesday, 8 Apr 2015. The coordinator’s orientation period will take place at SYL office in Helsinki on 20-21 Apr 2015. It is important that the dates of the training session are suitable for the coordinator’s schedule at least to a large extent.

Further information on the position and the development cooperation week: International Affairs Specialist Milla Ovaska, milla.ovaska@ayy.fi, tel. 050 520 9446.

3. Apply to organise AYY’s 6th anniversary  

Based on the decision of AYY Board, the Student Union’s anniversary celebration will be organised from now on in May on Saturday near Flower Day. Therefore, the next year’s anniversary will take place on 14 May 2016. If you are interested in the organising of the 6th anniversary, now is the time to apply. The application period for the anniversary committee will open on 7 Apr and close at 28 Apr at ayy.fi/stop. The anniversary committee will be organised in May 2015 and the committee will work until the end of May 2016. The anniversary committee is led by Chairperson Sanna Unkuri who provides further information on the committee via e-mail sanna.unkuri@ayy.fi.

4. Mosaic’s Running Dinner

Running Dinner is a concept of cooking, meeting people and partying in the end. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a three-course meal while meeting 12 new people during one evening, only for a price of the meal you cook. In teams of two, participants prepare one dish, either an appetizer, main dish or dessert, and enjoy the rest of the dinner at two different places. There is no admission fee, but every team should aim to spend approximately 16 € on their course, drinks not included.

Further information: /en/blog/events/mosaics-running-dinner-2/

  • WHAT: Mosaic’s Running Dinner
  • WHEN: Monday 13/04, 7 pm till late
  • WHERE: Dinner around Otaniemi, afterparty at Otakaari 20
  • HOW MUCH: No admission fee, €16/team for the food
  • WHY: Enjoy a three-course dinner with 12 (guest) stars!
  • SIGN-UP: https://lomake.ayy.fi/mosaic/running-dinner/

5. Sitsi contest at Alvari Square on 25 Apr

It is time for the traditional sitsi contest on Saturday, 25 Apr! In this event, you can let your imagination run wild and execute your wildest sitsi dreams. So gather together a merry group of enthusiastic participants and plan sitsit for your team, including the theme, setting and catering. You have the opportunity to organise the sitsit that you have planned at Alvari Square on 25 Apr, starting at 2pm. A prestigious jury will choose the winners based on the best theme, attitude and implementation. The awards ceremony will take place in connection with the declaration of May Day celebrations on 30 Apr.

Please sign up your team here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/sitsikilpailut-25-4-2015/ by 11.59pm on Wednesday, 22 Apr.

Please remember that the most important thing in this contest is a good atmosphere and that Alvari is left in a tidy condition.

6. Aalto Greens open a pop up café at Otaniemi shopping centre – opening on 7 Apr

Aalto Greens will open the election café, Café Ääni, to Otaniemi shopping centre. The opening ceremony will start at 4pm on Tuesday, 7 Apr and the café will close on the election day on 19 Apr. The café is organised by support associations of the main candidates of Aalto Greens, Saara Hyrkkö and Jarno Lappalainen.

  • What: Cafe Ääni – pop-up café at Otaniemi shopping centre
  • When: Tue, 7 Apr – Sun, 19 Apr. Opening on 7 Apr: Refreshments provided, Saara Hyrkkö, Jarno Lappalainen and the Party Secretary of the Finnish Green Party Lasse Miettinen attend the event
  • Free coffee on weekdays at 11.30am-1pm
  • Daily: Current discussion, theme nights, interesting speakers
  • Who: Aalto Greens led by their main candidates Saara Hyrkkä and Jarno Lappalainen

Welcome to have coffee, meet the candidates and other key influencers!

7. Become international in summer and short courses

A huge number of various summer and short courses are organised across Europe and around the world. Students often receive support or discount on course fees and living expenses. Check out the available courses through the links below and become international!

8. Additional tickets for Teekkarispex performances

Tickets for Teekkarispex performances on 12-13 Apr and 20-21 Apr were already sold out but we made some arrangements to receive additional tickets for all the performances. So if you want to see the spectacle, go quickly to the online ticket shop and get your ticket as soon as possible! Ticket sales for each performance will end on the day of the performance but the rest of the tickets are sold at the theatre entrance starting one hour before the performance. We also aim to update information on the ticket situation to the Facebook event for performances in Helsinki. Welcome!

9. Two mindfulness workshops for Aalto students begin in April

Mindfulness means approving presence, a deliberate choice to know how to stop and focus on this moment – our thoughts wander easily either to the future or the past. Mindfulness skills help you to be aware of the present moment and live in it.

Workshops meet five times (2hours/session). The workshop schedule:

  • Group I Mondays, 13 Apr-11 May, 9.30am-11.30am
  • Group II Mondays, 13 Apr-11 May, 1pm-3pm

Workshops are held at the address Otakaari 1, Classroom Majakka (M140). Workshops are held in Finnish.

Registration and further information: opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi, https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6300082

10. Graphics code training session at 6pm on Wed, 15 Apr @Rantasauna

The next training session of DOT at Rantsu will tell you about BVH tree structure essential in raytracing and how to use it to construct trillions of 3D triangles and how to use the epic Unreal Engine. The evening is free for everyone and no specific information is required, however, it is useful to have knowledge in computer graphics. After the presentations, you can go to the sauna and the hot tub; the facilities and free food and drinks are sponsored by NVIDIA.

  • https://www.facebook.com/events/368199146708356/
  • http://dot.ayy.fi

11. Come and develop the future digital Finland!

All About Me competition invites students to develop new kinds of creative and visual ways of presenting the public administration register data of Finnish citizens. The goal is to design the visual display of information: how figures, labels, and names are to be presented as clearly as possible and in a visually impressive way. The final result is an innovative internet service or webpage!

The All About Me competition winner’s proposal will be made use of in marketing the renewed citizen’s service view in the Suomi.fi service, for example by taking the winner’s work and trying it out in public places. The beta.suomi.fi trail version of the citizen’s service view will be launched at the end of 2015.

The competition begins at 12pm on 1 April 2015. Competition entries must be submitted by 4pm on 31 August 2015 at the latest.

Additional information and the competition rules can be found at kaikkiminusta.suomi.fi.

Further information: Leena Närekangas, Producer, Aalto University Media Factory, leena.narekangas@aalto.fi, tel. 050 342 7114

12. What would you do with 100 square metres? planning evening, Fri, 10 Apr

The former studio room of OUBS and Aate in the basement of Jämeräntaival 1 is currently vacant. AYY has decided to rent the studio on a one-time basis and OUBS is responsible for its repairment and maintenance.

We invite all interested parties to a planning and brainstorming evening in the studio on Friday, 10 Apr, starting at 6pm. Our aim is to have the studio available by the advance booking session in the autumn, so we need volunteers for the spring! Questions on the studio project can be presented on Facebook or via email hallitus@oubs.fi



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